Caroline Wozniacki: Real story on Rory McIlroy

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[Music] there's obviously no good segue into this and I know it's a topic that is no fun for you to talk about but obviously recently you and professional golfer you know Rory McIlroy broke off your engagement and you know I wonder given you're a public figure how difficult have you found it to avoid dealing publicly with a very private situation um it was very hard because you know he made it very public from the start you know he put out a press release and all of that so I didn't have a choice you know it was kind of it just gets in my face but you know right now I'm in such a great place I'm so happy I'm in a better place and I've been in a very long time and I've good things going on I understand from talking to you know people close to you like wedding invitations had been sent out already you were with them you know that morning and then later in the day it happened unlike a ten-minute call the first five minutes of which you thought was a joke he's saying he wants to break it off I'm surprised for you by how it all ended oh I was shocked I thought at least you know I would get a face-to-face or something but there was nothing you know it was just a phone call and I did not hear from them again you know it's kind of like that it's kind of just ended and you know I don't think you expect yourself to be in a situation like that you can't prepare yourself or your body for anything like that so you know I think I was just in a bit of a shock face there for a while and I went to Miami after the French Open and you know Serena was there we had a great time but usually they need to learn and you know we just had an amazing time and I came back from that and I felt refreshed I felt you know knew my new self and I started practicing towards Wimbledon Eastbourne that's playing well and yeah it kind of has like you know what that's a that's a chapter in my life I've learned a lot from it you know it just taught me a lot it's I definitely learned a lot about myself about relationships I know I think you just have to take life as it goes and I believe that you know you know forget put things from you guys you can't handle so you know I'm definitely on the other side now and you know I I moved on I did love the tweet that you sent out though recently about the first time in a few years you're able to wear high heels I thought that was clever how like hard is it though like just generally speaking to have a relationship when here you are you know having a global travel schedule year-round and obviously also have you know very ambitious time-consuming professional goals I think it's very important to have a life off the court and to me it wasn't that hard to balance you know tennis and a relationship and I think for me it's it's just a great thing when you can have both you know it's there's no better place then that when you're happy both on and off the court because of the least you're happy off the court you're going to do better results and play better you know what the one upside and all this is is it's for guys you're 24 gorgeous incredibly successful and now single so what is a Caroline look for in guys well you know and that's uh you know I've met a few guys that's kind of you know are fun to hang around and I definitely have gotten a lot of tweets you know saying is what do you get like what are some of it um just like funny tweets you know hey I'm single too and I live in Cincinnati do you want to go out for drink or have you ever been close to responding to one of them because I'm sure I'm charting lanius click on some of them is like look at the guy's picture and then some genius tweet sound like I couldn't even make that up if I try like that like what and now I don't remember how I could put on stuff but like there's been somewhere like you know what that almost deserves a response yes because well you didn't answer what you look for in guys but that I give you I look for in a guy okay I look for someone who's honest that's the most important thing was fun to be around it doesn't take himself too seriously um I would like a taller guys I can wear my heels so I'm out of contention I don't know your side on you know nobody's perfect right so you know sometimes you know I can take most boxes and one or two can kind of I have a long list know if I would have to keep going you know it would yeah I'm pretty I'm pretty strict you know with my my box checking [Music] [Music]
Channel: Graham Bensinger
Views: 318,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Caroline Wozniacki Rory McIlroy, Caroline Wozniacki relationship, Rory McIlroy engagement, Caroline Wozniacki breakup, Rory McIlroy breakup, Caroline Wozniacki profile, Rory McIlroy relationship, Caroline Wozniacki engagement, Caroline Wozniacki interview, Caroline Wozniacki, Rory McIlroy, Graham Bensinger
Id: G1zNbKfUwTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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