Carnival Mardi Gras: Top Hits & Misses

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[Music] thank you for tuning in to down to vacay this is Gil I'm Lou and we're going to be dropping the top hits and misses for the carnival Migra and I must say I actually enjoyed the cruise um I didn't think I would enjoy it maybe I you know I heard so many things you know all this all the crap that was happening on these Carnival Cruises and um being a Norwegian fan I didn't think I was going to actually love it what about you I always like Carnival Cruises I think that they're just the most fun I think when I when I took you on your first cruise yep we weren't we went on the uh Carnival carival Breeze Carnival Breeze and it was the first time you've ever been on a cruise before for and I I took you uh on the cruise and and I think we you know the first time you you went on the cruise like we we went to the Le Leo deck and straight to the Leo deck had drinks and did our you know the line dancing famous line dances and stuff and it was uh yeah you fell in love with cruising yep all right let's let's uh let's drop the hits so I'm going to start off with the parties the sailway and uh you know they had some parties in between and then the glow party the 80s glow party 0s glow party they want to be distinct right it's not just a glow party no it's the80s glow part party uh I must say that the parties were fun of course I enjoyed you know the music M and they have it on the Leo deck which is a bigger space so you don't feel crowded you don't feel like you're at the back of the ship where it's very windy right I mean it was fun I I enjoyed it I think it was the'80s glow party where we were on the steps and I was recording everything and we were f famous on the TV yep on a Jumbotron on the Jumbotron yeah I think it was a bon joy joy song um yeah it was pretty cool I I I actually did enjoy the the parties um so I I don't know I kind of feel like they should be more like that every Cruise should be like that one so I don't know well that's that's the uh it's the first hit that's just the first one so moving on to something a little bit more fun the ultimate playground best time of my life oh my God it was huge man I care about playing basketball on the court and beating all of these little teenagers little kids oh my Lord I uh I look forward to you know making them cry C that's such a lie you didn't like to make them cry every single one of them how dare you I was the best I again if if you have you know if you go on a cruise well if I you know every cruise that I go on I want there to be a basketball court I don't know how many uh years I have left on these legs but I do know that uh time is is you know is cutting so you feel I may not have enough uh old SCH juice left in the tank I may not have enough ju juice left in the tank uh to play ball but um if I can I definitely want to and the fact that this uh ship has a basketball court it has the you know little sections where you can play cornhole yeah it also has the roller coaster in back the pool the you know the the two pool tables um the also have the the mini golf and then the kitty area is there too so it's kind of a pretty nice area that's a little more secluded for the kids they can kind of do various activities ask for the ask for the uh roller coaster nah it's not that big of a deal to be honest with you you know I did my one lap you know uh after like a week of it being closed because of the rain uh so many I think I think that specifically would be classified as a Miss yeah so many so many mechanical issues um but yeah you know overall the ultimate playground is the best playground especially with the Rob course which uh you actually you know did the full course after I don't know how many uh cruises we've been on and you've been scared out of your you know behind mind uh but you actually did it which was pretty dope so I'm glad that you were able to do it you're welcome you you uh survived I told you you would if you didn't you know most likely I would have had a condo but you know again that was uh that was one of the best um that was the highlight of uh the cruise you uh completed in the RO course well actually I completed it twice Oh you mean the all right so the first time and then the second time first time it took me like an hour and then the second time was much faster and it started raining yeah yeah so that was pretty cool so I should get double points for that just you should maybe maybe but yeah the ultimate playground is is is definitely a hit all right let's talk about the serenity adult area it's a freebie that's right it is that's the number one thing that I like it's a freebie that's why it's a hit because it's a freebie no that's not why it's a hit think no okay I thought that they had plenty of seating there was a lot of loungers they had their own like bar area that's separate like you didn't have to go all the way out to the Leo deck to get a drink um they also had a pool but the pool was kind of like in shape so cold man yeah it was freezing so it wasn't something to get into but but would it be a hit overall even if the pool was kind of yes cuz it was nice and quiet and again if you know like us we a lot of seating we don't travel with kids so therefore for us it's hard to find a peaceful area on the Leo side because you know there's just a lot of families and kids kids and and you know people being kind of loud and the music playing and this was nice and relaxing if you want to read a book for me I listen to my audio book I think it was a nice and relaxing time yeah I I enjoyed it like I I I thought it was a cool spot to go to especially the you know it's free so that's definitely that's definitely a huge hit yeah and the Serv come around and they ask you for your drink order if you want anything and they'll bring you water ice water cuz you you will dehydrate yeah be careful front too it's in the front of the ship uh for this particular uh um ship for the mar it's in the front of the ship we've gone on I don't know how many cruises too many count and um you know what makes a great cruise is one you know the entertainment the activities the the ship itself you know where you go one thing that people kind of Overlook uh and they don't really pay attention to or they probably don't really appreciate it yeah that was the that was the next thing you know that's the word I was looking for I don't appreciate it um but this hit is definitely definitely it and it's the cruise director the cruise director aboard the Marty Gro uh her name yeah her name is Kindle Fire man this Cruise director was all over the place she was awesome she was funny she was you know she was adorable you know what I mean she was good she was she was all over she was very you know uh vibrant and stuff and it was actually yeah she had a very bubbly engaging personality I think she's I don't know man but the way she sounded was from the south like she was a new or I think she was from no I think she was from Texas I think she from Texas man it was you know that uh I mean you could you could hear you could hear the uh ACC a little Southern draw yeah yeah it was she was really really good she will be on the Carnival Jubilee um for the next uh what 7 8 months yeah I believe at least seven six seven months at least yeah all right cuz you know they they just um they just uh started sailing uh not too long ago yeah back in I think December it was like right around New Year's yeah and she was uh she was the one she's the one on that ship uh right now so we may or may not catch her you know in July we may be on the uh we may go on the Carnival Jubilee and that's out of Texas in July out of Galveston Texas and she may still be on that probably at the uh end of her contract you know I'm always curious to see how how these uh Cruise directors are at the end of their contracts you know are they going to be tired or they're they still going to sound still bubbly yeah still sound like that but she was awesome man she was actually a pretty good uh Cruise director so if you do get a chance to see her man it's uh you're going to have a great time that's all I can say one of the biggest things one of the biggest changes that I've seen in cruising what is that uh that long long stretch on the on the Royal Caribbean the prominade right promade so that that was one that was new to to us new to me I was you know I actually liked it I thought it was pretty cool uh even though it it's was closed in but this particular uh ship the Marty which is a part of the XL class um the older one of you know the the group which is uh celebration and now the Jubilee they have the atrium on the side of the ship it's like a like Stadium seats like stadium seating like theater yeah yeah which was so cool like I thought that that was so like that was awesome in multiple levels too so it's not just like everyone's on the same floor it's yeah it's basically three decks and so you can kind of find a decent view from multiple Spots You're not like limited to just being in the front you know like most of the atriums if you're not sitting in the front then you basically can't see much this you can can kind of get different Vantage points so it was kind of cool watching the you know the the shows and you know the the way the the the panels were right SL slid around and stuff dude that was so awesome like I thought that that was great like that was so cool I to me the quality of the shows that they did in the atrium were as good as if they had their own theater if it was just in the theater itself right yeah they did you know they had um multiple shows that that was the other thing I really liked pretty much every single night there was a show in the atrium and they usually had it twice so like it would be like I don't know 6:00 6 or 7:00 and then it'll be like 10:00 so I you know there was a good chance that you were going to be able to catch the shows but the biggest show the biggest um production um for that particular ship was uh what was that the name of that um oh elements no no it was another one it was the one with the voodoo oh yes yes yes it was the voodoo one yes the voodoo Moon Voodoo Moon that was pretty cool like everything works the the production was just you know amazing like you know the the graphics and stuff on that on those big screens it just it just worked it just worked and then they had you know live bands performing there as well they had a lot of shows which was pretty cool so you know and it's right there in the heart of the ship it's um it's one of the the best designs that I've ever seen to be honest with you and I actually liked it to you know to be fair if you do get a chance to go on the ship there's there are two spots that you I would suggest that you go to one is the they're both on the third on the third part the third deck against the like the glass Bridge the glass window area there's a seating there where you can see over everything no one's in your way you have no obstructions no nothing and there There's an actual little table that you can sit there drink and watch the shows it was actually pretty cool so it's it's definitely it it is definitely a a great hit for the uh I guess the carnival XL class all right so you know every every Cruise or every vacation you're always going to have your hits and you're going to have your misses and this is where we are at right now now again I you know I thought to myself man this is going to be very hard to do a hits and misses with uh Carnival martyr but there were some misses yes there was biggest one for me anyway was the buffet yeah I have to say you're you look so disappointed I know I mean I I I wouldn't say it's bad wasn't spectacular right just it it felt like they they didn't have enough stations that's one yeah it was a little confusing the way they had their stations set up the food wasn't that great it was kind of lackluster man and I also didn't think it was a large variety so like normally we would see uh dishes from different types of culture so you might have like an Asian station and a I don't know like an Indian station and this and that and it just didn't seem like they had that it did have a good design I like the layout uh you know little little sections where you're eating and I'm the opposite oh the layout for the seating you likeed not the way the food was served no no no no I the the the design the decor of the buffet area they call it the uh what do they call it the Le ah man I forgot what it's called I'm probably going to post it right now the actual uh I think oh the marketplace the Leo Marketplace that's what they call it the Leo Marketplace yeah I it kind of felt it it was it was Airy like I thought I like the way the colors the decor that was cool I agree with you and there was different types of seating areas yeah it was really nice um but yeah the food itself no it's uh was a major Miss I must say that the drinks on the Marty gr or or like the spots that we went to and the drinks I guess it was pretty cool it was good too man that should have been part of our likes like especially that one specific bar you mean the fortune teller yeah that was definitely a hit that that that was a very interesting bar it's a bonus I guess the Bon you know the the the sections the bar sections like cuz you cuz you still have the Havana Bar you have the forun teller you have the brass yes that was it Magnolia yes um so it's pretty cool but I must say man one of the biggest misses is not being able to get a double on your drinks so something that we learned along the way specifically with region is that you can actually ask for a double drink so each time you you order a drink you can actually order two at a time um with one card with just one card one person's card yeah so like just for yourself however on the and then if you don't actually want two separate drinks you could just have them double up on the liquor in one drink Y which is again cut in calories so you say Hey listen man you know I want a uh a Malibu B Breeze make it a double and they'll make it a double yeah it'll be double a liquor not as much juice right much better but on the Carnival they don't allow that not only do they not allow that but I don't even think they allowed you to get two drinks at one time no they don't on one person's car you have to wait you have to wait 5 minutes in order to get another drink yeah I get it I understand yeah cuz I think they just didn't want to turn it into a booze cruise but well you know you you don't want people you know the using someone else's car to get a drink you know if they're not a part if they don't have that drink package yeah you know what I'm saying so yeah I get it but man it's annoying though it is you know cuz I would have loved you know doubling up on some of these drinks well again in the fortune teller their drinks were good didn't need to be doubled like those those drinks didn't need to be doubled right um but like you know sometimes when you get you know regular uh like you said Malibu babies or like a say vodka with cranberry juice you know sometimes those are a little watery so that would have been good to have a double but unfortunately not definitely a miss and again I don't know you know if if you if you've uh ever been on a a carnival Cru maybe the carnival Marty the celebration um have you been able to double up on a drink or get like two drinks on one card yeah if they update the policy let us know yeah let us know man because this was this was in uh spring 2023 April April yeah spring and therefore at that time no double drinks that was rough but let us know definitely let us know so last but not least on our dislikes list um the bathroom in the cabin it the while the design was nice and it was updated the problem was that area by the sink and the toilet very small like you can't pee it was it was a tin I couldn't pee and you use the sink at the same time we both can't fit in that bathroom and you'd think you'd think that because this is an XL class ship this is the you know Carnival XL ships uh that it would be a little bit bigger yeah that they would have made the the space just a little bit bigger but they did not right so on that part Unfortunately they failed um the rest of the room was decent but it was normal they could have they could have done a little better job with the bathroom it was normal I think the the cabin we had a balcony cabin on the uh on Deck 16 and and there's a full cabin review too the bathroom was normal it was normally small it was a little on a small side you know that most of these ships are small but then again when you go from a a a Norwegian Prima to a I know to a carnival Marty gr you know you're going to look at this space and go damn you know what I mean like the Norwegian Prima that had a big you know the cabin was huge it was an Ocean View cabin yeah it wasn't even a balcony yeah it was Ocean View C cabin um the the bathroom was pretty big yeah pretty big considering and um and that's a smaller ship Yeah so basically next time Carnival when you're doing a newer ship especially that type of size a little more space in the bathroom yeah I don't want to have to you know poop shower and brush my teeth all at the same time you know what I mean you could cuz you could reach the sink from the from the pooper man it was it's crazy man but yeah that was definitely a Miss uh it wasn't bad but I guess it you know again having to do a hits and misses for you know the carnival Marty gr it it was challenging it was challenging because of course you know every ship is going to have hits and misses right it all depends on on the person right each person has their basic their requirements or the things that they like or they don't like it's you know the bathroom is not really going to make or break my decision to want to go on a uh on another Cruise yeah if that's the worst of it then they're they're doing pretty good little things here and there but not enough man so I I would say all in all the carnival Marty gr is one of the best cruise ships to go on when it comes to fun when it comes to you know pretty much a balance of everything so you'll definitely have a good time yeah either way uh definitely check out our other reviews our other um ship reviews hits hits and misses hit the like hit the Subscribe button so that way you can uh get notifications on any new videos that we post we are you we will be uh sailing on the Norwegian Viva um in February this coming February and we're also going to be sailing on the new icon of the Seas Wooh oh my Larry I cannot wait for that one it's going to be amazing we've already been on the Prima um the Prima is actually pretty cool ship we we have a couple of reviews a few reviews for the uh Prima but once we jump on the Viva we're going to drop so much so much content so don't forget to uh subscribe to uh our channel uh we really appreciate it we do this uh for you guys as well as the love of cruising and just enjoying vacations all over the world um so yeah so just check us out check us out on uh Instagram at uh official downto vacay and uh visit our website uh where we'll have even more information more stuff to check out you know uh running specials and uh and events and um you know stuff like that so hopefully you enjoy the video and we'll see you soon you down of AK [Music]
Channel: Down to Vacay
Views: 12,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carnival, Carnival Cruise, Mardi Gras, Down to Vacay, Vacay, Vacation, Ship Reviews, Reviews, Hits and Misses, Husband and Wife
Id: T-lNH49A9MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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