Case Capacity – The Real Gunsmith

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we're gonna talk about cakes taste capacity I'm gonna make a comparison here for many years we've had a 300 Winchester cartridge it's a very good cartridge it's and it's an accurate it's an accurate round properly loaded and so forth always has been it's been used used even in long range long range competitive shooting over the years there's cartridges that pop up from time to time number of years ago we started seeing what was described as the short mags the 277 millimeter and the 300 Winchester short mags and there's been others with the idea that this is a better that this is a better better choice than maybe some of the other things that we've got it's a little shorter it's a little fabric cartridge and I don't find any one of those three cartridges to be any more accurate than anything else say compare a 300 Winchester Magnum and a 300 Winchester short mag well I'm a level playing field they're not exactly comparable because they don't perform one doesn't perform like the other performs but we've had people try to make us believe basically salesmen try to tell us that the 300 Winchester I mean the 300 Winchester short mag hop performs the 300 Winchester Magnum happen is that we loaded the 300 Winchester short mag up to high pressure and we load the 300 Winchester Magnum or pressure it's all about square inches the capacity of the 300 Winchester Magnum is considerably more if you've got if you've got a vehicle that's got a 360 cubic inch engine and you've got one that's got a 400 cubic inch engine which one has more gold which one has more horsepower as Soompi the one little more cubic inches so it only stands to reason that the 300 Winchester with more cubic inches internally is capable of higher velocity the fact of the matter is is that the 300 Winchester Magnum was capable of somewhere between 250 to 350 feet a second more with with equal bullet weights loaded to the same pressure I'm talking about this because I had somebody bring two rifles to me one in each caliber and somebody had had just simply loaded some ammunition for him and said they are both the same well they're not the same the 300 Winchester short mag was loaded with 180 Greene 180 grain Nasser a coupon at twenty eight hundred and sixty two feet a second and the 300 Winchester was loaded at right around 3,000 feet a second well the truth is that neither one of them are loaded up to their to their potential loaded up to equal pressure levels so loaded to equal pressure levels the 300 Winchester Magnum because it's got more internal capacity can burn more powder is going to give you more velocity and this applies to every caliber whether we're talking about caliber in 17 caliber up to 50 caliber if we increase if we increase the capacity the case this increases the the actual performance it's all about square inches and we're talking about interior ballistics and we're talking about exterior ballistics the interior ballistics of the the case is it's more capable of delivering higher external ballistics the actual velocity of these bullets this is how this is how it's worked but we've got people writing and talking about things that they really don't understand I don't know where they miss the boat the informations been out here for years on case capacity and in the comparisons and whatnot and at one time at one time there was there was somebody that had manufactured and for sale to the public a slide rule and you could use that slide rule you know it was developed and thought of by my Robert Hutton and and bob Corker many many years ago and Robert Hutton as has been gone and he was a he was a tremendous bliss Titian and Robert Forker is still around and those people made that slide rule and you could basically use that slide rule to determine according to known case capacity what that case whether particular bullet weight particular barrel length would be capable of and would also designate what categories burn rate of powders would give you the highest velocities in individual cases whatever you might happen to select so you know and we're going to continue to see cartridges come out by various companies try to sell it try to sell it on the aspect well it does this like it like some other cartridge will do well if anybody knows anything at all about internal capacity of cases you know that the bigger case is always going to give you higher velocity now there's a point where there's diminishing returns you know there's a point where the case capacity is much too large for the bore size and you can't you can't gain anymore but it's still that case still gives you the highest velocity that's possible and that boy sighs irregardless as long as you're using the proper burn rate far for burning rate of powder in the in the case so these are the things that that we need to we need to understand and when we're looking at you know we're looking at different capacity cases and I might add in this conversation that in virtually any one of these cartridges that the slowest the slowest powders the slowest powders listed in your loading manual are invariably the powders that give you the highest velocity and the slower the burn rate of the powder the the slower it builds pressure the higher the burden the higher the number in other words the faster the powder the faster the powder the faster burn rate of powder builds pressure faster it just all stands to reason yes it's a matter of of how it ignites and how it reacts in a particular cartridge case so you know if you're loading if you're loading say IMR 4350 in your seven millimeter Remington Magnum you're shooting you're shooting and using a powder that's too fast for the cartridge you need to be using a powder with a burn rate in the neighborhood of seventy eight twenty eight eight one thousand something right in that category rrett humble or something like that with with our heavier heavier bullet weights 4350 is not proper for any really any of the bullet weights for hunting one forty one forty up to 175 we need to pick these faster powders that's why for instance when a seven millimeter Remington Magnum was you know can see many years ago and you know the idea taking over bought bought by Remington du Pont du Pont they developed a particular powder for that particular case why because we need to have the proper burn rate of powder for the case to give us the velocity potential that we needed that Potter was was was 78 28 and after a lot of years that finally became available to the public and I have some of the original powder you know made by DuPont for for the 7 Remington Magnum and I've compared that powder I've got a file a pound of it yet and I've compared it to the current lots of 1728 and you know it it virtually is the same so anyway that's that's kind of some of the rundown on burn rates and what we need to be using in in reloading not the faster powder not the faster powder but the slower powder is as a rule what we need to choose for the particular application you
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Views: 21,599
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Keywords: the real gunsmith, case capacity, gunsmith, 300 win mag, 300 short mag, 270 short mag, custom rifle, long range rifle, long range shooting, long range hunting, custom rifle load, reloading, hand loading, load development
Id: j7sRBaSovCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2018
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