Case Number 61: The Scream Murder of Cassie Jo Stoddart

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hey guys cold open we have something magical to announce this year our Halloween special is a collaboration with Gore report yes on October 31st you can join us on burden of proof as Alicia and Ray tell spooky stories while Gage and I add fun commentary and as soon as you're done with our episode head on over to gore report where you can hear Gage and Savannah tell some more spooky Tales now back to your regularly scheduled programming murder [Music] time hello hey how are you good how are you I'm full we just ate lunch yes so I'm I'm good I'm Savannah I'm Alicia this is burden of proof so I don't really have any business to take care of Let's Just Jump Right In yeah I'm excited I am too this has been I've worked on this case for two weeks just because of the way that things have worked out um so I'm excited I'm excited I only know the movie yes so we are covering the scream murder of Cassie Jo daughter today um I don't know what's up with me in all the media cases recently but that's just what's holding my attention so that's what we're doing all right so we open in a quiet small town called pocatella Idaho pocatella poell um yeah there's not an A M all right so you know just over half of the population is Mormon in Pocatello so you kind of know what you're dealing with this is a small town uh this is one of those towns that nothing ever happens in nothing ever happens in Pocatello until until something happened in poell nothing happens until it does yep so in September 2006 something happens in pocatella Idaho what 199 we're going to back up 1990 Brian Lee Draper is born he was adopted into a pretty normal family there's no record of anything out of the ordinary occurring as he was growing up um well no nothing happens in pocal exactly nothing happens in Pocatello um unfortunately Brian had a stutter and he struggled with this throughout school but especially throughout middle school he didn't fit in and he felt kind of like a loser that's something that he says he kind of always felt no matter stutter or not he always just kind of innately felt like a loser and an outcast in his own mind that's interesting yeah to me when people like that's the word he used was loser like a loser because I always kind of felt like an outcast like I don't quite fit in anywhere in particular but I never thought of my myself as a loser those are his words that's interesting as he got a little bit older he turned to online chat rooms in forums to find his friends this would be all fine and dandy if the forums were about One Direction or puppies or rainbows or Attack on Titans or Pokemon yeah or boobs Sor I'm laughing cuz One Direction was your first goto oh yeah cuz that's what I was like all into um so I not I was asking Nicholas and my friend Cameron um what like what were you guys into in middle school I don't know like what he should have been into rather than what he was actually talking about online and they both just said boobs at the same time from different ends of the house they both just go Middle School boys sixth grade boobs so Nicholas wanted me to clarify it wasn't that he was looking at porn in sixth grade he was just Googling the word boobs well I mean you're going to find porn yeah but he just wasn't refined enough he didn't even know what he was doing he was like ah boo so yeah I thought that was funny so I wanted to tell you about that but no he wasn't looking at any forums like this no no Brian was often on forums talking about school shootings and specifically the Coline shootings yep or shooting gonna be honest as somebody who has grown up and been like not a part of but near several school shootings in my life this was almost a no-go case for me the minute I see Coline or Sandy Hook or any of those I'm like I don't know if I can do that um you know Jen Z we've really grown up in that generation of like okay lockdowns pretend you're dead which is horrifying but anyway I'm glad I kept going because this case was really interesting now Tori adamchick or as I like to call him Tor Adam dick was born in June 1990 and he met Brian a few months before the crime occurred Tori was obsessed with horror movies most specifically scream scream the scream franchise he and Brian instantly fell into a friendship because they were able to bond over the love of dark media and like just creepy crap that they liked and I think also like this is just a personal Theory I think they also bonded out of convenience because otherwise they probably would have been Outcast and not had anybody else yeah so when they were together created the opportunity for more friends cuz when you're not an outcast and you have even one other friend you're more approachable to people yeah so it could have been in convenience or that sort of kind of friendship as well yeah because sometimes when you're listening to them talk to each other you I don't even think they liked each other that much that makes sense yeah it was weird so one day Tori and Brian were skipping a school assembly hanging out sitting on the floor in the bathroom and Tori broke the ice he asked the question that he had been thinking about for a while Tori asked Brian if he had ever thought about doing any of the things that they watch in horror movies in real life and Brian admitted that he had and more specifically that he had thought about committing something like a school shooting before so for these two teenage boys the planning began Tori loved horror movies as I've already mentioned and he was always had his cam quarter in his hand he was filming everything all the time and during this process he tended to fil him and Brian planning things sometimes they would use code words sometimes they would just be talking about it and if anybody asked them they would say oh we're talking about a horror movie we're planning to film this was just really welln across the school because they always had their cameras out so you know sorry I'm responding for the listeners I'm responding with my eyes yeah oh my gosh I just how believable is that we're doing this as a movie who knows I don't know but I think sometimes kids just think oh the weird kid they don't take it seriously exactly um now they planned several crimes that didn't actually work and they went back and forth about whether they wanted to do something more like screen or more like Coline and they ended up kind of compromising and planning that they wanted to have a high body count like Coline and they wanted the flare and the Flash of something like the movie Scream Tori did not want to do this with out the scream style of scaring somebody nearly to death yeah if you haven't seen the Scream movies The Killers in the scream franchise have a tendency to kind of torture their victims with fear um before they die and I will say I actually really like the scream franchise they're so cheesy and kitchy in their own way I really enjoy them so yeah I don't think I saw anything but the first one yeah any horror movie that has that turns into a franchise you have to kind of take it with the thought process of this is going to be yeah campy yeah Camp it is so campy yeah it's just not CU if you don't then yeah it's ridiculous so in Scream the killer tends to call the victims stalk them break into their homes before stabbing them in a mask and cloak the ghost face mask everybody knows the ghost face mask oh sorry yes Matt just showed me a news article where man wore the scream mask to sign for his lottery winnings because he didn't want his family members to know who he that he want loty but the thing is as hilarious as it was to me of course my logical and legal brain kicked in and I was like that doesn't work for two reasons one your name is still there and even if you have a common name I guess maybe that's the only way it would work is if you have a common name that you could be like well it wasn't me when when your family like it was you and he goes but how would would they really like how many people actually look up to see who who won the lottery and I go well they will if they if a guy's in a mask trying to yeah hide his identity of course people are going to look it up the ghost face mask um last year at Halloween was all over Tik Tok and like people were thirst trapping with it and like hot guys were wearing nothing but the scream mask and it was the whole thing you could not buy a scream mask within or a ghost face mask throughout the entire United States they were all sold out it had a whole Revival especially considering the new Scream movie that came out last year so can venient yeah 10 out of 10 about that Rabbit Trail but funny so prior to their crime Brian and Tory began curating their weapons they asked an older guy or student I'm not sure how they knew him his name was Joe to go into a pawn shop and they bought four knives with $40 that Tori got out of an ATM and Joe remembers that like oh well the knives actually cost me like $46 but he just gave me 40 like okay that's really what you're worried about right now so there's a video of from their camcorder at this time where Brian goes we're going for a high death count and he also taunted the FBI agents that would be investigating their crimes so they thought they thought they were going to be so Infamous that the FBI was going to be watching these tapes and' be like dang it we missed them again they're just too smart for us a shs so uh spoiler alert it's not how this happens so yeah so then in that same video they said that they were on their way to a Jane Doe's house to attempt to kill her they had anywhere between six and 10 10 failed attempts at this crime it's a long lot of time to back out yeah so premeditation not even a question at this point theyve tried to kill somebody between six and 10 times the numbers vary and Fa me I know you need practice to get good at things but they just couldn't get these people alone they were trying to go to their houses when they were by themselves they were riding around in tor's car going to their classmate house and trying to find it there's also a video of them planning their attempt in a fourth period class that they were in they were supposed to be they skipped a fourth year a fourth hour to talk about their death list and plan out their murder so they couldn't get anybody home alone until unfortunately a sweet girl named Cassie Joe Stoddard happened to have the wrong friends at the wrong time Cassie really loved art she played soccer she was a great student and all over really well-rounded she was a really sweet girl who was saving for her first car I mean most 16y olds were saving for their first car she had a boyfriend named Matt um and Matt and Cassie had been together about 5 months and they had together recently become friends with Brian and Tori she had been living with her grandparents for most of her life and for some reason or another had just gone back to living with her mom and her mom's boyfriend she was a babysitter normally to make money but when her aunt asked her to house it while they were gone for the weekend Cassie said yes out on whispering Cliffs kind of far from most things was a large house with several dogs and cats that Cassie was going to be staying at for the weekend no adults just her her dogs and her boyfriend so unfortunately she was the perfect victim for Tori and Brian so I I and this like do you know how many times I I dog sat and and house sat all through high school and college yeah I was in houses all by myself all the time it's completely normal and it's so sad yeah I uh I don't know the only thing that came to mind was if only one of those dogs was like a guard dog an attack dog oh just wait so I really I really want to get into how stupid these guys are because they had a full-blown conversation over whether or not the word evil is directly related to God they get Ed keer and Ed G confused and they often compare themselves to Ted Bundy uh um Ted Bundy by the way spent years killing and like I just don't think these guys understand that he was very good at what he did yeah until he wasn't like he convinced a woman to help him tow a boat out of the lake with a VW Beetle yeah and his broken AR yeah so I'm there is like obviously audio and video clips because they filmed everything and I was going to play them and then I was like no these stupid sons of bitches wanted these things played I don't want to do that yeah so even though I know that they're not making any money off of it it still just rubbed me the wrong way yeah read it does it for fame yeah that's the last thing we want to do so I'm going to read it I don't know if that's any better but it makes me feel a little bit better so Brian says we found our victim and it's sad as it may be she's oh I should say they're in um tor's car and Tori is driving and Brian is filming from the passenger seat okay Adam says we found our victim and as sad as it may be she's our friend but you know what we all have to make sacrifices our first victim is going to be Cassie Stoddard and her friends Brian says we'll let you and he kind of laughs and he says we'll figure out if she has friends over if she's going to be alone in a big dark house out in the middle of nowhere I mean how perfect can you get like holy shit dude Tori and his ever loving grace says I'm horny just thinking about it oh gross Brian says hell yeah so we're just going to fucking kill her and her friends and we're going to keep moving on I heard some news about Jane Doe she's going to be home alone from 6:00 to 7: so we might kill her and drive over to Cassie's thing and scare the shit out of them and then kill them one by fucking one hell yeah Tori says one by one why can't it be a slaughter house Brian says 2 by two and 3x3 cuz we've got to keep it classy Tori says keep it classy Brian so yeah it's going to be extra fun Tori you're evil Brian yeah I am so are you dude evil evil Tori no evil is evil evil is an expression of God that was another test you failed evil is not an expression of God Tori yes it is Brian that's bullshit and you know it tor evil of origin is a follower of fucking Satan Brian there is no Satan Tori is Satan real then shut up Brian how are we supposed to express ourselves Tori good and bad Brian yeah we're bad dor yeah we are bad Brian that sounds so shitty dor we're evil that sounds even shittier Brian hey we're not okay then we're sick Psychopaths who get their Pleasures off killing people Tori that sounds good baby Brian we're going to go down in history we're going to be just like scream except real life terms Tori that sounds good baby Brian we're GNA be murderers like let's see Ted Bundy like the Hillside Strangler there were two Hillside stranglers Tori no Brian the Zodiac Killer Tori those people were more amateurs compared to what we're going to do we're going to be we're going to be of more higher sources like Ed G Brian gan Tori Gan Brian well let's just say that we're sick and that Twisted Tori oh you know what Ed gan's words were Brian what Tori he saw a girl walking down the street right two questions came to his head hm I could take her out and have a nice time with her Brian interrupts and then kill her skin her alive Tori try the pants off her or or I could wonder what her head would look like on a stick Brian holy shit Tori it's creepy huh Brian pick ass Brian murder is power murder is freedom goodbye so I feel wrong laughing because you know but they're so stupid that is the cringiest thing yeah it's teenage cringe at its worst I don't know even at 16 I don't know if I would be saying no I I just when I was a teenager I hung out with some people that thought they were really badass and would like talk up I mean they weren't murdering anybody don't get me wrong they're not like that but edgy EDG that back and forth and yeah trying to be edgy trying to be cool but like they argue so much and I I swear they don't even like each other yeah like Tori corrects Brian at every second he can and it's just it's annoying so of course they're literally filming this they're filming them talking about it I feel like that should be the number one rule of a murder I feel like they should have gone back and like you should have played back your videos before moving forward with your plan because chances are you would have realized that you sound stupid how stupid you sound in the moment yeah maybe some hindsight would have been good do that oh no so the night of the murder Cassie and Matt are dropped off at the whispering Cliff's house around 5:30 p.m. by her mom Cassie had asked her aunt Uncle if she could bring Matt over beforehand and they were all like yes because Cassie was such a responsible kid this is so like I was going to say there's no way my parents would have been like yeah you can go house sit with your boyfriend at 16 yeah and like he wasn't staying over he was just going to hang out okay no he wasn't going to stay over originally the two of them stayed at the house and hung out around until around 8:30 when Brian and Tori showed up they were disappointed because they thought this was going to be a party and they wanted it to be just like scream where they tormented people at a party but Cassie was way too responsible for it to actually be a party it was just some friends and she had asked her aunt Uncle beforehand if they could do that but she was never planning on having a party um Brian and Tori took a tour of the home even lifting some of the weights that were in the basement before they all went back upstairs and decided to watch a movie Tori picked Kill Bill 3 around 9:30 which is an hour later Tori and Brian announced that this was lame and they were bored and they wanted to go see a movie at the theater because they're too cool well clearly have you heard their their B videos yeah they're too cool for this this is boring Cassie's mom called a check on her at some point at this around this time is and she said yeah we're great we're just watching movies so her and Matt continued to just watch movies and have a good time until around 10:00 at 10 p.m. the power cut off after a few minutes it came back on but Matt and Cassy decided that it must have been something going on at the power company because the power had eventually turned back on it hadn't just like turned off and stayed off I didn't think it was a breaker because if it hit b a breaker it wouldn't have turned back on everything seemed to be a little bit more normal the power turned back on it was just really creepy but then the dogs started to act really strange one of them continued to stare and bark at the basement door and it was really scaring Cassie because the lights are turning on and off they're out in the middle of nowhere she knows she's about to be by herself so she asked Matt if he could stay with her because she was scared he called his mom and asked and she says no there's no way I have something for you to come to at home like she's more than welcome to come stay over with us it sounds like she's scared and I'm okay with you guys staying the night at my house as long as we're together there's an adult supervis yeah but Matt's mom heard Cassie say in the background nope it's my responsibility to watch the animals in the house I told her I would I have to stay So at around 11: Matt's mom shows up to pick him up from Whispering Cliffs he asks again if he can stay and she says no but reiterates again Cassie is more than welcome to come home with us and just come back in the morning and she even said it's probably okay your anunt uncle would probably be okay if you just came back in the morning at this point it's only going to be a few hours and the dogs are going to be fine and she says no it's that's what I signed up to do and she goes back back inside she decides she's just going to sleep on the couch because she's too scared to go to the room she was staying in so she laid down and put on a movie and tried to calm down but then she started to hear it footsteps downstairs and then rushing footsteps up the basement stairs and then a few silent terrifying moments later she started to hear doors slamming around in the basement fin finally she ran to grab the phone and the basement door creaked open and all Cassie saw was two people in cloaks and some terrifying masks they were white with blood dripping down half the face she screamed who are you if you come for me I will fight back and that is when Tori lunged at her the boy stabbed her somewhere around 30 times and 14 to 16 of those stab wounds were fatal jeez they left they got in tor's car and they filmed another video and here is a transcript September 22nd 2006 11:31 p.m. Brian I just killed Cassie we just left our house this is not a fucking joke Tori I'm shaking Brian I stabbed her in the throat and I saw her lifeless body it just disappeared dude I just killed Cassie Tor oh my God Brian oh oh fuck that felt like it wasn't even real I mean it went by so fast Tori shut the fuck up we got to get our ax straight Brian it's okay okay well we'll just buy movie tickets now Tor okay and they left that was they turned it off they continued on to a convenience store they bought matches they bought movie tickets and then they drove to a valley where they burned some of the evidence and buried it in a shallow hole and then they go home oh my I don't know what to say to that I needed a water break that's fine that's why I I wanted I want to comment but yeah unfortunately they did do what they wanted to do with scaring her that's terrifying yeah it is yeah so and I felt like when I watch scary movies it's part of why I don't watch scary movies anymore it's because I always yell I always want to yell at the people run why are you standing there Rush she fought back yeah but it's hard yeah so two days later Cassie's Aunt Uncle and Cousin returned from their trip Cassie's 13-year-old cousin is unfortunately the one who found Cassie lying in the living room floor scene was absolutely covered in blood Lieutenant Robert L lanch one of those okay was on weekend Duty when he got the call her aunt called and said there's a woman dead on my floor she's missing a finger she didn't recognize that it was Cassie right away oh my gosh he knew that it was really serious because this kind of thing doesn't happen in Pocatello yeah he knew right where it was cuz it was actually pretty close to the police station and once he got to the scene it was like nothing he'd ever dealt with so we called us Captain Captain John knew from Robert's voice that something was really really wrong her mom Anna said I was still waiting for her to walk out of that house and for her to be okay and it wasn't happening and I was like curious cuz it had been 2 days since Cassie died I was like nobody heard from her for two days yeah I mean her mom checked in on her the night of and her mom said that halfway through the weekend she realized she hadn't heard from Cassie she called and she hadn't heard back so she got busy and before she knew it it was really late at night and so she just said you know in the morning I'm just going to go up there and bring her butt home I don't like that I haven't heard from her like this is weird it was just too late my gosh so I mean it just sounds like she got busy and honestly I kind of get it like when I was dog sitting and cat sitting outside there would be days that I didn't hear from my mom or I didn't tuck in with my mom like you just get busy unfortunately it just happens yeah so Monday the news started to spread around the school Justin Sans was one of their close friends at school he was her journal partner in English he said that he had just seen her on Friday and that she laughed every one of his jokes and he was always excited to see her in class every day and everyone at school thought it had to be somebody else in their school because they just didn't know where else to look yeah um but they couldn't figure out the motive because Cassie was really well-liked well yeah the motive had nothing to do with her so exactly so they couldn't figure it out the house was really disrupted because Cassie was fighting but there was no sign of a murder weapon or a Breakin right cuz luck they didn't really break in when they were touring the house he went downstairs and unlocked in the ba yeah I hate exterior doors and basements oh gosh seriously who thinks that's a good idea I hate them so the captain Captain John and Lieutenant Robert did not wait around they did as everything as quickly as they could and they started by getting her last day figured out and finally they figured out that Matt was the last one who saw her so they called him while they were doing that there were people investigating the house and they were trying to figure out why the lights flickered after they got mat story and they checked the breaker box because they were like well obviously if the lights are flickering we should figure out why and see what happened and um there were some fingerprints on the breaker box and they got a match it was Cassie's mom's boyfriend Victor what yeah at the aunt and uncle's house mhm but actually he had just done some work at their house and his Prince would have been on the box so he had an alibi for the night and he had nothing to do with it so let's talk about Matt Beckham a little bit um who was the last person to see Cassie live and it was Cassie's boyfriend yeah the captain said that he really didn't show much emotion when he told him that Cassie was dead which was kind of weird it's weird but they were only together for five months and he's a teenager and he probably was just in shock like that's hard to wrap your mind around the other thing was that a couple of nights later like the next night he had actually stayed over at Tori's house wow I mean but they were friends right were friends and they had no idea if he had no idea that theya they had anything to do with it so his story matched up with Anna's story and his story matched up with what his mom was saying he told them that they blamed the lights on the power company because they really didn't know what else it could be and everything lined up and said that that was by all means the last time he saw Cassie yeah he called her because he knew the power was having issues but he never had any luck um unfortunately his demeanor kind of made him suspicious and especially at school people really thought that he had something to do with it but but that's kind of one of those things that was he acting suspicious I mean like I get police are going to look at him if he doesn't show any emotion and kind of you got to question it not to mention that nine times out of 10 like let's just be real statistically speaking it's usually women getting murdered by Partners normally yeah that's the first person they're always going to look at the boyfriend the husband whatever and if he acts semi supicious they're going to but as far as the kid acting weird in school is it that he was acting weird or because he's guilty or is it that he's acting weird because he knows this is High School of course everybody's going to be talking about it and he probably doesn't want to talk about it and the more people look at him like you're being weird the more he or you're acting guilty the more he's going to act that way oh that's exactly when it was cuz spoiler alert Matt had nothing to do with this at all yeah he was just a bystander and actually Matt's really lucky that he was alive because Tori and Brian were absolutely prepared to kill him yes they thought he was going to be there yeah we'll get into the timeline a little bit more in a little bit gosh just as a mom put my my mom hat on right now and I just thought about his mom and how torn she probably felt after that M like on one hand torn like what if he had stayed would she have gotten killed but on the other hand like thank God I brought my kid out of that because he could have ended up dead too and she tried so hard to get Cassie to come she just kind of had a weird feeling but they had some family stuff going on at home and they really needed Matt at home so maybe the next day or the day after Matt actually took a polygraph test and passed with flying colors and at the end of the test he mentioned something about Tori and Brian stopping stopping by the house on Friday this was the first time the police had heard about Tori and Brian yeah Matt probably didn't mention it because he didn't think it would matter since they actually left before he did and he was being questioned because he was the last person to see her yeah he didn't think anything about it the police not only wanted to meet with them because they didn't know about them but because they were just hoping to fill in some of the gaps right Tor and Brian told them that they got in at 8:30 watched part of Kill Bill 2 tored the house and left by 9:30 they told detectives they went to the movies after but couldn't tell them what happened at the movie so they knew something was up yeah so the detectives were like well let's just go to the movie theater and see if anybody saw them so detectives went to the movie theater and talked to a girl who worked there who said she actually went to school with Tori and Brian and they definitely hadn't seen that movie right so they were like this is a small town dude uhuh you can get away with like showing a movie ticket in a in a large city in a large theater but a small town everybody knows everybody mhm so the police knew they were lying but they didn't know why they were lying like definitively yeah but they tried to speak with him again they couldn't get in with Tori CU his parents were like no but they could with Brian Brian came into the station with his parents and he admitted to not going to the movies he told them that he and Tori were they had been going through cars they were went they went through cars basically looking for unlocked cars to loot through he said that they didn't want to tell them because obviously that was illegal um and that's why they told him about the movie but they didn't have anything to do with the murder of Cassie he stuttered throughout the entire interview and they scheduled him for a polygraph test the next morning however when the time came he was too upset for the test and the tester called his parents and the detective came so that they would talk to him Brian told them that Tori snuck in through the basement that they had unlocked while touring the house with the intentions to prank Cassie just to scare her he said they came up the stairs and shut the doors really loud to scare her and Cassie who was out started asking who was there and she screamed but that is when Tori supposedly stabbed her so many times saying that he had to kill her basically he gave up Tori but kind of kept himself innocent yeah so they finally get Tori into a room with his parents and asked him what they knew and and told him what they knew excuse me Tori admitted to going through cars the detective said well we don't believe you and I don't think your dad believes you either which was kind of interesting but directly after that not even two seconds later Tor says I want an attorney yeah so they held them both and charge them both with first-degree murder because the captain knew he still quite hadn't heard the real story oh yeah yeah he was like this same right Brian never got a lawyer and also I saw a couple sources kind of talking about how tor's parents had an attorney but they were having trouble getting the answer that they wanted it seemed like they really just wanted a magical solution to wipe this all away and get Tori out of it um because they fully believe their son when Tori tells them O'Brian's the one who did it I just got like messed up in it they absolutely believe Tori and they go through a couple lawyers trying to figure out well I you need to get him out of this and the attorneys are all saying well we have to see what they have and what they charge you with and then we can come up with a plan but we probably can't get them off of everything right and they aren't happy with that answer his parents wanted a solution right then so listen people always have unrealistic hear my eyes rolling yeah cuz I didn't grow up with parents especially my mom was not the kind of mom that thinks the sun rises and sets on her children and that they can do no wrong so I didn't quite understand it when I would see that happen with even people I was friends with you know or whatever like I would see friends do things that I would have totally gotten busted for and they got away with it because their parents were just in denial about even seeing the signs that would lead them to that um and now that I'm a parent myself I love my children but they aren't perfect and do I think my children would do something this crazy no but if the signs were that they were involved in something like this yeah they're going to be have to be more scared of me than a cop mhm fair enough so ran never did get an attorney so he was more pliable and he was talking so bit by bit they got more of the story this is when he tells them about the masks and the outfit he told them where that stuff would be and then he took them there the detective said it was straight out of a horror movie ironically what they saw yeah they had stashed their stuff at Black Rock Canyon Captain says this is when it really got real for him that they were dealing with like a kid murder like they it was yeah he showed him where they had Buri the evidence This was um the murder weapons the mask the clothes and a video tape the vide tape was burned pretty bad so they sent it off to experts to see if maybe they could get something off of it yeah they didn't burn it well enough because they got most everything off of that tape the expert started watching it and called them and said you should get here and watch this so Captain was incredibly nervous because he thought he was about to have to watch Cassie get murdered oh yeah um but luckily if that is what he saw if they did film it he never they've never said it it was never shown or anything like that um I don't think that it was but you never know on the video you can clearly see Cassie Locker talking with Tori and Brian they found themselves talking about dis And discussing their death list and the plan for the night there was one point where Brian said um I'm sorry Cassie's family but she has to be the one we have to stick to the plan so this is when they really get all the nitty-gritty details Brian went downstairs and unlocked the basement door at 10:00 they snuck back through that basement door with hunting knives and their costumes on they flicked the power to scare them and it worked they really wanted them to come downstairs he wanted to lure them downstairs with the power but that didn't work while they're in the basement Matt calls them from the car telling them that he's leaving Cassie cuz they had said they were going to go see a movie and he said well I don't know my mom saying she needs me at home but maybe later cuz it's a Friday night we could do something or whatever he was just kind of checking up but he mentioned that he had left they're taking that call in the basement of the house oh my gosh so after Matt left they waited about 30 minutes and then they went upstairs and they killed Cassie they filmed one more thing that transcript I read earlier mhm they stopped at the convenience store and tried to burn the tape that they were hiding that was what was on the tape if Matt had been killed at the house they might never have known that Tor and Brian were over there yeah because the only reason they knew was because Matt told them it's pretty crazy but wait didn't she ask for permission to have or did she just ask she just asked for matap but like it was kind of an open-ended invitation of like yeah you can have friends over cuz it's Cassie and they know that she's not going to throw a party right so they're like yeah just enjoy it they had a beautiful home so it was great for that sort of thing so yeah so let's get into what happens now that they're caught because um Mr we're just like Ted Bundy it only took them five days to catch you and they had you in custody after like two idiot bust out and you didn't bust out and run away for five days and come back with the sexy zacha front beard so you're not Ted Bundy they were tried separately and they obviously turned on each other so quick one of them blaming the other the prosecutor quickly discovered their kill list with about a dozen students and the goal of the creating another Coline there's even a video of them discussing just doing a school shooting so the Dateline special on this the the last day dayline special is pretty good mhm and in that there's a Dr James garban or garbino Garbarino something like that I read it twice and then looked and realized there was an eye so who knows I should really learn to say these names out loud before I sit down he specializes in teen violence and um Tori later discusses the feeling of having having an audience while they were doing the crime and feeling like people were watching and that's part of the reason they were filming and Dr James Garbarino says that this is really common due to the age that they grew up in the digital age and having oh yeah the cameras all the time and they feel like people are watching and so it makes it easier for them to commit these acts because it almost feels like peer pressure oh so that was interesting so during my research I really found myself coming through a 700 page document with all the court records um looking for yeah all of the interesting bits of information the reality is though most things were done pretty much right in the case so there's some interesting things but not a whole lot and um the core documents get mixed up a lot between the two because the trials were really close to identical from what I can tell gotcha okay um I mean obviously each defense attorney does things a little bit differently but they both had the same story of saying it was really the other one who was doing it all so it's hard it was hard to kind of go back and forth so if you get confused um cuz I feel like a lot of this what I ended up pulling from was Brian's trial but that's why I get confused because all of these documents just get mixed up together so hard to tell sometimes crap like that just happens that's okay and he was the one that unlocked the door and did the stabbing correct Tori oh Tori did Tori um I I thought Brian stabbed her no Tori well they both ended up stabbing her but Tory lunged first oh Brian was the one that said that he stabbed her in the throat though right yeah in the transcript they both did it like they are both equally to blame I was thinking because of that transcript and him saying that that he was ultimately the the one okay but Cory is really the one who pushed for the first Stab Wound according to like what they can kind of guess okay um based off of knife and whose fingerprints were on what knife kind of thing it was really confusing and I didn't feel like I could confidently talk about it so I didn't really list it well yeah that's a lot of forensic detail that it was confusing so anyway the first thing I noticed is that the first thing the judge did was revoke bond for both of them so that was fantastic and this was interesting Brian's attorney had three judges is disqualified wow so within the preliminary hearing in the preliminary process there is a rule in Idaho and I meant to look and see if it was in Florida too because I was just nosy um but it's specifically in the criminal rules and procedures Rule 25 A1 and it reads motion to disqualify in any felony or misdemeanor criminal action excluding actions before drug courts or in mental health courts any party May disqualify one judge by filing a motion for disqualification without stating any grounds and the motion must be granted if timely filed each party in a felony prosecution will have one disqualification without cause of the magistrate appointed to hear the preliminary hearing and another disqualification without the cause of a dist of the district judge appointed to hear the trial of the action so this happened three times one with Tori one with Brian and one that self- disqualified okay this went through three judges so the first two say there was one that allows one how did we get three we got three because they each did one um not sure why and I'm also not sure if they were talking to each other about it who knows not supposed to but if you're trying two kids for the same crap who knows what you're doing yeah the third one there was a known reason he had kids who went to pocatella high and he did not feel like he could do it adequately so he's self- disqualified but the other two they don't have a reason listed so there had to have been some sort of indication that they would be biased I guess probably yeah I don't know I thought that was an interesting Rule and I was like why did you do that but who knows yeah it's probably more common than we think because I guess if you can do that with jury selection then who knows so I was reading lots of news paper clippings because they were listed as public record as exhibits for the gag order that Brian's attorney tried to file and it was denied okay um but it was fascinating because some of these papers really leaned into the fact that violent media is what caused the boy to do the boys to do these things specifically there were several about the band slip knot like being a root pause I'm sorry my husband hates when I say this but I hate slipnot I mean I don't listen to I don't blame it I'm not going to blame slip knot for an action and we we talked about that in the in the Slenderman stabbings that you know there's plenty of people that watch these movies follow slender like do these things and they don't go and try to murder their friends exactly so you can't really blame the media or blame you know and in my generation it was music yeah everybody blamed well and slip not but yeah yeah so yeah they really tried a lot of these media clippings did but of course the gag order was saying that you know the media is portraying these boys out and they're not going to get a fair trial and blah blah blah blah blah the judge denied seing citing that it was a small community and they had a right to be a part of the trial through the media and it really wasn't going to affect his verdict and Idaho also had a long-standing history of allowing open access to the courts and this was not going to be an exception according to the judge so I thought that was kind of cool yeah um then they of course have back and forth about how the media is going to be allowed and the difference you know instances in which the media will be allowed blah blah blah blah blah they talk too much you know yeah they were really concerned with the boy's image and honestly if I was them I would have given up on that because they killed a girl in a small town they made their bed Ling it you stupid boys yeah yep they even had an order so that the boys could wear civilian clothes during their trial which I'm sure is more common than I realized but it was just the first time I'd actually seen the motion so I thought it was cool okay yep both boys were convicted of first-degree murder sentenced to life without the possibility of parole they were sentenced to the same prison which I thought was really fcking weird because they normally separate people like that yeah when you're co- conspirators but Brian has since said that they don't talk very much especially these days since Tori still claims his innocence Brian does not Brian admits to what he's done and he okay seems fairly remorseful now that he's grown and he's an adult and it's you know easy for us to say now well look he feels so sorry for what he's done but he owns it and he doesn't deny it and Tori still vehemently claims his innoc sense H his parents still back him having done interviews and even written a book about it did not read the book I don't plan on reading the book and I don't recommend that any of you read the book because then you're profiting they're profiting off of us reading stupid book about their stupid son who actually committed a crime and they're ignoring it they're in denial he was equally as guilty as Brian Brian seems to show remorse like I've said he's done several interviews including one with Keith Morrison in the DAT Line special which I thought was interesting it's hard to say but he seems genuinely sorry for what he's done I read a story where one person claims to have been in prison with Brian it could be false I don't know there's no I don't know why anybody would lie about it but you know people lie about stupid crap he said that he and Brian worked out a lot together and that Brian would regularly help him and spot him like deadlifting so he's like if he wanted to hurt me he could have just dropped that bar but I trusted him with everything yeah um he also said he never would have known he was a murderer if he hadn't watched a kids who kill and they talked about Brian yeah so the good news is is after the death the community really came together for Cassie's family good they had a community fundraiser for her headstone and a fraternity did a fundraiser for the family they had concerts and many different events all over the city so good appeals were pretty basic they tried to claim that investigators didn't handle things correctly due to his age specifically allowing his parents in this is the opposite of true they did literally everything right and even encouraged them to get an attorney and they didn't they then tried to claim that his parents should have been listed as agents acting between them no that's not how this works I didn't think so nope so obviously that was just rejected um and then they of course said that he should not have been sentenced to Life as a minor after that Supreme Court ruling came out everybody says that that he shouldn't have been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole as a minor because of how high the chances of Rehabilitation are yeah but it didn't really go anywhere the judge was seemed to be really sure that he would reoffend and he said as much in his opinion about the case so they did basically denied that as well yeah it wasn't a super interesting court case and in trial because everything pretty much went to plan and they didn't really have a whole lot to pull out of their back pockets to be like surprise or yeah you know anything crazy it was pretty cut and dry they're both still in prison today they I mean they had video evidence of this thing so you can't yeah there's not much it's and Mr Tor I didn't do anything is the one who said I'm so horny thinking about killing her so G sorry you did it mhm so remind me what year did this happen 2006 okay after the trial Cassie's family filed a wrongful death lawsuit claiming that the school district was negligent and should have known that Brian and Tori posed a threat oh the lower court dismissed the lawsuit that year or last year this is recent yeah um but St stoddart's relatives appealed the Idaho State Journal reports that the Supreme Court ruled the school district is not negligent because the actions of Brian and Tory were not foreseeable yeah I mean unless you have some kind of evidence that a you know somebody knew like staff members knew or yeah I mean kids like if kids had seen them and heard them overheard them and tried to turn it in but chances are the kids didn't do that there's even a section of the video where they're like planning things and they look up and see an adult and so they he it's like Brian loudly goes so number two is what and like they're faking it so they're they're covering yeah so I thought that was interesting that lawsuit didn't go anywhere but the last thing I wanted to mention is that pocatella high school is supposedly extremely haunted I don't think that that has anything to do with the case but I thought it was interesting and since I like spooky things I thought I'd throw that in there who knows mhm I have to sneeze thank you for sharing thanks for listening absolutely thanks so much thanks y all for listening I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did let us know what think yes please go on our Facebook group go on our Instagram let us know what you think talk to us about it we want to see all your pretty faces yeah I want to hear yeah I want to hear suggestions for KES hon because I rack my brain are there's just so many to choose from and what do people want to hear us do and so I very much want to hear what people who are listening want to hear exactly yeah all right thank you so much thank you bye till next time bye next time bye thanks for listening guys find us on Instagram and Tik Tok at burden of prooof pod and email us at burden of prooof pod [Music]
Channel: Burden of Proof: A True Crime Podcast
Views: 312
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Keywords: podbean, #burdenofproof, #burdenofproofpod, #truecrime, #truecrimepodcast, #truecrimecommunity, #truecrimeaddict, #truecrimejunkie, #scream, #copycat, #cassiejostoddart, #cassiestoddart, #brianleedraper, #briandraper, #toreymichaeladamcik, #toreyadamcik, #pocatello, #idaho
Id: AYhnD1tXeyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 44sec (3164 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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