CASH or TRASH? Testing ALL Amazon Basics Art & Craft Supplies

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[Laughter] [Applause] today's video is sponsored by buksu a monthly subscription box of japanese amazing snacks check the link in description box below and use code nerdycrafter10 to get 10 off close to 44. hey greens and welcome to cash or trash the episode where i review multiple craft kits crap crap get to make sure that i waste no money and you don't i'm really curious to know how many of you grains actually knew that amazon has its own brand name called amazon basics let me know in the comment section below what really caught my attention when browsing on amazon yes salty crafter was also browsing with her absolutely wonderful brownie smile i didn't know anyone could frown smile but i guess once we look at salty crafter there seems to be a way to do both didn't know that was possible but it is i was able to find five products by amazon amazon basics for arts and crafts have you ever bought any amazon basic products if you did let me know in the comment section below what it is and if you liked it or if you had to throw it in the trash so today we're going to go through all five products and let your grains know whether they are worth your cash or if they go in the tradish our first victim [Music] amazon basics premium colored pencils not just any pencils not your dollar store stuff not your regular thing premium look at that it's even shiny so shiny oh my god i can't even look at it so we're going to do a quick comparison with other premium colored pencils such as fabric styles and prismacolor premiere so premium in premiere should be some cinnamon cinnamon cinnamon not cinnamon english cooperate with me today there's a difference between cinnamon and synonyms okay stop flying around the english come here come here right on my finger that's a good english we're going to be so good at english today and of course not all right our english level will be pretty mediocre today grains that's what it is so since it is pretty much labeled as a premium colored pencil and it comes in this gorgeous metal case i'm really excited about this it has four and a half star review on amazon i think it was like 1600 reviews 1100 reviews almost 12. so let's find out by the way for those of you new to this channel don't forget to subscribe otherwise i will wave a sharp pointy thing and occasionally scissors will join us so while you're there make sure you click on all notifications [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there not only does it come in the casing it actually also comes sealed maybe i should just remove the tape one eternity later all right oh here we go and yeah i guess that's what i expected i thought it would be like but it just looks like a set of colored pencils obviously and this package here claims that it is both good for soft and smooth color lay down so i'm really curious how well it's going to do on layers and that the pigments should be rich and saturated perfect for artistic expression and it should also have thick cores that resist breakage but of course the most important test for any colored pencil artists will understand this oh they don't smell like colored pencils why it goes in the trash i'm just kidding i'm not gonna judge it based on the smell but it did it did hurt my fillings so the first impression is that it is really slim it's much slimmer than the fabric castell it just feels a lot more sturdy in your hands as this one just feels very flimsy and even though it does feel pretty much the same weight as the prismacolors it is a little heavier so here's a quick test i'm going to pretty much tell you how it feels to lay down the color and pigment and it's no secret that my favorite of the three is fabric castell so let's start with that one yes the pigment is absolutely gorgeous colors are as similar as possible so don't judge the color let's just judge the pigment and now for prismacolor and you can see that the two pigments really go down absolutely beautifully now for amazon let me know in the comment section below do you have hope or will this break your heart comment down below because i'm very curious for me i am skeptical because these things always break my heart but amazon's been pretty good so far so let's go ahead and test it out first impression oh hello so it does feel absolutely beautiful while laying it down it just kind of glides but you can definitely see the difference in the pigment this one you can almost see the background a little bit more whereas this one is the most pigmented this would come in second and definitely in third place let me swatch other colors same thing again the amazon one is a little more waxy whereas these ones are a lot more deep colored all right now i'm a little confused because as we're getting into different pigments as you can see with the black orange and yellow i can almost not tell the difference other than the feeling of coloring among all three they are absolutely beautiful the amazon ones are pretty pigmented i didn't expect that but i think for ten dollars us these colored pencils are definitely giving the prismacolor a good run for their money let's try layering and i'm going to put a very light layer of blue and let's overlay it with a little bit of that purple so as you can see layering a little bit of the blue and purple and going back and forth resulted in a very beautiful type of layer i am no expert when it comes to transition so don't look at that part but those colored pencils really did cooperate and so i say that our first amazon product art and craft supply is definitely worth your cash and now for a product i really don't care about but i figured at 17 this better be good [Music] no packaging [Music] right away we can notice that the majority of these markers are actually pinkish i didn't think i would get that much pink i also thought i would get some kind of you know packaging it was just kind of thrown in the box you just gotta pull them out let's replay that so i'm close to 17 i'm not impressed with presentation however it does have again four and a half star review they do kind of feel cheap but amazon promises that the pigments are very saturated so let's try them out and so here's our casing and our first look at the tip that looks quite juicy and let's get a first one oh oh that is really juicy so i did say it looked juicy but i didn't expect it to glide so beautifully okay i take back what i said okay you may look cheap but you have quality on the inside like me dang it i'm going to go ahead and swatch all of the colors but just for your grains to know nowhere are the colors marked on the actual markers look at that here these are really two pretty colors but you can't see any color written on top but for those of you who want to say jk these are not intended for artwork so they don't have to put colors there stop it no no no no no no don't define me otherwise i have scissors i'm pretty sure you have scissors too so please don't hurt me in all seriousness though on the amazon site you can see that the colors are actually list why is there a little tiny flight do you have issues with fruit flies where you are from because we sure do so as you can see again on their site they have the colors listed now how am i supposed to know which color belongs to which marker there's no way to know so i'm going to go ahead and swatch all 24 colors and i'm really curious to see whether or not the color that goes down matches that of the cap and outside and even though i did use them to make little swatches of colors i have to say it's definitely not ideal for art but it's probably really cute to take down notes i guess maybe if you really want to use it to sketch the other thing i noticed that i absolutely loved is that the colors that come out really do match the caps not perfectly but pretty darn close so even though we don't have color names the color that you pick up is going to be pretty similar to what you're going to be putting down however at close to 17 for 24 markers i'm not quite sure if they are a bargain or if they're any different in terms of the price for the same type of markers but you're getting a lot more pinks and purples since each marker would end up costing you about [Music] 71 cents they definitely don't go in the trash and neither do i feel like they're worth your cash simply because of the price so this item for me would be very much heavily dependent on what you want to use them for so i will say skeptical cash oh and they do promise that this here would actually be smudge free so hello there you go have fun now on to the crafting section amazon basics glue not just any glue oh no galaxy glue thought you had me here huh by the way each set of three did cost me about 14 so let's see what we get oh that's a set of four [Music] [Music] and as you can see we do get four different kinds of amazon basics galaxy glue which they do promise is good on wood papers crafts and especially they keep highlighting that it's perfect for slime my question is is it even going to keep that galaxy look or is it just going to turn into like brown because you know all these colors mixed up maybe even like a greyish purple stay tuned to find out the next box has three glitter glues these are absolutely beautiful i love how clear they are and how vibrant the actual glitter is again we're going to be testing it on paper to see what it looks like after it dries how well it works on wood crafting purposes and of course slime let's definitely take a moment to appreciate how beautiful the copper yellow and blue galaxy looks beautiful all right so first things first let's see what this galaxy glue looks like and oh looks like could be ice cream that flavor here we call super kit i'm actually surprised there's no sealant in there so that's that's pretty interesting and it's not stuck on the other side okay and of course classic nerdy crafter smells like nothing usually glue has this vinegary smell but this doesn't have it interesting do not slip glue by the way do as i say and not as i do what all right so let's go ahead and put it on paper and see how well it comes out and hello hello is there a sealant is that what's going on here no so i'm not sure why the glue doesn't want to come out but here's the inside let's scoop it right out it should work now here's our attempt number two there we go oh that is really hard to squeeze i mean this is really tough holy moly so as you can see this is not a gloopy type of glue it does seem to hold its shape and you could probably make some 3d crafts with that interesting it doesn't say how long it takes to dry so let's go ahead and put just a little bit on here like so and i'm going to put another piece of paper right on top and we're going to leave that for about half an hour and come back to it and see how well it actually dried now i'm going to do the exact same thing but this time with a piece of wood and voila and just for fun because that's what this channel is about because why the heck not this channel is about having fun yay i have a silicon mold over here and i want to see if it's going to dry into a nice kind of layer or if it's going to go all crumbly and look like it it belongs as a disney villain with the wrinkles and things so drastic calls for drastic measures drastic measures call for drastic calls huh no what's that quote again oh drastic times call for drastic measure remember we didn't catch english at the beginning so i'm not surprised we're still okay though all right so let's pour some of that into the mold and see what happens it's probably going to need at least i would say a day and we'll see what happens come on you you could do it that is really i don't think i've seen glue this solid before has this hardened i don't know or is this a sign of good quality glue you grains will have to tell me hopefully this doesn't stick to my mold but it is very thick holy moly this is the thickest i've ever seen it that's what she that is that is quite now i want to touch it no it doesn't feel like it's hardened it's just i've never seen this quality before impressive especially considering that the elmer's brand of glue is actually more expensive than this at least that's what i've seen on amazon three days later and can we use it as a mod podge and the answer is no can you nope nope absolutely nope so now the curious question is since we have this kind of galaxy glue they do say it's perfect for slime i just don't think it's possible to keep these galaxy colors it's probably just going to turn into a muted one tone color that's my guess so since this is for science i'm going to pour a good bit of it if not all of it into this container this is thick holy moly come on you could do it there you go that's nice look at that it's already pretty thick and now what i'm going to do is add a little bit of detergent yes i know for those of you who are obsessed with slime don't come at me i'm just taking the easy route here for those of you have your specific ingredients you can go ahead and do that i'm just going to keep mixing it until i have a slime like solution and keep kneading it and so here's our slime so using the galaxy glue as you can see it gave us a really gorgeous golden color and i may have over activated a bit but i really do prefer this texture over the gloopy kind like it's not falling kind of like that but in all honesty other than the color it doesn't feel any different than the slimes i've made with dollar store white school glue it has a nice thickness to it it's quite sticky but at the same time it doesn't leave any residue but it's sticky but it's not gross sticky does it make the sound many of you grains like let's find out i guess i need to put just a little bit more activator because it got stuck stop sticking so when it comes to slime i would say not worth your cash because you can do the exact same thing with dollar store kind the color is pretty though still sticky later alright so here we are half an hour later and as you can see it does keep its shape the vibrancy is still there it's not fully dried so definitely expect to wait at least an hour because it smudges 24 hours later so unfortunately after 24 hours you can see that they kind of deflated so if you're gonna get this to make some textured things yeah not so much here it is with the paper test pretty firm i would say yes and for the wood oh i'm putting quite a bit of pressure that took a lot of pressure so yes a pass and now it's time for the glitter slime i think these colors are absolutely beautiful but again i've seen similar glitter glue did i say slime or glue before time for the glitter slime at the dollar store so i really don't know how these ones are going to be any different especially when it comes to the galaxy glue that was really thick and really pretty i can see some pretty cool effects with it so much like the previous i'm curious on how thick this glue is oh definitely more watery than the previous but still look at that it holds its shape good for you in case you were wondering i 100 sniffed it it still smells like nothing here's red oh and blue so as you can see all three of these colors are absolutely thick so i'm curious to see what they're going to look like when they fully dry so we're going to do the paper and wood glueing what's it called a test and we'll wait half an hour and see what happens later even after half an hour it has maintained its shape it's absolutely still beautiful would make some really cool crafts much later update on the colored ones also 24 hours later really flat kind of disappointing paper test ooh still wet after half an hour interesting not ideal for school work or office work and now the wood quite a bit of pressure i'm putting a lot of pressure there you go it's interesting because it's still kind of wet but it did hold on really well so for crafts i would say a pass and let's make a slime [Music] if i'm not mistaken we can revisit it in a couple of days and it should be technically more transparent because we have too many air bubbles so let's see what happens in a few days 24 hours later update on the slime after 24 hours and as you can see we still have quite a bit of bubbles let's wait longer several days later and here it is pretty much after four days it's really sticky it's probably just you know my activator but as you can see side by side one is pink because it's full of air bubbles and the other one is actually red how the glue really is oh my god that's sticky ew and now the question is are these little bottles each worth about four dollars or four dollars and 60 cents for slime i would say no for crafts there are more specific ones but these could work the glitter ones still stay wet for some reason don't know why so at the price tag for me i would say that this glue especially for slime it doesn't maintain its galaxy effect in the trash it works though just not worth the price our fifth and final item from the arts and crafts department of amazon basics oh ooh i did not expect this first of all look how much bigger it is i thought it would be like half the size and we do get a set of sketching pens along with chalk and then chalk pens and a blending stick i guess it's called kneaded eraser an eraser and a sharpener the only thing that caught me off guard is that the sharpener is in plastic as opposed to metal for best results but at seven dollars us this here already looks like a bargain compared to the prismacolor set on which is approximately 19. quite the difference so i feel like someone like super ray dizzle who loves traditional media would probably enjoy this i really wish i could see someone who's really good at art use this professionally this set really does look absolutely wonderful everything from the amazon basics logo i i don't know why i kind of like them even on the charcoal pens we have everything from soft medium and hard and the loose charcoals i i don't know what they're really called okay grains just forgive me on that so as you can see i'm swatching the pencils i am no expert but for those of you who have the eye for it i'm sure you can you can tell the difference they do feel pretty smooth so i can say that much i think it's going to be interesting to try the sharpener with the charcoal pens so far so good and didn't know of course not that's why plastic ones are not that great so it popped right off let's try again this time i'm going to go much slower so at this point it doesn't want to go anymore and it's pretty stubby let's try over here no that is our limit or is it yep that's our limit is that normal i don't know let's keep going okay let's stop here and the soft charcoal that's soft i'm really going lightly here and another issue again as i'm going with the medium it's popped right out and here's medium so the only difference i feel that's probably what it is is that this one was smoother this one is harsher to kind of color with and we didn't get the same issue when sharpening the hard and definitely the tip feels much harder [Laughter] how good is the eraser let's do the test and i'm just gonna do one swipe down well not one swipe but i'm gonna go back and forth like that not too bad but not great either and the kneaded eraser not too bad either and since i'm really not qualified in order to give you my opinion on these charcoal bits i figured i would just draw them and smudge them so your grains can see how it feels or looks and so for only seven dollars when i first started taking drawing classes way back when and they needed these materials i spent about 30 dollars for a kit similar to this one so i feel like for someone who's just starting this is probably an ideal set it's not perfect i mean the eraser was a little rough around the edges but overall for i think for seven dollars you can't go wrong so this one is worth your cash hey you do you like japanese snacks me yeah actually i do well then i have the thing for you today's video is sponsored by buksu an authentic japanese snack box straight from japan what makes boksu very unique is that they work with local companies some of them over 100 years old to bring you really cool exclusive stuff they have different plans that range from single month or multi-month subscriptions that start at about 36.99 including shipping and tracking this box contains so many amazing things one of my favorite things has got to be the 20 page cultural guide that also details every single item in there including common allergens and you'll get anywhere between 20 to 25 snacks including a tea pairing that should go well with what you get but if you're a new subscriber you get a tasting box that is curated for all beginners that way you get to taste a little bit of everything and then after that boxes are themed per month this box differs from many other ones because they're not just throwing in dagashi which is just cheap stuff the box i have with me is tokyo summer let's try some of the stuff yakitomorokushi oh smells like sweet corn a mixture of corn and puffs yes that's really good next watermelon taiyaki oh wow definitely smells like strong watermelon holy corp oh wow like a bubbly chocolate watermelon octopus chips normally not my thing but hey the whole point is to try mmm it smells like barbecue that's actually really good sweet and savory these are normally pretty difficult to find because they're considered souvenirs from tokyo and they're premium smells like sweet banana hmm oh if you like banana holy carp again epic now i need more gimme mo so if you're looking for a japanese subscription snack box that isn't just full of dagashi check the link in description box below and use the code nerdycrafter10 for 10 off that's up to 44. your own authentic japanese snack box thank you boku for sponsoring this video let me know in the comment section below if you think one of them you disagree with me i'm very curious which one and why if you want to watch the previous cash or trash make sure you check up here and if you want to watch a video youtube thinks is just right for you make sure you check down here this week's shout outs go to v koei artworks i'll leave their link down below barb's corner lea de santos are art 12 eloise lumiere and javi artists who provided me with their social media i'll leave down below until then i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: NerdECrafter
Views: 503,784
Rating: 4.9093504 out of 5
Keywords: Crafts, DIY, amazon, amazon basics, amazon review, weird amazon products, amazon products you need
Id: qxJZ1hlEZ8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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