Catalyst and Great Vault Opening...

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what's going on Gamers today we are back with another Vault video I have six characters to do today I also have a shaman probably won't show it just because I'd only did one key it was a 15 doesn't really matter and then we also have the Holy Paladin but that will be reserved for my Zero to Hero series which will be coming out later this week so keep an eye out for that pretty excited we have everything recorded everything's all set up I just gotta finish editing the video so let's jump into these vaults I have my Rogan my d8 shoes vaults are just kind of whatever and then we'll have our Mage who has uh like six slots are Druid and then all of these guys have like all other Mythic plus slots done so let us start with the Rope I don't know how much longer I'm gonna continue doing these Vault videos uh if you do end up enjoying if you enjoy my reactions let me know in the comments below they're just um as the season gets later and later I think it becomes less and less attractive to watch these but I'll continue doing them as long as you guys are enjoying them so here we're going to open our loot for sub we are seeing a chest that we ended up looting last week uh so we're probably not gonna take that and then our haste verse belt for um over a Mastery belt probably will only take since it'll be a free upgrade so what's cool about this new system is that if you've looted something at a higher level in that slot everything else up to that point becomes free so we have a crit crit Mastery belt which are kind of like the best stats for rogue currently and we're gonna take we're gonna be able to take this belt and then upgrade our gear for basically free which is super cool I could have taken coins there and coins will come in like handy later down the road but the Rogue is doing that I've been really casually working on so I'm not too uh worried about being able to farm worm crusts and stuff and now we take our Mastery belt and look at this it now doesn't cost strikes all the way up to seven of eight it'll be free and then eight of eight it'll just cost one worm crust so we're actually gonna be able to slam this upgrade and we're now looking good something else that came out this week is the creation slash inspiration Catalyst now I don't know if we need to accumulate a charge but we should be able to head over there and see what's going on I do have this 441 tier chest or non-tier chest that I could turn into tear and since I looted it from The Vault I'll be able to upgrade it in future weeks so it does look like the catalyst is open it does cap out at eight which is good so I can turn some of these pants into tier I can ideally turn this into tier which will be high verse Mastery uh I think I'm gonna end up doing that on this piece just because once ten one five comes out if I'm not mistaken actually we'll be able to upgrade this to 447 so this will be our first piece of tier something else I can do though is I could actually do these shoulders instead which won't mess with my four piece and I can still wear them they're slightly better stats with higher crit on them instead of verse um and I can get an extra version of the uh what should I call it the transmog so I think we might actually go shoulders instead but you can also I guess catalyze off pieces as well like belt for example the thing we just upgraded will be crit haste probably won't be doing that of course our bracers would go haste Mastery probably wouldn't want that we can also do cloak which would be verse High versus low Mastery probably it's actually like the same cloak we already have Han so that would be uh Stupid outside of transmog but again we can do that for those shoulders there which would be great now I'll have to do some research actually before I end up using the catalyst so I'm going to sit on this charge for a little bit of time sitting on charges isn't a bad thing either if you're waiting and they should accumulate on alts regardless of if you're playing them or not so keep that in mind but yeah catalyst is open this week which is awesome uh once again this is a character I only did my weekly on last week weekly as in the four Mythic dungeons so I have two vaults on this character I am going to be opening this as Vengeance for a chance at maybe a defensive trinket this is a character I'm slowly working on building out but again I'm still 419 I've looted a couple of like pretty solid rings but I haven't really looted anything else outside of a ton of cloaks and necklaces so let's open this Vault up and see what we can snag okay so we got a crit vs chest with speed which is pretty solid and we have crit versus bracers which are also pretty good right now we're seeing this very interesting kind of shift from like a haste verse Centric build to more of a haste crit though versatility is still solid now the fact that this is a tertiary side on it might be beneficial it is only speed but it is a pretty massive item increase over what we have and in the future uh over the next coming upcoming weeks we'll be able to slowly create our four set so I think we're gonna go with the chest on this one the bracers are cool but again Lower item level probably not going to catalyze them as quick and both of these are technically farmable so I could even take tokens if I want if you guys remember or aren't aware you can actually use coins the aspect tokens of Merit to buy crests so you have to do a little less farming um two tokens gets you one Crest so if I took six for example or at least in this case if I took four for My Vault I would be able to buy two worms crests or two Drake's Quest crests which would be um fine you can also buy sockets of course which is typically what they're known for being used but if your character is kind of a new Fresh guy like this and your vaults may be not so great maybe it's worth taking Crest so you can upgrade some of that Mythic plus loot later on now the this chest I'm gonna probably hold on to for a bit since it will replace my tier which I don't really want to do yet and we'll eventually catalyze this and yeah we'll be one step closer to our four set I think I said this in my last video but my Mage is something that I've been working on pretty hard to get ready for raid our raid team unfortunately kind of doesn't have a mage right now and I guess I was the best pick so unfortunately I will no longer be tanking raid but instead playing the frost magician uh we're gonna be opening this as Frost I don't think it really matters it actually for sure doesn't matter uh but we'll just open this up all right uh uh that's um pretty interesting so I did a full heroic clear and I of course I also did a bunch of keys I went all the way up to 18. now I think it would be stupid to pass on some of these trinkets because both of these if I'm not mistaken are best in slot and I'm gonna probably look up sub Creation in a second but that's massive uh the chromatic Essence is pretty pretty big now don't get me wrong there's some pretty other cool items in here like the time preaching Talon with speed we also have the indestructible steel cuffs of Sky Captain what's also cool about the Mythic plus row is again these should be upgradable in 10 1 5 when they add the new myth progression track but with how strong these trinkets are uh from The Raid I think I'm gonna end up doing that so blood Mallet is a site that I've shown off in the past uh what it looks like is this and you can basically go into whichever class you're looking for it does everything but healers for the most part but we can click here on Frost Mage and it's going to show us what the current top Sims are now of course you're going to see the chromatic Essence for single Target at the top as long as you have every buff available now that's awesome of course if uh you are in a raid setting or in a Mythic plus setting where every single person in your group has it and you have all of the different Buffs active and you get the Buffs by going to one of the oath stones that you kind of discovered throughout the question campaign for dragonflight now right after that is an rx's spiked tongue from melting Slayer followed by The Vessel of soaring searing Shadow both are solid in a I'm solo content perspective The Vessel will be a little bit better but in group content it looks like the uh ominous chromatic Essence might be a little bit stronger now I don't really plan on doing Mythic Plus on this character I only plan on doing it a raid I think our raid we cover all of these Essences as well and the vessel seems to be I've seen this drop personally way more often than the chromatic Essence so with that being said I think when we continue to do our hero clears and Mythic clears this trinket will probably drop at the highest sign level which I'll be able to snag quite nicely or easily English coming back in game I think I'm gonna commit to the chromatic Essence here though it does make me sad to not take this and these items having speed and indestructible are pretty cool indestructible not so much I don't really care about having an extra speed is kind of cool on a Time breaching challenge that's kind of fitting all right so we have our Essence and I think we'll go upgrade it really quick and call it a day all right the prop Warrior slash arms Warrior or something I've been working on since the start of the season I am already 431 I guess that's I I consider that to be pretty good uh I am missing I'm still wearing like my old set for example so I think this week I can get a pretty massive Globe I think if I'm fortunate enough I should be able to spike up to probably closer to 440 than I am to 4 30. that seems slightly optimistic but there are I'm still sitting on all of my crafts I still have all three of my Sparks uh I have a handful of crusts as well that I can make and I have an omni token and these things with uh these gloves with leech that I plan on using in the Catalyst and I also have a few other items that are just like better item level upgrades I'm just not wearing yet because I'm just not so fingers crossed I can get if I'm not mistaken I want chest or shoulder tear and then I use my Omni token on the opposite I don't think I want the pants tier because the pants tear is pretty meh but uh we'll see so we'll generate loot I think we'll go prop though all going arms would be cool the only thing that I would really want would be like Mark of dark rule where if I open it as that as well I can't get a shield which would be a massive upgrade though I think I'll end up making a shield I'm not sure yet oh that also being said we get an extra spark this week okay actually not too bad Talisman to the crack shaper very strong defensive trinket for most tanks it's a one minute cooldown and it prevents 50 of all damage taken up to a maximum of absorbed value that absorb value and multipliers based off of Versatility so classes at stack reverse at least tanks at stack first will benefit a lot from this it also is verse on it which is cool so a 50 absorb or 50 Dr on a 400k absorb is pretty big on a woman at cooldown I don't know how many warriors are actually using this but I think we would take this over everything else since the other two are farmable and this in my personal opinion has been a lot more Uncommon to find in keys because of the loot table if you look at the loot table across the board for most dungeons typically you'll see anywhere between like six and eight pieces of loot where an authorities layer for a lot of classes has upwards of 11 to 12. so even if you do happen to get loot from that run the chance of you it being the piece that you actually need very very small so I think we're gonna go with Talisman of the crack shaper I'm very happy with this pick a little said I didn't get here which means that I am going another week without the tear set on this character which is something I was looking forward to I will get a chance to clear some of the raid this week so maybe I can snag a Zenith token but again chances of that happening probably pretty low not too shabby though I'm actually super super stoked about that our Guardian shirt is pretty loaded I'm 437 438 bags I think it's because I'm not I'm still wearing a whetstone for damage though I do have ward of the faces ire and I also have dream house festering Splinter so we're kind of good in that sense uh something that I would like to see for my vault is probably like a cloak my cloak is like my last piece that's super low so if I can replace that that would be stupendous ramsman gold that's kind of funny all right uh we are gonna set our loot spec to Guardian just to make sure I don't the only thing like that would be cool is like a bigger Splinter or something like that there isn't a lot my guardian Droid can still get the gearing acquisition this patch again I'm this is a dead ass topic of beating horse but it's so powerful this season that I've just been able to get everything that I want so it looks like we're gonna probably end up taking the helm though we did get a cloak here from our oh we did get a Helm at 447 from our vault probably don't take the neck because it's a little bit low removable 444 cloak would replace my gold scar Pelt and that is the item that I'd be looking out for but the problem with it is that it's high crit Mastery now personally my plan was this week was to more than likely craft my we get one more craft now uh for this week so I'd probably craft a cloak instead since I don't really need anything else outside of maybe a weapon but a weapon would take two Sparks instead of one so if I craft a cloak that means I can take the Helm which would be a six admirable upgrade pretty big I don't really think there's much thinking to that then I think we just full send it so yeah my plan for uh my Bears possibly undulating sport cloak with the uh removing the toxic patch for my belt so yeah that's a pretty big Helm increase so I'm actually that's it that's nothing nothing to it yeah we're now 439 and if I put on like ward of the faceless iron I'm now 439 I quit that's pretty sick it's pretty cool though I'm Gonna Keep on Western because I like the damage all right last but not least we have the the brewmaster slash wind walker uh this week I actually spent a lot of my keys dpsing instead of tanking and the reason for that is just um I have some friends who are interested in learning how to tank and I've been able to DPS their keys and it's been a lot of fun it's also fun learning it kind of like the other side of the coin when you DPS in Keys as a tank player you kind of learn maybe something that another tanker might do you get to kind of get that insights but you also get to experience how tank positioning affects your damage or how poles are structured and it's a nice learning experience because it actually will then if you're paying attention enough it'll give you kind of that insight and that foresight to help kind of plan things around your DPS instead of just kind of having a tank brain where you're just pulling based around your stuff and it's a nice little relaxing experience so I'm going well not relaxing we are going to open this I think is brewmaster still there are a few things that I would like to see at a higher either level for example like higher Trinkets and just general 447 loot so let's open this up I didn't raid this week I on this character I just did Keys oh sick I wish this was a Ford storm it's not it's a huge bait so that's what that is uh but 447 uh tier shoulders direct upgrade super chill I will just be taking that instead I think six out of bubbles on a on a mainstead item is better than taking socket so we will snag these throw them on and uh we're good to go nice I kind of like those shoulders a lot those are good looking all right uh well that pretty much does it that was a pretty quick Vault video like I said before several times creation catalyst is open and we also get another spark this week so you should see actually a pretty massive power Spike for a lot of your characters if you're someone who hasn't really raid or maybe has gotten really unlucky you can now start acquiring your Force set if anything you should at least have a two-step bonus now right because you will have one creation Catalyst and if you hit 2K IO which is pretty easy to do I would say uh you should be able to snag a Omni token which you can turn in Down Under that was oddly sexual uh you can go to zerluck caverns and turn them in at the obsidian rest way up here near the raid entrance in this broken house so here's loam you head straight North you'll see like a broken house and a flight Point go there turn your army token and you'll be set the key the effects of this week is bursting storming we haven't seen bursting before we have seen storming earlier and it's a fortified week so good luck out there I will be doing a ton of keys and uh yeah some pretty cool stuff coming this week we have a Zero to Hero challenge we also might have another coaching video it seems like a lot of you guys really liked that style of video so I'll be doing something like that again anyways I'll see you guys over on stream and I will catch you all later peace oh and good luck in your Vault bye foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sha
Views: 3,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World of Warcraft, WoW, Sha, New Expansion, Season 2, Dragonflight, Patch 10.1, Embers of Neltharion, Dungeon Pool, Mythic Plus, Mythic+, Mythic Dungeons, Mythic Dungeon Guide, Mythic+ Guide, Dungeon Guide, Tanking Dungeons, Tanking, Dungeon Walk-Through, Tanking Tips, Keystone, Boss Guide, Weekly Vault, Dungeon Tips, Weekly Tips, Talent Tree, Talent Rework, Talent Build, Brewmaster, BrM, Monk Tank, Brewmaster Guide, Brewmaster Coaching, How to play Brewmaster Monk
Id: IZT2q7jovZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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