Caroline Myss - Defy Gravity - Findhorn - 2009 - Part 1

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hi everyone my focus with every workshop is that you leave having something that has changed your life so that it's not just a information but that something has permanently transformed you and i see so many familiar faces i'm pausing to to kind of i see so many familiar faces and i'm very touched that you are here i see feeling in so many anyway um so with this particular workshop on defy gravity for me before i i go into the overview that i find more and more necessary i want to say that this particular material has uh in a sense it is my holy grail i mean in all of the years that i have looked for healing in terms of uh this sort of mystery as to why people heal why they don't heal can they heal and my own distance personally in my journey of staying away from healing going close staying away not wanting to go anywhere near people who were healing or sick would be another way to put it part of that reason was because i had nothing to offer that actually seemed to work and the kind of frustration of that kept me at bay um and i'll go into that in a little bit later today as to how that whole journey of my own life unfolded but the work that i did in defy gravity for me um was an aha as as has happened actually in all of my work there now that i've written so many books and have gone through this so many times a book for me always starts out always as a an intellectual exercise of wanting to take information that i have accumulated through observation and frustration and a lot of the issues that i have accumulated in what i would call the holistic field that i feel need to be challenged which for me are one of the reasons why the holistic field is not very holistic at all and one of the reasons why i feel people are not healing or making progress nor in fact are quite the opposite but as i started to write that as i started to write that i found that for all of the information that i had accumulated over so many years of observing every time i sat down to write my my uh thoughts were jammed it just jammed as if i would go into a blank space or as if my the sentences that i was trying to write would get the language would go away or their sentences would start sounding like some amateur from high school wrote them i would lose access to my sophisticated vocabulary and then when i would leave my computer and go downstairs in my house to make a cup of coffee or something like that all of a sudden i'd be thinking clearly again now i had that experience once before and it terrified me it terrified me and in fact finn horn's involved in that experience finn horn actually is involved in it now that i think of it and i didn't think of it till the second but i was writing a book called creation of health which is the time when i when i brought through the human energy system as i then understood it which was the seven chakras and the relationship between um losing energy and where the disease state was and how i first initially did medical intuitive readings when i sat down to write that book i was still in publishing my publishing company was failing i had two partners we were about to go bankrupt okay and that was the result of uh my previous two partners my first two partners were getting a divorce we were about to go bankrupt we were in big huge trouble i can't believe the story's coming out how wild is this but it has to do with finlhorn wow anyway um it was decided by the three of us that i should write creation of health and i was i had been doing medical intuitive readings at that point for four years with norm shealy my dear friend and now colleague of 20 almost 25 years and at that point i thought hmm okay all right i would uh i would do that i was at six years or something like that and i didn't know at that point i had no awareness i didn't intend to tell this story so it's all kind of flashing back to me i had no awareness that the readings had a pattern to them that um as i was doing readings i had started because i had no interest in being a medical intuitive that the reading started to fall into a pattern that i would do a reading for example on someone who had a colon cancer and the next thing you know i had two to three to four patients through norm who had colon cancer and then there'd be a next cancer esophageal cancer and then there would be leukemia and there would be a certain type of leukemia that and over the course of the years these readings would come in in groups and i had no awareness at that point that i was learning patterns i had no awareness until i sat down to write creation of health that i had logged in all those patterns and at that point i did not know about chakras i mean that how amazing is that in the 80s i did not know about chakras right but then here was the thing when i sat down to write the book my company is failing we're going into bankruptcy we have no idea how to pay our employees we decided i would write the book and we would pre-sell it that's normal all publishers pre-sell their books i sit down and i hear this voice i hear this voice as clear as you can hear me because that's how i can hear that voice it doesn't come in that strong all the time but when it does and it says not now it's too soon i sit back in my desk on the farm in new hampshire a sickness comes into my gut because i know i'm about to violate the voice that i never violate i know for a fact it's too soon and now i am violating the voice i never violate and i'm pushing myself to write something and it's not there the only thing i can tell you is that i am now forcing myself to pretend i'm pregnant knowing knowing that i'm full well not pregnant they're expecting me on a delivery table in nine months i have to force this i have to force my body to expand i have to force my womb to grow and i'm not pregnant this is exactly what that experience was like for me every night just imagine breathing so that you're forcing yourself to grow you have to stop your menstrual cycle you have to force this because you are not pregnant that's how painful this was and that's what hit me again the summer i started defy gravity i thought i know all of this what why am i going blank and i thought not this again oh my god not this again not this again anything but this don't put me there again don't do this don't do this don't do this don't do this and one of the as i started to keep going through my notes going through my notes going through my notes about why people why i had observed people healing and my frustration with i know people can heal and why i see people not healing and my angst with the fraudulence that i see in the holistic world which i will get into um i thought one of the things one of the journeys of people that i have seen who heal the hell um is that they go through the dark night of the soul a dark night they go through a dark night the thing about the dark knight is that it's become carmen common parlance within our society people say well i'm in a dark night i'm in a dark night and they use it in a way that says um you have a bad day you have a bad experience you break up with someone you have a depression and you use this profound mystical journey which it is and you reduce it to describe a depression a bad day in earth school a situation you simply can't endure for a period of time not fully understanding that the dark night is a journey in which you are called into something to transform you well i realized i needed to refresh my whole understanding of the dark knight in order to really write about it fully for defy gravity and so i i took the book john of the cross uh and i started to read it again and boom i got my download all of a sudden that thing that happens to me happened the lights went on the illumination hit when i didn't expect it where i didn't expect it with the dark knight i thought i was just going to write a couple of pages on everybody goes through a dark night but i never ever expected that the grail i was looking for was right there and as i studied the dark night of the soul through the lens of healing through the lens of the seven mansions of teresa the seven chakras the seven sacraments the seven levels of the tree of life the seven mystical notes of the scale of the soul the seven everything that we are john of the cross said the dark knight is divided into two journeys not one the first is the active and as i read that and really read it i realized oh my god that is exactly the way we've set up our contemporary therapeutic healing model it matches it completely matches the attitude the structure the challenge of the first level of how we set up our healing and he calls it the night of the senses where the first level of the dark night is how you break down your senses why is this happening to me oh why me the narcissistic stage of healing and we'll go into that in great detail but the next stage is the passive night and that's when you really get into your hell and then comes the next stage which i then put in which is getting into your divinity your actual divinity which is understanding your graces but in order to really understand your graces you have to juxtapose them to your power to create hell and now you know what the center of your soul is you have to stand in your power to create heaven against your power to create consciously to create hell not how hell's been created around you but how you create hell for everybody else and now you know how powerful you are that in fact you have to take a look at the truth that your greatest suffering comes from wanting to make others suffer and not being able to exact that choice it's not that people have hurt you it's that you plan to hurt them and they don't care or you can't exact that you can't execute it the privilege you think you have to make others suffer i've been hurt therefore i get to hurt and it's not until you recognize oh my god i am full of self-pity and i feel i have a right to be i am full of anger and i feel i have a right to be and you just don't get that you just don't get that my pain is greater than anyone else's and i have a right to this pain and i am not giving it up and your pain entitles you to what to be angry and you are not respecting my anger you have to talk to me in a certain way because i am angry uh so that's what you get out of your anger the privilege of your pain is what the capacity to make other people do what and that's where we're going in this workshop so that you finally see that there is a point that points of creation are either your capacity to choose to create each moment with your grace or to choose to deliver your pain and that is how you co-create your reality and that the true person who is capable of healing and receiving healing handles grace and that is what's true that is what i have learned and does not look at someone and say you don't deserve love so i am going to bless you you don't deserve my approval i'd rather see you suffer for it i'd rather see you beg for it i love the power play between us and it's not until you own that that you realize i can't no wonder i don't heal no wonder my life doesn't get better no wonder it's got nothing to do with your childhood the only one in your body is you and the only time it is is now there's no childhood in your body it's just the present time you can keep your childhood there but it's not there not from a mystical point of view you can keep going back there but you're visiting the dead so where we're going is this place called defy gravity and what a mystic does is defy gravity they become mystics become weightless a mystical experience is when weight is taken out of your experience of life is when your five senses the night of senses are turned off and your soul sees the same thing your ego is seeing but you see it through the eyes of your soul and suddenly what you're perceiving is transformed so i'm going to pause here and say does this make sense to you yeah okay now i know it's saturday afternoon and i bet a lot of you are tired or a lot of you tired yeah i know too bad now here's the thing here's the thing when we finally go on coffee break you're gonna pour coffee down you like you've never poured before and you're gonna do that as a favor because one of the different i want you all jacked up on caffeine because do you know how hard it is to teach people who are like this now i know it's not me but all of you have traveled and so for a few seconds i'm going to interact with you and ask you what drew you to this workshop anything specific how many of you are actively healing something okay so you're actively healing is it a physical illness what are you so how many of you are actively healing a physical illness okay how many of you would say what do you mean you don't know if you're actively healing a physical illness what does that mean nobody's ever answered it that way you perceive that it's physical okay then be an interesting i don't know i wouldn't want to be your doctor but anyway okay okay so um and i'm gonna go into a larger atmosphere now how many of you have dynamics in the greater arena of your life that we could say you are healing or are in conflict or are in need of healing okay how many of you are in the process of making changes that you do not want to make but are necessary okay how many of you know you need to but you don't want to face it that's good got you coming we're going um so how many of you have a life that you wouldn't change at all perfect and you are in denial okay so here is what i'm going to ask you to do for a few minutes and that's what makes this workshop very powerful very powerful is that you make it very personal and that's that how i'm going to do this workshop is this way i need to give it a context and that context is to bring you into very intimately the here and now of what is going on within you and around you within our global atmosphere and within your personal atmosphere and how they are one in the same thing because so much of the error in our perception is that transformation and the changes in the world are happening out there and that somehow the out thereness is controllable and two that you can control your relationship to the changes and transformation happening by doing ecological things that are convenient to you that if you are recycling the major changes that are hitting the fan will not come to call this is yet another naivete a superstition that is your version in the old days of how people used to wear garlic and crucifixes if i eat a vegetarian diet if i recycle then the crap that's going to hit the fan and it is the banking system that's going to come down the wars that are going to accelerate will not come to my door the pandemics that are likely to strike will not come to my door because i'm recycling these are the types of superstitions new agers have developed that seem to believe the changes are going to happen to those people but not to us because we're organic and they're only going to happen to non-organics but not to us oh ho you we are so foolish to think such egos this is new age narcissism at its worst at its worst it's the it's new age republicanism and that's the worst thing i can say about it because there's nothing as worse as bad as an american republican okay that's the last remark i make about that but that is what i have to say and i have to say it i won't name the state i think they're from i'll leave that alone okay um but having said that what i do need to bring to you is that you have to take a look at something in you that needs a profound confrontation and as i go up the scale of each note in you of each mansion of each chakra of each shadow passion and every grace you need to apply it to something in you that needs confrontation and purging and the application of grace to see exactly how powerful you are when it comes to healing yourself that healing is not something it is not something that comes from without and is not like the new age has taught the result of finding a thought form there must be a thought form in this morass of disaster that is the reason why my life has fallen apart that's nonsense it is total absolute nonsense it is not the result of a thought form and it never will be ever that is just another piece of nonsense if it were so easily this there's got to be a thought form in there somewhere it must be a lesson and they've kind of found it we would be a much healthier people and we're not and we're not and that's all nonsense is because we like to do everything in our head and nothing else oh my if we have to take our body along not anything but that what move our body include our body and our healing you've got to be kidding we just like to do it from here up we're in the energy computer age you mean we just can't do it from here up you've got to be kidding we have to drag our carcasses into our healing process you've got to be kidding okay so what i need you to do is pause for a moment and go into yourselves and actually choose what it is you need you say you need healing you say you need you pick one area that you are going to continually work on throughout this workshop so that when i say i want you to apply this to some area of your life some area of yourself i don't want it vague and here's another reason why people don't heal they kid themselves that they're healing they play games with themselves and one of the ways people play games is the way they language what they're trying to heal what are you trying to heal fear what what does that mean fear of what fear fear fear what are you talking about what are you talking about that's like chasing air it's like chasing air what are you talking about fear fear of what do you have everything you have a fear of fire no okay is it a fear of my fear of my aunt i had a very frightening aunt no okay then well then what are you talking about because the fears in you are not the fears in me so what are you talking about if you don't name that fear in a whole sentence you can't call the demon out so what are you talking about fear of what now if you don't articulate it and write it down so that you look at it you name it you articulate it you call it out the laws of cause and effect mechanical all the laws that your whole psyche has set in motion that are regulated by that i'm not going to say ooh she's talking to us because up until now you've played games with that you've just played you're not serious about it when you write something down you name it you articulate it it comes out of your fifth chakra it comes out of your fifth mansion it comes out you are saying now i'm gonna take you on bring it on you and me we're going into the ring so you name this thing you call it out and you say now you and me but you're calling out every single thing that's attached to that every person you control because of it every social energy that's attached to it every excuse you give yourself for not doing anything that's attached to it this is why you won't name it because you know that the roots of everything you name go very very deep so when you pick something you're actually picking a whole orbit of your universe it's not until you do this that you realize how powerful every single thing is so now you say i don't have anything to heal not really i was teasing no no no no no no and you have to write it down you can't say i'll just keep in mind i watch i watch every one of you like a hawk i know who's writing things down who's taking notes you think i i watch every one of you i know who's napping who's nipping there's one of you i miss i mean after hours different thing but when you're in here and i'm in here with you that's my task is to watch mr c is to watch who's who's in the alpha group who's perfume who's cologne who's toilet water who's serious and and to that i would say not everybody can move at the speed of light not everybody but this is the fascination with healing teresa of avila would say you can't if someone can't move at that speed this is someone who says that's it i'm going i want the gravity what isaac when isaac newton named the law of gravity gravity he said there's weight that you can't see there's seriousness what was gravity can you imagine what he did when he saw gravity he had a mystical experience the veil between the worlds opened up he saw a million apples before that one fell in front of him and the veil between the worlds opened and he saw he perceived what the eyes cannot see his soul saw the mechanical nature of the universe his soul because your eyes can't see that he had a mystical experience and he saw through the air that the air was regulated by law that this space had law and the law was gravity and in that law he said there's weight i'll call this gravis that's latin for gravity gravity means serious gravis means to give weight to air now think of this as your soul that that you that thought has weight but not every thought has weight a mystical experience is when the thoughts you have that have weight are removed from you and you become weightless another way to say that is not just w-e-i-g-h-t but w-a-i-t l-e-s-s which is why you look at the great mystics and you hear hear stories that they levitate they are without weight well of course they let it take then you go hmm that's logical that's right and isn't that what they all say if you fully understood you would get it and you would not be awestruck they say to you i am awestruck you don't get it and they say constantly this is in you why don't you get it buddha stop looking at me i'm a finger pointing to the moon get the moon get the journey stop it of course you can walk on water i have no weight in me i have no weight i am not carrying history i am not carrying sin i am not carrying unfinished business i have in buddha no illusions enlightenment i have only light i i i'm not carrying these things that draw your soul out that you attach to that you say this has to be true it has to be because i want it to be true just because you want it to be true will never make it true but you anchor yourself in that and it causes you suffering and as a result you make everyone else suffer because you insist that something that is not true is true you hurt me deliberately it's true you did it's true it's true it's true and i will stand in that truth for the rest of my life and i will make you suffer for it i will i will i will i will i will and thus you do and it becomes a story and you visit that suffering every single day and you make everybody suffer you make everybody suffer and therein lies the story of your illusion until you finally get there's no truth what have i been doing there's no truth and we're going to get to the first shadow passion which is why you do that you get stuck in that first shadow passion and you will you will fight to the death that's how strong that first shadow passion is pride hubers you've got to be right by god you've got to be right wretched that eh and now you think someone else causes your help oh no no no no no not on your life you're the source of it the worst thing to do is find out you're the source of your own suffering so i'm going to give you pause and i really need you to take a few minutes and and if you want to talk with if you want to just chat with somebody if or whatever and think well but actually you actually should be well aware of your own and just write something down that you want as your map for this workshop something you think i gotta i've gotta put an end to this i gotta at the end of the workshop you have seen it differently and it's healed you've got to walk this use it i'm going to give you a few minutes to do that just write down i am healing i'm healing x i need to heal this i'm i i am healing put in the present tense i just beneath the mic okay okay do you mind if this goes on the mic i was just saying how i can write down how i need to heal x but x is just another word just like any other word or term that i've been told so it doesn't really mean anything to me what means things to me are the things that you were saying before like the associations and the pain associated so how can i just write well that but all of that is contained within that you wouldn't you know it that's an anchor for all of that and let me say that part of what complicates healing is that a person sees or perceives all of this as riding on this one illness so let's say that you have chronic pain in the lower back but you say see that's not really a caroline what it really is is my whole relationship to finances and betrayal because you don't understand carolyn i've been betrayed all these times because this is where chronic pain in the lower back usually comes from and you don't get that carolyn and i see my pattern carol and you just don't get that i see now why i've been betrayed and see this is what i really want to work with is all this emotional angst about betrayal like that and i'm shut up put chronic pain in the lower back because everything that it represents rides in that language i want you to just deal with it because every time you put down chronic pain all that comes up it all comes up that's your container and it all comes up it's just that you don't want to language chronic pain what you just said to me is but i don't want to say that i don't want to name that illness don't make me do that and i'm going to say oh yes you will because the first thing you're going to do is deal with the fear of languaging the illness it's kind of like one of the reasons why people don't heal you know one of the most difficult things to articulate and it is and it just boggles my mind but it is and thank you for this and it opens a door one of the most challenging things to articulate is this phrase the fear of the truth and is to get to communicate where people actually get how frightened they are of truth not just of a truth but truth as a force that in fact the experience of god and the mystical experience is the experience of the revelation of truth that what mystics what mystics no matter what form a mystical journey takes whether a person is a political mystic a benjamin franklin a thomas jefferson of altair or whether a person is a scientist mystic an einstein or a person is a cosmic mystic like teresa of avila anyone who is called to the journey of truth to see what others cannot see through divine revelation shares something in common which is first they go through facing truth about themselves now in healing that journey the first the first level of that journey is always the truth of experience the truth of the things that physically happen to you very few people go further than that they never go further than that that's as far as they go and they think that's actually going to heal them they go as far as that and they can't get over it they go to the second chakra that's as high as you go the chakra of vengeance this is it and the way they talk is and as a result of discovering this by god here are my boundaries nobody's going there again and they think that's actually going to heal them rage anger boundaries but they can identify first chakra who did it and they think that's going to heal them by god and they can't stop telling you who did what that will never heal that's just the first the second level of and there's just it's just a tr it's a but that's not a that's not truth that's fact fact is not truth it's a fact but it's not a truth the next level is personal truth which is how it affected you how it formed you and what you are doing with that experience as a result of it so now we're at a different level it's a fact that this happened to you and now we're into personal subjective truth as a result of this i give myself permission to do this that's subjective truth and then there's cosmic truth that which is true for everybody the law of gravity a cosmic truth that isaac newton sees has nothing to do with whether or not he suffered a bad childhood or a good one it simply is and as a result of seeing a cosmic truth everybody moves forward now that's power in a cosmic truth only your soul can perceive it and you take everyone with you to a much better place to a much better place this is the journey but only a calling only when you're called by name by god do you get to see cosmic truth because it's such a burden and when they say know thyself and you will know the universe know thy self first and thus will you be called to know the universe that is what that means know thyself first and thus shall you be called to know the universe otherwise you can't carry the weight of such a truth it will shatter you it will shatter you because what you will do with such a fragile ego if you have an ego that is still a punishing one that still wants to break other people because of your own pain where you still want to get even with people where you're still motivated by need to be seen because of what's happened to you but for whatever reason because you never had enough attention as a child or who knows what kind of michigash is in your head you will take an experience and you will absolutely need everyone else to validate it but the thing about a mystical experience is nobody can go there but you theresa would say or when her nuns would say to her where'd you go when she would levitate her or she'd have a seizure but they knew it was a mystical of a seizure and she would come back and they would say where were you and she would say my my brain wanted to go and my eyes wanted to go and my ears wanted to go but they cannot make the experience they cannot make the journey to god they cannot go there in other words my five senses can't comprehend where i've just gone so don't ask me there is no language language can't go that high which is why mystics start using metaphor and poetry and they start saying things well it was like it was like that there is no language it's also a realm where what you see becomes cosmic where you begin to perceive the consequences of the actions of human beings not for the here and now but seven generations from now 10 generations you realize oh my god what we're doing what we're doing is so bitter it's so painful oh my god the consequences of our we aren't gonna change on time oh my god oh my god we're not gonna and when a mystic writes the pain of this truth is so horrible that's what they're talking about they're not talking about you know god getting this close to you is not a cakewalk it's horrendous it's because seeing so much and never having it validated because it won't be because think of yourselves now of how many people who might see more than you would come up to you and say don't you get it think of something you don't want to get because you're not ready to change you're just not ready to you don't want to you don't want to change yet so put yourself in a position of closing your eyes to a truth greater than you want to yet respond to i don't want to see that much yet thank you no but what if suddenly god said well i don't really care i'm going to grab you by the short hairs and fling you into a mystical experience where truth is no longer something that floats through here and you read about but suddenly it becomes animated it grabs you it absorbs you and drops you back into your body and you realize i can't i can't run away from this now to put it in a different proportion let's say it's something where one day you walk in and all of a sudden you realize i hate my job and you win it it comes out of your mouth it comes out of your mouth you no longer tell yourself you know i can handle this one day it hits your heart it hits your heart and you walk out and you take a breath and you think i'm just gonna go home i'm just gonna go home i i just need to get out of here except that day you know you know it that day you from that point on you are consciously knowingly fully totally lying to yourself the difference you got it it was animated it went from a mere it went to a full four seven chakra cellular soul experience and at this point if you go in there you are now consciously lying to yourself and you know it and when you walk out in there you think you have just betrayed yourself go why don't you go get a shot of our snake that's all you're worth because you know now what you're doing that's the power of truth and that's why we run away from it because we know one drop one tip and our whole world changes that's how which is why the teaching know the truth and it sets you free know the truth and it sets you free and that's why we we cozy up to it one micro inch at a time does it say anything to me but not the truth say anything to me but not the truth okay do you all have your little okay have any of you made the mistake of writing it in vague terms so that if i checked on you what and that would be you i'm talking to i'm trying to actually put it all into all what just one one tiny thing one tiny thing that's all i ask i'm not quite sure which one is this one one just one just one they all go along for the ride i promise you um it's [Music] grief it's a subject loss of a partner and and then when i look again it's problems around relationships always had so much yes so what's your problem exactly um he doesn't care about you he's gone on is that a yes that's a yes no that's a no i don't know huh yes no up down has he gone on or has he passed on i i don't know what to say he's he's passed away he's passed away okay he's passed away okay so it's release okay i'm accepting things with grace that they're happening for reason okay um been there huh no one apologizes for that stop it um how i would language that how i would language that is um first of all you knew what it was it recent yeah oh three months okay well take it easy here you need to grieve but you need to grieve so don't rush the grieving you need to grieve that's essential okay so you need to grieve and that's exactly what you're going to do this is i need to grieve in a healthy way okay there is such a thing i need to grieve in a healthy way it doesn't have to do you win i need to do this right okay i need to do this right i need to go through this grieving right i need to release him and i need to release myself and i need to grieve correctly there is a way to grieve correctly okay and that's what this is i need to grieve correctly okay thank you all right okay everyone else you know i'm looking at the clock and i cannot start the overview in five minutes i can't do it so i need to just open the questions i just need to open this to a question form or something because i i can't do this overview in five minutes i don't want to break it up and start it so are there any questions yes wait a minute we have a runner yeah i've got um three things is that acceptable i mean i'll let you is it to dilute it if i got but i just can't take one out i'm thinking i want all three of those well usually three things are symbolic of one chopped up okay i can kind of see a thread i've got my own idea about what might be united in those of what you see and and so what it says is i like to control the cause and effect so what i need you to do is what do they have in common give me one thing they have in common i think the thing they've got in common is uh tension or stress tension so can't sleep is one of them no detention tension stress tension they all seem to have that okay they have tension and the tension comes from um anxiety and the anxiety is due to don't say stress don't don't go there what is happening no what's happening in your physical world that's generating i want the roots of the tree stay out of the leaves okay i can't tell you okay that helps so you you go down to the roots of the tree and articulate for yourself the actual dynamic that's causing the stress and this because what you've just said to me is i am helpless within a dynamic so what you've just said is i'm helpless and i can no longer be helpless i i and that is why you you are not making a decision and taking your place as a powerful person you are and what you cannot deal with anymore is that you are not taking action in a dynamic where you need to take action okay i can't see any external reason for why the anxiety's there i can't see anything that's happening in the world that's or in my environment that causes it why i can't sleep or why i get the things i get i come up with loads of things like oh yeah it's there and i feel excited great i can deal with that and it's not it just seems to be floating it seems to be free just free floating i don't i can't see any reason for it well maybe and i feel helpless like you say it's a it's a helplessness you know i tell you as a prelude to where we're going and that's that i have to talk about the overview and part of the overview part of what of the new world that we're in and we're in a new world is that we are sensing things that don't belong to us okay we are sensing things that absolutely don't belong to us and part of the reasons we are becoming ill and can't heal is that we are receptive to what i call psychic free radicals shadow energies that don't belong to us directly they are impersonal negativity and because we may acknowledge it but what we don't do is actually respect that it's there we talk about these psychic fields but not to the extent that we respect it enough that it becomes part of holistic diagnostics okay just like the mystical experience is not yet something that somebody would say the crisis you're having is a mystical one it is not fully quote psychological and the last thing you should do to a mystical crisis is drug it the pain in a mystical crisis should never be tampered with with prozac or whatever the equivalent would be in in in in british medication should never ever ever drug a mystical awakening ever but for p and for people within our collective who have said things like for what reason have i been born what's my life purpose these are mystical questions these are these are questions here's an ordinary question what's for dinner and what time is the break and i'll be there in a minute but all of you i it goes without saying that all of you at some point in your life maybe recently maybe years ago have said i wonder for what is my greater purpose and if you think that those questions are answered by a letter in the post or or something just a thought form you are mistaken mystical questions are prayers they are prayers they are not questions and prayers are answered through the redirection of your life and the redirection of your life is a redirection of your life experiences and what you are learning from within and that always causes you to go through a period of great transition and anxiety okay and and if you don't recognize that as what it is you will feel that the loss of control that's happening around you is something to panic about instead of recognizing what what was that prayer i said why did i do that i will never say that prayer again instead of recognizing you're going into a cocoon you are now in a cocoon the classic mystical cocoon waiting for new wings as a butterfly you are in the chrysalis but unable to recognize that you will panic and you will say the pain of this i feel lost and i feel blind and i am lost when in fact you are never as well cared for as when you're in the chrysalis when you cannot see you are never more protected you simply don't understand the mystical nature of your physical experience because you're looking to rationalize instead of the eyes of the soul and this kind of anxiety you may well be picking up that which is not yours but what if you are unable to think this isn't my anxiety it's not that i believe it is mine i don't know i've heard about you know where about psychic um vampires and exciting energy that could not but this well then i have to go back to this being generated by myself okay then then i have to go back to my original hit which is there are choices or a choice you need to make regarding a relationship or relationships that need to be shut down you are obviously in an environment that is vampiric or not healthy for you you need to make choices that something is coming in that is fundamentally not healthy for you then you need to look at that somebody something some pattern of yours you are exposing yourself to something that is fundamentally toxic could it be something from the past that's not there now but i'm so jealous yeah but you still go back there somehow or other i can probably get that yeah yeah okay so it is that time uh go have some coffee load up buzz up and i'll see you in half hour are you buzzed there's no coffee what are you talking about [Applause] well if you were if you came from where i came from believe me that'd be coffee right alrighty then okay one of the um i i think significant and very important parts feat feet aspects would be a better word of appreciating being alive now is understanding all that's happening in this very historic moment in in every way it is a privilege to be alive now it is also perhaps the most tumultuous time human beings have ever and will ever experience since the time human beings have been on the earth and to that extent what is expected of every person who claims to have signed on for a conscious journey needs to be heightened you i believe all of us need to rethink and take more seriously what it means to be on a conscious to be on the conscious path and to uh recognize that the choices you make the choices you make have an impact not only on your own healing but on the transition and the healing of the whole now you may up until now have thought about that but only in theory and on paper and not taken it seriously and that's the whole thing about the new age nobody takes the truths that you claim to have studied seriously and you certainly most new agers do not live by those truths as seriously as you would live by them if you actually believe them if they were actually animated in you in the same way a mystical experience animates a truth and the only way that i can put that differently is in the difference between thinking about becoming a parent and becoming a parent and theoretic love of a child versus biological i gave birth to this child it is my child which gives a person a mother a parent the stamina to stay up 18 days in a row to make sure this child lives or to make sure this child you work five jobs to make sure this child has the best education you do things that are what we are going to call beyond reason that defy gravity when someone says how how could you have endured there's not a question of how you endured you turned to a force in yourself that you would never have tapped into for anybody else or for anything else and if someone had spoken to you about what you could have done or doing something that you would thought impossible prior to that having that child the selfish narcissistic part of you that existed before the child would have thought i'd never do that but once you give birth to that human being and you realize this itsy bitsy human being who lives in the land of giants i am the giant that's itsy bitsy human being depends on and i will go the distance for this little itsy bitsy human being because i'm the only giant this itsy bitsy human being has i am its giant in this land of gulliver and that is the type of irrational love that prior to becoming a rational which a parent is are you not are you not you are totally irrational deal with you okay but you didn't realize how irrational you could be did you or the heights of irrationality that you could reach until the experience of irrational love hit you irrational love my niece when she became a mom which makes me a great aunt which would be a grandmother if she were my daughter which she could be but we won't go there um but now she has a son so i have a great nephew isn't that right a great nephew how time flies eh so i have a great nephew named harrison and another one on the way in december and uh so she said to me she she said auntie i never knew i could love anything as much you see that's what i'm talking about irrational love now as much as she loves her husband it's not like this irrational so now what i'm talking to you about is an irrational an experience of the irrational love of god the irrational mystical experience that actually makes you cosmically irrational this is a time the type of mystical teachings that you've loaded yourself up with are not real to you they're not real until they're animated in the same way becoming loving a child is on paper until you until it's animated and at that point you become irrational about that love and no one can tune it or turn it down and if someone says so what's it like so describe it to me i'm not a mom describe it to me tell me exactly what it's like to love a child i need to know tell me tell me exactly what it's like i want you to communicate exactly what that's like and you would say and you actually think words from your mind could communicate the vastness of your experience from your soul in your heart that is so visceral into my mind and now you know the difference between a cosmic experience of a truth and just what's in your mind so what i'm saying to you now is that the truth the cosmic truth that one thought one mystical animation of a truth can change the universe can change can influence the direction of humanity at this time coming from you to tr to say it differently one one mustard seed can move a mountain is an absolute mystical truth and if you really knew that you would deal with mustard seeds constantly but you've read it and it means nothing it means nothing because it's not animated you could read it a million times you think it and that's the difference between having a mystical grasp of truth and it just being paperwork paperwork only we are living at a time where what is going to be required of us is this profound shift within us of mystical awakening people i am convinced are bordering they're pushing against the wall of their ego to their soul and they're living between the two and the frustration is we've gone as far as we can go dealing with our ego dealing with our ego and the next stage is moving into is truly being called so i just want to talk about the changes in the world around us to see how you relate to this texture and to see so that you notice this world around you and when you perceive these changes which you will see you recognize that they are signatures of the new territory that we're in and that as you see people around you shattering from this or moving forward from this you realize this is that new orbit that we are living in um
Channel: Caroline Myss
Views: 17,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DpuHQGCezzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 14sec (4394 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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