Carrying My Girlfriend To Champion... (Rainbow Six Siege)

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all right I'm calling you right now hello yo what's good sorry what's good man what's good bab uh are you on an Xbox buddy chance I can get on yeah hop on all this Johnson no no stop I ended called anyways all right all right lock in lock in lock in lock it in lock it in all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right uh chat I think Cassie got level 50 now chat um chat lot to talk about with uh Cassie uh chat Cassie is actually I said it like two hours ago but uh Cassie is actually uh you know pulling up uh we're gonna you know what I mean we're GNA hang out we're going to do a stream bro we're going to do a stream chat Cassie is coming over in like a week or two weeks I actually don't know we'll find out uh like now I guess but chat could it be a fun fun stream man not going to lie could be a very fun stream uh very good ungrateful streamer ungrateful streamer all right let's see this is my last try giving you an idea you and Cassie should do a pool party stream it would be lit not a bad idea pretty good R pretty good R you missed the Dono from Cassie you fat ass also make sure you shave your caterpillar before she heads your way it better be shiny as your head all right uh ban you're timed out dude ban let's not talk about my penis thank you Chad all right chat uh chat I'm chat I'm nervy I'm nervy okay uh chat Chad you guys don't think I shave my Johnson Chad really bro all right I think she's online let me lock in chat okay okay she's not online all right she's getting online chat um let's be honest chat let's just call it what it is bro who in this chat well okay what level G guys listen we're gonna we could do some Q&A some questions um chat you know what I mean we could do I think she's level 50 bro bro if she's not level 50 I'm gonna be heated I've been waiting for Cassie to hit Level 50 yo chat I'm gonna chat I will do everything in my power to get Cassie the champion if I have to drop 27 kills in in the diamond game I so be it I Edge to you okay $10 Dono covering in from JZ so much for the $10 I appreci jinxy are you a sprinkler or a tinkler okay time him out out $5 covering in from plasma please spit in my mouth okay uh chat okay King thank you for the five [Applause] gifter King thank you for the five gifter appreciate it Gango King thank you for the five gifted appreciate it Gango best gfuel flavor on everything I love it's peach rings I swear to God I've tried 30 G fuel flavors this is the best one this flavor I might actually I'm going get some right now uh chat use code jinxy uh 20% off all G fuel uh purchases 20% off uh discount uh use code jinxy on okay right let me G fuel up before Cassie arrives chat Cassie's on let's lock in okay chat Let's uh let's get Rizzy let's get Rizzy man let's get rzy Let There Be Riz King than you for the 10 gifter appreciate it King King thank you for the 10 gifter appreciate it King thank you for the 10 GI man all right uh Cassie is joining up all right have eyes this title's crazy chat I am not married okay bro she's finally level 50 let's go man okay we got more donos cin I think Cassie's pulling up thank you junko for all the good streams a oh hello what's good what's good um okay uh so Cassie it is Halloween uh what are you wearing right now yeah I am wearing a Padme costume do you do you like it man ow all right I'm back uh okay wait wait my my chat saying they can't hear you oh yeah I got it one second okay so wait uh okay it's not even giving me an option um try to rejoin here try to rejoin okay uh this is going to be this is going to be a good night chat this is going to be a very very good night chat uh this is going to be a good night okay yes [Music] zenti thank you for the raid I still hate you zenti yo sorry about that uh it's still not giving me the option um I don't know that's uh not good that's not good oh um wait uh hold on one second uh chat gotta make a Tik Tok gotta make a Tik Tok chat hold on no wait uh chat one second I F man let me get the full pfp real quick I finally got a girlfriend well not really tonight is the night we're either going to get Ry or we're not getting busy I don't know what I'm saying click the live stream all right uh rising up uh Cassie okay great chat um I'm G to be honest chat I'm I'm nervous bro not gonna lie chat I'm very nervous right now but um I can't make it seem like I'm nervous it's all about confidence all right I'm back all right so Cassie where' you go I was uh what's it called I was um farting okay Cassie first question let's get the let's get the elepant at in the room or out of the room what's the uhhuh uh-huh when are you uh address when are you pulling up when do you want me to pull up let's say a week two weeks uh you know what I mean tonight all right right okay I just have to uh I'm on my way actually right now yep yeah just got it you know plan it out uh let me know all right let's play the game did you get level 50 please God tell me you got Lev yes I did yes okay are you ready to get champ I'm still ass though eventually all right all right all right all right okay cool so you're dressed up as padame right now yep why aren't you uh dressed up as uh Anakin um well I kind of um look like Anakin already so I don't well I'm going to be honest I'm bald as that's the main reason I don't want to buy a wig so unfortunately we're going to have to uh deal with the current haircut here okay there we go it's working now all right join it up okay cap f bumbled RZ oh uh Cassie could um could I get an outfit of the day yes so wait do I get a Halloween costume revealed I just want to see your Halloween costume I will show you my Halloween costume if you show me your Halloween costume okay you've got a Halloween costume yeah I got a Halloween costume I got a Halloween costume no way yeah I got I got a all right here you go to my stream I'll show you my Halloween costume okay okay then I'll go to your stream you show me your Halloween costume twins all right twins okay okay all right I'm pulling it up I'm pulling it up here is my Halloween costume I got to do it on my phone oh my penis I like penis all right uh okay Cassie did you see my holoween costume wait yeah I haven't seen it yet I haven't seen it yet it should be right now oh did you like it that's a little that's a little scary yeah all right great let's see your costume now all right okay yeah I want to see your uh Halloween costume um all right it's on okay wait I got to get the Blaster um coming right now wait I'm on my way all right I'm on of my way right now join it up all right and I am all right I'm in the Stream uh I'm in the Stream let me see the uh Halloween costume I'm on my way right now hold on I need to okay and I am all right I'm in the Stream uh I'm in the Stream let me see the Halloween costume wait hold on I need to move hold on I need to mute this is the greatest day of my life okay uh she is bad okay all right you are um you uh look uh sexy as hell right now I'm not going to lie I am not going to live right now all right let's play ranked you're level 50 we got to get some wins tonight this your first rank game ever right no I played two well maybe three last night did not go well on Xbox or PC PC so yeah this is my first rank game okay okay okay why is chat saying lrz bad RZ harisman all right uh Chad I think my well hold on all right I'm not even going to talk to chat they're trying to piss me off okay wait I have to I have to find the cord to plug in my uh controller okay I invited you I need to stock up on water here so I can be hydrated throughout the night BRB wait wait invite me again yes ma'am okay just did okay all right I'm bricked no I'm not I'm not bricked well all right my controller no no no no please yes yes yes yes okay I'm about to get a water trck anybody right ched watch One Piece all right let's go I'm back I a little uh controller hiccup there okay it says you're unranked on my screen so is this your first game or no alrighty then I'm going to qu what' you say um it says you're unranked on of my screen so is this your first game or no oh what oh on Xbox it is there you go okay maybe it just did uh transfer over great great great uh do you watch One Piece By the way I haven't okay okay is that another one is that another one we got to watch together or what uh yeah yep yep I was gonna say um if you did watch One Piece next Halloween you could uh dress up as Nami she's like one of the characters on One Piece uhhuh yeah yeah yeah yep yep uh and I'll uh you know I could be um Luffy I like Luffy a lot one of my favorite character you're gonna be Luffy yeah he a w we got a game let's go let's win some games let's win some games first rank I'm still going to be as though Dono Dono um okay Daman you're banned from the Channel all right um okay let's what was it what was it no no no Cassie no trust me no trust me whatever okay all I trust you I trust you just you got to trust me no I'm not asking that all right um okay so what did your fart smell like you know you've asked me this before no way really yes I forgot what was your answer I said roaches nice I like more wait what about you well I like stinky farts so what I mean by that is um like uh I like farts that don't smell good good you know what I mean uh-huh uhhuh Chad I'm promise you this is Riz trust me wait what did you say sorry so yours don't smell good is what no God no um my farts are pretty good my farts are pretty good I'm not going to lie first rank game Cassie are you locked in uh nope let's see what your K is uh after like two games three games oh God horrible or yeah okay there's saying something there's something wrong with your audio what the uh might just be my shitty ass mic I'm not gonna cap to you probably like my streaming mic is good but my Xbox mic is different huh very bad very bad yeah you're right so we're in Champion wait hold on um I'm nervous as right now why you nervous H you know just uh you know Halloween I'm all tingly you be eating Halloween candy or no n I'm uh you know I'm trying to work on my figure so I had like a few Kit Kats but that was about it all right all right all right secure the bombs I just said something out of pocket feel free to hop out of the pocket wall secure no no no no no ni nice not yet all right a few equal 30 and seats there goes your mod yeah bro not bad bro hey did you see as a cat did you see that excuse me what you dressed up as a cat yesterday yeah I did did you it yeah I missed it seconds located you you would have lik that you would have liked that one even better I'm going to be honest the padate one is pretty good I'm not going to lie yeah this one yeah but you you be meowing and so yeah I do be meowing do you want to practice with Mead if we if we win this game if we win this game we're meowing B I'm yep deal grenade cuz I I catch it [Music] good R oh that was you my bad yeah rude my bad I didn't know that was you I thought it was one of my wait Cassie you want to see see a strategy watch this uh this is what do we call R six champ aw a champion all right that's the name of the strategy and he's dead okay let's see it wow look at you actually have diffuser as well so we can get real active here team is dead nice dude this gun has so much recoil I got recoil so we talking like El Scorpion Recoil or like Buck recoil which one has the most uh vigil smg2 yeah that's one my God I'm in trouble there's all over me they're all over me Cassie hold my hand I'm holding it wait what you still holding it right yep okay one friendly operator Murphy not one killed guys is that a diffuser oh we lost the round is that thetical bomb diffuser activated no it was not yay awesome SA Mission fa 4v1 scenario it's okay I got a I got a surprise for you check check your uh messages wait say what now check your check check your phone all right I'm checking it uh okay good rain you have a very nice um um what are they called uh um ears very nice ears they're very oh thank you like cheetah they're very uh like your ears are nice they're very plump oh thanks my ears yes your ears secure the bombs okay okay ready let's try this again come on so uh what are we doing when I located a bomb when you uh come over oh probably do a stream um enjoy yeah probably do a stream and then uh uh after the stream uh we'll uh done streaming so op has located a bomb ready for you know it's whatever you want to do whatever I want to do man all right all right magnet Cassie maybe come back to sight uh you're scaring me Yep this me I need I need you to coach me yeah uh come back come back come back come back come back come back and then run here play on this mirror just sit on this mirror you can get like easy kills later on in the round okay that it's not lrz shut up let me lock in deploying sensor loading full magazine [Music] deployed whoa wait wait I can't shoot through this hold on one second Mommy okay Daddy's AC he's Insight I sold I sold it's got to be better jinxy Insight Insight pul my he's oh good try one friendly operator remaining try man pulse right here pulse throw a C4 pulse throw a C4 pulse throw a c have a C4 great ping it for you bro pinging it for you bro pinging it for you bro pinging it for you bro pinging it for you bro oh my God you actually KN all friendlies were eliminated Mission failure CH I'm not asking what level G we've already asked that uh Cassie well actually let's just double check uh Cassie uh Gat level what is it out of uh there's one two three and then probably like yeah one two three and then probably like uh ice 3.5 probably like three 3.5 six let's go that's that's good all right uh we got some uh chat questions okay um all right I'm ready chat I'm not asking do it leave a snail Trail Ms time him out he's been typing it for 20 minutes stop has located a bomb be ready for hello I'm back I'm back sorry what is he saying I said what's your Johnson Level oh you asked me what my Johnson level is ready yeah what are the options um seconds left one two 3 four five 6 bomb located by op what's the like okay oh I get what you're saying um no no no do do like do like on a scale of one three no no no we'll do uh the first scale uh so Johnson level one through 10 um 6.3 Ed wait wait what enemy compa on me get on get on get on oh I'm back oh I'm back you're so good yeah I know thanks babe welcome babe Mommy wait did you not hear me no oh God swapping mag he's down that hallway he's down that hallway oh good try oh I hit him you did yeah good try momy less than half oh 6.3 op four last op standing uh well wait uh for what the um Johnson Level uh yeah 6.3 erect but I don't really be measuring you feel me I you know some nights if might be 6.2 some nights there might be 6.4 reloading on ammo got believe they called it Ed it kind of fluctuates oh my gosh okay okay friendly last operator standing hold let me cl this real quick B right B I'm about to start barking 15 seconds time expires in 10 seconds he just drilled me in my tight ass I'm 1 HP like I can't do anything he didn't even know I was prone so ass I should have pre-fired him God damn it I'm selling I'm actually selling no I'm actually selling bro I got AIT was that one a hit too or no uh yeah unfortunat uh yes I was hoping you would forget that yep that's on me all right okay sorry I don't remember all right we got some more chat questions all right let's hear it God um so this guy said this is a specific question now if you um if you don't want to answer the chat question just say uh skip question all right all right all right Michael said need to use your drone to loc a bomb the chair be creaking I'm not sure what it means my chair do be creaking key yeah oh my mic's not all right okay oh oh one second sorry your drone yes cuff thank you for the 50 gifted W cuff in the chat cuff thank you for the 50 gifted all right uh okay I'm back all right back yep yep 10 seconds to Insertion I missed you 5 Seconds to insertion got me giggling and you found a bomb make your way to it location diffus it okay um Chad Chad I'm not asking proof of Gat mute your mic bro um oh you died I died don't worry babe I got it you got him avenge me who killed you by the way oh I got him yep all right a [Applause] go all right let's win this round let's see what Boogie can do what did you say your favorite anime was again um n this for you this a qu okay yeah quiz me no no no let's actually do that yeah okay what what's my favorite anime Attack on Titan wait no there you go wait I was right okay yeah Attack on Titan okay okay but what's what's what's possibly possession almost just as good what's second okay so your second favorite anime is what you're saying yeah yeah okay um looking at I'm got to CL camera bro where's this camera going in one remaining oh my God so hot thanks mommy the diffuser has been recovered welcome daddy ow oh my God the round's still going 15 seconds remaining 10 seconds remaining 5 seconds I'm like penis I got so there's just no time I'm going to be honest I um I fell out of my chair I'm not going to Li see oh you did yes I'm not kidding I fell out of my chair my bad my bad okay okay let's do this quiz though okay 10 questions you ask out of everything we've talked about um and I'm going to try to I'm GNA try to guess them or they could be questions that I don't even know and I just got to guess yeah wait actually this is a good question um do you know without looking what color are my eyes brown wow wait was I right good job good job I yeah I didn't think you were going to get that yes okay okay okay was that a guess though no no no like I I I um no no no I it wasn't a guess I remembered I remembered I remembered I remembered I remembered I remembered it wasn't a guess okay so what am I two for two right now wait I'm two for two wait what's my second favorite anime [Music] um okay do not look at chat I won't I won't look at chat I won't look at chat I think you said Demon Slayer wasn't you said Demon Slayer wasn't um I think you also said um I think you said you liked Hunter x Hunter I'm going to say it's either Demon Slayer or Hunter x Hunter I'm GNA say Hunter x Hunter yeah you're right you're right watch Demon Slayer yet oh my God yes look at you three for three three for three all right what's what's my favorite um wait what's my favorite animal you said like cat wasn't it cat wasn't it it wasn't cat um elephant I think yeah did you look at chat no no I didn't look at chat no what no no no so good because uh you said they are because they're smart that was your reason right that's why you like them yeah wait I'm four for four this is a this is a turn on right now all right hold on you crazy okay uh next uh question um what's my favorite movie franchise movie Star Wars come on that's easy I mean come on that's too easy that doesn't even count that's too easy yeah yeah yeah four for four four for four so I mean do I got to do I mean do you want to do my quiz do you want to do me or the qu the quiz okay um um yeah yeah yeah all right okay I going to do all time jinxy lore questions you got to know these bro oh you got to know these okay where was what state was I born in oh um have you told me this yeah no I believe just give a best guess no Florida correcto Monday did you look at chat let's go no no no okay one for one all right um okay what are my favorite shoes your flipflops damn okay two for two two for two okay um who okay I don't know if you'll guess this aom you probably will guess this who is my Idol slash person I look up to oh not family not family wait wait what did you guys drone godamn all right you're three for three I'm not even G to lie uh what a question funny what what what I got a phone case with Messy on it and it's pink on I have to do like a video on it what is pink the to insertion the pH okay yeah you got to that's not the only thing that's pink but yeah 5 Seconds to insertion but yeah m you've located a bomb make your way to its location and diffuse [Applause] it BRB all right lock in chat okay uh cool cool so uh Cassie all right so when we uh or when uh when we finally um meet up uh okay um yeah what do you want to do uh on stream what do you want to do on on on stream yeah let me be clear on stream all right oh probably not Dy in rings um I don't know game or what well maybe a little bit um it might be but uh maybe we'll do some challenges type um but I have some other what kind of challenges we'll see we'll see we'll see I have some other uh planned uh you know some good stuff oh do you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um let me hear Let me hear well no I don't want to like spoil them for chat but I'll I'll text you on God on God all right I want to know wait it's almost known wait what did you say it's almost no nut November do you do that or what I'll do whatever the hell you tell me to do sh it on reloading nice that diffuser you got one ready wait teammate why would you why would you why would you he knocked him he knocked him knock nice nice nice why would he plan if the guy's on top of Neal okay um yep yep yep yep yep all right what are we doing off stream okay um you know hang out uh chill out m um hang out and uh chill out nothing uh nothing else man just you know hang nothing else hang out and uh chill out yep just uh yeah uh like maybe watch like a movie or something o what movie are we watching 50 Shades of Gray damn okay we need to loc a bomb wait I have okay I just thought of like three questions uh my controller might be broken your drone has found a bomb yep I think it's broken yeah my controller might actually oh no it's working yes insertion in 10 seconds no my mic 5 seconds before insertion is there a ghost in my room my M you've located a bomb make your way to its location and diffuse it wait I can twist it and bend it pause wait my mic might actually no if my mic's broken I can't talk to Cassie no no no no no it's broken if my mic's broken I can't talk to Cassie bro Chad don't say scripted I did not script that I don't script anything bro my mic might actually be broken please work oh my God can you hear me oh I hear you yes yeah sorry my mic was breaking I um I uh my mic broke I don't know it just broke it just snapped okay wait where did my green just out of just out of the blue wait my fans oh no I fell out of my chair okay one second [Applause] um all right so Cassie Let's uh wait let's win this round real quick I got a pretty good question yeah yeah I got a good question I I have good questions to oh yes okay cool I see youing taking a look around let's get it let's get it let's get it reloading I'm going to push Aqua you need help over there or you good Auto is a go uh should be good all I'm coming I'm coming anyways win oh my God this is so hard about a drone okay I heard moz's Commando he's got to be in the objective here you're actually terrible Jonathan he's on my dick bro where is my team okay he walked across my oh my God op eliminated all I'm not locked Cassie I'm going to be honest I'm not locked either okay oh this is too hard this is crazy yeah know it's hard okay um here's my question all right so what are your um what are like your uh your turn on my turn on well I now I was GNA I was wait okay yeah what were you going to ask sorry sorry I was going to ask you um if you have any uh Kinks since we're wait like um what does that mean by the way a kink oh like I like yeah I never really yeah kind of thought about ties so you're vanilla that's what you're saying um yeah sure well okay okay now what do you mean like do you mean like your drone to loc a bomb I mean I mean I guess it could be um do I um okay so like specific stuff Dr found a bomb yeah it's like like choking like yo oh so we're in Champion we're in Champion 10 seconds before insertion insertion in 5 seconds so you found a bomb to location and diffuse it I I I mean there's yeah yeah what oh it's not oh my how are you oh my you just let me die right what the did you want me to do but no no no what did you want me to do about that sorry I shouldn't yelled at you I'm sorry not hot oh my god oh wait my M wasn't muted yes okay all right I'm going to win this round all so uh wait wait wait wait boie Shing mommy how is he alive how is he breathing how is he breathing how is he breathing how is he all right I'll be right back I got to go take a pant man okay Jesus dude chat like outs bro hi I can't I can't focus bro I can't focus protect the bombs okay all right all right all right all thr M come on lock come on lock op has located a bomb plan your defenses accordingly it'll sting a lot all right I'm back chat I'm back Chad it was not a tug break bro I went to go take a 10 seconds remaining 5 Seconds all right giving shot op has located a bomb my chair sliding bro okay sorry Cassie I'm back all right all right Cass can you help me reinforce the wall real quick reinfor that one where ready to go primed than welcome babe so sh let's go babe good flashing from the [Music] roof you good Cassie mhm think I just heard somebody's foot move oh on idiot nice nice nice hear some down here you're oh wait that was the stairs yes oh but hold on if he walks up the stairs he's going to get blinded by the F rear okay are you good over there oh yeah wait what are those things on the floor don't walk into them don't walk into them okay where did those come from uh uh gridlock okay so we're in copper door door door door door door door okay I got to sh on this guy real quick about a Randy or in his ass oh outside op four last operator standing come on bab I got you they right there y hold on 15 seconds left sit right there time expires in 10 seconds 5 seconds remaining chill chill chill chill chill oh my oh my God oh my God yes I almost had a heart attack oh my God good Cassie what I'm talking about man wait I got a 2K good good good good rain tutu 2 two two two oh my God man okay very good name very good name she's better than you okay your mic sounds bad yeah I know it's my Xbox mic bro okay so uh all right all right uh so we were talking about uh like turn on right yeah so okay I can't say titties so I'm going to say you said uh that's boring um I mean I mean that's a w but I'm going to say probably like wrestling op located a bomb protected yeah typ oh what about you uh what is uh your answer like my king well you're like your turn on kind of my turn on I don't even know they won't see this coming down to 10 seconds back wait wait 5 seconds in counting RoR going bomb located by op just like shoulders you know but oh okay okay I got it all right come on let's win the game I thought you met um something else oh no no didn't you wrestle Aiden yes and I won Cassie do you like uh like strong uh man oh my God Insight inside Insight holy C rest me run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run rest me rest me injured oh my oh my god pushing us pushing us pushing us holy hide in the corner hide in the corner and I get pre-fired great awesome sauce behind you behind you on the door behind you on the door behind you on the door behind you yep got right there you have one bullet you one bullet yep right there good TR oh finally down damn oh my I was I was flexing my muscle and he jumped inside I can't no I didn't make it ready I can't catch a break I can't catch a break um wait you've been uh going to the gym lately yes yes I have um oh you look good thank you thank you you too y do you be um you be working out and or no yeah every once in a while time what type of like workouts do you do when you go to the gym we squatting uh what about you hip thrust last operator standing oh yeah those two um jerks op four last operator standing like cleaning jerk um oh okay and yeah leg press those those are the workouts I do it uh but yeah no those are the workouts that I be doing nice nice uh you have a um you have a very um a beautiful hair you have very beautiful hair oh do yeah no problem you've never been with the block before right that's what you said uh I don't think so no maybe oh he had to think about it no no I haven't no maybe no no I haven't I have't I haven't I haven't nope NOP all right just uh brunette I think that's it yeah okay interesting yep yep um so like do you play any sports protect the bom that's another quiz question wait you played volleyball right for you no you played water polo located a bomb you no you played soccer that's what you played I played soccer for a year last year that's not like my God damn it throw me a bone here help what what what was you support gymnastic that's what it was so are you flexible yeah nice nice what' you say want to see 10 seconds yes please 5 Seconds to insertion all right I'll show you uh in uh when I op four has located a bombo is ready awesome Pome okay um yes yes yes great run C out hold on and Bar did he lag out or is he okay no he's just shooting have a good pun I knocked one nice I'm going to let him res actuallyy watch out for the door wait when does uh November start tomorrow I might be failing the challenge go inside inside Cassie inside no you know not to Peak me huh they're scared holy I'm bricked up that was he y my whole team's just baiting upstairs bro I can't I can't play with this team bro they better have the or I'm going to Snap Four last operator three of them are upstairs okay they have the that's F that's why that's why okay okay okay okay okay 5 seconds remaining um chat uh okay wait okay where did we leave off sorry I was locked in on that round um you asked me if when do November start oh oh yeah I did no reason okay okay oh I was gonna ask you I didn't want to win that challenge anyways what's up what's the biggest red flag like what's your biggest red flag that you have um probably if my girlfriend has like 25 guy friends and um she's working late every night you know what I'm saying uh probably that no no you like a red flag you have oh you know what I mean a red flag I have okay you want me to just be honest um yeah prot I want total honesty little penis I don't know wait no okay stop um hold on wait no um my red flag is I'm sorry I'm sorry my red flag I my Johnson's average my red flag is probably to be honest uh what is my red flag I don't B no I would say if I'm being honest I uh don't really give that much um how do I say this 10 seconds to insertion um I just be gaming and streaming and so like I don't really be having like that much free time you don't give that much attention I don't give that much attention is what I was going to say but every time I say that it's like uh you know not good so uh fat and bald I it's a red flag so uh so what is your red flag what what's your red flag H I feel like um probably I'd be jealous and A mhm so like what do you mean by that like what level of jealousy like are we talking like if I um give me a scenario yeah okay yeah I'll give you a scenario so okay we're at a restaurant all right we're at a restaurant yeah we finished eating we're walking out and I look at another woman's uh G uh that's a body that's a body what does that mean you just gain a body from that wait that's considered cheating dang okay okay I'm just kidding no but that would you're kid I don't think you're kidding I I just giving you a scenario not that I knew that right right yeah no um no that probably me sad that would be be a little I'd be upset whoa Daddy reload so like I got a question what if I like told you I I I was like yo Cassie slap me in the face and then you were like are you sure and then I was like yes slap me in the face would you enjoy that or no o I mean are you are you laughing after or what like what's your reaction uh I'll probably be bricked up after yeah then definitely enjoy that very good answer than would you slap me if I told um where in the in face oh no no if I if I asked you to I told if you wanted me to op four last operator standing uh probably not I don't know I wouldn't feel like uh that's that's aough question that's like last opor standing so good man my God you're thanks Mom damn damn damn that's clean name g name bro Cassie I mean we're getting a lot of like we I don't know we're getting a lot of like really good important questions uh chat I'm not yeah we are yep yep okay so yeah I say I'm like a little bit I'm not okay let me explain I'm not submissive but I do get a boner from it so I don't know maybe I am so so what you're saying is you're trying to be dominated well yeah yes ma'am uh but yeah no I mean it's just it all depends on the night man you know what I mean it all depends on the night okay gotcha gotcha that's valid thank you thank you thank you all right I got a question okay what is your question bomb um all right our first date where are you taking [Applause] me Pro okay I'm going to say probably like a nice restaurant cuz like I don't really be cooking type I mean I cook yeah but like I just cook like breakfast and like I cook when I'm like starving cuz I'm not a great cook you know what I mean if I want to have a good meal so probably like a nice restaurant and then um late night I'm thinking like beach man I'm a big nighttime Beach guy I live in Florida so like the beaches in the day is ass it's hot and humid but night time when you get that breeze you located pretty crazy I'm not going to lie then uh that was like perfect answer yeah oh keep going keep going then uh the bald is in your court okay um yep so what wherever you want to go okay yep all right all right wait that was that was a good answer you know that's like actually my answer too that would be fun man very fun that would be fun that would be fun man okay all right all right listen I know it's bad that I say man you got to understand I play this game every day I called everybody man uh-huh uh-huh uhhuh don't be like I'm just going to call you it every time you call me it no no um I swear to God it's just whoa on idiot that was bad mags I don't so like what do I call you if I don't say man like what did I say anything all right anything but bro or or or sorry dude wait I just said dude God damn it okay or sorry sorry sorry it's like my lingo bro how I talk man oh my God it's actually it's actually fine this is actually getting bad it's actually fine Chad I'm not saying stop bro Jesus see it's cuz I'm used to talking to chat and they're like 98% dudes right no I'm not saying you like chat hey my fault my fault this guy be me bro like all right what if I call okay instead of saying bro or man or dude what if I dick in my ass okay what if I say lebronzo is that good that's better than that's better than okay okay okay all right Cassie let me see something let's see something here okay this room in front of you is clear okay oh okay the room in front of you is clear now the room with the a bomb out of there drop the diffuser get ready to shoot they're about to peek you $10 Dono from Mayhem jinxy girls love it when you call them honey honey H H or honey seconds left oh my God what is C doing Cassie better W fortnite wait she's planted wait she's actually locked in she's actually locked in oh my God Cassie got the flat down good job honey holy oh I like that one friendly last operator Mayhem you're mod Welcome to The Mod [Music] Squad [Music] help good try he wall banged you wow he wall banged um okay uh Mayhem you're okay good try honey I liked that okay okay uh Mayhem I'm not kidding type in the chat right now so I can mod you wait what's his name uh Mayhem 1322 yep you're modded I I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care okay I'm back sorry I was doing something all right cool cool all right this is it this is the whole game right here okay [Music] okay okay okay okay last round we got to win this last round we got to win this nine rounds is crazy for a ranked game bro is it I don't know what nine rounds yeah for a ranked game mhm yeah it's pretty crazy it uh happens not that often happens not that often uh y okay protect the bombs it does not r that deploy located a bomb plan your defenses AC okay oh W oh I got a quiz question a quiz oh for me okay Bet yeah yeah um how tall am I 5 six 10 seconds wait was I right yeah you're right you're right oh my God okay how tall am I uh 5 11 damn okay okay did I get it yeah yeah you actually did you actually did I I'm technically 6 foot but it's all good who's keeping TR youan you round up yeah yeah Lo me yeah take back what I said like back and shoulders being a turn on you remembering everything is in a turn on awesome awesome awesome awesome this this is match point so let's lock it the in all right C come ins sight with me real quick I just uh on actually run run to me if you can okay good good yep yep throw your legion mines on all the doorways and just stay alive as long as you Canad they convert so watch out above you if they make oh try to stay alive as long as you can all right I mess up I'll alive if you can oh my God no way I'm back someone is tracking you down no exposed they're up on insight I can't even see him what it's lost unless this guy clutches oh my God one2 actually wable or aim with the penis great elim great man all right all right where did my controller go all right Cassie uh it's getting a little bit late so I'm probably going to hop off and tug my uh uh what's it called okay no all right all right I'm going to get off uh wait uh Cassie can you hear me she can't hear me great she can't hear me we do got to confirm a um time yo okay uh yo C C and my mic broke nice no way that broke the mic ghosted no hold on my mic's not on yo yo yo yo yo yo okay my mic's broken all right let me call [Music] her all right my mic's broken dude I'm going call her real quick oh oh you can hear me okay thank God all right Cassie I'm going to hop off it is getting late um I'm going to hop off so Cassie uh real quick before I get it off when um when like what day do you think uh would work out for you or do you not know yet I don't I don't know yet but I think we can make it happen in like like within a month dang okay okay cool Cass drop off uh okay uh all right good night have wait what' you say I said bye daddy we're in there
Channel: Jynxzi Live
Views: 496,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jynxzilive, jynxzi clips, jynxzi, rainbowsixsiege, jynxzi rage, jynxzi funny, jynxzi funny moments, jynxzi reacts, rainbow six siege, rainbow 6, jynxzi rainbow six siege, jynxzi moments, jynxzi rage moments, jynxzi 1v1, jynxzi toxic, jynxzi cheater, jynxzi pack opening, jynxzi hacker, Silver players make jynxzi break his controller, rainbow six siege jynxzi, rainbow six siege cheaters, jynxzi best clips of the day
Id: tLrqNiJ2zJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 43sec (4663 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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