Carne Deshebrada | Rick Bayless Taco Manual

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[Music] hi everybody and welcome back to my kitchen the next page in our Taco manual is going to take us to a beloved Regional specialty now it's called carne de cebrada or just sort of unadorned shredded beef and it really comes to its own in the northern part of Mexico though carne de cebraves really beloved through the entire country I'm going to show you how to make a lot of this because I'll tell you when you're going to have a taco party this is something I turn to all the time because it's such a crowd pleaser now a lot of people would use they would boil it on the top of the stove and do everything on top of the stove I think it's way easier to do and especially if you're going to have a party to utilize the slow cooker to do this with so I'm going to show you how to do that and I'm going to go through the full thing there are recipes out there that are way simpler than this one but I can tell you they're not going to be as good as this one it's going to be flavored it's beef and we're going to start with a chuck roast it's going to be beef that is flavored with tomatoes and green chilies and herbs and browned onions so you get the idea it's a real crowd pleaser first thing that we're going to do is to roast some poblanos now this is not the only chili that you could use for this and I like it to to be really full of green chili flavor so I'm going to take three of these large poblanos here and I'm going to roast them under the broiler roasting them on the stove top on the gas flame is totally fine it just takes a little bit longer in this case so I'm going to slide them in here and I'm going to keep my eye on them and as they start to Blacken and blister I will rotate them and then rotate them and rotate them until they are completely blackened and blistered all over that'll take me 10 or 12 minutes or so to do that and I'll meet you back here when those are all roasted [Music] thank you okay we've got those roasted poblanos already now that's not the only chili that you could use um some people just like to chop up jalapenos or Serranos you wouldn't roast those and you could just add those with the Tomato part of this recipe or one of the things I like to do is use what's called Chile Guedo which is like a hot Hungarian wax or banana pepper What's called Scott Peak down in the Yucatan Peninsula you could roast those and then you could use those in this I would only use about half as much by weight as what you would use of the poblanos this was about a pound and a half or about a pound excuse me and that would be about a half a pound okay now on to the meat I am using a two pound chuck roast here because I think that chuck roast gives you the juiciest meat and the best texture there are a lot of other things you could use for this you could just buy stew meat in the grocery store but it oftentimes will come out just a little drier than buying a chuck roast I'm going to cut this into one inch cubes [Music] [Music] okay a couple things about the next step I'm going to Brown this meat you will find lots of recipes where people will just simmer it or just put it right into a slow cooker think there's so much more flavor when you brown the meat so I'm first going to season this meat with salt and then my cooking medium of choice today is going to be Bacon Fat it's just fat that I have collected from cooking bacon you could use oil you could use rendered pork lard for this but I'm going to put enough into this base to my slow cooker now this is a stove top safe base to a slow cooker here if yours is not stovetop safe you're going to want to do this in a large a very large Skillet this is just the right size for me to put this amount of meat in there and have it be sort of in a single layer not too crowded too crowded will mean that it won't Brown it'll just kind of start to sweat and and boil I'll get a couple pieces there that need to pull apart okay so now you want to hear that good Sizzle when you put it in that means that you've got the temperature right because this is stove top ceramic that I'm working with here um I put it on and let it heat for about six or seven minutes that's what I'm looking for here okay I'm stopping I'm not even gonna get it all in there I thought that I would be able to get it all in but I want to be able to keep it in that single layer so that I can turn it and brown it all as soon as it's browned I'm going to put it over here on this rimmed baking sheet [Music] we've got all of the meat browned nicely now now you'll notice that I didn't cut any of the fat out of this chuck roast and I encourage you to do exactly the same because that will all render and fattest flavor and when it renders into this whole preparation it'll just make it taste that much better you can spoon off the fat at the very end I'll show you how to do that but I don't take it off early on in the preparation now while that meat was doing its thing in there I sliced up a couple of big onions and I'm going to put those into the pan now again if you don't have a stove top safe insert to your slow cooker you'll want to do this in that same Skillet that you brown the meat in and we're gonna stir this around occasionally until we get these beautifully caramelized [Music] just look how beautiful those onions are those will add a lot of sweetness and depth to this now we've got our meat to go back in here make sure you get all of the juices from that spread that into an even layer and then we've got our flavorings to go in here of course those roasted in Pio poblanos are going to be the next layer in all of this I'll tell you this is absolutely a glorious smell in the house when you get the meat Brown the onions Brown The Roasted chilies and we're just going to keep that going here okay so I have a 28 ounce can of fire roasted tomatoes drained and I'm going to put those over the top sort of sprinkling them over the top here and then we're going to put herbs you might be using some dried herbs in Mexico they sell these little bundles of thyme and marjoram and bay leaves so I grow those in my garden because I always want to have that around so we've got that going on the top there then a little bit of Worcestershire This is My Little Secret Weapon it will just take make it taste that much richer in that Umami or beefy kind of flavor and lastly we're going to put in here two teaspoons of salt this is a measured amount so actually measure it don't just sprinkle some in here because that I know is what the minimum is that's going to be needed for this so two teaspoons and then we're going to go right over now to the slow cooker so I'll grab this guy turn it off underneath there and let's go over here to the slow cooker slide that right in there turn the guy on here so I want to go to high and then I want to put it on six hours so this is a great thing to do when early in the morning if you're going to have a party in the evening cover it up and just let that fill your house with the most glorious Aroma ever okay after six hours this is what it's going to look like I just pulled this one off of the slow cooker base here so let's see about what that looks like there okay you can see the time branches here and marjoram branches and then we've got the bay leaves I'm just going to throw that right over there I'm going to put this now onto a fairly High fire so that it can come to so it can come to it's not wanting to catch there at all is it okay let's see if we can get there we got it okay so we're going to let that come to a boil now but while that's coming to a boil I'm going to work on potatoes and I like to add these at the end not during the whole cooking process because at the end they will have their shape if I put them in at the beginning they'll all be falling apart so I'm going to cut this into small cubes remember we are making here a taco filling so big pieces of potato will not be welcome I like to square off the potatoes and then cut them into about quarter inch cubes [Music] okay I'm going to blanch these but I'm going to do it the way that is easiest for me at home which is not to bring a pot of salted water to a boil but instead to do it in the microwave so in a microwave safe Bowl I will collect all of these potatoes now and I'm going to put a little bit of water with them just a little splash we'll cover that with plastic wrap like that we don't want that to bloom balloon up too much so I usually do a couple of pokes with the end of a knife and we are going to put this in here at four minutes full power and we're going to let those par cook if you will in that okay next step is this has come to a boil now I'm going to turn it way down so that the bubbling kind of goes away and I'm going to spoon off fat there's not too much fat in this one here but you'll want to spoon off a little bit of the fat anyway you can make a decision on that on your own but you'll notice that even though we didn't add any liquid to this and we drained the tomatoes that it's very juicy so our final step in all of this I think it looks like it's in pretty good shape now so our final step here is to shred the meat you can do it in many different ways but I'm going to go back to my old-fashioned potato masher because if you work it through here you will notice that it's just kind of the right piece of equipment this is also obviously very good for making guacamole it's where you see me use it the most got one piece one little piece of that time that I didn't get earlier and that's all it takes to break up that meat you could do it with the back of a large spoon too it just won't be quite as efficient as that okay I'm going to let the turn the heat up now underneath this and I'm just going to let it simmer until it's reduced enough that it's going to kind of hold together just think about what you would like to have in your taco you don't want it to be so juicy that it runs out and runs all over your shirt and all that sort of thing so we're going to reduce this until most of the juice has gone away when the potatoes are ready I'll just mix them right in here so they start to soak up some of the delicious juices that we have here [Music] thank you [Music] you just got to come over here and see this beauty this to me is the best carne de sebrada because we've concentrated all of those meat juices in this and you can see how much of the juice now has been evaporated and concentrated into the mixture there so let's make a taco I've got some warm tortillas here um but a couple of them on the plate really warm tortillas and it's still juicy so it's best for me to pick up this plate and just pile that on now what I like to do is to put a little queso on Yahoo on it I know that sort of gilding the Lily but I love the Umami quality that deliciousness of the Anejo like cheese you could use a little parmesan or some um some any other kind of like garnishing cheese now you could do any kind of salsa with this that you want or no salsa at all I happen to like a little bit of the Mexican hot sauce I'm using Tama Sula here just put a little bit of that and that'll kind of underscore all of those flavors and there you have I will say one of the most satisfying the most crowd-pleasing dishes that you could ever make
Channel: Rick Bayless
Views: 36,438
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Id: J6CuuNPS78w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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