Case Study: How a Large Brewery Uses Machine Learning for Preventive Maintenance (Cloud Next '18)

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[MUSIC PLAYING] MANJUNATH DEVADAS: First of all, it's my honor and pleasure to be presenting along with Adam from AB InBev. ADAM SPUNBERG: Thank you Manju, it's a pleasure to be here. Very happy to be onstage with you and Pluto7, and part of this whole GCP operation. MANJUNATH DEVADAS: Great. Thank you. So a little bit of background-- anyway the slides will be distributed. So I'm Founder-CEO of Pluto7. We are one of the key partners for machine learning and AI implementation at Google, so we work with customers like AB InBev. When they raise innovation challenges-- right-- when they say, OK, we want to see what machine learning and AI does for the industry. Is irrelevant for us if it does? With all the domain expertise that we bring in-- personally I've been doing 17 years of predictive analytics work and solving for many large enterprises. I started my career at Cisco and then went on to solve for 30 different companies. Now with the power of machine learning and AI, it really opens up our minds in terms of what's possible. Like we have heard in many different sessions, including the keynote today, this is the next big wave which we are going to embark on. Now with that said, what we are going to show you is a real example of something that matters to all the beer drinkers in this room-- the taste of the beer. So we're going to talk about how we improve the taste of the beer, and of course dollar savings, ROI, and so on, with machine learning and AI. So I'd like Adam to quickly introduce himself, and then we'll get started. Adam, do you want to give a little bit of background about you and AB InBev? ADAM SPUNBERG: Sure. So my name's Adam Spunberg. I'm actually in my first year at AB InBev, but already have had a chance to work with some great partners like Pluto7 and Manju. I'm leading the digital transformation of the company on the supply side. Our team is called Tech Supply, and what we're trying to do is find cutting-edge opportunities to transform to what we call the brewery of the future, and that is a world where, perhaps, predictive maintenance, artificial intelligence, machine learning-- all of these aspects are incorporated into the automation so that we're functioning on a higher level, and doing things that quite frankly weren't even imaginable a few years ago. So we have a lot of products at AB InBev. Here's some examples. Budweiser-- I think you've all heard of that-- Bud Light, as well, of course, Stella Artois-- we have some up here. Corona-- technically Constellation has Corona in the US, but we have the rest, and all of that is brewed in Mexico in our breweries. And we're the number one beverage company in the world, and actually the number one consumer products company in the world-- by some metric anyway. Sure, so we have obviously a huge operation. It's a truly global company, and that's something that really excited me about the opportunity when I jumped on board. The fact that there really is a presence in every continent-- well, not Antarctica, I should say, but everywhere else. If someone can find a way to use technology to make brewing possible in Antarctica maybe we would get that too. But we have all the continents. We have nine zones, and that presents a lot of extraordinary opportunities, but also challenges with the demographics. And, you know, one area that can speak a common language, I guess you could say, is innovation and technology. And that's why one of my plans in working with Pluto7 and Google is to find opportunities for using that to create that common thread, and create a global operation instead of a fragmented-- this zone's doing this, that zone's doing that. So machine learning is actually-- it's not just a cool pilot, or an interesting cost-saving initiative, or a beer tasting improvement. It's actually a mechanism-- a vehicle-- for bringing about more cohesion within the organization. And that's pretty exciting. MANJUNATH DEVADAS: Thank you, Adam. Now a lot of the elements of innovation involve going back to some fundamental aspects of how we humans behave. Now I'll set the context, we'll go through a use case, a very quick demo, and so that you can relate how machine learning and AI is applied in a real world use case, like in this case improving the taste of beer with filter replacement and so on. The last few minutes we'll have a Q&A session, and we will have some of my team members who are sitting in the front as well as some Googlers to help out if there are any specific questions that we're not able to answer in a larger setting. So few things to think about. Why is machine learning and AI a big deal now, right? It's been around for 30 years, used by space, defense, and all kinds of security industries, and so on. But what's the inflection point? The inflection point, really, is a combination of cloud computing, mobile, for us the cost of processing going down, which means you can run a lot more mathematical computation now to make simple decisions. The decisions could be around a classification problem-- you're trying to classify whether the filter is good or bad, which is an example we look at-- or regression, which is what I did for 17 years. You know, what's the demand forecast for the next 12 months, 24 months, and so on? And we we used all kinds of statistical models and got an accuracy of 70%. Now, when we went into one of these companies, and when we said, hey, we are going to video whatever the best model you have-- we have statistical model softwares and so on, there are like, we have been doing this for 20 years. There's no way you come in for six weeks and beat that. To cut the long story short, we beat it by 20%, and it was a bit shocking and disturbing to them that we challenged some of their best demand planners. Right? Now the point I'm trying to make here is, this is a paradigm shift. And why there's a paradigm shift is because we are taking something very fundamental to us and allowing a machine to do that, which is decision making. If you look at an enterprise, look at whether it's invoice processing, to supply ordering, to demand planning, to replacing a part, maintenance-- there are small decisions made at every stage, many decisions made by a human. Some decisions are very expensive. If you make a bad decision, it can cost a lot of money as well as a lot of disruption. Now you're taking that very simple decision making and making that into a machine learning model, which you'll host on GCP, which is a very quick demo I'll show you as well. So in this journey when we take, whether it's filter replacement or forecasting, if you leave it up to humans-- and by the way, this is by no means to say that we will replace humans. It's to augment humans-- to improve the accuracy level, to help, to make better decisions, to do the filter replacement, to watch filter replacement, not waking up and checking the filters and the beer quality every time, but letting the machine do that day in and day out 24 by 7. So leaving it up to humans, in this decision making there is bias involved. We call it experience, to some extent. But by the time we get decades of experience, there's a bias on what data columns are important, what's not important. We ignore some of the signals in the data patterns on the columns we ignored. Like, in some of the larger enterprises, we looked at 200 columns of data. Humans wouldn't practically have time and energy and capacity to scan through that every hour 24 by 7, and look at patterns across those 200 columns continuously being generated. So that's where machine learning plays a role, and some of the slides that I'm going to share before we go into the brewing example is to have you understand that the conversations that we are having, and the experimentation and innovation that's happening is not just about predictive maintenance, but in the whole supply chain ecosystem. We get involved with how machine learning and AI can help at beating demand forecast-- in this case, the example I gave for enterprise, beating by 20%-- or reducing supply inventory carrying costs by 50%. There's a publicly-posted case study on Google Cloud on how we improved [INAUDIBLE] for Amazon seller by 50%. Their inventory carrying cost went down by 50%. So similarly, like, can the deliveries be improved? What opportunities did I miss because I did not understand my customer better? When I say customer engagement, customer experience management, it's seen as a marketing and a sales problem, but you are selling a product. In the e-tailers or online retailers world, the customers are looking on a website, looking at your email campaigning, placing an order. You do not want to run in a no stock situation. Or even if you have stock, you do not want price to be the factor where the customer doesn't buy. Or you do not want it to be a quality issue which is a factor which is reflected in the customer comments, sentiments, and so on. So these are this variety of problems that we are solving for our customers. Now, when it comes to preventive maintenance and so on-- so whether it's tracking inventory, defective inventory, logistics, or equipment failing, these are all different scenarios where humans are applying their decision making. Again, there are certain decisions which are simple, or we can make it a component, as in, this particular decision I can build an ML model, and this one I cannot. And realizing that is a very key element in this innovation exercise. So Adam, would you like to add anything around the various use cases that you guys are thinking in AB InBev, where you think machine learning may help, or already is helping? ADAM SPUNBERG: Sure and, you know, part of that digital transformation I was speaking to before-- we're trying to find ways to automate the breweries, but in a smart way. It's not just enough to-- we're not trying to replace people with technology. We're trying to find technology that-- as Manju alluded to-- improves quality, reduces costs, and just makes us more efficient in general as an operation. And for example, take something like predictive maintenance, which we're alluding to here. Say you have a machine that, if you're able to predict an equipment failure or an equipment problem-- say, something, a wear and tear-- in advance, and you replace that equipment faster, you might prevent a shutdown that stalls production or produces a lower-quality product at that time, and a way beyond what a human being is capable of doing. So in essence, it's a big challenge for us, but as the technology keeps improving you get this influx of exciting new opportunities. And our attitude is we want to work with these cutting-edge possibilities and just keep exploring and seeing what we can figure out-- testing pilots, proof of concepts, and hopefully if something really sticks and shows promise, to then expand that into a business as usual type of possibility. MANJUNATH DEVADAS: And when you think of businesses like AB InBev-- and to me, it was a bit overwhelming when we showed up at their plant to take a visit to the plant. I have some of my colleagues here who walked through the production floor. I believe they make, like, 100,000 barrels a month. Now think about a production downtime impact. You're trying to replace a filter, and you have to bring down a line. Think about the trucks that are coming in. Think about the packaging, and the human resource, the labor, customer impact, distribution impact. So something as simple as one part replacement can disrupt the whole supply chain. So when companies-- whether it's AB InBev or some large enterprises-- when they look at automation, looking and talking to Google-- and fortunately I've been involved in many of these factory automations of global companies who are distributed around the world-- with the C-level executives, they think about the entire factory automation, all the way from the time a raw material is brought into the door to a time a finished good leaves the door, right? What all can I automate using machine learning, AI, IoT sensors, and the fact that we are collecting all the data on the cloud. Now what can I automate? Because now the expectation of delivery lead time is reduced, and expectation of downtimes reduction is increasing. So there is a lot of these things happening at the same time, because the C-level executives-- the CTOs, the CIOs-- are realizing now this is a power that they need to harness. So AB InBev, through their incubator program that Adam just mentioned, has been thinking about that for more than a year, or a year and a half. And these are companies that are, like many, many decades old. And for them to be looking at this cloud and machine learning and saying, where can I implement machine learning and AI to improve my overall manufacturing experience, and so on, is something that, whether it's AB InBev or similar large companies, we are looking at where we plug in which component. Can I improve the safety of manufacturing? Can we decrease the production downtime? Can we improve the quality of the product? So some of you have that. In the keynote today by Fei-Fei Lee, I believe she presented on auto ML, and it's pretty fascinating. We are working with a few customers on some pretty innovative use cases. So auto ML is like a hybrid where you don't really need to get into the depth of machine learning model, yet with your dataset you can get prediction results. And then there are two extremes to the left and right, pre-built ML model models, which are Vision API or Translation API. These are machine learning models that Google is continuously training. All you need to pass is an input, and you get a result. Then on the right side is the customer ML model, which is what I'm going to demo, which is more sophisticated, which gives you a lot of flexibility, but you have to build your own machine learning model. So when you look at this process, you don't want to look at it as, where can I use this fancy or shiny object called machine learning AI, which is what many customers sometimes start off to think, that OK, there's something cool. I can use this, and so on. Because at the end of the day, if you don't really tie to the use case, if you don't tie to the KPIs, and if you don't convince somebody like Adam, this project doesn't go too far, right? And then he has to, in turn, align with the stakeholders and so on. So you have to relate to the business and how we are going to transform. 20, 25 years back, if somebody said internet will change many aspects of your business, and every department, it would have been hard for many people to comprehend. We are dealing with the same thing, and some leaders claim-- which I believe it's true-- that this is going to be a bigger revolution than internet era. Why? Because we are giving our decision-making aspect and taking help of a machine. That's it's quite hard for humans to do. But once you do that, and you know that it's incredibly powerful, now we get to the next level with that. We're going to obviously talk about the brewing example-- what we did and so on. So I spoke to you about a few other examples. So now the customers are looking at it from a 360-degree angle, right? What can I do for my preventive maintenance, my demand, my supply? If I can control my demand and supply, can also I adjust my price? Think about an online retailer who has to make decisions and price points every hour or every few hours based on stock, based on demand, and so on. So for them pricing is not a separate department, marketing is not a separate department, and supply demand planning is not a separate department. Even if they exist as a separate department, they work in a secular, harmonious way. So with that, now the customers are looking at, can you automate different machineries, devices, X-ray machines. Can you tell me ahead of time when the machine will go down? That's the most important thing. If you tell right when it fails, or just a day before it fails, maybe it's useful. But if you can predict a month or two months in advance, they can line up servicing folks to show up at the factory. They can have downtime planned during a Sunday morning when nobody's working. So these are things that we are looking at. You know, how you take existing data in the ERPs or wherever and apply GCP machine learning, and reduce the risk level, improve fault detection, and have more accurate replacement dates, and so on. So going a little deeper into the beer exercise, itself. It all started with, what can we do with machine learning and AI. So this is our business, and then figure out what you can do. So we had an option to pick 16 different ideas. We picked filter replacement. Why? Because it had a lot of data. With machine learning-- if you've not heard of this before-- without data you don't have a machine learning model. Without enough data, I mean. Number one. Number two is, you have to bring in a little bit of your innovation thinking hat, because there's a bit of paradigm shift in designing these models, right? And also you have to think about how do you harness information what you have not harnessed before? Data exists in many forms, and we'll talk about that in a minute. So when we talk about this filter replacement use case, we validated that we have a lot of data. And we understood the business process behind it. If we replace this filter, what's the business benefit, how much does it save, what's the business impact, and so on. So the business rationale to do this was justifiable. Now beyond that, not only were we going to save money, but we had a chance to improve the taste of the beer. And with that started this whole journey of figuring out what can be harnessed with data. And there are lots of data. When I say lots of data in their ERP, it's almost like 200 columns of many different aspects of the whole brewing and production process. Now we have to look at all these different sets of columns of data. Think of it as a massive Excel spreadsheet for the sake of simplicity. A massive amount of information coming in continuously, and a brewmaster relies on few columns, because that's what he has relied for a long time, for decades, and for the most part he's been right. Now we have all this data, and we have to improve the accuracy level. So when we looked at-- before we actually rolled out the model, the accuracy level was at 60% to 70% of the best. This is a brewmaster looking at the beer as it comes out of the kettle, passes through the filter, and checking certain gauges, and then also looking at the beer quality itself. They are the particles in the beer, and there are terms like turbidity, and so on. So he gauges that, and he determines whether the beer is good or not good. Now the model has to tell when the filter has gone wrong-- not too early, not too late. So now we got to a 92% accuracy level. Now this is something that has been not attempted before, nor was thought possible. So what was even more brilliant was the fact that the brewmaster was very involved in building this out, and he acknowledged that it's hard for humans to beat this. And we were quite amazed that somebody as experienced as that, and he's ready to go through a transformation and a change. So Adam do you want to add anything to it as we progress? ADAM SPUNBERG: Sure. And, you know, the thing I find interesting is we're trying to improve the quality of the tasting of the beer, but I find that the more beers you drink, the better machine learning and AI seems to taste as well. So it's kind of a compelling counterpoint. No, but here's what I'll say is that, I think a lot of people don't know this about brewing, and I myself actually didn't know this until I really got into the fabric of AB InBev. Brewing is a really difficult, long process. It's not like you just create some concoction, pour it in a can, and lock it up. In some cases, depending on what the brand is, it can be a month-long fermentation process. It's really almost an art form. And so make an analogy of what you were saying, the brewmaster-- obviously you still need that human component, but it's sort of like in chess when the computers finally started beating humans. At some point, no matter how talented you are, you just can't quite be at that level that a computer can be. And so we as a company can either shy away from that or try to find a way to embrace that in a way that keeps us competitive and trying to have that marketing position that we have within the world. So if we're not interested in these things, and not exploring what I think is unmistakably the future-- and it's not just beer. We're using this as our case study, but this could be anything. I mean, I think even beyond the level that we can even comprehend right now. This is just the beginning. So I don't know if I'm convinced, personally, that it will be a bigger revolution than the internet, but I also think that 100 years from now we might be bowing to robots. So who knows? It's really hard to predict. But I think at this stage, this is a responsible AI. This is safe. This is controlled settings in which you're using technology to improve production in a way that helps business, and also, we hope, gives you a chance to take that gulp of Budweiser and say, oh, the aftertaste was just a little bit better than last week. That's what we're going for, anyway. MANJUNATH DEVADAS: Like we were talking about, the filter replacement itself. So it's about looking at these kettles, looking at the filters, and instead of a human judging when to replace the filter, it is using that data to say the patterns of this 200-all columns. And you do feature engineering, and get to selecting 15 or 20 columns, which our data scientists do. Say, OK, these are 20 which seems to be relevant. Now, again keep, in mind these data scientists are not experts in brewing business. We have separate domain experts who understand supply chain and so on, and we have the customer work with us through this innovation. And we say, hey, we see a data pattern which indicates that the filter is going wrong. It doesn't seem to make sense. And the brewmaster and experts at AB InBev say, oh yeah, that seems to be more accurate than how we do it. So that's kind of how you go through it relatively. And when you do this, what's important is, as the beer quality degrades, it's not a very definitive time when the beer goes bad, and it kind of gradually goes bad. And ideally you want to get to a point we're you know that it has now crossed that line where it doesn't meet quality control. And because it's a drink, and there is subjectivity to taste and clarity, and a few other factors of quality control, you have to kind of pick it at the right time. You pick it too slow or too late, then you've let go, you know, you've rolled out a whole bunch of lower quality beer. If you replace it too early, you've not only wasted a whole bunch of good beer, but also you've increased the cost of filter replacement-- more filter replacements. So getting it right at the right time was the most important thing. And moving away from 60% accuracy, and avoiding the situation where there is 40% inaccuracy. When I say inaccuracy, as in you replace the filter when you should have not, or you did not replace the filter when you should have. And a lot of the inaccuracies was because of the fact-- and this happens in many enterprises in many different ways in other use cases as well. Because of our experience, we think certain attributes are most relevant. It could be clarity of beer, it could be temperature, pressure, it could be something, right? Basically if I'm the brewmaster, if I had a light on this, I'm going to look for these data, and whenever it exceeds, beer looks a certain color, then I'm going to decide that the filter is ready to be replaced, and I do that. But there are a lot of data which don't have very obvious signals or signs, which it's hard for us to apply that, because when you have hard data continuously getting updated, and 200 columns, and so on, it's kind of hard for us to look and see the significance of this other data. This is where, when you apply machine learning model, you are now looking at not only data that you always looked at, but also data which you thought was less significant. This is where our data scientists go into feature engineering, and we look at all the columns and say, these original columns seem to be significant, because when the data arrives at this pattern, then it's indicating that the machine learning-- then it's indicating that it's time to replace the filter. So with that now what you're really doing is you're understanding your process, you're understanding the parameters of data that you capture, and build the machine learning model. Before I go into the model itself, Adam, do you want to add anything? ADAM SPUNBERG: No. I would just say to echo what you were saying, Manju, there is there really is a precise art to this. And to give a really simple example, I don't know if you all remember those games that, at least, we had when I was a kid, where you'd try to roll a ball, and there'd be two humps, and if you push it too hard it would go over the second hump, but if you didn't push it far enough, it didn't make it. You're trying to find that sweet spot in the middle. And because you have to err on the side of caution-- this is, after all, a consumer product that people are drinking-- we're never going to release something into the marketplace that's not up to standard. We're going to err on the side of being more careful. What this allows us to do is to know with certainty-- or with almost near certainty, and we'll keep perfecting that model-- that no, we can wait to replace that filter at this point, or in the alternative scenario, replace that filter right now, because we're going to have to throw out some beer that's not going to pass muster. So it really is a tremendous value that this is bringing to us. And we'll see how it impacts things as we keep working with Pluto7. But we have really high hopes and optimism for how this is going to affect our business and our quality. MANJUNATH DEVADAS: Great. Thanks, Adam. So what does the underlying architecture itself look like? It's pretty simple, and if you're familiar with GCP, if you're already using, you're like, ah. You recognize some of these logos. So your ERP, where the data comes from, and Dataflow which is for traditional analytics architecture. It's the equivalent of your ETL, but it's more with more power, and scalability, and auto-scaling. The data, we brought that into BigQuery. And we built a custom ML model on GCML. And when I say custom ML model, remember the three ML models I said, you know, one what you saw this morning was auto ML, the one in between. The one on the left is predetermined, more prebuilt model by Google, where you don't build or train. And the one on the right is the custom ML model. Well, for the small section of the audience, in case you are relatively new to machine learning model, you kind of want to use machine learning model-- I use this analogy whenever I run customer workshops, is you kind of think as, you just hired an intern, and you need to train the intern on a job, then you check whether the intern is doing well, and then you put them in real job. It is the same process that you go with machine learning. You kind of build the model, you train the model, you give the data, and see whether the model learned it. And then once you have confidence in the model has learned it, then you deploy the model and get it operationalizing-- operationalize it. So we are kind of mimicking the same process here, and the model continues to learn based on how you define it and so on. So I'll kind of quickly go into GCP console, just to show you what it means to build a model and to deploy a model, and so on. While we won't run the model itself, it's something that you have to kind of think that, OK, for this scenario where we understood this process of data coming in, we understood that, OK, it's a classification problem of saying beer filter is good or bad based on the data pattern. And we do this, and we train the model so that it's making good decisions. And training the model is based on history. Over the last x months or x years, when has filter replacement happened? Whenever those filter replacements happened, what was the pattern of the data at that point in time? And the model is continuously learning from that. The more data and the more training there is, it's better, but it doesn't mean you continuously keep training. There's an optimal point up to which you want to train to get to your level of accuracy, and so on. So with that, let me just quickly go into GCP Console. So during this whole exercise of understanding the business process, understanding the use case, then we understand the data, and from there we build a model. The model, once it's built, is deployed in Google Cloud. So this is GCP Console, in case anybody's new. So we would go and built the model, and we would deploy the model here. So the model itself is-- at the core of it, you want to think of it as a mathematical function that has been data mined, right? Based on your data pattern, it's a mathematical function, and that's hosted on a TensorFlow. So now we leverage the TensorFlow framework, and then you have deployed the model, the version one. And this is a dummy model. For confidentiality reasons, we can't show you the actual model, and so on. So you can put the model to run repeatedly, and every day, or however often you want the model to run, and train the model. To train the model, so you schedule, you have the model that's running, and then you have a training job. So essentially, you build the model, you deploy the model in the cloud, and you train the model. So behind the scene, when I said featuring engineering, and the column selections, and so on, it's a combination of applying your domain knowledge, and a combination of applying data sciences, and understanding some of the practicalities of how your model itself-- what you want the model to do. So based on all those things, you select your columns or features. That's what we have it in the left. This is part of the model code. And then on the right is, which deep learning model do you want to apply based on your use case-- it was a regression, in this case, a classification-- and which model works best? And there are different factors that go into which model to select. There was a session earlier today by Prashant Dhingra. He's probably around in the audience. He's over there. And you can always ask him more about which models to select. He's from Google, and has a lot of experience in not only data mining, which is the right model for the data scenario-- the business scenario and the kind of data that you have. It also comes with a lot of experience that Google brings in by solving not only internal Google's own problems-- internal operational problems where the machine learning has been applied. There are thousands or tens of thousands of machine learning models Google internal uses to run their own business. Along with that, the industry experience solving for some of the largest companies. Today you saw Target in the keynote, right? So there are many, many companies Google is continuously solving. All those learnings are going into these deep learning models under the using TensorFlow, and when you use some of these models recommended by Google, there is a lot of intelligence going behind it as well, so that some of the feature engineering and all this burden that you put on a person building on machine learning models, those intelligence are part of it as well. So there are various sessions at Google Next which go deeper into these models, and also during Q&A if there are a few things that we can answer, we'll do that as well. One of the common questions that I get asked when we are running workshops, and proof of concepts, and production rollouts is, very early on people ask which model is the best model for what I want to solve. So we have to kind of take them a few steps back. Do you even need a machine learning model? Let's figure that out first. Half the time, people don't need a machine learning model. They think they need a machine learning model. They don't need it. The second thing is, OK, even if you need a machine learning model, do you have enough data-- the right kind of data? Or even if the data is there, for you to prepare the data, the whole ROI for that is not justified. And so let's go through some of these basics. Google strictly follows these disciplines that when you don't need-- and in fact, when I first attended a Google machine learning training, if you don't need a machine learning model, don't build one, because you're going to just spend money and realize that there are better ways to do it. But when you realize that you have a right use case and right dataset, the power of machine learning will be obvious by itself. So taking this a little forward, the whole exercise was done in, like, six weeks. taking accuracy from 60% to close to 92% accuracy. And based on the region and zone, we do $1 million savings, and so on. Now it's one experiment done in one part of AB InBev. Now like this, there are about 15-odd experiments or 20-odd experiments AB InBev is considering. It's not so much just the significance of what came out of this project. It's rethinking how you run your business. Now looking at your manufacturing floor and saying, what else can I do with this now that I'm on GCP, and I'm on the cloud. And I understand how a machine learning model can be built mimicking human decision making. So again, it's not about replacing humans, it's about augmenting humans. We are not going to replace every human decision making capability into an ML model. It doesn't work that way. Human brain is incredibly complex. You can't mimic every decision making, and those decisions are not like-- you cannot combine that into one, holistic set. That are many smaller decisions humans make, and there's an overarching decision that's made, which kind of works in coordination. So beyond building models like this, it's also getting stakeholder alignment and realizing that you need more data. These are critical things that become obvious to our customers as we build these models. Do you want to add anything, Adam? ADAM SPUNBERG: Yeah, I do. So the stakeholder alignment, this is an interesting question, and obviously not every company has the same view of innovation. And within a company, there are all kinds of apples. So the important thing-- and I'll be honest, this is something that I've learned is just incredibly valuable in navigating any kind of big corporate culture-- is you have to get buy-in from the right people early on, because if you start working on something and it's very exciting maybe to the local team, maybe the brewmaster is really into it, maybe people on site and even people in the innovation program. But if you don't have those higher stakeholders really supporting this, you're going to run into obstacles along the way. And the way to overcome that is, you have to make that case early, and you have to make sure what you're doing gets visibility and is understood. And I think this is a challenge for all of us. To some people machine learning is a scary concept, or something that's just beyond their realm of interest right now. And you can't force that, but you have to find a way to slowly bring about that understanding and evolution. So that's where I think it's really effective when you can work collaboratively-- and this is where Manju and I have really found some common ground-- is we both saw the value in this project-- obviously from two different sides, but really we were a team on this. We said, OK, what can we do to make this compelling to the right people? And we're still winning some people over, but we got enough people on board to really understand this. So for those of you out there in companies that are looking to pursue this track, I would say definitely think about that aspect, because the impulse is just go, how exciting, just run with this. But you have to think bigger picture if you really want to implement an impactful change that goes beyond the local aspects. MANJUNATH DEVADAS: One key element I would like to highlight is that ML is a journey. You start off with a project, and you will comprehend first why this is powerful, and so on, in a business context for our use case. Then it's an effort to kind of bring everybody else along with you in the journey. And you have to assume that some portion of the organization will not align with this for various interests. Either they just don't want to deal with the new technology, or it appears too complex, it's not reliable-- whatever their reasons are, there is a certain amount of awareness education, and some folks don't want to go with it. So you have to realize what battles you're picking and keep progressing, and realize that this is a journey. You're in it, your company is in it, the whole ecosystem is in it. So just to summarize from a prediction quality standpoint, with a 92% accuracy, taking about six months of data, and getting to the right kind of values so that the business has the confidence that, yes, if we do this there is a certain amount of money that's getting saved. Not only money getting saved, there is improvement in our production-- reduction in our production downtime, and so on. So I had to go in and present to the C-level executives on how it was done, and why there was so much of a difference, and how it is manual versus machine learning model, and so on. So it's pretty impressive, too, for a-- I believe you're a 100-plus year old company, right? ADAM SPUNBERG: Yeah, the first breweries in Anheuser-Busch, anyway, were in St. Louis. And obviously there's been mergers and acquisitions and all kinds of stuff since then. But you know, this isn't a technology or a product that was invented yesterday, but it keeps evolving with time just like anything else. MANJUNATH DEVADAS: And one of the executives messaging that they want to make it an AI-based brewery, I mean that's pretty amazing. So in summary, there's a filter replacement problem, and the outcomes we just discussed, which is replacing the filter at the right time driving millions of savings by region, zone, and so on. [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Google Cloud Tech
Views: 7,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: type: Conference Talk (Full production);, pr_pr: Google Cloud Next, purpose: Educate
Id: -D9Z2Ka9Q5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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