Case Baler is Already Leaving!

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so that was our case Bailer getting loaded up onto a lowboy hauling trailer [Music] and it's going to be hauled to the other side of Saskatoon it's about an hour drive from here and apparently they got some heavier crops out there so we might be able to make some more Bales things have been pretty light around the farm here so we are getting kind of desperate at this point so we're shipping that thing all the way out there gonna make a bunch of Bales Dennis who does a bit of custom hauling for us for silaging is also going to be hauling those Bales back to the farm we'll probably see him when he does that thank you thank you she ain't going nowhere no so we got one of our balers loaded up on a lowboy here JJ uh got her strapped down and uh yeah what's the hauling company called SL livestock roll your knees make sure to call Logan all right so if you need anything hauled around the Saskatoon area I guess give these guys a call the number will be in the description down below [Music] [Music] but for the rest of today I'm gonna start hauling Some solid manure to that new piece of land that we bought that new quarter uh we're gonna get this thing going this morning and uh drive on that new patch of land for the first time in an actual tractor so pretty excited about that check the oil to start without this thing is above full before we get to hauling Some solid manure um we've been having some issues with our holding area that's where the cows wait before they're going to be milked at kind of collection area for the cows in the milk and parlor there and it's just been getting slippery on the floor the biggest reason for this is because we have that flush system that uses recycled water so it's staying in that pit over and over and over again and uh it's growing a bit of bacteria we think which is starting to build up a little film on the concrete in that holding area making it slippery for the cows cows they need a good footing they got Hooves and they're going to slip really quick when any surface is slippery so we got our new guy Fetter he is pressure washing the floor of that holding area so our plan is we're going to pressure wash it once get it completely cleaned get that existing film off of the concrete and we're going to make it a standard operating procedure to fire hose it after every single milking and just a light fire hose doesn't have to be too hard but if you stay on top of it and do it two two times a day it's probably gonna keep that film away and it's gonna leave the concrete a lot more grippy for the cows to be walking on so uh we're gonna go take a look at that right now [Music] so he's just using the vortex fit with the pressure washer and that thing is going to eat away in any existing film on the concrete again biggest reason we think that we are getting a slippery floor in here is because of the flush system so that's what drains a bunch of recycles wash water and rinses all the manure out of here this is how clean it gets we did not fire hose this yet it gets pretty good but there is a bit of a shiny coat you guys can see that and that's what's making it slippery in here so uh I guess we're gonna fire hose it every time after milking gonna take a little bit longer but as long as those cows have a good footing and they're not slipping anymore it'll make it well worth the time it's now the afternoon two things I plan on doing this afternoon falling a bit of manure I got kind of hung up this morning yeah we're also going to be moving some bins a little bit in the new feed mill set up me and Dad measured but not 100 I guess because they're still a little too close we got a luckily uh we have room to move them backwards a little bit to where the good spot is so uh that's what we're gonna do this afternoon so these piles right here are all calf bar and manure and the straw pack Barn so it just gets piled out here we do like to haul that stuff straight out to the field when we have the opportunity but obviously in the winter time and for a lot of the summer time when there's crops out in the field we're unable to get out there so we have to pile it up somewhere and this pile was not cleaned up last year either so it's starting to get big and we want to put it out on the field this fall for sure so it's just straw pack manure I am able to scoop it up with the case wheel loader bucket even though it doesn't have a grapple a lot of that manure is pretty rotten and it still Scoops pretty good with just regular bucket this thing's big enough to grab a good good Scoop foreign [Music] that's our first load let's get it out to the field well I just put my camera over there to get a nice drive-by shot and then something pretty bad happened never seen this before uh you'll notice it's completely stretched out this this uh drawbar pulled out whatever was holding that draw bar underneath the tractor must have broke loose I don't see those bolts anywhere here right now but they're probably somewhere on the yard that is sketchy sketchy stuff right there and the wagon the wagon's full luckily it's not heavy stuff this is pretty dry straw back so not too too much to worry about there this is kind of a sketchy situation I want to try not to break anything the hydraulic lines will usually pull out and the electrical thing also will pull out PTO is two separate parts that'll always pull out so nothing usually breaks when this does happen I've lost the wagon before just because the pin got pulled out but uh yeah we'll try and be as careful as possible this thing could fall and Crush you pretty good too so you can see it got pulled out at least two feet probably half a meter extended so that put a bunch of tension on the hydraulic lines I can't get that Jack underneath there just because the manure wagon fell so much that draw bar is now at a pretty steep angle downward so I'm gonna grab a shovel I'm just gonna dig the Dirt away from it try and scraping it away with that thing just didn't work when we were driving down the road with a fully loaded wagon right here on the farm and it's not even in the way we can still feed cows it's not even in the middle of the drive-through or something like that [Music] hit the positives there you go you can't just walk down on the negatives [Music] foreign nasty that is some hard dirt right there but got the jack in there anyway now we can start to lift uh weight off of that draw bar disconnect everything else safely [Music] [Music] man I took about all I had too that uh turns out when this wagon's full that Jack is a lot harder to turn unreal [Music] oh there's our problem right there so there's a bolt that's supposed to screw in there and that'll hold a pin which goes through one of these holes depending on what kind of hitch length you want and that bolt clearly just snapped right off that really sucks um that's probably gonna need to be drilled out well we are gonna go for a little treasure hunt I guess see if we can find that pin and the plate that holds the pin in there just talk to their mechanic Brent and he uh he said it shouldn't be too far so we're gonna head back out to the corels and see if we can find it Well we found exactly what we were looking for just underneath the wagon this is the PIN so that would be in the front of that draw bar and this was the plate that was holding it on the bolts must have snapped yeah you can see there was a washer on there right there so I would have been up there like this and this goes into the notch on the end of the pin and it holds the thing up like that so Brent was right right next to uh where the drawbar actually pulled out so that's convenient we'll leave it right there for Brent and then he can come and weld to probably another bolt on the one that snapped off and take it out at the new feed mill some we've been wanting to do for a couple days now we want to move these three bins back a little bit you can see the augers are out on each side and they're just a little bit too tight the feed wagon the rubber Edge is touching both augers when you try and sneak through here so we'd like to make a little bit more room in the winter time you know what's going to happen you're gonna get a couple inches of snow it's going to lift the feed wagon up someone's gonna rip an auger off so we want to give a little bit more room we should have anticipated that maybe but luckily we do have at least eight inches of room to move these bins back on the back ledge there is a whey pit underneath here so the concrete goes 10 foot right at the edge there deep so we can put these bins right on the edge it doesn't matter it's going to be perfectly strong enough so we did already anchor these down a little bit we're going to use the angle grinder and cut those off well we just hooked the loader up with a chain to the bin and then we can move it around as we feel necessary and uh one of those anchor bolts that I cut off actually hooked onto the leg of the bin and I was pulling and pulling and pulling dad kept saying go more more and more then all of a sudden the freaking thing shot like a foot two of the legs were off the edge of the concrete just now we thought it was going to go over luckily these things got six legs that was pretty sketchy luckily it didn't come off the edge and we got it into place now [Music] [Music] that toss me that hammer [Music] five and a half basically [Music] this is five and a half foreign moved over I don't know how good you guys can see but those legs are right on the edge of that pad should be good they'll never move with six anchor bolts each that thing's got to be operational within about two and a half weeks is that as much speed we got so there's a timeline now we gotta hit it now we're gonna grab the feed wagon bring that over there drive it through see how that thing fits so you drive through you can hit these first two that dried distillers grain and then beat pulp [Music] looks good now yeah before these augers would touch the rubber liner on the feed wagon but now we got some room on this side and we got a lot of room on this side thank you so uh that works perfectly it's pretty good right on got the bins where we wanted them to be unfortunate with the manure wagon Baylor went to another yard the other Baler um is also making Bales right now out in the field so that's good it's been a pretty productive day other than that manure wagon so uh yeah thank you guys so much for watching today's video If you enjoyed it be sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below and uh as always I hope to see you guys in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: SaskDutch Kid
Views: 72,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dairy farming, dairy cattle, farming in canada, canadian dairy farm, dairy, farm, farming, farm vlog, farm vlog channel, farming selfie, holstein, holstein cow, holstein farm, cow farm, farming milk cows, tractor, seeder, combine, crop farmer, land farmer
Id: B9ixlvYTBbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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