Cat Valentine's TOP 62 Moments in Victorious! 😻 | NickRewind

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hey what's cat doing hips hips wiggle your fist hips hips wiggle your fistle there you go you're getting [Music] it that from the sky store uh-huh what is it it's the world's most powerful portable juicer for juicing on the go you're so screwed up no it's really cool look [Applause] it see you Juiced my pizza why chew what you can drink thanks for petting my head bump can I tell you a secret [Applause] sure out of the way hey a a h k wait wait wait wait cat what did you say when just a second ago I said when no before that oh I said [Applause] H I feel so Lov thanks sure there's a wiener in my [Applause] punch you think cat's trying to make Robbie jealous wow singen you're such a good dancer so much better than Robbie C I'm so sorry did you see that I'll drink it God somebody find Lane it's done yay cupcake [Music] B hey Cat Cat you're killing me before I take you in there I should warn you about my grandmother she can be critical that's okay I take criticism really well no you don't what's that supposed to mean just that you don't take criticism very well why don't you just kick me in the face I'm sorry I take it back okay hi hey guys we have a song for you hey Mr be your life's going SW now here's some news that's not so fun to now Andre like to thank you for the use of your car but something icky happened and it's kind of bizarre his grandmother peed in a clear plastic cup Andre put it in your car then he started it up now bad he was on his way to the doctor and he took a sharp turn the cup fell over and spilled all the Y 64 + 9 = 73 but please don't feel bad now that your car smells like like pee cuz you're still good looking oh you turned it off you've been talking into a offie talking somebody just get me a sandwich Al what I want to know is what part of the chicken do the nuggets come from can someone tell me this please I mean where's the wacky farm that raises nugget chickens hilarious observations please come in and don't get me started on airplane boot I noticed that you're a standup comedian where's the be I am a police officer would you like to join me in a handful of raisin bread what's the f with Raisin Brown is it raisins is it brown I want to know o what what I just wanted to see if he'd come back if I HK the horn restrain her how you ever wondered what it's like to be a blonde no I've wondered that I've also wondered why lemonade is a drink and first dat is for the injured like what if a thirsty person gets injured do you give them first aid first and then lemonade or lemonade first and then second Aid lemonade here I am how's everyone doing today anyone want to talk about what I'm wearing it's a pelli [Music] Hoo a jelly Jewish who what Pell hucho their pajamas their jeans their leggings it's a hoodie it's a poncho the pelli hucho I think I've seen the pelli hooo advertised on TV yeah I got the commercial right here oh cool let's see do your clothes make you feel uncomfortable have you ever thought to yourself man I wish I could wear something comfortable that'll make me feel normal and popular that'll never happen shut up what the it's the pelli hucho their pajamas their jeans their leggings it's a hoodie it's a poncho it's the pelli hooo hey is that a pagelli hooo it sure is the pelli hucho and when I went online to Pell they said I could have free shipping if I bought a a gross cat that's 144 you bought 144 P jelly hoos free shipping tell him you love him before you lose him but I'm afraid to tell him look it's been a really really long time since I've seen you be happy but ever since you and Keith how's your audition going I'm I'm in the middle of it that's so exciting I'm sorry who is uh she's my friend cat you brought a superhero I bet your left arm is 34 in long it is good old cat whoos hi look at the new costume I made can you guess who I am no your uh little boy poo Little Bo Peep all right can I just tell you guys how much I'm loving my new costume design class oh and my teacher says I have a gift for knowing people's exact measurements hey I'm not with him hey Robbie you want me to tell you what size your pants are I already know they're a size four size four that's how they measure girls pants cat maybe you want to back off that Bibble gum don't tell me what to do Andre you were at the restaurant with Tori what your take on what happened well when the server brought her salad Tori didn't like it and you know words were set tables were flipped and a great man who walked on the moon got ravioli in his pants but that's not fair how's the truth not fair wait but cat you don't think I'm obnoxious and awful do you well I just what but just you've got to take that gum out of your mouth by you are the one who said what are he doing I wanted to like the laser beam with my tongue why well you want to know what flavor it is don't you guess who um is it back what I'm sitting right next to you I don't oh yeah hey Beck she's feeling my face oh no no it's me but why does me eating Bush PE help cuz it makes you miserable which makes me slightly less miserable your logic is Flawless yeah they're trying to get the picture down now and that's tomorrow got it thanks Mr Ferber well my Dad's friend said that if we can get the picture of you off pair Maps almost done they'll take a new picture of Hollywood Arts next time the satellite goes over the school okay and when is that tomorrow afternoon at 4:14 p.m. okay great so the plant can't no shoving bush peas in your pockets I just sat down and said hi P if you're just going to sit there and tweet stupid pointless tweets then please go sit somewhere else Tori is being mean to me # cramps how could you I mean really how could you what did cat do she tweeted big news Robbie Shapiro has bimples what are bimples but pimples pimples on one's bottom which I do not have I know then why' you tweet that cuz I ran out of real stuff to tweet and anyway people like reading weird stuff about other people so she tweeted that you have bimples nobody's going to believe her hey Robbie I have a doctor that can get rid of your bimples dang it look it's not my fault Tor is the one who started this God forsaken followers War yeah cat you're right who cracked that safe talk cat cat you have the next line no the bird does no no we put the bird's line in later oh okay I'll wait and cut Christmas be yeah sure wait who made it my brother mm- nope no thank you why not cuz last month I ate his Thanksgiving sausage and I'm still a mess ho ho to the hoe what's up ho so Mr musicman close your eyes and get ready for the best s c Valentine calling CAD Valentine I'm Cat Valentine who's calling your secret Center oh my God D and your Christmas present is your very own cotton candy machine that's right this man Larry Stein will follow you around all week and give you all the cotton candy you want oh my God Robie thank you this is the best Christmas present ever look everyone Robie got me a cotton candy machine with a man come on Larry let's get to class it's called the snow bee watch it makes pretend sow I see that it's all over my tostada and my pizza well do not eat it why cuz it says say the fake snow is toxic and can cause abdominal bleeding you said you'd be Robbie's magic assistant right have you seen moose okay I hear me talking how come you don't here he comes pretend like we're talking about something we are talking about something you crazy redheaded hey cat oh moose hi who are those flowers flowers for you flowers for me yeah I I got your text that said hi moose it's cat please bring flowers to me at Hollywood Arts immediately a you're such a sweetie come on let's go show Tori and Jade the flowers you brought me and not them oh tofu are you all right did she hurt you she tried to didn't she it's awful hot in here I better open a window oh no concussion who told told what about me about me on PA Maps I I told no one I told people not to look well then it had to have been Robbie because what do you mean you told people not to look I tweeted it on the slap what did you tweet just please do not go on param Maps and look up Hollywood Arts if you do do not zoom in on Jade P.S she's not picking her nose I made it super clear what just run run fast and far hey Cat cool outfit thanks what you got there it's my sack a Bibble it's really heavy so I put it in a wagon and you needed to bring all of it to school I can't help it it's so good can't believe Mason bought you this much this isn't even the sack he got me what I finished that one I went back and bought two more sacks I think I might have a Bibble problem well it is pretty good stuff don't touch it my Bibble you guys you guys have either of you seen Jade uhuh what what's up with Jade she's trying to kill me any reason well we were hanging out last night and she asked me to do her eyebrows do what to him make them look neater and nicer girls do that we gro each other like monkeys so why is Jade trying to kill you well where is [Music] [Applause] she don't touch him stop relaxing what was that about why are you so mad at cats don't say a word W cat what my sister's butterfly is he still in your ear well he was just a second ago yeah did you find a way to get him out yet no and until then he still needs to be fed but he's in my ear no but still I have to make sure he eats properly that's a banana man please I guess lunch time what I did was terrible and awful and immature and you have every right to be furious with me I swear cat if I were you I'd just punch me right in the face ow C what you just punched me in the face you said to I know but that's just something people say ow does it hurt a lot I think my nose may be broken well now I feel all bad come on don't you think we should just wait one more minute who's out [Music] [Applause] here be gone ghost of Mona Patterson go to the light cat I'm almost sure she's not dead don't poke that why did you think that she was dead I read it online it said Mona Patterson joins the dead that's a new TV show you dip there's a story about me being cast in a show called The Dead I played David schwimmer's wife well nice to meet you I'm cat good I have something nice for cats now just wait a second this girl made us drive 2 hours through the rain in a topless convertible just because she loves you and your work so would it kill you just to be a little bit nice and maybe give me all your threes go flush it's fish Bobby I'm bored I don't want to play anymore all right well do you want to play something else like what no Robby you could just go home I'll be fine here no I'm not going to leave you in this little tiny room by yourself with rats in the ceiling cat grab your stuff we're going for a ride to where to your grandmother's apartment but I told you she moved to Italy no I called your parents you're know to moved to Venice right that's in Italy I looked it up Venice California it's 12 miles from here well that explains why I saw her at the mall last weekend you think she'd let me move in with her in Venice of America yes your parents talk to Nona and she'd love to have you come live with her really well I'll just live there [Music] then don't you just love how dogs hang their head out the window and lick the winds what pull your head back in the car before I roll up the window and cut it off my head it's back in the car okay come over here into the light okay uh what is this for oh that's glue yeah but why is it with your makeup supplies what's the problem this is Grizzly glue it's like an industrial cement cat tell me you didn't use this on tor's face [Music] uh give me that for industrial use only caution avoid contact with skin cat I'm sorry why didn't you use dermal glue I ran out so I got that out of my dad's toolbox cat are you insane will it come off I don't know why did you read the label cuz I got distracted by the picture of the cute grizzly bear I mean look at him he's like a fuzzy look hey I'm sorry I'm coming in now hi Mrs Toy's Mom hello Cat why' you get a dog chew toy cell phone to help me get through the week I mean I know it's not like having a real phone but at least I can pretend but what's the point this is all I've got but it's not even can I hold it oh you girls are pathetic when I was your age we didn't even have cell phones yeah but you had stuff that we don't have yeah like dinosaurs and Moses hi ew Jade your outfit's all dirty oh no no I'll never win the prison beauty pageant wait they have that where have you been I joined a prison gang what do you mean well this group of really mean tough prison ladies said I'm cute and funny so they invited me to join their prison gang and you said yes uh-huh I told the Gang Ladies I'm going to make us all special t-shirts um I think you look nice with no eyebrows Jade I just want to say I really appreciate you having lunch with us and thank you Andre and Beck for handcuffing Jade to the table no problem I still don't get how this happened Jade asked me to make her eyebrows look nicer I tried to wax them but when I took the wax strips off there was um a problem my eyebrows are gone no they're not I told you they're right [Music] here no offense Mr butterfly but I sure wish you die hey look look what I got no I want to see that thing again put it away no this is a butterfly Motel what's a for butterflies it's filled with everything they like dirt plants and rotting fruits okay so well I figure if you stick your head in here the butterfly will crawl out of your ear and then feric about you want me to put my head in there with the dirt and the rotting fruit it might make the butterfly come out of your ear it smells really bad whoa is her head in a butterfly Motel yes me next what if we write about a giraffe who learns to love a giraffe that that's not good no let's just stick with the kid in the closet right so I was thinking maybe he comes home from school looking for something and he goes into his closet and there's like a small secret door in the back of cat what are you doing I clicked on [Applause] Rainbow will you please stop that we got to do this project sorry man how long have we been sitting here like this 12 minutes ah I can't handle being trapped like this we like animals ooh can I be a hippopotamus what it's friends for hippopotamus I know an old man named Parnell his wife says things to him like Hey Parell you want to eat some pancakes on a rocket ship no nobody ever knows what you're talking about you have man breath bags I got them on tapis 75% off they're just rags in a bag hi bag Rags here take two bag Rags oh sorry Hi bag of Rags rags in a bag see that okay so Robbie drove you to school this morning yes but never again I've got to find someone else to drive me well I bet my brother would drive you if you don't mind screaming wait you guys scream at each other no sometimes he just screams like at trees in buses thanks but I'll find someone else why don't you just get a driver's license like a normal teenage girl bags you know my problem with these sunflower seeds so first you going to steal my seeds and now you going to criticize yes it's too much trouble to open them I'll open them um cat what baby nobody wants to eat sunflower seeds that have been tap dance on the floor you can't tell anybody about this you can you how great is this Bibble so great what you guys looking at the new param up yeah now you can zoom in from any angle oh my gosh that's where we ate lunch yeah the param map satellite must have taken the shot a few months ago from space Hi cat we're inside hey is that us oh my gosh that is us oh yeah I'm wearing my red boots uh can you zoom in tighter on Jade I think Zooma zoom zoom um no okay no I I'm I'm not picking your notse um and then I'm going to do some juggling and then I'm going to sing a song from my favorite musical baby you got 90 seconds but it's a 5 minute audition action just marry me but I'm supposed to marry somebody else you know you don't want to be with them I don't know what I want anymore I think you do know why do you always have to complicate my life I love you [Music] juggling [Music] [Applause] s and dance Hur smile always LLY the butt nose andse everyone is going to love me now the twet is nail on the head it's better than fix in the and said the C packs the C be singing along I want a girl face this my song the biggest bang with the most sing you're at the hand of the diamond ring by the way I'm here for the song and the dance it's going be once one I've already W just chance stick your stupid arm right in there okay it's crushing my arm what it is no just kidding it feels nice kill me with a rock uhoh yeah it is raining hey Cat I think I've brought an umbrella do you see it back there no not really wait wait oh okay all right you caught me what I want to show you what I got sure okay now walk towards me closer closer step away you are too close to this person the police are on their way I didn't do anything uh we you turn that off that it's the world's best alarm necklace oh and look the world's brightest keychain yeah ow okay all right that's bright you can turn that off now no no no but I want him to see me please I I I can can can I can I can I'll just uh open the box a teeny bit just peek your head on in there andly come back come back okay come here come here Papa's over here Papa's over here oh jeez what are you doing come here quick oh man I lost him where'd he go I think I think I found him where where is he I think he's in my ear in your ear well maybe he's not I don't feel it anymore wait I think it's gone are you sure I don't feel it anymore dang it Tori I only want to answer squat related questions is it my turn to squat no come on come on cat you can take my place okay yay we're squat buddies all right so far we have nothing so it' be great if we could do a little writing together okay look I'm in a kaleidoscope oh how does she do that you just click effects in the lower left this is not a time for [Music] effects hey look at me you guys are giving me a headache Andre ooh I'm getting dizzy look at me I'm spinning around what effect is that uh it's been clockwise why tell her that we're not making progress here I go Andre I need you to focus and keep your eyes I'm spinning I can't focus on anything it's like a spaceship I'm princess rotation you guys we have a project to work on I'm not going to sit here and watch you guys spin clockwise hey you heard the lady ready can it clockwise oh reverse we're reverse now not I look at me going back in time when did I become the mature one well if it's going to be on National give me my keys back where's my house [Music] key I'll take her to the nurse I swallowed it we'll see it again it says write a single scene script between seven and 10 pages the scene must involve a mystery oo use at least three characters and have a surprise plot twist got it we can do that ideas hey you guys want to hear a cute joke a joke yeah listen okay what did the Young shrimp say when his mom asked him why he wouldn't share any of his toys what sorry I'm a little shellfish get it cuz shrimp are very self-centered I I think the joke is that shellfish sounds like selfish oh my God that's even funnier okay back to the script you want to ask her sure what's in the box cat see batteries see batteries and you all get some seea batteries for Andre seea batteries for be and sea batteries for Robbie you want to ask him okay cat why do you have a giant box of C batteries cuz I tapped it come on Rob it's not so bad okay big deal you lost a handbone competition it's over and it's not like the whole world saw it uhhuh it's all over the Internet how'd it get on the internet I might have uploaded it why do you guys need slippers grab the cat yep yay I'm a kite enjoy now you can tap to your feet fall off look I made my tiger purple that doesn't happen in nature oh I fell asleep during study hall Jade found me a don't be sad little one I think your head looks great like that of course you [Music] do cat she chewed through a leash I'm help I [Applause] need okay good um how do I spell evil use four eyes and three LS got it okay um now why don't we say the mom walks in the closet to find her son's face being eaten by look now I'm a ter very pie I'm pie girl but don't bite off my nose cat we have a 10-page script due tomorrow morning and we're on page three and you're not helping at all now you please stop acting like a child There She Goes look I I didn't mean to yell at you please don't cry I'm just frustrated because hello hey hey hey you don't have to keep running away from me I already asked Gabriella to be my date to the cow wow Gabriella mhm what' she say she said see that means yes I know I looked it up well yay you got yourself a pretty girl to take to the Cowell yeah well I just wanted to let you know you don't have to run away from me anymore thanks Robbie see you in class okay Gabriella
Channel: NickRewind
Views: 113,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NickRewind, Nick Rewind, Teen Nick, 90s Nick, 90s, 90s Nickelodeon, 2000s, Nostalgia, iCarly, Miranda Cosgrove, Jennette McCurdy, Victoria Justice, Ariana Grande, Cat, Cat Valentine, Victorious, Tori, Trina, Carly, Spencer, Sam, Freddie, Zoey 101, TikTok, TikToks, Sam & Cat, Sam and Cat, Throwback, Big Time Rush, Ned’s Declassified, True Jackson, Keke Palmer, Shorts, Bloopers, Jade West, Jade, Elizabeth Gillies, Songs, Music, Give It Up, Freak the Freak Out, eternal sunshine, ytao_vic
Id: cYHCaXlwNv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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