Cat Vision : How cats see the world?

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ever wondered how our curious feline friends perceive the world around them while humans rely heavily on their sense of sight cats have evolved to rely on their hearing and sense of smell for survival but that doesn't mean their vision isn't fascinating in fact the way cats see the world is quite different from us cats are known for their Keen senses especially their eyesight think of it as living in a 1970s retrofiltered world but don't worry cats find beauty in Simplicity but how do cats see the world let's take a closer look at their eye characteristics what colors they can see their visual field and how they perceive the world around them cats eyes are nothing short of mesmerizing their pupils can dilate widely allowing them to gather more light perfect for hunting during low light conditions cats have large round pupils that can change size quickly to adjust to varying light conditions they also have a reflective layer in the back of their eyes called the tapedum lucidum which enhances their night vision by reflecting light back through the retina additionally cats have a third eyelid called the nictitating membrane which acts as a protective layer and helps keep their eyes moist while cats are not colorblind they do not see colors in the same way humans do cats are dechromatic which means they see colors on the blue and yellow Spectrum but not red or green this is because their eyes only have two types of color sensitive cells whereas humans have three so while a red toy might look gray to your cat a blue or yellow toy will be more distinguishable their vision is most sensitive to blues and greens creating a dreamy pastel-like palette think of it as living in a 1970 these retro filtered world but don't worry cats find beauty in Simplicity however their depth perception is not as sharp as ours their eyes are positioned more towards the sides of their head giving them better peripheral vision but making it harder to judge distances accurately cats have excellent night vision they can also detect movement from Far distances and have an acute sense of hearing allowing them to track prey even in complete darkness [Music] nationally to have a unique ability to focus on objects close up which is why they can catch flying insects with such Precision their excellent tracking skills and reflexes make them unbeatable at catching their elusive prey thanks to their Keen depth perception cats are masters of pouncing on the tiniest moving objects even Shadows don't stand a chance this broad Vision lets them keep a watchful eye on their surroundings per perfect for spotting potential prey or let's face it plotting their next playful pounce as much as we adore our cats they might see us as just another peculiar animal in their Kingdom but fret not in their eyes we are the perfect Playmates cuddle buddies and meal providers and there you have it a glimpse into the world through the enchanting eyes of our beloved feline friends whether they see in colors or pastels they're extraordinary vision and playful perspectives make them a true Wonder thank you for joining us on this perfect journey into the fascinating world of our furry companions if you enjoyed this whisker tastic Adventure don't forget to hit that likes button and share the love with fellow cat enthusiasts [Music] laughs foreign [Music]
Channel: The Leo
Views: 3,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how animals see the world, how cats see the world, how cats, how cats see world, how cats view the world, how can cats see the world, how do cats see the world, how do cats and dogs see the world, how does cats see the world, how cats view humans
Id: CmgIiisvass
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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