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guys i just got a mysterious phone call from a complete stranger stating that cartoon cat was spotted in an abandoned house want to keep up with the latest beautiful ob videos make sure to subscribe and ring that bell so the person that i talked to on the phone guys said that cartoon cat was spotted in one of these houses out here he said it was the big log cabin magic out here he said cartoon cat only appears at night time so while it's still daylight and we still have a little bit of light beneath us we're gonna go check it out and see if we can see anything unusual in these houses okay guys so this is the mansion right here now unfortunately we don't have access inside the building just yet because we haven't purchased it and i'm not gonna purchase it if it's hard to buy cartoon cat but we can't take a peek at the window see if anything's going on in there okay it's looking pretty empty honestly i'm not really getting anything here okay i'm not hearing any noises or cat meows either okay let's just look through the windows here eh hey okay so far so good guys this has to be the place though the guy told me on the phone that it was the mansion this is the this is the mansion okay we just have to wait for nightfall oh man i hope it's not raining at night too that would be super duper scary well we're away from nightfall might as well you know kick off the bubbles and relax and uh you know well i hope you guys are having an absolutely fantastic day and if you wouldn't mind maybe slap a like on this video that really helps me out thank you and i love you all right guys moment of truth it is finally nighttime i sat in that hot tub for seven hours i'm completely soggy let's go ahead to this mansion i think i see some lights on in there which is pretty creepy because no one is supposed to be living there let's just get a little closer oh hold on guys can you hear that dude get out of the way get out of the way wait listen leave a little closer it's getting louder what the heck guys that is definitely cartoon cats did you see that something just moved at the top window guys cartoon test music is playing we start moving in the top window it's impossible to enter this building there's not supposed to be anyone in there i can't even go there because i haven't bought it yet i'm gonna get a little closer let me get a little closer hold on i'm a little nervous about this i'm not gonna lie okay guys the music is playing pretty oh my goodness oh my goodness we gotta go i think we need to run i think we're gonna run dude he's definitely in there he's definitely freaking in there he saw me he's he knows he knows that i know okay okay i don't know what i'm doing now but i'm freaking out i'm freaking out okay okay all right i i think there's there's a few things we got to do here guys if we're gonna oh my goodness we cannot have a cartoon cat running around wobbly life um um okay i have a few ideas i'm a little nervous i don't want to get close to that building guys i do not want to get close to this building that music is so creepy okay okay i have a few ideas a few ideas in mind what if we try placing bombs around the vicinity of the building we can maybe explode the building with a minute and just end it once and for all we don't have this i i don't know i don't know guys okay there's also dynamite in the mines but i don't know if that's something we could take out of the mine so that's an option as well but i do know a location with a lot of bombs all we're going to need is some kind of u-haul truck to support them all okay this is getting crazy this is getting freaking crazy i'm getting a little nervous here here's a there's our airplane we're going to go get out to the monsters mine find a truck and fill it with bombs i think that's i think that's a good starting spot but if this doesn't work guys we might accidentally release cartoon cat into wobbly life and then we're gonna have all sorts of problems i'm sure spy kicks is gonna be pretty mad at me if that goes down okay right below us is where the bombs are located they're already on some trucks but what we're looking for is a truck that we can seal up entirely that way we don't lose any bombs on the uh transitional period there's one right there there's one right there let's try to land this without without blowing it up maybe please i'm really bad at this and we're fine we'll leave it in the middle of the row for the next person who absolutely needs a airplane all right this is exactly the type of truck we're looking for guys because we can put the bombs in here then we can close the door yeah the bombs will fit perfectly in here i don't think they'll explode if i put them in the back and close the door they might end up blowing up and if they do that means i'm gonna have to carry these bad boys one by one and that does not sound fun for me but yeah let's take this truck over here to the monster's uh monster's place we'll steal some of the bombs guys fill it in the back of the truck put in my cartoon cat's house blow them up and bing bang boom we'll be done with this mission all right this is the place let's go ahead and get the truck perfectly situated here perfect and now we just have to fill this bad boy up with bombs guys and hopefully hopefully they don't blow okay i don't like when bombs start rolling away from me because that usually i thought i've been blowing up let's put this here oh no you can't put him in this truck okay oh oh what okay it blew up oh no that was blown up now okay what the it's like fireworks are going off guys this is crazy whoa that is actually really really cool now what hasn't i put a bomb in the back of the truck and closed the door on it a little curious okay press the button no where am i all the bumps no no no no no no put them out put them out no no no these are my mobs we are off to a wonderful start today in wobbly life um i messed up big time okay this plan b guys there's plan b don't worry about it there's dynamite in the o minor shaft we just have to start the mission and extract those bad boys cover them around cartoon cat's house and bing bang boom we got ourselves a fried cartoon cat bowie now keep in mind fellas if this explosion does not take care of the house and cartoon cat we are gonna have to purchase the house and go inside the house with tnt and hopefully hopefully cartoon cat will think we're bringing him a snack eat it and blow up but if we open that door there is a chance that we could release cartoon cat into the entire city of wobbly life and if that happens we're gonna have a big problem on our hands all right this is the place this is the mining drop within this mine lies endless amounts of tnt which we can use to extract the cartoon cat okay all we have to do is start the mission go in there grab some tnt run out and hopefully hopefully they don't disappear in our hands because they possibly might do that of course while i'm here i'm just gonna take a quick look around and look for is that a bucket of uranium over there guys that's the most rarest of resources okay we need to get the tnt air we need to get the uranium if that is the uraniums okay we have to check this out guys because this is so freaking rare oh my goodness where is it how do i see it again where is it there it is back there you can see that little speck of green guys i'm i'm cheating right now of course i'm cheating but i don't think that's actually uranium and i don't think we can actually get to that so what we need to do oh no the sun's starting to come up isn't the cartoon cat's probably going to vanish again uh okay we need to grab some tit and we get a uh we need to bring it over to his house asap as possible i gotta make it before a day if the day comes up oh my gosh sip t right there grab some grab some okay this one oh my goodness i threw one okay i have another one i got two tnts oh my goodness they're light they're light i can only hold one at a time i thought i could hold two at a time come on blob we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we might be too late for this guys but at least we could test the structure of the building yes we could put a tnt out there and see if it possibly even does any damage to the building it might not and if it doesn't that means we're gonna have to open the doors and go inside okay guys this is the mansion right up here ahead let's go ahead and just put the dynamite on the outside hold on listen for it i'm not hearing anything okay so it's just like the phone call said guys in the daytime i guess the morning as well cartoon cat just vanishes or maybe he goes to sleep okay let's put the tnt just right here this corner and let's see if this blows a hole in the wall or not because if it does then when he comes back we can just surround the whole house of tnt it did absolutely nothing okay this is not this is a sturdy building this is made out of oak now this is a man's wood right here boys this is hearty oak right here i oh part of this looks to be a little bit mahogany oh okay okay this is okay that was awkward okay guys let me look through the windows one more time here okay we're not seeing anything and i'm not hearing any music so there's two options here either one he's in there sleeping right now and we might go on there and we might really disturb him or two he vanishes which that doesn't make any sense okay we're gonna buy it two thousand dollars this is well worth the cause apparently you can't buy the house until you sell your old house i gotta go back to the mansion all right here's the mansion time to go ahead and sell this bad boy uh hold up wait a minute train shut up oh you guys hear that stop kate dude what wait that's cartoon cat's music oh my goodness is he in my house wait how's that possible hold on oh my goodness it's getting so much more loud it's getting louder guys i think what happened here oh no okay i okay i have an explanation i think when cartoon cat saw me made to eye contact with me i think he wants to get rid of me he knows that i know that he exists he must have come to my house okay okay there's a cartoon cat in my house um okay well it is my house let me just oh my goodness that music is so creepy okay okay let's just little windows peak okay i've definitely not seen anything so far okay all right music is blaring though guys i think he's okay okay okay okay this this means he's either oh my goodness he's either in the bathroom oh my bedroom there's a cartoon cat in one of those rooms okay beautiful little fish just stay there buddy opie's got this okay okay quiet quiet quiet it's getting louder let's check we'll check the uh let's check the bathroom first that's the bedroom this is the bedroom okay okay what was that what was that i just heard a noise i heard a swoosh noise in a bacon noise hold on what's the music the music is getting fainter wait wait a minute what hold on what the heck guys what's going on wobbly life oh my oh okay um okay i have oh okay this is bad i don't know what i just did guys i think review lee's oh my goodness what is happening what has happened with the world right now i think we just okay i don't want to love anybody but i think we just might have released cartoon cat into the world of wobbly life i think just a cat running around the city right now oh my goodness did you all see that in the alleyway i think there's a song he's running between the buildings [Music] if if there's a cartoon cat running around wobbly life that means none of my friends are safe anymore and none of the people driving around the city they don't have any idea okay okay there's a couple options we could do here we could just pretend it never happened and blame the whole thing yo kimono but no that's not what we're gonna do we're gonna sell this house i think we sell this house guys we go back we go back to the source we gotta go to the source here sell yes okay now that we've stolen this house we can actually go back to the wood cabin and we can investigate the log matching guys come on fish we got to buy you a house buddy i don't want you out here with cartoon cat oh my goodness the world looks so weird guys okay that's what we're gonna do we're gonna go back to the cabin we're gonna purchase it and we're gonna look for clues and details on what might have started this what brought him here and maybe how to fix this mess okay the log cabin should be right up here guys it's bright in the daytime this should be totally safe to enter i don't think anything's gonna go wrong i don't even think cartoon cat's in here anymore he's running around the city as far as i know yeah listen i'm not hearing his music so i think we're safe to buy this and enter it let's go ahead and do that buy it two thousand dollars not a problem not a problem fellas let's go get on get on up in here okay oh my goodness guys there's a cat bed this is where cartoon cat must have been sleeping he even left the fireplace on i gotta say cartoon cat he uh he was living the life guys he had a nice luxurious house here let's go ahead and put mr fish in his in cartoon cat's bed okay so we left the fire off let's look for clues yes guys look at these look at these little specks on the ground these are traces of cat litter okay he must have been pooping in a cat little box not cleaning his feet properly and then running around the house like an animal because he is an animal okay let's see we got some pictures here butterflies and stuff okay so [Music] okay this place is actually kind of creepy honestly i don't want to see it at nighttime looks like cartoon cat really decorated though okay let's see cartoon cat oh is this spiderwebs in the corner okay this must be like an abandoned room maybe he never entered this place too often so i started collecting spider webs all right i'm not seeing any clues here oh jesus spider webs everywhere skies okay i don't know if i really like that all right well i do own this place now so i am gonna get this place cleaned up but not yet i don't want to wipe away any cartoon cat evidence okay hold on look around all right looks like cartoon cat like the nice bubble bath i am he didn't drain the water i am sitting in cartoon cat bubble bath water right now that is disgusting guys i'm not getting any clues here i don't see any like honestly if it wasn't for the cat litter all over the ground i wouldn't even know a cat lift here be quite frank but the world is completely messed up guys how do we solve this how do we get him out of the world guys i just had a really dark idea okay watch this see these people in the car watch this all three of them watch what happens i jump in it i drop out of it they're gone they're gone which means they had to have gone somewhere right what if every single time a player jumps in the car and the people disappear what if their souls are being sucked out and that's what summoned cartoon cats that's how we got here we were making people vanish cartoon cat was absorbing their souls and their energy that's how we got to wobbly life guys it all makes perfect sense though i can't believe i didn't see it earlier but what's the opposite how do we how do we give them back how do we get the people back i don't think we do i think once cartoon cat has them they're gone for good the only thing i can think of to do is to lure him into a trap and potentially blow him up that's not gonna work is it that seems risky i don't even know that's possible well first things first let's head back to the city and yes i just stole this car thus making another human being disappear i'm only strengthening cartoon cat by doing this i gotta remember these souls we can't just give him up like that okay guys i'm approaching the city now i'm hearing i'm hearing the music but it's very very faint almost like it's underneath me in a way keep your eyes peeled for a cartoon cat i'm not seeing anything the music is so quiet what the heck is he underneath me the subway he's at the subway he has to be in a subway that makes perfect sense okay okay but i'm still gonna keep my eyes open just in case i see about here because i could be wrong i could be wrong guys i think so i think i think cartoon catch down to the subway okay we have to find an entrance i think there's one over by the the lifting up toll bridge there right here okay i don't know if i want to go down here guys i'm gonna risk it for the biscuits though if i can make eye contact with them yeah i don't know what i'm doing but this is super scary okay oh wait don't don't say hello don't say hello let's go down here oh yeah i can definitely hear the music a little louder down here okay okay let's look around there's a subway i don't think he would get on a subway train because i think he's down here somewhere i feel like the music is coming from this direction because of the oh my goodness did you see that i think he just saw me and i'm pretty sure i don't i don't think we should be down here i don't think we should be down here i think we need to go back up i think we're gonna go back up this is too much this is too much how do i get back please let me out of this thing [Music] okay okay okay we get to go to ground ball maybe grandma knows an idea maybe grandma has a plan come on we gotta get to grandma's house she would know what to do she'll know what to do she always knows what to do she knew i needed to get a job she knew i needed to grow up she'll know what to do with a cartoon cat unless she doesn't believe me but there's no way she can't believe it look at the world this place is a mess look at the sky it's so different grandma has to know grandma always knows come on come on come on come on we gotta go we're gonna go i'm gonna go where's grandma's house i always i always be confused i think it's this way this one hell this is this is the house stop stop grandma what are you saying what do you say what are you saying stop playing all these video games this is there's a whole world incredible listen there's a cartoon cat it's in the subways that i ruined everything i think i'm gonna try to blame it on someone else i'm going to try to blame this on komodo or spy cakes or something i don't know but please i'm going to go to jail or something i like cartoon candidate what do i do what do i do you can't just tell me to get a job you cannot just tell me to keep getting the job this is not going to fix that grab a stop not now not like this grab it out like this girl watch the table watch the table please i'm just a child grandma no no no no no no no no no please my back okay my arm okay you got me you got me you're good you're good um you have been totally useless to me and you have not given me any any ideas going and catching a baby some cookies lady we have a freaking problem on our cookies cookies gribble gribble i need your finest batch of cookies i'm gonna lure the cat out of the subway and back to his house and then blow it up yeah get on that all right well that's it for today guys we gotta wait for grandma's batch of cookies to continue cooking once they're completed we're gonna use them the lure cartoon cat out of the subway back up to his house which we will blow up a tnt let me know we thought about it down at the comments below and i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Beautiful O.B
Views: 497,687
Rating: 4.8861485 out of 5
Keywords: wobbly life, wobbly life game, wobbly life gameplay, wobbly life cartoon, wobbly life cartoon cat, cartoon cat, cartoon, cat, beautiful ob, ob, beautiful ob wobbly life, ob wobbly life, beautiful ob cartoon, beautiful ob cartoon cat, ob cartoon, ob cartoon cat, evil wobbly life, scary wobbly life, haunted wobbly life
Id: Mst03ROMYx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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