#cashstuffing $197 / #savingchallenge / 100m Race Collab / Val-day / #savemoney / Last week of Feb.

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[Music] hey Squad hey it's vanan from plan budget how are you today welcome or welcome back to the channel today's Wednesday but you guys should be seeing this on Thursday I believe yes so today we're doing things a little bit differently because it is coming up to be the last week of February today's the 27th so I set of doing games so for I am doing my collab because my collab come on got to do the collab we got to see who won the race right so instead of doing games and everything I'm putting all the money that I had it's going to go towards um Valentine's Day saving challenges because I want to finish as many challenges as I possibly can because at the end of the month we take all of those savings challenges that I completed out of the completed envelope and we put them into sinking funds so the more money I save and completed challenges the more money can go into sinking funds and that's important so so far I think I should have around like $97 hopefully so let's count to see how much we really have we have 20 30 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 okay 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 4550 55 60 65 70 75 80 81 82 83 4085 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 $197 so way more than I thought either I did the math wrong or I don't know but hey I'll take it so we are going to start off with the collab this is going to be my last and final roll OMG how crazy let me know if you guys have been playing along this was a freebie that Miss Fiona over at fality is life printed out I made mine a little darker my little boo boo so I'm in Lane six these are the other fabulous ladies that are following along let me know if you guys have been following long you guys would have been in row one hopefully I'm caught up as much as I saw um almost I skipped a video but I'm excited to see who wins I'm excited let me know if you guys beat us or if you won let me know I'm get my die cuz I don't know I kind of want to use my big Dy though let's see if it will work let's see let's see we're going to roll four okay not bad not bad that's like that's like it's okay it's an okay number right four awesome so let's put four in for me one two three four and let's add up so I have 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 $22 that's how much I saved in my corner so 22 I'm going to tally up everybody's and see everybody's and then I'm debating on what I want to do um I might add in more money later to add up everybody's cuz that would be cool so we'll see we'll see I'm going to keep this in games until I see everybody's video and to see and to mark it off so keep me posted on what you guys rolled curious to see how everybody did oh my gosh it's been so much fun coach Fiona yes I love it all right so we're good on the collab so now we're going to go into here and do our normal cash St thing so oops I hit you I'm so sorry so for two sister be's I decided that I can only designate $10 into it so I decided that I'm going to put my Max in I haven't even I'm so behind on videos I haven't even watched Jen's video to be honest so I really don't know what the games were and everything so basically I'm just putting in 10 just so I can put the highest denomination I can in because now we are done so ding ding ding we're going to take a dollar and we're going to put it into the completed envelope challenge this is from Donna over creativity basically you can do whatever you want with this but basically what I've been doing kind of like with Donna you put a dollar in every single time you finished a completed um every time you finish a savings challenge and at the end of the year you can add it all up um I know saving with um mama bear or budget with Mama Bear oh my gosh it's been too long anyways I know she's doing $5 and then she takes it out I believe monthly so there's different ways you can do it it's just a fun extra way to save money so now let's add all this up and see how much we saved with hello honey we have 150 200 20 40 50 60 61 62 so $262 nice 262 and that is going to get paper clipped and it's going to go into the completed envelope yes oops flip that over Perfect all right just going to put here the other savings challenges yes okay so hello honey is now done next we are doing the Sagittarius and Leo these are basically like our Whatchamacallit what's the word I'm looking for allowance in a way yeah mhm so I think I'm going to do I think I only designated five so we can do the sleeve I guess or my arm the arm one of the arms and we'll see I should wear purple okay so five's going in the end we'll have $42 and this is from like fun savings challenges digitals on Etsy 10 15 20 I keep forgetting to write the name on it but it is going to be listed down below um in the description so just in case you want it we also have the Leo I know his face kind of got ruined I'm very sad about it this one's actually getting six because we are coloring in two of his hair thingies this main that I'm just going to make it different colors so we have purple let's see have a purple one over here perfect it will get beautiful in time so so far we have 10 15 20 one if I can count all right next is saving extra money for the wedding we booked the hotel um which they don't take the money out until you're there which is nice so we just did the reservation part so at 20 30 40 this is from budget with Ira so at least that part is taken care of I don't have to worry about making sure we have reservations and good thing I did because it turns out like they were being booked like I don't know how many rooms she blocked for like the wedding party or just in Savings in general um to get like a discounted deal so I'm glad we did we did it when we did so a dollar is going in so 2 4 6 8 10 5 six 78 9 10 okay wanted to make sure but I think what we're going to do is one two three four five we're going put that in take a five all right you guys ready for Valentine's Day save it [Music] challenges so let's flip over so I kind of want to see oh I didn't finish crashing those off how rude I kind of want to see where we're at or I think we're going to hop around just a tad just a tad we're going to hop over to Lisa's cuz remember this was kind of like a shut the box situation so we're going to continue so what I do is I roll the dice one so I don't have one one and two so I gave myself three chances to roll a three through six basically all right so we have a six so it's kind of like shut the box but not really only because this is like lowbudget style all right four I thought that was going to fall I was going to catch it like a like a ninja I was ready for it all right let's see a five or a three oh no so we have to color that in so we need to put eight in okay very messy but that's okay five six seven eight and let's finish the last row make sure you guys can see oh we got five okay okay okay so I need six four three or okay so one strike six so three or four three or four a okay so we have to put [Music] in $7 cool and now we finished it so this was eight this was seven [Applause] so what was that 15 right yes yes 8 + 7 is 15 Okay cool so 5 10 15 is going in we finished ding ding ding we're going to take this out we finished by making a challenge fit my budget it's exactly what I did so we're going to put a dollar into the envelope in oh yes oh that's so nice okay so then we get to take this one out let's count up our money to see how much we saved we save 20 30 3540 $45 I will take it thank you very much and I'm just going to put this aside just in case we have other challenges and then we'll put it into the binder so before we move this out of the way let's go ahead and put some money into the game so this one is from tracy monster savings on Etsy let's go back one well one is a dollar like that let's get our calculator out and we'll just add as we go so that was one five one two 3 four five so that's $5 four one two three four it's another $5 whoops one which is this dude large ones are $2 okay so we're at $13 six 1 2 3 4 5 6 small ones are a dollar oh we might be able to reach the board at the end one two three large again is $2 one one space for one three one two 3 three $10 all right $27 okay two one two it's a dollar it's 28 let's stop there I guess we'll take this [Music] 25 6 78 and if we have extra money we'll come back to it but let's see what other challenges we can do and hopefully finish so this one so H so far has 20 40 60 65 so6 is68 awesome pawesome all right next is the February scratcher let's see how much money do we have 20 40 41 42 whoa 120us 42 $78 I'm like tempted but not really 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 4550 55 60 65 70 75 5 10 15 20 25 30 ah do I I don't want to oh my gosh that's like a lot of money okay let's not let's let's do a big chunk though okay let's let's do that but we're not going to finish it okay I'm going to have to add it on here cuz I'm going to forget since I didn't finish scratching these off I don't know why I forgot all right four okay so that's $28 so 5 10 15 20 25 26 27 28 let's count that one more time just to make sure 5 10 15 20 25 26 2728 is going in so so far February this is from Star budgets by the way I just labeled it with one of my stickers that I had for the months um cuz it's so cute so 20 40 45 50 55 60 65 66 67 68 69 70 we have $70 so far so more than halfway done which is awesome okay next is Ellie on Earth I wonder 5 10 15 20 let's do $20 so let's color in $20 worth of stuff so let's do 8 2 for 10 8 2 for 20 perfect so now this one has 20 30 3540 45 $55 so we're halfway there roughly right all right let's move this over CU now we don't need it this is an empty spot from El on Earth's um Group Play Oh yes we have budget better life Miss Kelsey's roll color and Save which if I had scratchers I would totally do that so we have a two let put a two there let's roll again five five that's seven five for 12 cool let's do that I'm just going to color this in real quick I don't know cuz I like I want two cuz I want to okay 510 11 12 this is a digital she has um physical products but because I want them right then and there when I buy them I buy digitals a lot so so far this challenge has 20 30 35 40 41 42 right 20 30 35 40 41 42 yeah I don't know why hesitated hesitation I have a couple of her other ones that's her skull one she has like a cute gnome one too love it love it all right from Janelle Ray budgets we have the scratcher let's see what we can do a dollar we can do better than that four we can do better than that seven should I continue double or skip oh no okay okay let's see okay so we'll double five for 10 plus the 7 plus the 4 plus the 1 I'm so close you guys we just need to finish this right I thought that was going to be a 20 okay so + two so we need $24 I think that's right right 7 + 2 + 10 + 4 + 1 $24 okay 5 10 15 20 1 2 three four we are close out of ones should have is there ones in here there is how many ones do I have now one two three four five enough yes okay we finished a challenge so ding ding ding before I forget let's put a dollar my things are just like moved all the way around put a dollar in there let's add this up we have 20 40 4550 55 60 65 66 perfect love it and that's from Janelle Ray budgets it was so cute that she came out with a sticker so then that's where I can put all of her challenges that I get from her all right beautiful moving that to the side um we'll come back to this one let's see where we're at with this one so we're going to cheat 20 30 31 32 33 34 so 55 - 34 it's 21 right bad glare 5 10 15 and 20 I mean we could finish it we could and then we couldn't do that much else I don't think there's anything else that we're close to finishing planning with boys only has like I don't know like 14 this one I think we could finish both of them let's just do it we're going to do it like Nike just do it five three for eight 7 and then six let's make sure that's correct so what did I say 21 - 5 - 3 - 7 should equal 6 yes 21 one 5 10 15 20 one I absolutely love this I can't wait to redo this put more stickers on it I don't have the small ones so Carly like I don't know where you got them from but if I can buy the scratchers from you that'd be great so I can put them back on there oh for real though totally would all right so we should have $55 20 30 35 40 45 50 51 52 53 54 55 and we do perfect I love it did we D ding D ding ding ding dollar going in I don't think we did that yet okay there yeah we did it we did it yay my cats are my Valentine I love my Husby But my cats are my valentine okay moving on we have more from her obviously I love budget with Carly like I love her stuff so cute okay so let's zoom in a bit this is from Divine savings Co we should have $60 we have 35 oh well okay we're not going to finish it but we have five six 7 8 n $9 is going in to this challenge so five yeah 6 S8 nine okay so all together we have 20 30 35 40 41 42 43 44 $44 dang so close so close all right guys I want to S you guys back at out so I don't make anybody dizzy we finished for Valentine's Day one two three challenges which is awesome it's going to go into here and then the next video you guys will see is me on stuffing this and putting it into sinking funds I mean I did pretty good for a lower budget then you know I did pretty good I'm actually proud of myself so that is it you guys for today's video trying to think if I should take H I'll leave everything in there we're just going to continue even though it won't be February next week um well I'll be filming in February because I need to film in advance because we're going to be packing up and moving so I won't have time to do the videos um as we're moving in and everything so I am going to film in advance I'm probably going to film tomorrow my stomach is starting to hurt I'm creamping anyways so I'm going to let you guys go I'm going to edit these videos so I can get them up on time for you guys and hopefully go through my comments reply to you and yeah um make sure you guys are subscribed and stay tuned because a lot of cool things are happening a lot of cool things are happening especially over at Donna's Channel um she's doing a fun YouTube hop so make sure you're checking her out anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video If you guys did please give this video a thumbs up subscribe if you haven't already I hope you guys have a great day or night whenever you guys are watching this and I'll see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Plan.Live.Budget
Views: 344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saving challenges, cash saving challenges, sinking funds, budget, budgeting, cash stuffing, cash stuffing envelopes, variable expenses, Dave Ramsey, Dave Ramsey inspire, low budget, cash, low income, savings goals, new to budgeting, new to cash stuffing, shut the box, letter bucks, scratch off challenges, budgeting community, saving, weekly budget, 52 weeks saving challenge, 100 envelope saving challenge, Valentine’s day saving challenges
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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