Cartoon Food Challenge w/Thomas Sanders | Butch Hartman

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jirachibi1000 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody ha Butch Hartman here welcome to my channel this week now this week it's very cool I have with us a very special guest it's the T man but he's he man he said o or or the Sandman his name yeah mr. Thomas Sanders Hydra do it go good to be here I I'm so excited to meet Thomas Anna she's a self-made man I know you've seen him on vine he's very famous to vines yeah which is dead no way to go to our IP Anna killed it Ben played it it's good keep going to a place to honor they trust it so bad my dad stopped and now you're on YouTube right yes yeah let's jump em so much much ekhan his channel Thomas there's a video today launching as well no I'm on as well you'll see that but we are excited today because we are doing now let me just set this up a little bit there have been many epic battles in the world war two comes to mind Wow yeah a big one epic yeah that was a big one that was a big there's the Star Wars rebellion oh I love it probably also a good one and any fun end Game of Thrones just perfect but they can be pale in comparison Thomas to worry about the deal okay what are we going to do we are going to do a you ready I'm I hope so okay that is bad I don't know if we're going to be fighting for it no no there's gonna be as many deaths with name of throne well you already killed vine is killing wait they're good so we're going to be doing drumroll enter player all the cartoons food challenge I hope when we think the bible's are still in the same room maybe they move is this like a breeze commercial how was I gonna juggle now here we go let's go nice now what is the challenge we have to guess what the food is guess what the food is and what cartoon it's from okay now just Thomas going first and then I go and they've got the same tutorial is obvious that's go same time okay so whoever gets it quicker gets a point yeah oh really that's what oh it's a competition mmm [Music] in operations right now how do I go ahead you go ahead grab the food now the food there's food here wait okay okay what this is hmm I don't know enough from the senses I was hmm I just Breton doughnut donate Mike I can't go to work in a feature done job - what popular day we are going to the cake and bacon handy cartoon food challenges underway alright alright go ahead this is the scared to touch it bacon what is oh wait it's not okay I can't give a give a fairly address can't even hold it I didn't even get the whole bacon bacon the cake and bacon get a close to the cake and okay wait first I need to like I need to hold this up I need to like it's all messy am i doing oh is this it's not like a frickin it's like an actual cake is a cake not a piece of junk where can I look oh it's a beautiful cake oh no oh it's not gross really really good or I would not go to that restaurant ya know it's like that's lemony Joe they're wonderful things combining to make something not even up [Music] so with this one you are not allowed to use your hands to eat it oh okay now that makes me think like what food have to dump my face into it Anna Oh watch I have to oh my is it like that Thomas Duncan I was give Thomas this one are we allowed to do this oh my goodness okay wait wait I'm smelling it hold on ah this is weird Oh what is this John food is this like totally feed on food oh no wait these are our graham crackers or and beggars graham crackers mum are these Scooby Snacks ah that's amazing yep wait I want more daddy I think you can hurt visitor are we rolling go ahead are we rolling I'm nervous rolling okay so something smells really good right now are we going oh boy it's a okay girls now I got this it's a hammer is a krabby patty it's krabby patty uh he got anything I didn't taste it no no I'm like what you guys a hamburger um um I know it's a krabby patty gonna hide it I went to wimpy from pawan like this is from Popeye oh really good we got use our hands for the handshake mr. Crabb this is the best it's like blindfolded I feel like I'm in the room wow I can't believe my eyes oh yes you do that's what I try to do that Oh another Butch Hartman I try nasty minute okay ready to go it's always like I'm sick Oh what is it a dress what is that it's in a fight wait what is this I drink this is it a cup what is this what is this Kalon guys this is scaring me honey we have ho-oh now you said honey but I did I didn't say Winnie the Pooh gave it to me so y'all know I can't wait from when you throw this is great you guys oh there's a backlight for fun honey pod no a small smackerel that was a little weird I gotta say like opening up a bond going wouldn't like to see you I feeling he's braver than me because he actually did two towns like I'm not difficult and okay [Music] nothing I just want to say the paint blindfold I think I'm gonna go with this light for a while now oh yeah go ahead rock and roll oh go ahead is okay this is a cupcake I'd say on wait wait a cinnamon Oh magic muffin yeah okay God ah oh this is a little perfect that's amazing ah real it would look like this you hear me - that must be cooking so nervous go ahead shoot go ahead okay I mean I taught to eat first what happens now versus gross from God what is this this is so to school and I don't Thomas what is it I mean it tastes like eggplant wait is it spaghetti for lady in the no I don't want to eat anymore I'm like look at module eight out right now don't I didn't mean to come what is that's like it's like squash it's like butter it's like squash or plant or looking but hang on hang on this or zucchini this is zucchini or eggplant or vegetables that I hate yeah me I do Thomas where you have people okay we've got to put our heads together vegetables yeah what cartoon vegetables McCready tails is it bad by Daniels no I wasn't good guess but I'll need to bet you tell that wouldn't be good what is that something was on you from car kills it no I didn't think so they dumped us when they might have stumped us come on Thomas you're smart I know this might be a tie but probably hold on do you know what it is out there let us all we can't well what it is is you're blindfolded mmm maybe one blindfolded people can tell such what is that guys what this is this will all be edited down but that's not what this the last ones are from TV shows this one is from a movie movie that's from an animated movie Toy Story bugs likes Incredibles Wow on two I'll read the chili ah thank you fix our leader oh I never got is not a and not only was my thought I was going to yoyo I've learned I've never had ratatouille I know parently ratatouille is not I won't be ordering it from a high scale French exactly well Thomas caldron gratulations and Thomas Sanders you won thank you oh my goodness I can take the blindfold off did you enjoy the future that was approaching for brilliant with a little bit cool I've partaken in a long time you know we know which cartoons will be watching again yes and which ones we won't yet yeah I don't know how I need to like see how like you know that whole world I need to see what the cake and bacon looks like in The Fairly on it sure looks like it tastes better on the kitchen battery ready to die lovely movie no little dishes yeah but um no honestly that was a fun that was so much fun because I variable honestly fulfilled a lot of the dreams um eating food from cartoons I've seen I think the last one I now need to check out is the NACO from Kim Possible there we go they need to check out maybe some purple flurp from red yeah and it fulfilled a lot of my blindfold dreams so I'm really glad I'm happy to help you with that exactly what has been covered guys go over check out his channel he's on YouTube he's got an amazing channel over there yeah we're doing something really cool over there too I want to just say don't forget to like it subscribe as always follow me and every former social media known to man and as always I got one for you too son Thomas who's promoting the new or so go check out my app on the iPhone so it's called the new network has all kinds of cool games and shows on I saw it looks so cool like I'm something that super like unique app with like all sorts of things on it well I appreciate that yeah and I think it lay there who wants to download it on the App Store check it out alright well tell us thank you very much thank you so much buzz you can join all I have at the time we're doing some more we do some more challenges together soon as a future but thanks for watching see you next time hey hard man subscribe here to keep up with me Danny's hinged ugly fun and the noob Network my new app full of cartoon shows and downloaded here click over here watch my most recent video and here the sort of playlist for race day this video whoa check out the awesome fare on to be featured here use hashtag heart fan art magnet I'm on every social media platform young fans cartoon blue Chow Nets will drop
Channel: Butch Hartman
Views: 3,312,001
Rating: 4.9417844 out of 5
Keywords: Cartoon Food Challenge w/Thomas Sanders, Butch Hartman, nickelodeon, Danny phantom, fairly odd parents, tuff puppy, animation, animator, cartoonist, cartoon, Butch Hartman sketchbook, anime, butch Hartman fairly odd parents
Id: MDo2lLSGkeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2017
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