Carnival Breeze Family Cruise Vlog +Cozumel, Mexico+ Embarkation Day + Balcony Room Tour Pt. #1

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[Music] y'all ready yes on y'all ready ready ready all right good morning good morning good morning today is Cru day y'all we are have to check in at 11:30 so it is 9:09 now we stay about 45 minutes away from galon but we're leaving a little bit early anytime if y'all cruise and y'all are headed to galon make sure if you stay within Houston or within the surrounding areas make sure you leave at least 2 hours early because it can be traffic on 45 if you live in other states other parts of Texas make sure you always try to travel a day before just in case of anything happens so we are at bies right now filling up the gas tanks getting the little kids some snacks or whatever so they can have on the right there and I guess I'll bring yall along along this journey make sure that if you like my channel if you like what you're seeing please please please make sure you tap that subscribe button make sure you hit that notification Bell so every time I I upload you will know when I have a video so catch y'all on the way to gon all right girls y'all ready y you ready yep all right so we are in separate cars because there too many of of us and I don't have my SUV anymore so my husband got the boys in his car and I got the girls in mine and we going the roll [Music] right ready all right y'all we going to get on the shuttle catch it over there to the ship and our sh just pull up you ready how are you ready you so excited goes the ship y'all Carnival bre that's we carival sorry y'all it's a little bumpy go the slide get on all right y'all we are at the cruise terminal waiting to check in check in it's not till 11:30 so just waiting to check in y'all it's real y'all better not be trying to sneak nothing on here she opening up and and looking through them so y'all trying to sneck beer or something on in here don't do it cuz they check she putting out every single can all right so so far aarya had to get searched with the I mean neaa had to get sh with the dogs they open up all the sodas to make sure we wasn't bringing nothing in here so yeah if we got to stop my vacation just because of you we jump how you going to talk about you going to jump somebody you going to jump a girl what kind of man is you all right y'all we did all our check in and we are finally about to go up this ramp and then we going to be on the boat not nothing what's going on y' hey man I'm the captain in charge the lieutenant the head hono uh I'mma Be swanging this big boy man like we on swangers we'll get them later hey y'all get on this side come on this side bye I'm connect to the [Music] [Music] y'all offy on the ship what y'all think so [Music] [Music] far they going to refund me some of my damn money back or give me [Music] huh really we did it look at him we did it y'all everybody is on the ship the kids are excited they can't wait to start doing their thing so I'm the captain of the head hono right now you see the head disrespect what I want to finish my say what you guys say yeah man we did it we got everybody on the ship the kids excited and guess what y'all y'all I'm the a head honcho y'all see the head yes four I have four people four stands for casino on De four okay so much easier for you okay so in of emergency this isation we have jackets one for the child in and for the adult okay you have these three important buckles one on your chest side and your tummy side and one for the between the legs all the way there okay and please make sure you have the reflectors with it the lights is working and you have this small whistle you will find your life jacket inside your cabin I think it's in the closet and haven't seen one please give a direct call on your cabin okay any [Music] questions then let's start your vacation now thank you have fun and be safe yeah okay signation yeah okay y'all this is the room tour we have a balcony first right here is where the life jacket this is a closet it has some sh um hangers more life jackets and this is hangers the closet space here's some shelf space you can put your stuff on this right here is a safe um and you make up your own thing it tells you how to reset it and everything there's your phone you have a hair dryer you have a couple drawers to put your stuff in a store right here for the ladies that wants to do your makeup it has all your information you need does this have a light yeah and it has a light ladies if y'all need to do y'all makeup this is the TV it moves you know back and forth glasses this is the water that's in your room y'all if y'all drink this water y'all will be charged 350 this water is not free here is the little cooler put your sodas and stuff in we have three people in our room so here is the bed the very the bed and then me and my husband will be in this bed and let me take y out to the balcony but you have to you have to have it paid off by by uh December the 18th I believe December 18th I think I have paid off all right then they have the side tables with the lights on it turn off phone you also have a switch right there so y'all this is pretty much pretty much our room this is the balcony on the Carnival Breeze we already ate Guys Burgers I ate two yeah can't show y' the bathroom right now cuz little one is in there soon as he gets out I'll show y'all the bathroom and this is a picture of the ship tells you where everything is on the ship how to put your life jacket on and you must keep this in here this card in here order to keep your lights on but you can still turn your lights off and on but when soon as you take that card out it's going to uh turn off lights and this pink part shows you right here where you are on the ship and this is your AC control if you do not want to be disturbed for the night or for the day just put this outside your door door all right y'all this is the bathroom this is where you can put your Essentials at me put this right here they have tissue they have soap they have your towels toilet paper and stuff ladies they have a mirror where you can do your makeup they have towels the shower curtain and this they do have um shower gel and soap the water gets really really hot then when you have wet clothes and stuff they have a thing that you can hook across on this one and um pack up your wet stuff and they have hooks on the back so yeah y'all that's the balcony room you know so everybody loving this hat I'm getting compliments we go go over here oh we moving you don't see them bubbles oh we is moving give me some what give me some feiz hey y'all the captain is reporting back to y'all man do y'all know I got so many compliments with this hat I just had a couple people thinking I was captain of the ship hey guess what I went along with too so y'all this is a ties pool we're in the back of the ship they have the pool back here and they also have uh a bar they have a beverage station and y'all we are officially selling off I didn't mean to get your video no you okay so we are officially Silling away let's go find these children and see where they at what they got at to got the pool with the two hot tubs one on this side and then one on the other side hey guys you can see we are officially moving bye galon see y'all on my they did do mushroom so we have pepperoni pizza and mushroom pizza how it taste always on point so y'all heard the piz so we I had BD Guys Burgers earlier but I didn't record it cuz I was hungry but yeah with is out the ship has sailed a away we got our cups make sure y'all bring cups if y'all come on uh cruises bring y' cups cuz little ones they have is too small oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] so we are back in the room we didn't ate we didn't ate Guys Burgers I had some pizza came back in the room to relax before we go to dinner tonight before we go to dinner tonight so come the dress take a little shower or something get ready for dinner tonight at 8:30 so catch y'all back then what's good y'all man we getting ready to go down here to dinner um getting everything prepared and ready what I got right here just a little outfit from Sheen I'm a Jordan fanatic man and this kind of resemble Jordan 23 Chicago so that's why I got it I got my verace sage on there my little Country Boy Snapback and of course hey I'm The J Man Jordan uh Retro 11 brids Metro 11 bread okay y'all so my outfit is from Sheen I will have the link down below shoes are from Sheen got my Alpha watch James Avery bracelet and my waiting ring took my contacts out cuz yeah they start to irrita me so I put my glass s but still cute like my husband said we getting ready to go to dinner so we'll check y'all later what you want look at your entree and then look at your dessert so you get to appetizer first yeah ex [Music] dinner every this is the Crawfish trudel AIA got the C we had has the coil and darus has the Tomato okay y'all love crawfish strudel I give it a three out of five it wasn't bad but it wasn't good maor what do you give your Caesar salad um a eight out of 10 8 out of 10 J what do you give your cocktail shrimp cocktail shrimp shrimp I give it like a seven out of 10 jarus what do you give your soup rated at three out of five I mean one out of five five you give it a five your soup good I thought one out of 10 one out of five did you tell about that D to lift it and the do shrimp and what else you got what was that the short rib short rib you got the S shrimp I think so I have the barbecue salmon has the S shrimp michaa has the S shrimp let's see what El what they have do y'all rate y' dinner I give seven I like six and a half six and a half and you had the steak and you had the I had to itaa what do you rate your SES on shrimp a five a five um it was like a four a four yeah I didn't really like I didn't like that at all you didn't like yeah but I like the Caesar salad though the Caesar salad was good what do you rate your food a five what do you rate your food Dar two two my barbecue salmon was good I give it a I give it a three out of five it it was it was pretty good barbecue salmon but y'all I'm tired I'm sleeping mhm it's barbecue salmon I'm tired in the sleepy and they tell about they going to go to the Le deck I'm about to go to the bed huh entanglement our light powers are entangled so we switch places whenever we use you have control of this thank you God this belongs to you this is yours you're the captain you're the master you're the foreman you're the general you're the head don't give control of this to nobody especially the devil do not let Satan come in here and function and operate because he has one mission to keep you off Court to make you not think it's possible to make you think that God don't hear you his job is only to destroy you to make sure that you don't become what God intended for you to become that's the mission of the devil now if you don't believe in the devil I this conversation ain't for you if you don't believe in God this conversation ain't for you I'm not talking to you I'm talking to people who are spiritually based if you you get control of this that's why I'm telling room service room service room service breakfast excuse me y'all didn't take no showers last night good morning you guys today is day two so we are up we are about to go eat breakfast we woke the kids up as y'all seen the clip before that they will still sleep they are having them a great time everybody's up getting ready getting our situated so we can get ready for this second day today is a SE day um um the guys Pig and anchor barbecue is open only on Cay we're going to go to the main uh setfire dining main dining room cuz they have Cay brunch so once we all get ready I will pick y'all back up once we get there we are at brunch I got the 12-hour French toast scrambled eggs and hash brown Elijah got the steak fries and eggs kandre got the chicken and waffles babe got the what you is this what is that rban roast with the hash brown to our toast bring Mye oh aarya got 12 FES toast with that and then Mela got the beond burger so this all what we have all right y'all we got our first tow animal our first one we just came back from brunch don't know what we're going to do y'all let's go outside on the balcony y'all can see how pretty it is out here if you have the chance to experience a cruise make sure yall experience of cruise you can pay up to a year in advance or two years in advance already hot tub hot tuel down there as well this creation let go back in cuz it's hot bab what we doing today I don't know just go do a little bit sing walk around I got to find the the um the little club for a little n 10 year old I got to my M and find that um of course got to give me some alcoholic beverages that that's a must see what to do after that so y'all we did not get the drink package um we said for sure oh man we said for sure for the one for the Jubilee that we going in March we are going to get the drink package cuz that that's just be me and my husband we won't be taking a kids on that one so um what we drinks yesterday for two drinks uh we got the cruiser it was $24 but then they add in additional taxes and additional and tips already included in the drink so I think for two drinks I paid $30 so if you drink more then how many drinks say about four or five drinks a day if you drink more than four or five drinks a day I would say get to drink package if you don't I would say just add an amount to your sign and sale C and that's what you use to drink off of so yeah y'all catch y'all later it is so y'all we F to go to the camp oan my club to go to Camp ocean up don't know where it's at L where is it at like over here like back here stuff so yeah we fa got Club this it right here yeah I'm just looked I'm not going I don't trying to drop him off with his age group over here at the little uh kids club he act like he don't even want to go in there okay y'all we are going into the shops you want to go into this one first I'm I'm just asking got no reason to go in there see so I can record oh look they got here like two for yes sir [Music] very [Music] six need the uh getting L from deodorant while I'm in here [Music] else you going to get it they s it on the other [Music] side we got get [Music] a oh yeah cornal GRE [Music] $6 for a [Music] shot that [Music] was no our collection [Music] [Music] that one is I don't know what it is with [Music] why they [Music] got oh it said the caral [Music] [Music] this uh3 and this one [Music] 9 buy two of [Music] these I I my li [Music] and we not going to leave them in March cuz we going to be on [Music] DV and I need hey I need to get up out of here man sh [Music] man I got to get [Music] this to [Music] go oh they got the speaker [Music] for the the lanyard and [Music] [Music] [Music] stuff the candy [Music] shop I don't know you do like I said go to casino that way yeah you know it's on we're going to be thing one thing two Sam am even the cat and the hat we're going to go down de a huge parade as we bring live Dr here one of my favorite Dr so we yeah we have to do my game right there little pigy put it in your pocket put in my as I said we put it up here okay let me get this more footage I said let me get this footage then we can go back right this is the single lady yall say sorry I didn't I didn't warm up this morning so that's what that's about yeah so after that we just did one two three four both arms are up we're going to take this the cafe bar we get your coffee your sweets and stuff [Music] this is the buai sushi we'll be coming here later on this is the Red Frog rumar art gallery this is the piano bar reason why they call it piano Bo because it's shaped like a piano as you can [Music] see now we're going out and this is the Lim light uh Comedy Club this is the f house will tomorrow night got saus and the Bak B weing everywhere and with anything because of the way that my mind works I'm always thinking of psychology I wanted to [Music] know thank you very he you guys so it is many many many hours later and I think the last thing y'all seen was us going to pick an acre after that we came back to the room we chilled a little bit um we just came back from the pool in the back of the ship and then we went to the serenity deck chilled there got in the hot tub so it is El elegant night tonight elegant night is on the second night if you on a 4day cruise if you're any longer it might be on different nights they might have multiple but I'm just about to do my little makeup not going to do nothing nothing too fancy nothing too too spontaneous just might do my little eyebrows and do a little one two but yeah oh another tip that me and my husband find out if you come on Carnival and you want your drinks to T strong do not get the Frozen on get the ones that's on the Rocks we finally learned that today we got what two yesterday today noing about yesterday today we didn't get no Frozen one yesterday today oh didn't you know you got a Frozen with last night at the the the Red Frog oh well on the first day when we got here we got the cruiser that was pretty good that was on Rock so now when we was at the pool he got the kiss on the lips and I got the Twilight Zone and you can't taste any kind of alcohol in those but when we went back for our second drink um I got a I think it's a blue Patron margarita and he got another Frozen drink and with mine you can tell you can taste the the alcohol but in his you couldn't really taste it so if you do get drinks make sure you get them on the Rocks instead of Frozen but I'm just doing these eyebrows we had a pretty good time the kids have been enjoying their self they're not really used to um being on the ship they still trying to get used to everything they said that it's boring but well on the first day they said it was boring but now they're getting to learn how to navigate through the ship look on the map on the Carnival Hub and go through different activities for their age and stuff so they getting acclimated to be on the ship tomorrow well I'll probably end this Vlog tonight after we do elegant night and anything else we do tomorrow we are p in cosm we will be going to Mr SOS and then later on that night me and hubby have plans well have reservations to go to the uh Fahrenheit Steakhouse that is an extra charge I think it was for both of us I think I paid like $95 $5 for which is not bad if you're in Houston you go to steak 48 B and Anthony's it's same kind of setting same kind of steak same kind of service you going to pay $200 per person compared to only $100 per person and you get the appetizer the entay and a dessert so that's not bad for $100 for two people and then after that another Cay and then we will be back at home on Monday so kids are getting ready everybody took a shower Hub going to get in the shower and let me finish doing my makeup and I'll catch y'all once everybody is dressed and ready to go this is Cesar salad calor pretty much everybody got calore or the um everybody looks good my husb might be glad when he take this off everybody F having a good time about to eat our lat be [Music]
Channel: Amber Mon’e
Views: 2,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A0q1lAnmPyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 40sec (2800 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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