Carly Simon - Nobody Does It Better - The Spy Who Loved Me
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Channel: Carly Simon
Views: 13,709,799
Rating: 4.8733578 out of 5
Keywords: Carly Simon, James Bond, Bond theme, The Spy Who Loves Me, HBO, beach, concert, marvin hamlisch
Id: SaV-6qerkqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2009
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I mean, that's why it's a beloved song. It's a popular single from its era, and it eschewed the camp of normal Bond themes for the trappings of a pop ballad.
Not hating on the song, I adore it. And Carly Simon just gave a brilliant interview on Alec Baldwin's WNYC show, which got it stuck in my head again. But it should be pretty obvious why the song is more popular than other Bond themes.
It's not my favorite but that's because I've never been a soft-pop fan and I certainly wasn't one in 1977.
(The cliff jump right before the titles is one of the greatest moments in the whole franchise though)
To me, it goes part and parcel with Roger Moore's movies. Altogether not very Bond in the Fleming sense, unless you define subtlety as a hydrogen bomb, but they fit each other so well. Sort of one of the peaks in Bond theatrics and untraditional music.
Obligatory shout out to this version.
Yeah, it makes me feel sad for the rest.
I actually knew of the song before I became a Bond fan (that was my parents' generation and I grew up with their music). It's also a great ego booster if you pretend like she's singing to you.
And if you want to go next level shower thoughts, a few weeks ago I was listening to the song and, given the lyrical content, thought that perhaps after it came out various men in her life thought it was written about them and said so either to her or publicly. Of course, this would have inspired her to write "You're So Vain (You Probably Think This Song Is About You)", another of her big hits. I thought that sounded so perfect until I looked it up and saw that "You're So Vain" came out years before and obviously has nothing to do with it.
I've always found it fascinating that this song became a radio staple. Sure it's catchy, but its lyrics are ridiculous out of context of the film.
Yes. I love it. But I love all the Bond theme songs.
Favorite song: All Time High
Favorite film: Moonraker
Favorite scene: Bond lured into pyramid
So I like camp and beauties.
Funny, I instantly went to Nate Doggs' 'Nobody' when I read your title.
Edit: actual song name is 'Regulators' I believe.