Catboy Turns into a REAL cat?! | PJ Masks Official

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don't change me back right now [Music] [Music] I'm gonna get cat-boy back are you doing do you want to be a lizard and Romeo zoo for the rest of your life [Music] [Music] is please Hey ah who doesn't like a cuddle you seen a cat tree huh yeah boy are you okay don't worry guys I've got a plant here that he's got a man rubs are the best you were saying we don't understand don't worry cat boy we'll find a way to change you back I don't like the sound of that master you said I could keep the kitty cat boy robot then I'll crush the animal Metamorpho raid so nobody can take him that's a terrible idea why would you destroy the animal Metamorpho raehwan i need its transform everyone it's a pest because master the PJ masks always defeat you [Music] Oh got one look baby birdie Oh No you okay I like how we I got a boo-boo come on it's time to plaster that wasn't even close to rhyming oh no you don't see [Music] gasping geckos you won't get away with this Romeo oh but I just did and it gets better watch hey kids wanna play a game yeah oh goody it's called Romeo says now I want you to catch that mr. boy no time for games no me wanna play then you gotta find me super Gekko camouflage [Music] where'd that lizard go over here Romeo and I've got a game to it's called follow the runaway lab super cool boy or should I say little baby lizard cuz you're next thank you I found you okay playtime's over [Music] what are you doing out nothing much just watching you to play what do you like to play cowboy oh actually I can tell let I'm busy with cat ability maybe you'd like your turn gecko me I don't know looks kind of sappy we want Luna girl to have a great game don't we away from here well ok then come on we've gotta get into the park actually it's not the only way every time we come out at night we get a bit better yeah that's great for everyone oops okay in there cats have long ago I would distract Luna girl huh [Music] wanna play ball chuckle I just need a sec like a panther cat-boy gecko what's happening the PJs are powerless which means I can do and take anything pj robot called me she was doing something with the picture player there was some kind of crystal crystals maybe that's why we lost our powers because of something he do robots done [Music] [Music] what are you waiting for [Music] there's no way in its lost power The Doors don't work they rule on wait cat-boy he tried to call me remember whatever he was doing he was trying to help you think so he's trying to help he tried to drag the cat-car and you tried to make my walkie better too [Music] [Music] [Music] too slow but nice try [Music] did he just rewind us oh I most certainly did for faster with this remote I can rewind anything I like then why are we paused oh yes I was hoping you wouldn't notice it's just a tiny glitch and I've almost got it fixed uh-huh once it's done everyone you so far back you'll be babies then you won't have an ax to become PJ master what you know never to interrupt my evil laugh oh yes thank you I have anything to do about it and how exactly will you do that if I rewind you [Music] oh no could Romeo come on let's go back and take him down uh-uh that's what got us into trouble in the first place why'd you jump in so fast yeah there was no plan you just charged in and now we're back where we started we've got to stick together Romeo was going to zap that cat I had to do something now let's go nobody trashes my friends no way yes very funny [Music] hey how do you like it I say we leave him no wait how did you get up there in the first place it's all her fault her mom stole my sticky splats and his Mitchell you stole my Luna magnet anyone aboard they teamed up to turn against us no wonder after all the nasty things you said about them sounds like a movie Revenge of the ninja mom just get us down from here okay [Music] what wait we're not really gonna help them are we they're the bad guys remember come on Gekko we're heroes and heroes always help whoa those ninja moths mean business [Music] [Music] [Applause] forgot something there right we've got to get me down before someone gets hurt [Music] you're saved happy no sneaky still have our stuff it's your stuff why don't you just go get it back are you kidding there's too many of them [Music] he's right it's only a matter of time before they trashed the city okay everyone today how will gotta catch me practice seeing all these pictures huh he's never seen stuff like this school the park HQ amazing right that one where'd it get this the picture player memory files [Music] doesn't just want to help us he wants to be one of us be a PJ robot [Applause] Romeo inventing again something big check it out I look after PJ rush al obey your commands master Gekko what are you doing where's little robot special PJ colors picture player checking out the vehicles exploring HQ exploring HQ what if Romeo gets control of him again now we got the robot controller he's built a new one even it's big but he wants to be on our team when that thing goes on he won't know what he wants he'll just do what Romeo says and he'll make him destroy HQ destroy HQ if we want to keep him we've got to take that control [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] HECO we were counting on you I'm sorry it's just look at him don't you think it's amazing to those eyes that tongue those scales maybe it's just a lizard thing it won't happen again I've promised to serve and protect all carnival floats everywhere come on we can still catch them how the owl gliders out we'll take the floats that way we can look after them at the same time I'll take the wrapping only because it's closest PJ robot we need you [Music] what do you want with him anyway oh it's not Romeo what are you two doing together working on my most evil plan ever these devices transform the floats into evil hang on cowboy now why would I do that you PJ masks haven't seen what I'm planning to do with it yet but first let's play a little game of catch it long towards you with my wing wait [Music] nice landing speedy kitty there you are what's wrong with me how come I'm the one who ends up in a tree held hags will ya I get serious and show them I'm worth my whiskers 9 Angelenos are just fancy they're bouncy thieves who steal what I want gym equipment to make my ninjalinos stronger I'll pull them off course it with my owl wing wing I'll carry all those big bouncy blobs with my super Gekko muscles [Music] Wow great idea well if you stop this one I'm going to help gecko it's just you and me let's tangle super Gekko muscles [Music] [Music] okay Kiku uh-huh just a little dizzy maybe we were wrong about being able to handle anything that's one ball down [Music] [Music] oh I thought you said you can handle anything one ball was a challenge to walls double trouble but three balls [Music] no I think we may have underestimated Romeo maybe but heroes never give up if he wants to play pinball let's show it VJ pinball come on you sure lost your shine well no one's taking mine come on we have to stop Romeo's cookie plan Luna can you try to not get under our let's feathers I'll try you gotta try to I like being on a mission is all about dealing with difficult stuff that's a difficult person okay okay I get it stop Romeo that's the mission step one we got to stop running away from him and take him on so we can shut him down I like it to do that we gotta find him nice and that means how will I know I'm an ox we'll do it what probably I see everything moxie more fluttering feathers by the town square no he's over there by the school can't you read arrows [Music] [Music] I knew it no he's there look Romeo in two places that's not actually possible seeing things grand machine that's why you saw him in two places you were both right well both wrong actually [Music] [Music] oh yes it's my fault I was so excited to play the game I didn't see what night ninja was up to yeah well I never thought we'd end up flaky like bowling balls we gotta get out but how have these flats the strongest thing ever then heavy splats going to break us out yo ninjalinos looks like one of us escaped on your watch [Applause] [Music] like a boy remember what happened in the playground right sorry but they just looked so cool uh guys check it out [Music] they're saying moon not Moo those bowls have put everyone into a trance like zombies but how whoo no girls but of course so what do you think of my moon fizzle balls what have you done to everyone nothing really I just captured the moon's energy with my Luna magnet [Music] oh the Luna race fizzle your brain and make you worship the moon oh and me of course you moon fizzled the town yep and here's the best part my moon fizzled army will do pretty much anything I say which means I'll be taking over the world pretty soon not if we can help it but you can't how great is that [Music] [Music] gotta round up those balls before everyone's me fizzles if the town's under Luna girls control will be way outnumbered [Music] they may be dangerous but who says I can't have a little fun or he just loves smashing stuff no he just wants to play fetch [Music] maybe two tons of lizard what'd he steal my final why don't we try cuddling [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] follow me gecko Lionel Soros is out of control his name's Lionel and it's not his fault you made him super dizzy and he only wanted to play fetch with the light post he's dangerous we gotta get him out of the city before he smashes it up then we can put a stop to Romeo's pet army plan any ideas what about a leash no way come on dogs have them we can pull him out of the city be right back why mom's not gonna like a leash he's not used to it let's go PJ masks [Music] monsterpet army if you keep hogging the treats quick he's getting away it's time to be a hero cat boy forget it it's too late what kind of hero has a cuddly anyway actually I do he's called Lionel junior me too mine's called Lady Wigglesworth or she was until Romeo got hold of her he got your cuddly stew I didn't want to say anything in case it looks like a baby me too oh man look at us if we hadn't been so worried about looking silly our cuddlies would still be here what do we do now we get them back you're right it's time to be a hero [Music] it's over Romeo oh go home cat boy or I'll tell everyone about you and your precious mr. meow go ahead but if you mess with him you mess with me in me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I sure have changed your mind about how to be a hero but it's a wet so it must be okay are we just going to leave them you don't stand a chance against my robot [Music] [Music] but why because we're heroes and you're a villain I'm talking about the Harvest Moon crystal and once I get my hands on it my powers are going to be unstoppable Yeah right fine don't believe me but the next time you see me oh she's bluffing isn't she I don't know have you ever seen her do that before we can't chance it we're going after her wait like to the moon it's the only way we'll take a Chu rocket mo yes I've always wanted to go to space HQ so we're really doing this like really really look if this moon crystal is real we've got to stop Luna girl before she gets [Music] thirty seconds to blast-off TG robot you know what to do stations everyone [Music] [Music] I'll let Gekko all set check and check okay PJ robot in three two blast [Music] okay BJ robot transformation punch it [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 20,196,866
Rating: 3.8835883 out of 5
Keywords: PJ Masks, PJ Masks Full Episodes, PJ Mask, Cartoons for kids, Pj masks toys, catboy, Kids videos for kids, Cartoons, PJ Masks Live, Tj maxx, Pj max, Rescue, Heroes, Patrol, Pj masks song, Kids cartoons, superheroes, Disney Jr
Id: I2rAtXLcKig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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