Castle, Cozy Room with Rain, Fireplace & Thunderstorm Sounds for 12 hours.
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Channel: White Noise Tranquility
Views: 133,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Castle ambience, Rain sounds for sleeping, Fireplace, Ambience, Rain and fireplace, Thunderstorm sounds for sleeping, Rain thunder fireplace, Thundersorm fireplace, Thunderstorm, Rain sounds, Rain and thunder, rain and thunder sounds, thunderstorm sounds, rain sounds, thunder sounds, fireplace sounds, fireplace ambience, cozy ambience, sleep, sleep sounds, study, relax, white noise, 12 hours, Indoor, Cozy castle, Ambience sleep, soothing, fire crackling, relaxing, storm, fire sounds
Id: n2ecHfKIx4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 719min 0sec (43140 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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