Carnegie Mellon is OVERRATED - Here's Why

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i know what you're thinking carnegie mellon overrated it's the number one cs school everyone in their mom raves about what a great school for computer science carnegie mellon is and i can't dispute that carnegie mellon is a great school i mean take a look at last year's employment report even with just 139 records of employment there are still dozens and dozens of engineers and having jobs at the likes of facebook amazon jane street citadel and google there's no denying that this report with its 120 thousand dollar median annual salary shows cmu's prowess in the field of computer science in fact that number is more than double the average starting salary for new graduates in 2022 which is only around 55 000 so then you may be asking how is carnegie mellon overrated well look no further than the university of michigan at just 11th on the list of top undergraduate computer science degrees the 2018 employment report shows that michigan graduates earn a median annual salary of a hundred thousand dollars straight out of college while this number is a full twenty thousand dollars lower than carnegie mellon's number it's par for the course as michigan's computer science program is almost ten times the size of carnegie melons it's like malcolm gladwell says in one of his stories in the book outliers and it's that when looking at nobel laureates it's clear that the professors who obtain these rewards all hail from incredibly prestigious universities in u.s news terms we're talking almost exclusively top 20 or above but taking a closer look anyone can see that there isn't an overwhelming amount of winners from only the top two or three schools like harvard or stanford in fact it's spread out quite evenly among the top schools i feel like this example is pretty similar while carnegie mellon is at the top of the game in the computer science world michigan at number 11 is holding its own and although we don't have the exact number of people going to each company from michigan's report the opportunity to obtain the same jobs at both schools is definitely there so then the next question you might ask is how well it's a simple answer tech is mayor based while recruiting for a field like investment banking places huge emphasis on the place of your education tech is almost the exact opposite software interviews are simple you either can solve the problem at hand or you can't and then after that you either can solve the question in the best time and space complexity possible or you can't it's very easy to measure quantitatively in real time how strong the applicant in front of you is by taking a glance at his or her code the beautiful part about recruiting for software internships and full-time jobs is that once you get that interview you're on a level playing field with the rest of the applicants sure kids from carnegie mellon might have the advantage in that their schoolwork is more difficult and therefore has prepared them more seriously but a little hard work and dedication outside of the classroom can match that edge to be sure that michigan's report isn't a fluke let's take a look at rutgers ranked at just 38 on the top list of undergraduate computer science programs this report shows a 90 000 median annual salary and it's lower again to be clear but the top quartile of these students are likely still reaching salaries that are very much on par with those at carnegie mellon and university of michigan and we can clearly see that even with the limited information that this report gives so i think it's a pretty sound conclusion that cs kids at schools outside of the top 10 or even outside of the top 30 universities also have the opportunity to nab these top level jobs that carnegie mellon graduates get so now for the point of the video why is carnegie mellon overrated i've narrowed it down to two reasons the first we've already talked about you don't need to go to a top school to get a top-level job if you don't get into your top choice that's okay your top five choices it's still okay you'll still have opportunities to show that you belong at the best companies the second reason doesn't apply to everyone and it's tuition carnegie mellon tuition is incredible but i mean incredible in the bad sense it's sixty thousand dollars per year and that's not including room and board which in freshman year is a mandatory minimum of sixteen thousand dollars with on-campus housing and a dining plan carnegie mellon's very own website estimates that on campus students pay around eighty thousand dollars per year to attend and that number increases two to four percent per year if you're a prospective student you could be paying almost 350 000 for your four years at carnegie mellon compare that with rutgers or the university of michigan if you're lucky enough to have in-state tuition you could find yourself paying less than a hundred grand all in for your degree that's a quarter million dollar difference in tuition so that's it those are my reasons the first that even at a top school you can still get the same level of job that you can at carnegie mellon the second is just the sky high tuition at carnegie mellon if you have the chance to have in-state tuition you can save a mind-blowing amount of money but of course this is just my opinion and there are definitely reasons why carnegie mellon is rated number one and why there are reasons that you should still go to carnegie mellon let me know in the comments if you agree and i'll see you next time
Channel: Miso Tech (Michael Song)
Views: 25,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carnegie mellon, Carnegie Mellon University, cmu, cmu university, Carnegie Mellon cs, Carnegie Mellon computer science, Carnegie Mellon career, computer science, software engineering, Carnegie Mellon software engineering, software engineer, overrated, university, computer science schools, computer science degree, software engineering college, carnegie mellon university computer science, software, swe, leetcode, software interview, leetcode interview, software recruiting, recruiting
Id: LGe_ykps83s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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