Carpenter Brut - Turbo Killer
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Channel: undefined
Views: 9,024,334
Rating: 4.9523087 out of 5
Keywords: turbo killer, roller mobster, le perv, carpenter brut maniac, blood machines, hang em all, carpenter brut full album, trilogy carpenter brut, escape from midwich valley, paradise warfare, anarchy road, leather teeth, live, looking for tracy tzu, dark synthwave, seth ickerman, ep II, ep I, ep III, carpenter brute, dance with the dead, fury, brut
Id: wy9r2qeouiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 18 2015
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I'm a simple man,I see Carpenter Brut,I upvote.
The Terminater 1 video edited to this song is a fun watch, as well.
No offense but the high treble of their pieces hurts my ears. I still enjoy the overall theme and composition but while putting up with the excruciating pain of their high pitch instruments.
The one Carpenter Brut I truly like is the one that follows the first track in Back to the 80s - Vol 7 (if I listen to both back to back; it's an amazing 8 minute combo).
Nice to always see some carpenter brut on here. Pretty much the band/artist that got me into synthwave/retrowave.