Catamarans for Sale - The Cost of Buying a Boat (Sailing Zatara Ep 47 - Season 2 Begins!)

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last time on sailing Zatara we made it to Australia and spent some time exploring the culture the people and took a rather memorable road trip through the outback we then began packing up our belongings as our mana Hall adventures had come to an end and removed everything into a storage facility to be shipped to us when we found a new boat we found an agent enlisted our mana Hall on yacht world and we set a final farewell to our beloved boat Oh [Music] big screaming the largest [Music] I'll let float away I'll let it float away ah that is all the way [Music] [Music] it took us a year to sell from the United States to Australia but in a mere two days we'd flown all the way back we spent some time in Texas with friends and family scoured the internet for boats and then flew to Fort Lauderdale Florida to look at a handful of cameron's for sale our whole goal at boat shopping was to try to find a vote in the budget of what we spent on the last boat we wanted to find a boat that we where we bought our old boat down in the $500,000 range first boats we looked at that we thought was that our budget was the Sun Reef so the Sun reefs were laid out good for charter boats and so we really like the the Sun reef layouts but after looking at several Sun reefs one in Florida and then another one in Spain most of those sudden reefs were really Rag doubt they'd been chartered hard and they were just in rough condition and for the money they wanted they wanted just as much money if not more than our old boat what he does here [Applause] this is a privilege for six one five say 1.2 1.2 1.3 million yeah that boat was really nice but it was 1.4 million 1.3 million dollars and that's just way out of our budget and we couldn't afford that we couldn't even for anywhere close to that so we're going to look at nexus open number three today it's a balanced catamaran 50 adventure this is the boat for us but unfortunately it is already under contract with someone else that boat was the Nexus brand was acquired by balance catamarans and they made a really nice but I don't know how many model or how many units they made of that Nexus brand boat but if I could have had that boat that was the boat I wanted but still that was a million-dollar catamaran and I and we just couldn't afford a million-dollar catamaran but that was a clean well built super neat boat feeling somewhat discouraged we flew back to Montana to relax for the Christmas holidays [Music] we spent a couple months just enjoying the cold weather the winter activities and just hung out with friends and family and continued shopping online for boats as we were looking for sunroof so I ended up flying over to Spain to look at some other Sun roofs and some other boats there and those were dragged out as well and we also went over there our broker lined up a boat in France to look at a priviledge 585 I never heard of a 585 privilege and so I went over there I flew over there to look at it and I got there and the minute I stepped on that 585 I knew that that kind of boat was the vote for us the price tag on that boat when we went to look at it was five hundred and ninety five thousand euros that's what it was listed for when we went to look at it and the broker that was representing the boat for the seller so that the boat could be bought for five ninety five so I'm thinking we could buy that vote for five hundred five five twenty five somewhere in that range I like the boat love the layout realise the privilege 585 P 585 s were just super nice boats so we put an offer together and sent the offer in and they sell or raced his prices to seven hundred and fifty thousand euros just out of the blue so I flew all the way there to look that privilege then he raises this price from what he had it listed on the internet and what the broker represented to us so that was very disappointing so I get back on a plane I go back to the States and we just continue to look for boats and now we know we want a privilege we know we like that 585 so we're scaring the internet for 585 and that's when we come across the privilege in Greece [Music] before I even get on a plane to go see the boat in Greece we put a contract together we negotiate an offer out first so that we don't have another broker and seller hacking the price on us and then we put a lot of contingencies and conditions in there I'm gonna go over all that kind of stuff and see logs later once everything's finalized in the boats clothes but we made an offer got the offer accepted with contingencies and I flew over to Greece when we got to Greece we hauled the boat out of the water had a surveyor come out check everything out man is this haul on that boat out of the water it's such a big boat and it's so emotional that this is actually coming together we started talking about it the Pacific and Here I am it's happening and it's just this is crazy wild that it's happening [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we had several delays on the closing of the boat so the whole crew spent some quality time on the docks and getting her cleaned up and we made some much-needed repairs and upgrades such as changing all the lights to more efficient LED bulbs it's been a it's been a good run but it's just so annoying and I hate having to put it up all the time shampoo it and whenever I comb it it always hurts hi maitenance for you huh uh-huh so he's gonna shave it off we can't even think hold on I gotta put my hair [Music] [Applause] we ventured out to the northern side of the island Sandler's is and our hike took us to a really long and creepy cave oh my god Sharon are you gonna a video oh my gosh I can't see there's a pool yeah we don't wake anything up this what ok wait didn't make it out Finn was afraid to go in further so he bailed out but it ended at a dead end anyway that was awesome I know I feel like there's stuff all over me even though it was a really hot hike it was beautiful beautiful scenery and my beautiful family to replace the rigging one of the things we've been waiting on this been delaying is getting the rigging we got new rigging for the boat and one of the reason we got rigging is because it failed the inspections number one is 12 years old number two it was showing some signs of wear on the rigging and and what you can see on what the riggers showed me innocent on all these swatches you can see and this is what the riggers told me from Athens and that's what they told the owner is that where this is rusted right here you can see that that means it's rusted from the inside out see that rust right there it's not on the outside it's actually coming through the swatch same up here you can see a little ring starting around there and so that map that they needed to replace Reagan because the riggers couldn't write a report saying they guaranteed the rig even though the rig was probably good for five or ten more years they just couldn't guarantee that and they wouldn't guarantee that so so that was so part of the deal of getting the boat that's what's taking so long of closing is the previous owner had to change the rigging out on the boat [Music] so we got all our Stroud's replaced we got all the standing rigging replaced they finished up this morning one uh one of the reasons it took another week and a half was because this cap shroud right here was too long from the factory they didn't cut it right so they had to take it back to Athens and recut it and they put this on this morning we didn't get no film of that but it's on there now these are the new shrouds this is the new rigging Renee's got clips of the old ring we'll show you this is a new stuff a little different design a little different style these are actually bronze fittings they just got stainless steel or chrome over the top of them it's nice new ring all Dyneema rigging the best money can buy and it's dependent aching a while we're still waiting to close we're really frustrated it's the Greek flag issues some some v80 tax issues with the the previous owner he's working through some issues it doesn't affect us we don't have the 80 on the boat we have 18 months to get the vote out of the country so we're just waiting and it's uh it's very frustrating and our containers been delayed it's not been delayed it was delayed getting out Oscar they had an accident at the dock and that's taken some time and so our containers delayed two or three weeks getting out of Australia our containers made it all the way around all the way around Australia stopped at every port on the southern side of Australia left Fremantle Australia and went to Singapore on a ship and they unloaded it off of that ship in Singapore and now we're waiting for them to load it on a ship in Singapore to come to Greece that's one pressure point we're waiting on there we're waiting on the the the flag deletion on the boat close the previous owners gonna add us to his insurance we hope so that we can take the boat and we can go selling a lot of things are coming together a lot of things are still out there still fluid we're trying to figure it out trying to work through it's very stressful we've been sitting on the dock for a long time we've done everything to the boat we can do and that's waiting on a that's what we're waiting on so hopefully it's going to happen for us [Music] see I want to feel [Music] working rise and some green beans waking up from her she's had a big come out of hibernation or at least that's been kind of tough yeah I like this new boat I like having the galley down because you can make the food and breen up here we can actually dinner together or you can leave it down there and then I like it bring this yeah that's what you do you drain it which means a new boat Anna [Laughter] [Music] tune in next time as the Z crew finally gets to untie the line then get off the dock and we get out onto the water and set the sails heal just a little not much very comfortable we probably got half a meter seized today pretty awesome and get to experience this giant monster of a boat in action [Music]
Channel: Sailing Zatara
Views: 2,263,996
Rating: 4.8071685 out of 5
Keywords: catmarans for sale, catamarans for sail, sailing a catamaran, catamaran for sail, sv zatara, buying a catamaran, sailing videos youtube, sailing with kids, sailing family, sailing family channel, catamaran vs monohull, catamaran living, liveaboard sailboat, catamaran vs monohull sailing, monohull or catamaran, catamarans for sale, catmaran for sale, privilege catamaran, privilege 585, priviledge boats, priviledge catamaran, priviledge 585
Id: rde1tKzmI1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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