Carnivore Diet Dangers? 2 Doctors Answer Questions [Dr Anthony Chaffee]

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hello my friends welcome back Dr Ken Berry here family physician author of Lies my doctor told me uh hopefully going to be joined in a few minutes by Dr Anthony chafee a neurosurgery resident physician who is also a carnivore and for the next hour or so we're going to be answering all your questions about a carnivore diet is eating more meat good for you eating less meat good for you uh for the moderators in the in the chat we've got several moderators uh please do not block any vegans as long as they are asking questions uh uh vegans do not need our judgment they need our help they are temporarily diluted uh misled that's what they are it's misled they've been misled they believe their own people and they are on the way to chronic disease and autoimmune diseases and I don't want that for them so if they're just being abject [ __ ] then block them but if they're asking questions let them ask questions because I want to educate them just like everyone else I think Dr chafee's with us let's see hello doctor how are you I'm doing very well thank you how are you I'm doing great it's good to chat with you again uh what time is it what time is it in Perth ah it's a 6 A.M but you're a neurosurgery resident so 6 a.m that's getting up late for you right yeah that's it I was actually was working on a a presentation for um doing a lecture on spinal cord tumors in in a couple hours so gotcha gotcha so uh Dr chafee give us a brief introduction of yourself uh what you do in your history with the carnivore diet yeah thank you so I'm I'm uh I'm an American medical doctor I'm currently practicing in Perth Australia um in my residency for neurosurgery and uh I've that's that's sort of my day job but I've I've always been interested in diet nutrition and how that help affects health and chronic disease and going back to my own uh career as a professional rugby player and just as a as a young pre-medical student just very interested in biology and and nutrition so I've looked into that um from my own personal uh knowledge and just to give myself the best fuel as an athlete and 22 years ago I was taking cancer biology at the University of Washington in Seattle and we learned just how toxic plants were was taking botany I was taking cancer biology and we just this is how plants defend themselves they defend themselves by having defense chemicals that deter animals and insects from meeting them and so we learned that there were 136 carcinogen is just in Brussels sprouts over 100 mushrooms dozens and other vegetables that we eat on a daily basis and my professor at the time was very much against eating plants we were quite surprised by this but he even said himself that he didn't eat salad he didn't eat vegetables he didn't let his kids eat vegetables and that plants were trying to kill you that was that so that's sort of uh where that phrase comes from on my end um so I just stopped eating plants at that point and and didn't really realize it but I was eating a carnivore diet at the time and I felt absolutely amazing my athletic performance just went through the roof my mental uh Acuity and and sharpness went uh you know razor honed and and I just felt amazing I I ended up slipping off of it because I didn't realize how significant what I was doing was but over the last several years I've come across information saying that well actually you know biologically humans look like we have been carnivores for quite a long time and that biologically we're most adapted to that and predisposed to that and we don't have these these uh set up defenses against all the plant toxins that we may have used to had millions of years ago and so that's led me down the path of just digging into the research and seeing what we knew and what we could understand and led me back to a carnivore diet yep in my Journeys is much the same I was morbidly obese pre-diabetic severe heartburn lots of skin problems lots of issues and as I continued to cut the carbohydrates out of my diet starting with Ali processed and added sugar and the vegetable seed oils uh obviously if you've ever done that you know that meat and eggs are going to play a larger and larger and larger role in your diet because contrary to what breatharians would have you believe human beings have to eat we have to eat or we will die 100 percent you cannot live on sunshine or air or water you have to have food and so as you cut out the processed carbs and then just the the starches and the simple carbohydrates you got to replace that with something and the only thing out there is meat at some point meat and eggs and uh I I I think that we're going to have some vegans in the check I posted this on Twitter so I'm sure we're going to have a few and I hope we do because I like I said yeah before you came on vegans need information they have questions every day you and I see a new recovering vegan it's like dude I took a bite of fish and my brain lit up I I eat some bacon and I felt like I felt orgasmic and so I'm happy that there are vegans in the chat and as long as they stay civil and ask reasonable questions I if you have no opposition I'm happy to answer their questions no happy to I I fully agree with you I think that I think that that most people are are looking for the same thing they're trying to do what's right for themselves what's right for the world around them and that and that that's exactly why people go vegan it's quite a big step to go vegan in order to go carnivore you're you're massively overhauling your entire life and so you don't do that just on a whim generally and absolutely and I like to say that going vegan is the first step towards a proper human diet because it's not easy to go vegan it can be relatively easy to go vegetarian but if you're going to go vegan that's gonna that's gonna upend your life and you have to think about every morsel of food before you put in your mouth and so at least they're thinking about their diet and about nutrition and I think that's an excellent First Step I've applaud them for that I wish everybody in the world would think about every morsel of food that goes into their their face hole I think that would be a that would improve health immediately right off the bat if people would just do that uh when I was a a young child growing up granny Berry who's not watching this today guys so you don't have to say hi to Granny Berry but uh she every vegetable that we ate was cooked to Mush if she were cooking beans she would cook the beans for I don't know two or three days right if she bought dried beans I mean they literally they cooked until they were just much yeah it was like mashed beans when she got done and growing up I thought well that she's just a southern woman you know that's just how they cooking this out they cook everything to death but when when I started looking at diet and started looking at archaeological and anthropological research it's common knowledge that every every society that was forced to eat up a high plant diet they either cooked it to death or they fermented it right and and they didn't do that because they were ignorant or stupid they did that because through thousands of generations of trial and error they had figured out if you eat this [ __ ] Raw it's not good for you there will be ramifications and repercussions if you eat this raw if you eat too much of it and so granny was just doing what her grandmothers had taught her to do which it was if you're going to eat plants you need to cook the [ __ ] out of them and so I I think that if anybody really looks into this you'll quickly find that in many cultures humans eat meat raw are very very rare but they cook the veg to death they cook it to death and I I don't like to say plants are trying to kill you I know what you mean by that I like to say that plants are trying to strongly discourage you yeah not to eat their their leaves and their babies now some plants like Castor beans and poison hemlock they're sure as hell they're trying to kill you but I think most plants are just trying to discourage you from eating their babies and eating their leaves let's see if I can uh find a question here yes Esther facehole that's what that's what we call it here in in the South uh by the way where's everybody watching from what city what state what country is anybody watching from Australia you right up the road from Dr chafee I know any Drive in Australia is at least a four-hour drive is what I've been told that is is that right 24 hour drive yeah I think that uh the carnivore diet naturally uh produces uh increased testosterone and therefore facial hair production a lot of people are commenting on our sexy beards I don't blame them but we got somebody from Hawaii watching um Roxanne says meat heels carbs are non-essential what do you what do you say to that doc do you agree with that yeah yeah well definitely I mean there's no such thing as an essential carbohydrate from what I understand and uh from what I think that the literature shows and there's certainly populations around the world living today that have never had a carbohydrate and and I I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a plentiful source of carbohydrates during the the ice ages and that was um you know when people argue I have had this discussion with people from the vegan persuasion and they say well you know when the ice ages uh were happening everyone was moving towards the equator which is actually goes against the payload uh paleo anthropological record actually we found that as the ice sheets were coming down people were moving up into the into to the device and you know just to to comment on how you're saying everything was cooked to mash that's right you know there are a lot of things like like the lectins and beans you have to cook the living hell out of these things and and that doesn't necessarily get them all uh out of there um it was interesting actually um you know the who who's very much anti-meat and they talk about you want to have like plant-based or bug-based or all these sorts of different things just anything but meat they actually have a page on their website that goes into net it's called natural uh uh food toxins found in food and it just says in food as it goes through all these things that people naturally eat and regularly on on a daily basis around the world every single one comes from a plant or algae every single one there isn't a single toxin that comes from meat there's uh algae that maybe uh shellfish and and seafood would eat and then that makes them harmful because they bring that toxin into them but that's not the animal making that that is that is the the algae and everything else is a plant food and so all of these things like cassava root and and many other things that are main Staples I think like 500 million people they're their number one caloric source is cassava root and that has that has a well bitter cassava has a deadly amount of uh cyanide in it and I do agree with you about the plants not actually trying to kill you I don't think they you know they're just sitting there just waiting for you outside of your door uh it's just sort of a funny thing that my my uh professor said to me that they just stuck with me I mean it really made a big impact in my life because I mean he just looked at us like we I remember thinking like but but vegetables are still good for you right and he just looked at us like we were crazy he's like okay if it's through your head you know they stop his poison and so and it did it really stuck with me and so that's that's sort of uh it still sort of makes me smile about that and you were very lucky to have a professor who would say such a thing because I think the vast majority of people in undergraduate University these days would never hear such a thing come from their professor's mouth we've got a ton of questions coming in guys I'm going to try Dr Chaffey and I are going to try to answer as many as we can if you really need the answer to your question you can bump it to the top with a super chat like Ashley did Ashley says how do I know when I need more meat fat for my 80d today when I try to paper clip my iPhone to a packet of documents um so yeah well I I I think you need a lot of fat a lot of animals if you look in the wild they're eating quite a high proportion their calories will come from fat sometimes 70 even 80 of their calories will come from fat and um and so but I think you need enough fat you need enough protein so I don't necessarily so I I was just to to make that point clear um I tend to look if you're going on pure meat and water then I think you can actually look uh well by how you feel your energy levels but also by your stools strangely enough because it's very hard for our body to absorb fat without bile and we make a a certain amount of bile I think the physiologically that that means that our bodies wants that much fat out our body's very efficient it doesn't really just waste its time and waste energy making things that it doesn't need uh generally and so I think that it's going to make that ball because it wants that return on its investment to get that fat after you run out of bile most of this will go out you can absorb some usually like medium chain fatty acids but a lot of it the majority of it will go out and I think that that overflow of of fat will actually get into your stool and keep it soft and so if you're if you're getting dry hard stools then I think that that that means that you're by definition not getting enough fat because you're absorbing just every ounce of fat that's coming in if you're getting a little bit more and you get that spillover then it becomes soft you get way more than your body can absorb then it comes out very Loosely like fat through a goose that's where that phrase comes from and so I think that if you're doing if you're just doing meat and water that you can tell that way and also just you know energy levels is a big one too absolutely and you brought up bile and and I can tell everybody watching right now that if you have one of the following three conditions then you absolutely have not been eating enough animal fat in your diet if you have gallbladder dysfunction or if you have gallbladder uh sludge or if you have gallstones then by definition you've not been eating enough animal fat in the at least the recent or distant past or you would not have those things uh let's see Mr Ed says my arm's swollen up two days ago felt like it's full of fluid very hot now it's all gone same thing happened to my knee I'm full carnivore six months now down 65 pounds Booyah for that any thoughts well I mean there are things to be caused um you know that can happen to our bodies that are outside of uh you know purely dietary you know causes and reasons so you know I would wonder if there's something else going on there it is good that that's resolved um if you're having swelling hot swelling in your knee that's that's a big concerning you might want to get someone to take a look at that and just make sure that you need to see your doctor Mr Ed if it was your entire arm that swelled up uh that's quite concerning that that could be actually something serious you definitely need to see your primary care physician and uh follow up on that Dennis bowl and balloon balloon says titivore what's the meaning of this police so Nisha my wife and a few other people on social media kind of coined this phrase kitivore and what it means is a meat heavy fatty red meat lots of eggs with the yolk and less than 10 total grams of carbohydrate a day and if I if I left something out I know Nisha will pipe up and let me know but uh the basically super super low carbohydrate mainly meat many days she'll eat nothing but meat for several days and then she'll have some veg or some whatever but the the vast majority of your diet is meat-based ketovor that's the definition of that Kathy says DX polycythemia will carnivore keto make it worse that's a that's an easy one to answer no I don't know I don't think so it may actually uh help it's definitely not gonna hurt uh definitely follow up with your doctor and follow your doctor's recommendations about phlebotomy and other things uh but uh polycythemia or polycythemia various is is a genetic thing that's been in the human gene line for thousands of generations uh we don't know exactly if if it's just a genetic defect that that gives no benefit whatsoever but most of these things that have stayed in the cell line in the in the genetic line for so many thousand Generations typically have a benefit that we may or may not be aware of much like sickle cell if you have sickle cell trait which is just you have it for just one side of the family it's actually very protective against malaria but if you have uh the trait from both sides and have sickle cell disease then it's it's a sucky shitty disease but there's actually a reason that that's still in the gene pool because it does offer some benefit but even though Kathy you have polycythemia you're still a human being and you're going to benefit greatly in hundreds of ways for meeting a proper human diet absolutely thank you Jordan for the Super Chat let's see oh here is deckerless carbs with with cost of all food especially meat going up it concerns with ground beef being the primary food on Carnivore no no absolutely not I think ground beef is great it's meat you know at the end of the day you know and just because it's uh it's coming into sort of a slightly different package it's it's still the same quality as long as the thing is being added to it you know then it's then it's exactly the same and so I think ground beef is a is a very very good option for people it's certainly affordable and uh and I think sometimes ground beef can be quite lean you know but so you might need to sort of have maybe some Tallow to it I actually get I actually get my butcher to make 50 50 ground beef which is great yeah and if you don't if the the store where you buy your meat if they don't have a butcher and more and more often they don't you can try to get 70 30 ground beef or 73 whatever the other number would be uh 27 ground beef and that because is most people they think they're supposed to get 85 15 or 90 10 you don't want that that's way too lean you're going to have to add a lot of other fat to that also decorless carbs is actually Amanda Decker she's a nurse practitioner in Dixon Tennessee and very active on Twitter uh she helps you and me fight the Twitter Wars every day I love Amanda Decker so if anybody's in the Dixon national area and you need a primary care provider who understands keto keto or carnivore decorless carbs that's your person thank you for the Super Chat let's see Michaela says Hey thoughts on probiotics are they any good are they worth it my doc is suggesting probiotics for healing my gut well I think that that anything that you eat is going to affect your your microbiome but if you're eating what you're you're naturally biologically supposed to be prepared to eat and designed to eat that that's going to go along with your microbiome as well and so I think that if you're just eating the right things such as meat and not eating other things I think you'll just be fine you know maybe if you took antibiotics maybe you have some some you know a live culture uh yogurt or something like that to sort of restock but I think other than that you don't need to worry about it yeah sugar-free full fat yogurt is excellent if you can find sugar-free full fat kefir I think that's okay uh any of the the fermented dairy is is probably fine as long as it's full fat full fat and sugar-free I think it's probably fine Kyla says best remedy for paresthesia besides B1 uh deficiency you probably meant supplementation could low carb help with this doctor ordered occupational therapy but I'm not sure so I mean I mean there's so many different causes of these sorts of things and so uh you know it really just depends on on what's causing it and um you know certainly certainly vitamin you know alterations uh can can affect that but I have seen this in in practice and neurosurgery we deal with a lot of spinal uh impingements and radiculopathies and and just pain shooting down the limbs and this this is something that we see get resolved even even just on a keto diet and carnivore as well you're just reducing inflammation you're reducing your body's experience of the pain stress and Trauma that's going on in your body so that is something that can be resolved but again it does depend on what's causing it yep absolutely oh here's a a left-handed question about fiber Michelle's the next vegan had fibroids had a full hysterectomy was totally lots of fiber post surgery she's got a bowel blockage emergency surgery also gallstones gallbladder removed uh PhD was the answer yeah proper human diet was your answer uh you want to you want to give us your bullet points on fiber and how much is essential to human health yeah I know I don't I don't think there's there's any that that uh that you want in fact I think that's not only is it um not necessary I think it can actually be harmful as we every as we've just seen there I mean a lot of people get you know they they take fiber because they say well this this will move your bowels but in fact in a lot of cases it ends up blocking them up because this is just this is cellulose at the end of the day and you end up getting you know a block of wood stuck in your colon and uh and it and it just slows down and we're not eating fat anymore and so things are just drying hard and they dry out and that that's when that's when we started uh advising people to the fiber in the first place was in the 1980s when everyone stopped eating fat and they all started getting constipation so I think that fiber is problematic for a number of reasons that being one of them but also you know it physically blocks the absorption of of nutrients it gets in the way of your enzymatic relationship between uh your your nutrients and then those then digested nutrients are now uh prevented from getting to the Lumen of your intestines they're actually they're actually slowing down and blocking the absorption of nutrients I don't think that that's evolutionarily biologically uh viable so I don't think that that's that's the natural thing to do yeah it's so funny how your you progress as you [Music] become somewhat of an authority in a topic when I first started this five years ago doc I would have said oh yeah you got to have some Fiber you know you need to eat lots of Brussels sprouts and broccoli kale spinach and then I'm like well maybe we don't need any fiber and then after more reading and more looking at everything with fresh eyes which is very important I'm like no obviously we don't need any fiber whatsoever and now I'm I'm slowly begrudgingly taking the final step of saying you know I think for at least for many people many many people especially if you have IBS Crohn's ulcerative colitis you don't need any fiber whatsoever you literally need to to put on your uh when you go to a restaurant you need to say I'm allergic to fiber I don't need anything with fiber in it because it'll flare my gut up um I've seen Rebecca's got had this question several times I'm not sure if she's uh being legit or not she's been keto carnivore for four months and now she has a Candida infection she doesn't say where Dr says the fungus feeds on fat in my diet as well as sugar what are your thoughts no no I don't think I've never heard that anyway I don't know have you ever yeah candida is a fungus that loves sugar Rebecca uh it it loves sugar and it hates sunlight so keto so keto carnivore is the eating a proper human diet is going to load the dice in your favor now this is a very important concept for all 1900 of you guys listen to this being a carnivore does not make you bulletproof being a carnivore does not make you immortal okay it might make you feel like an Avenger but you ain't really okay you're still a human being and they're every day you're you have a chance of getting hit by a bus you have a chance of Contracting some infection you have a chance of getting a yeast infection but the odds are ever in your favor if you're eating a very low carbohydrate very low sugar diet and also getting some sun so Rebecca what I would tell you to do is to keep eating your meat and go out in the backyard if you've got privacy fence and get some sun on the area and your candida will be going very very quickly but definitely there's no fungal fungus that I've ever read about and I'm an animal biologist but that's what I got my undergrad in then went to medical school and we studied uh fungus very you know a lot and I've never heard of a fungus that eats fat I think your doctor may be misinformed or just trying to misinform you all right Karsten says debilitating Hashimoto and fiber fibromyalgia for 20 years can there be a long cleaning reactions like keto flu from time to time even after months on carnivore like clean around I suppose I suppose I mean like you know just getting a you know bad sort of reaction feeling sort of unwell uh after um I mean I guess there's there's the you know the theory of the sort of oxalate dumping months and months on um and so so potentially that um I I I've seen people with fibromyalgia for you know years literally decades uh get better and improve a lot of a lot of chronic pain patients they improve greatly by just getting out all these these very inflammatory and and really toxic foods out of their diet and certainly all the processed foods and sugars and things like that those are just awful and and then you know just getting as much of that out of your system is very beneficial and Hashimoto's we have outside of neurosurgery I have a private practice and you know functional medicine and metabolic health and we have a number of patients with Hashimoto's that's quite I think it's quite under uh described really the amount of people that just come to us with just vague symptoms just feeling just sort of generally unwell and we sort of test for it and they have you know just just low-grade Hashimoto's is remarkable and very very under diagnosed here in the states I don't know about in Australia no absolutely I think so and then it's it's surprising how many more that we've seen when these people just I just there's just something wrong and they can tell their body's not working properly and we do a deep dive into their bloods and then we find that quite often and all of them improve you know I mean we it's it's you know kernels are all sort of colitis like and and other such autoimmune disorders they respond extraordinarily well to a keto and even and especially carnivore diet I've seen Hashimoto's does as well but it takes takes longer to resolve from what I've seen and so over a year year and a half people are going but they're getting better all the time and so yeah just something to to be encouraged by yeah and my wife Nisha actually has Hashimoto's she was diagnosed several years ago uh paleo did not help at all keto maybe helped a tiny bit not much but when she went kitivore just almost most exclusively meet with an occasional veg occasional fruit occasional nuts she's currently in remission her her TPO antibody and TG antibodies are both normal and she's currently taking no thyroid hormone replacement and virtually has no symptoms at all and so I do think that kind of healing from Hashimoto's is entirely possible because I've seen it with my own eyes but I think it the the healing rate's going to be different in different people depending on your other medical conditions your age your overall status Etc uh I was going to add uh oh yes about the as you and so I think many people as they burn as they metabolize away the excess stored fat and she'd lost quite a bit of weight right I think that it's entirely possible that there is some storage of oxalates and other toxins and fat I think that's true and I I don't think your body sequesters toxins in your fat so that if you lose weight too fast you can just poison your own self I don't believe that but I do believe that depending on what you are eating when that fat was stored you probably have some toxic storage in there and some oxalates and so it wouldn't surprise me as you go through your layers of fat and metabolize it that you might have these occasional waves every once a week once a month of like oh man and then I feel better again that wouldn't surprise me at all Kirsten has got an update in the question down from 459 pounds down to 421 Plus or five plus or five depending on the day same uh second month carnivore but I think I've already hit my first Plateau or slowed it's been over a week now and I haven't dropped below the 420 Mark any thoughts yeah well this is something that we commonly see and and I encourage people to not really necessarily pay attention too much to the to the scale uh but how you feel I mean the main thing here is health I I would I would think that that you would agree it that's the main thing the overarching theme is you're trying to be healthy you're trying to do what's right for your body and and what people don't uh you know at first maybe see is that it's not just about weight you know you don't have just this this rock hard body of lean muscle and then just this exterior fat you know your your body's going to be your body composition isn't going to be changing dramatically and while you're losing fat you'll also be putting on muscle especially if you're exercising and so you may not actually lose weight at all and but your clothes might fit differently they might be uh more loose on you your face might be thinner and you might feel a lot better I know when I came back to carnivore five six years ago I even just even just going from just basically keto like a lot of vegetables way too many vegetables and and not enough meat and I which switched that right around to a ton of meat and no vegetables I lost I lost a significant amount of weight problem most of it to do with water weight early on and then after about two weeks I stayed exactly the same I stayed the exact same weight for three months and but I was visibly changing and I was just replacing my my fat with muscle and more than fat so and that's very common I see that all the time in our private group uh and two things I would advise anybody in in our previous question or situation if you're obese or or severely obese get a Tailor's tape and take your body measurements number one number two be patient and be prepared for stalls like this it's this is completely normal and I'm going to explain to you why this is normal only in modern society is it okay and good for a human being to lose weight okay for the entirety of our existence on this planet 100 of the time if you were losing weight that was a disaster that meant that you were circling the drain you were so it would soon be dead animals in the wild if they start to lose weight even sheep in my pasture if I see a sheep starting to get thin it's starting to not eat and Getting Thinner and thinner that's that's terrible that's a terrible ominous sign and so you have to understand your body even though we live in a modern society with our iPhone 16 we still have an ancient body ancient DNA and it does not know that there's a Circle K right down the road and that there's a you know a Kroger's in a super Walmart it doesn't know that it just knows that you're losing weight and very often the human body will freak out and it'll put on the brakes it's like oh [ __ ] we've lost whoa what's going on here and then when you assure your body that there there's not a family you're not in trouble you haven't fallen in a curve ass and have a broken femur there's plenty of food and the way you reassure your metabolism of that is by eating lots of healthy animal fat and protein because if there is a famine or if you did fall down the curve of Ash you're not going to be eating any animal fat or protein right and so that that this is why many people on a predominantly plant plant-based diet just can't lose weight at all because their body's freaking out because it's like [ __ ] there's no animal fat or animal protein we definitely there's a famine I'm not losing any fat whatsoever but when you reassure your body daily with lots of fatty meat your body is like okay I got you there's there's not a famine I can go ahead and burn off some more of this stored fats yeah 100 agree with that absolutely all right Mike says as CEO of a personal trainer company low carb meal delivery and more than 200 000 customers our number one battle is confusion the experts push low-fat veg fruit Etc will they ever leave the dark side how can they ignore the data yeah well I think you know there's there's quite a weight of inertia behind all this you know and and it's just like I mean we've all been told this that I mean literally since I was born you know that we've just been getting this just inundated with this and I think it it really took you know my professor really just jealous like plants are trying to kill you before that actually sunk in my head I mean we looked at all the data and all the information about how toxic these things were and still in my head I was like but but but they're still good for you though right it is it's just you know we're just indoctrinated I mean I learned in seventh grade that plants and animals are in evolutionary arms race with plants becoming more and more toxic so uh animals can't eat them and animals becoming more adapted to those poisons and then we just forget that humans are animals and like and we're involved in this as well and yeah and I think that's an excellent point doc I think people just it like and I actually have people call me out and say no we are not animals we are not animals why would you say that and I'm like what the hell do you think you are and I think people that we've lived in modern society for so many generations and we've we've been taught that we're somehow removed and special and you guys may think oh I don't live in the wild uh you 100 still live in the wild even if you're if you're in a house with all the accoutrement you're still in the wild okay and if things if the economy gets a little worse we'll all remember and realize oh [ __ ] we are still in the wild but even though we we live in a seemingly artificial surrounding your body's still listening and your DNA still is going to do the things it's going to do and it still matters and you're an animal you are Homo sapien sapien I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings but it's true okay you would think we wouldn't have to say this uh garkin says it appears some men developed elevated sex hormone binding globulin levels on keto carnivore Paul Saldana was one such example I too experience this any thoughts thank you yeah I mean that's something that I I think you can see sort of a isolate examples of I I certainly haven't seen that in myself and I haven't seen that in my patients either so I I don't I I do wonder if something else is going on if there's something else adding to this and you know uh Dr solidino uh you know is a very healthy guy but for some reason uh after a year and a half two years he was having quite significant health issues and ramifications and he attributed that to lack of carbohydrates but I've I've had you know less carbohydrates you know for longer I have not run into those problems and yeah and you look at you know the Inuit and other populations and and like we said earlier you know there really is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate and so if if we were going to be getting uh you know damage to our our sex hormone binding globulin and our testosterone our thyroid and our electrolytes then that would make them essential right if we if we needed them to regulate those those systems well and and we don't hormone optimization in my in my practice before the clinic burned down and I've checked thousands of of sex hormone binding globular levels and what I've seen uniformly is that sex hormone binding globulin levels return to normal as you decrease the carbohydrates and increase the fatty meat I'm not sure what happened with Dr saladino Who uh Dr chafee and I both are friends with him we like him a lot we don't necessarily agree with his recommendations but I I find Paul's case to be the exception to the rule not the rule because like I said in thousands of cases I've seen the the shbg go down as someone decreases the carbohydrates you guys are all asking about the canned meat recipe Nisha Berry says that you can Google that okay Kim I have a friend that had open heart surgery and is very interested in carnivore what are your thoughts uh I think that that they should definitely get on top of that you know it's people that are in sort of extremes of Health are are much more it's much more important for them to get on top of this I think this is important for everyone I think um I I think I've heard you actually say some of your things when people say that well what about me in this situation it's like yes the answer is yes every any type of question this is this is the right thing to do for every person in every situation in every environment because that's just our biology this is this is our our proper human diet this is our biologically species-specific appropriate diet and absolutely if you're a human if you're that means you're an animal and if you're an animal you should eat a species specific diet and for us that is at least a a fatty red meat heavy low carb diet keto ketovor or just go all the way and just eat all the meat and eggs Dan says what are your preferred ways to cook your steaks I personally sous vide then sear with a torch that's that's a great way of doing it I um so I I prepare them I have a couple of videos on on YouTube showing this but I get like the big Costco packs of like rib eyes or New York's and I I keep them in the cryovac pack and and just in the fridge for you know four to six weeks is sort of the longest I've done in six weeks usually about four weeks is where you want to hit it and that's and that's wet aging so if you look at you go to like a a nice fancy Steakhouse with a 30 day wet age 30 day dry age that's the wet aging part of that is just leaving it in the cryovac and just forgetting about it and uh and then I get it out I cut up into quite thick steaks usually about three inch steaks usually and I uh maybe lightly salt them I'm using less and less salt as I go but I I still do a bit of salt I put them on drying racks I let them dry out usually about for the big thick steaks I find for my preference is five to seven days is sort of a sweet spot of taste and texture and then I'll I'll pan fry them or I'll Grill them if I pan fry them I'll use a thick coating of Tallow and and it almost like almost like deep fries and it crisps up the sides in a cast iron skillet and I actually use bacon grease and get it super hot and then put the steak and then you get the you get the medium rare interior and you get that crispy cereal on the outside is freaking amazing the only thing I would add down is if you're sous vide regularly please sous-vide in either glass containers or silicone containers please do not sous-vide in plastic yeah yeah absolutely uh decorless carb says throwing this one back out are there any concerns with long-term carnivore and decreased metabolic flexibility no I know I don't think so and uh and I think that that's actually supported by the by the data as well you know Professor Ben bickman out of BYU uh speaks about this he's been studying insulin metabolism for over 15 years and he was discussing uh different research talking about metabolic flexibility in in the sense of saying well you know maybe you become insulin insensitive because you haven't been using this and there are studies that like if you if you've been you know keto or carnivore for a number of months and then you do a glucose tolerance test uh that you might have a a pretty poor result however after a couple days it normalizes and and you're completely fine the reason for that is he explains is that when you're eating a lot a large burden of carb exogenous carbohydrates your body actually pre-loads your pancreas with with insulin as you pre-make this insulin anticipating this big rush of carbs and then when you're not doing that your body doesn't doesn't have to do that because like we said earlier your body's efficient it's not just going to make something for the for the fun of it you know so it's it's anticipating is this big shock of sugar because and high blood sugar kills diabetics it causes direct damage to our body so it's like okay we got to be careful here and when you're not doing that you lull your body in distance a false sense of security and then you blindsided with some car carbs it's going to take a bit of time to adjust to that but it will adjust to that yeah and so that is that that flexibility totally agree and the human body is miraculously capable of adapting to different diets uh we see this every day in the vegan Community when they don't drop dead it's obvious that the human body can adapt to even even maladapted diets but when you're eating a diet full of protein and fat and very little carbohydrate your pancreas has no reason to pre-make all this insulin and have it sitting there at the ready but as soon as you eat that of course your your pancreas is going to ramp back right back up with insulin production it's not an idiot solomoni says do I need to worry about potassium and magnesium supplementation when I add up my potassium intake from carnivore it falls short by 2000 milligrams assuming four thousand milligrams a day is normal no I I haven't seen any of that any either and um in in actual practice but also again if we're going back to the fundamental principles that this is this is our biologically appropriate diet then you're going to have everything you need in the proportion that you need it and so your body's going to work differently depending on on what you eat and when you're eating what you're supposed to eat you will you will maintain that I've never had a problem with potassium I've never had a problem with patients with their potassium or magnesium in fact the Magnesium goes up there's a there's a shortage of magnesium in Australia for some reason in the U.S as well absolutely yeah yeah only two things I would add to that in there's two ways that the way we eat meat today and the way we drink water today is not ancestrally appropriate our ancestors 50 000 years ago they drink river water stream water puddle water okay that's the water they drink and all that water is rich in electrolytes and minerals right and also when our ancestors 50 000 years ago when they dropped a 2 000 pound elephant or a thousand pound bison they didn't have a block and tackle they couldn't hang it up and drain it and so the the meat by definition was still bloody okay now uh when Dr Chaffey arrived when we check someone's electrolyte balances we check the blood because the blood is an excellent source of potassium of magnesium of sodium of chloride and so by eating the bloody meat and by drinking standing water or running water they were getting excellent sources of electrolytes and minerals and that's actually one of the reasons I I help keto child develop the daily mineral drops is for just those two things that you know I'm I'm not advocating people go out and drink mud puddle water because you're going to get the shits if you do that please don't do that right and and also most people do not want their meat bloody they want it to be thoroughly drained because that's how we grew up eating it that's what looks normal to us but that's actually not normal we've only been doing that for the last few hundred years uh and so uh some it seems to me like some people because we've got this normal distribution curve right the vast majority of people their magnesium gets better on Carnival no questions even keto potassium always stays with the normal limits in my experience but there is some people over here on this end of the tail who have to think about supplementing with something like that uh for whatever reason I think it's just a normal variability in the the genetic differences in people although there's not many there are a few uh but you haven't seen much of that in your practice needing supplementation like that no no certainly not but I but I definitely agree you know when people come to me and say like they have something something that's a bit off like well what is this and like well it doesn't really matter what it is it is low and and so it's okay to actually sort of supplement those in those conditions um you know just taking supplements um you know just for the sake of it I don't think is maybe necessary but if you have a diagnosed deficiency in something then yeah absolutely for whatever reason you know that you you have a deficiency in that and that is a mineral that's that's useful and that and then supplementation is it would be beneficial in that case I totally agree Warbucks says both you guys are great thank you warbuck you're changing the Paradigm that's the plan should I get my type 1 diabetic son on carnivore 100 absolutely I mean we've been using a ketogenic diet since I think the 1800s for diabetics to help to help stabilize their their blood sugars and uh yeah absolutely I mean and again you know to your earlier Point are you is your son human then yes he should definitely be on a human diet absolutely and I would say anybody who's a type 1 diabetic anybody who has Lada anybody who has mody anybody who's pre-diabetic or type 2 diabetic you need to start either meat heavy keto or carnivore tomorrow morning yeah literally tomorrow morning you need to stop now if you're currently insulin dependent you've got to either get a CGM to where or you've got to prick your finger seven eight nine ten times a day and you also need to touch base with your doctor because your blood sugar levels are going to start to plummet quickly in a good way not a bad way but you've got to be on you got to be ready to lower your insulin intake or you'll wind up with hypo and you and you might pass out or something because you're going to be returning to normal and now you're taking too much insulin does that make sense yeah and most people I see with type one they end up just getting on a background dose of of Lantus like the minimum dose of Lantus they just get that it's in the background and that that covers them through the day they don't have to take uh you know multiple or any you know uh short acting uh insulin uh and and their bodies just just regulated so it's very very very easy especially from you know younger people going through teenage years they really don't like taking their insulin sort of get rebellious I don't I shouldn't have to do this this makes it a lot easier it's one shot at night you're done that's it absolutely and I have I actually had two uh type 1 patients at the clinic before for the fire who were type one one guy had a uh c-peptide at point one the other guy had a c-peptide at 0.2 so literally almost no insulin production whatsoever and they were both carnivore and one guy injected 10 units of Lantus at bedtime the other guy used 12 units Atlantis and both of their a1cs were 5.4 or 5.5 and so what Dr Changi said is exactly spot on hey KK newly diagnosed atherosclerosis of the aorta I'm five years of pescetarian would a vegan diet be recommended no I I don't think so but I mean the thing is is that uh you know I mean a vegan diet it doesn't necessarily mean anything right because Oreo cookies and heroin are vegan right so that that just means without meat and so there are a lot of ways you can you can really hurt yourself by going vegan there's some ways you can you can benefit I mean if you if you're cutting out a lot of you know high octane garbage from processed foods and things like that you know and getting to more Whole Foods you you'll improve short term but you still do need meat and there's a lot of things in in plants and the sugars and the carbs and the seed oils that really do contribute to that inflammatory process that is atherosclerosis um I saw a vegan gentleman uh make comments about how cardiovascular disease is the number one killer or in the world really the the mod the first world but um it's uh that's true but it's not that doesn't mean that that meat and saturated fat is the cause of that you know as we've reduced our animal fat intake saturated fat intake heart disease rates have tripled you know so like where's the connection there and in fact you know the journey you know all the major journals now are actually publishing just the opposite you know even the journal in the American College of of Cardiology published I think in 2020 a large study showing a meta-analysis showing that like all the data available data showed that saturated fat was not connected with atherosclerosis absolutely and KK and everybody out there for first of all what Dr catchy said is exactly right but here's the thing you got to think about just think of the average American what they eat on a daily basis they're already eating a plant-based diet eighty percent of of their food energy is for coming from Plants already so the the plant-based people are wanting you to eat even less meat and now a specific question for KK thank you for the Super Chat KK do you really believe it was the meat I mean the fish that caused you to have uh atherosclerosis because I don't I think it was the the carbohydrates and the sugar and the even if you were avoiding added sugar KK there's still copious amounts of sugar and fruit and in Honey and in other things and people think and this is just drives me nuts doc they think that there's only fructose and fruit and actually I did a video a few weeks back about the secret sugar in fruits all fruits they have fructose yes but they also have glucose and they also have sucrose you know table sugar they literally have sucrose and glucose in them in addition to fructose all both of which are going to spike your blood sugar KK and cause inflammation all over your body including inside your aorta on the intima and that's what caused your atherosclerosis it wasn't a little bit of fish you're eating every day my recommendation would be to eat lots more fish and add back red fatty red meat to your diet and eggs with yolk and get rid of all the sugar whether added or natural get rid of all the grains and get rid of all of the vegetable seed oils KK and I've got videos on this channel and Dr chafee's got videos on his channel that will walk you through the simple beginning steps to do that it wasn't the fish KK come on come on Lynn sphincter of OD dysfunction it flared up after 30 days on Carnivore what are your thoughts I don't know I don't I don't think it's from the meat anyway and and also sphincter of ODI dysfunction is the only way you can diagnose it is with a with a ng2 with a with an EGD with a um uh ercp that's the only way you got to get in there and actually see the sphincter in the duodenal wall and so the the symptoms of sphincter vodite dysfunction are also this there it can be the symptoms of many other right upper quadrant problems so instead of just thinking that's what it is again I'd probably go see my Dr Lynn and say hey I need you to check this out because I'm I'm eating a much healthier diet now and I'm having this this these new symptoms and don't go in and say I've got sphincter of OD dysfunction so go in and tell the doctor your symptoms and then hush and let your doctor go from there okay that's how you do that for all you guys don't go in with a diagnosis go in with the symptoms that's what your doctor needs from you Melanie says I'm 50 with Hashimoto's I stopped my period a year ago while on Carnivore I'm trying to up that to 80 20. what are your thoughts on a fat fast is it necessary for ketones well I mean look if you if you're trying to really ramp up your ketones that can help you know you're just eating tons and tons of fat and you're going to produce you know a lot of ketones that can be beneficial I mean there are certain situations like in epilepsy or or cancer where you've seen like a higher uh you know proportion of uh ketones is is beneficial and neuroprotective especially in in the cases of epilepsy um I think you're doing everything right though I think that that's that's perfect you're eating a high fat meat based diet and you know if you want to fast I guess you can I'm not uh I don't generally fast myself I generally eat about once a day that sort of I guess is a fast but I'm not restricting my body from nutrients when it wants it I'm just eating when I'm hungry and if you're eating it high high density nutrition you tend to not be hungry as often so I think you're doing very very well and I I don't think that there's anything that's really changed there yeah I agree the only thing I would add to that Melanie is that it's very very common for some people usually women not always women to still be doing some degree of portion control or calorie restriction and and I would the fact that your period stopped uh you said you're 50. so you may just be going through menopause but the fact that you lost your period makes me think that you're probably trying to eat a palm-sized portion of of steak maybe lean steak you need to stop that you are an animal Melanie you need to eat just like every other animal on the planet when they see species appropriate food in front of their face They smash it they wolf it down they don't hesitate they don't stop until they literally are so stuffed they cannot eat another bite or they will vomit that's how an animal should eat and Melanie that's how you should eat yeah yeah I mean you know like lionesses and things like that they're not they're not worried about their hips you know they're just you know just a ton of me and if you're eating their own [ __ ] you need to worry about your hips but if you're eating the right stuff your hips are going to be just right Marty Max says 1278 days of not eating fiber also no more IBS made here very good that's that's what we're talking about guys anybody else have essentially put in your ulcerative colitis Crohn's disease or IBS in remission with eating a carnivore diet put your story in the comments or any chronic medical condition that you and your doctor thought was permanent that you've essentially put it in remission by eating a carnivore diet please put it in the comments because I promise you uh there are vegans like vegan live vegans live longer in the comments they're going to read your comments so vegan lives vegans live longer said about a hundred times in this chat cardiovascular disease is the top cause of death globally yes vegans live longer we know that yeah but what you're intimating is is that it's the meat that's causing that or the saturated fat or the cholesterol in our diet that's causing that and all of those things have been disproven as Dr chafee said even the American Heart Association published an article that says saturated fat has nothing to do with heart disease and even years before that they came out and said that eating cholesterol has nothing to do with heart disease whatsoever so vegans live longer if you've got a question I'm I'm eager to answer your questions but just spamming that same comment over and over and over it kind of makes you look dumb it doesn't really affect us in any negative way uh thanks for the Super Chat is there a difference between potassium citrate and bicarbonate in terms of supplementation is it okay to mix and match I wouldn't have have too much experience with either of those I I tend to just eat meat and and drink water yeah I wouldn't supplement with bicarb uh solomoni uh your stomach acid is going to basically cancel the basic nature of that in 10 seconds so you're wasting your money if you if you want to get extra potassium uh you can you can use potassium citrate there's 20 different kinds of potassium on Amazon I tend to like something that that's got lots of stuff like the keto child daily mineral drops it's got potassium magnesium and then it also has iodine and selenium and molybdenum and all kinds of other little minerals and even electrolytes are minerals too right don't don't discriminate against the electrolytes they are also minerals uh but but by doing that if if you get enough potassium and you take a little too much if you have normal kidney function you're just gonna urinate it out just with like with any of the other minerals and so I would do something like that so that you're getting kind of a multi-mineral supplement rather than just trying to focus on one particular electrolyte yeah all right doc can you can you stay for a few more questions are you good no yeah yeah no I'm fine yeah okay all right the people are loving this we got 2500 folks watching this doc uh thanks doctors for inspiring me and my life change 10 months beef butter bacon and eggs 150 kilograms loss damn yeah that's 320 something pal that's a lot of weight reverse pre-diabetes feeling amazing I have uh lipedema lymphedema which causes discomfort should I limit fat and salt intake absolutely not I just spoke at a lipedema conference and this is a common myth that doctors will tell you with either with lipedema and lymphedema which are two separate things you do not need to limit animal fat or salt you need to Salt your food to taste and you need to eat plenty of healthy animal fat neither one of them affect lipedema or lymphedema in a negative fashion would say you doc yeah no I I completely agree and also you think about how much how much you've benefited off of doing exactly what you're doing now you know why why are you changing your game plan you know for doctor told her to stop that stuff I guarantee you went to a new doctor and he's like oh [ __ ] stop eating all this fat and salty I'm gonna be out of a job yeah but he ignored the 150k kg loss man he's like oh that's too much fat guaranteed yeah well I mean that's the thing is like you don't you don't uh switch horses in the middle of the race you know and uh and we I always love my father would get so upset we whenever we'd watch you know like football on a Sunday or something like that because like or if we're supporting a team um you know we'd be we'd be watching we do be doing really well and then at the end we just change all the game plan change our entire defense and go to like a prevent defense yeah and we just start losing yards losing yards and we ended up losing the game and it would drive him crazy it's like why are you changing the thing that got you in the position that you're in if you're winning don't change what you're doing and honey you're winning okay yeah it ain't broke don't fix it 100 brain game says will carnivore help with neuropathy in the legs bowels intestines due to Colorado Aquinas syndrome will it help repair nerves well it's not it's not it it's it can help your body heal from from damage there is such a thing as as damage done but I have I have seen people improve significantly sometimes when we do surgery for a caught aquina or for you know a peripheral uh or for a you know radiculopathy we remove the compression and a lot of times we have to say like well this this may not get it better but it'll stop it from getting worse because we can't guarantee one way or the other uh we hope that it gets better but it doesn't always and so you know it sounds like you're in that category and so a lot of people even when they have their nerves decompressed they will continue to have quite quite bad pain quite debilitating pain and I have definitely seen that improve significantly I think just your interpretation of the pain the the the inflammation is going to be reduced and your experience of that pain is certainly going to be reduced and it could well it's just going to make your body healthy in general and so nerves take a long time to heal but it's going to put you put you into a better position to heal from it can it heal it all the way I can't tell you that we'll just have to see but uh I've I have seen it help Pro peripheral neuropathy was one of the first things that made me think that that keto carnivore was more than a weight loss hack I'm talking about seven eight nine years ago when I first started recommending this to my most mortally obese patients you never see neuropathy get better I had so many patients on gabapentin and pregabalin just hundreds and hundreds of them for for neuropathy from the lumbar spine from a previous injury from the cervical spine and these people would come in and be like Doc I ran out of my my Neurontin prescription and I didn't refill it and my neuropathy is so much better can keto do that and if initially I was like well hell no keto Canada it's just a weight loss diet right but then the more I started really hearing this hundreds of times especially with the carnival especially good God how many thousands of of stories have I heard I'm like well [ __ ] maybe it does and so when you start to think about it yeah axons can regrow myelin sheaths can rejuvenate it's a very slow process but it can happen and then also I think a lot of the nerve pain the small nerve the small fiber pain and stuff is just chronic inappropriate daily inflammation caused by the diet from that day and when you stop eating the [ __ ] I think immediately those those nerve fibers just start to lighten up and be like oh yeah that's better I feel better now I'm going to stop sending pain signals to the brain do you do you think that doc absolutely I think I think that's exactly what's going on is uh you know and and I think that uh you know I've seen it on myself and I've seen it with with people you know if someone would slip into my food if I was at a restaurant and they you know had the bit of rice or beans or something like that I remember going to a restaurant previously and I was trying to sort of scrape the rice and beans off but you know I didn't get all of it off and I remember eating it I was like what's this going to do to me and I I had like stabbing back pain for four full days to the point it was very difficult for me to get out of bed and and I I talked to people when they're going carnivore and they sort of slip up or like is it that big a deal I had a uh one uh guy I was talking to and he went to to New York his family's from New York and it's like oh but what if it's like like the best pizza in New York is that okay I'm like come on you know you know the answer to that but he was just like well I'm gonna try it and so he had he had pizza and he just said he felt miserable for the for the next few days he was like his joint pain was up his back pain was up and there's something that he hadn't experienced in months and months and months of being Carnival all of a sudden bang back like that so that's a that's an acute inflammatory response and you're going to be experiencing that right there so I think that's that's a major major part of this absolutely and I've got a big toe that's kind of my red flag I don't have I never have lumbar pain I've never had an injury I don't have any reason to have neuropathy but if I Stray too far off the straight and narrow Dr chafee I have a little bit too much alcohol I have a little bit too many carbs maybe my anniversary maybe my birthday nisha's like oh come on and I'm like I give in to the to the temptress right I that night that night my left big toe I'll just have this weird tingling itchy neuropathy that is as bad enough that I it keeps me away but that never happens unless I go off the reservation it's so funny Darby I've read your question a couple of times and I I can't really figure out what you're asking or how I would answer your question thanks for the Super Chat though I appreciate it very much but I don't really understand what you're asking can you get anything out of that dock I'll try this we can actually get type 1 diabetes antibody test instead I I'm not no I would I would just be guessing unfortunately yeah sorry Darby we'd love to answer your question but we don't understand it uh weekster severe psoriasis from strep throat three months in I'm now stuck do you think autoimmunity caused by molecular mimicry is able to heal with a carnivore absolutely yeah 100 yeah you're just getting you're getting rid of the thing that your body's going to attack and then you're gonna and you're so you're not gonna have the antibodies that will then spill over and attack the rest of your body yeah absolutely I've got a video on this channel about psoriasis got some research done in the show notes psoriasis is very intimately linked to inflammation and hyperinsulinemia and a fatty meat heavy keto ketivore or a full carnivore diet is going to lower your insulin back to low normal very quickly and it's going to decrease The Chronic inappropriate inflammation in your body mixture of 100 I agree with Dr chafee all right doc let's get a couple of more here Al bets GI said to go low fat with pancreatitis do I have to no I don't you don't no uh eating fatty meat did not cause your pancreatitis I bet it's I 100 guarantee you that it was either too much alcohol too much fructose too much highly processed carbohydrates uh too much maybe too much medications either legal or illegal I don't know you that well so I'm not going to judge but it was it was it was not the fatty meat and eggs with the yolk that caused your pancreatitis abets and and so I would encourage you to eat more fatty red meat and eggs with the yolk possibly a scorpion you never know it could have been a scorpion that's exactly right very rare but possible all right we'll get one more doc Karen says carnivore for seven months t-score uh negative three for both femoral necks on her on her dexa skin uh use leg machines at Planet Fitness enough that muscles Shake afterwards three times a week is that enough weight-bearing exercise she's 77 okay first of all let me just say I'm in love with Karen Mora a 76 year old woman is is at Planet Fitness hitting the leg press three times a week to the point where she's got Jello legs when she's done yeah boo huzzah Karen Mora honey rock that [ __ ] do you think that's enough weight bearing yeah well look I mean it's a lot more than anyone else is doing you're right so you know and and so you just feel your body you know and if that's uh if that's what your body can do then do it and but you know you can you can keep challenging yourself and you're going to you're going to be able to build up but I mean leg days three days a week I think that's that's probably very good you know you want to have a you know you go into growth cycle sort of like you know 36 hour growth Cycles you know if you're doing it sort of more than that if you're doing sort of like daily heavy heavy legs you you know probably not going to get as much uh bang for your buck on that so I think that's a very good one yeah that's awesome Karen my only worry with your t-score I just don't want you to overdo it too quickly too much too quickly so I'm I'm a hundred percent in love with you for what you're doing but also listen to your body it sounds like you've got this figured out I've got a couple of YouTube videos on this channel about osteoporosis osteopenia and Bone strength because there's other things you can do to help those bones get stronger as well but this right here this is a this is a grand slam you win today's chat 100 yeah all right doc last question oh Ron Melrose thank you very much for the Super Chat Evelyn says some plant-based doctors say animal protein it worsens immune conditions increasing antibodies in the body what are your thoughts on this I have hyperthyroidism well I I wonder what their evidence is I don't think there is any and uh I would say your doctor's full of [ __ ] but Dr chafee would say I really don't know what the evidence is you see the difference that's the difference foreign yeah no I mean I mean that's the thing you know I mean you just don't you don't you don't see autoimmune issues in in the carnivore Community you know there was uh you know I I I've I've seen it directly you know I'm sure you've seen it you know Dr Barry like people are just completely reversing their autoimmune issues autoimmune issues respond extraordinarily well to uh to a carnivore diet and even a keto diet and there's tons of studies with uh that Crohn's and ulcerative colitis looking at uh you're just putting people on an elemental diet just giving them they're just the macros and microbes that they need um and uh and and that this actually is better to get them out of uh Crohn's flare-up than steroids and that you know putting someone on a um they call a fasting mimicking diet uh but you know what is that that's a keto diet yeah 100 yeah and so um and that that kept people in remission for Crohn's on average 51 weeks versus there's a controlled trial versus the control group they were they were eating carbs and fiber kept people in remission on average zero weeks which not a lot of weeks and so so you know it's um the evidence shows exactly the opposite of that I think I think there are a lot of doctors that are just really just clinging as tightly to this as they possibly can and it's getting kind of pathetic at this point in the dark it's getting it's kind of getting embarrassing at this point it's like really you really want to stick with that yeah well it's it's it's yeah it is and and and it is really just going against against the evidence and you know I talk to people they say well you know my doctor said that you know I have to I have to stop eating fat I have to stop eating meat because of my cholesterol and because my heart disease and and they're called and they're even their cardiologists saying that and I just almost like well then you need to probably you know get it you know either you know introduce these these studies to your doctor or get a new one because that that doctor has not been looking at the literature in the last several years and I mean that that is what the literature is showing and uh yeah I mean there's been books written about this you know there's the this cardiologist uh asima horcha who's written a number of these uh uh uh systematic reviews and meta-analyzes and wrote a book called The Statin free life and he just just paints this out this is just not what we were told it was but for some reason it's just people just just have this death grip on this idea that yeah I call it the echo of the LIE even when it's the LIE has been proven false your your mama and your hairdresser and your mechanic might still be repeating that layout in in the community because they don't know better but if your damn doctor's repeating this lie even though it's been shown to be a just a [ __ ] lie that's very worrisome and that is perhaps a red flag that you might need to do as Dr chafee suggested and find a new doctor Dr chafee thank you thank you so much for doing this with me I appreciate it so much tell people where they can find you if if they were especially enamored with your intellect or your blue eyes or that sexy beard well thank you thank you very much for having me it was absolute pleasure it's great to talk to you again and it's great to do this um I I have a YouTube channel it's just my name uh Anthony Chaffey MD that's also my my YouTube or my my YouTube channel as well as my Instagram as well as like a patreon and uh and then I have um uh what else I have those are the main ones and then I have a podcast just called the plant free MD is just sort of going on that theme we also have a Twitter account which you need to become more active on post types yeah I do that that's probably one of the ones that I haven't been as actualized so I need to I have to have to sort of jump Step It Up come on I need some help over there like the vegans are trying to cut my throat okay I will definitely do that so that that's uh Anthony underscore chafee and I'll uh I'll get more active on that as well I love it thank you guys for joining us thank you for the super chats thanks for sharing this video on your favorite social media and also if if you'd like to be able to ask questions like this on several additional live q and A's with me and Nisha we do that inside our private Community there's a link down in the show notes below thanks Dr Chaffey get back to that presentation you got work to do my friend thank you very much sir I appreciate it bye-bye bye
Channel: KenDBerryMD
Views: 582,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carnivore diet, all meat diet, plant free diet, zero carb diet, dr chaffee, dr anthony chaffee, dr berry, dr ken berry
Id: bVj_kYUM0Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 46sec (4246 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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