Carlini In The Fight Of His Life vs. 15 Year Old Master Rated 2241!

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[Music] good luck alright alright there it is okay that's got to be good oops okay what what no don't they know that they can't do this did you know that right okay hold on let me go in all right let me get it know let me know all right let's go here it happens they're allowed to do that they told me that I could do that I can cancel right I don't know he looks populated this should win this should work no no no I did what I see this Oh will you stop please you got to be kidding me it's a trap I could do this in my sheep sleep take your time okay this don't even think that this is like a tournament game or something hold it hold it thinking thinking still thinking thinking a lot thinking a bunch all right okay hold it he got out of my life okay this has got to work of course I go in commit that old sin what's that don't worry about me okay no helping the weak what no helping the weak I said notice how I took with the pawn you didn't notice that did you that's that's a nuance I used to do there yeah now I used to do old answers but now I do nuances oh no this is wrong this shouldn't happen to chess players all right let me take this off real quick oh he did it he did the thing - wait a second you're not supposed to be able to do the thing hold on a second let me keep it Billy all right let me just come back if I can just come back what are you doing no no no no okay so let me let me attack cuz that's what I do best give me all right let me go over here notice how the Knights just like it's a mixing bowl you don't like that bring him oh he didn't fall into I didn't I'm gonna fall into the fall the season here where's the castling get me that night Shh no telling give me the night okay now I come up with cannabis involved what is he doing he's getting pushing on me all right I take okay that can't be right now I can push in all the right places too alright let me take this off I'm tired of being nice what what okay let me take this off hold it he may make a mistake do the right thing now he touched it okay I can do it all right I can go here now what we saw that okay that's good that's good that could happen so let's go in here see what this does come on there couples you've done it again the great Lotus give me what I want give me what I want give me the night give me the day let me kill you in so many ways la la la la da da hold it hold it think he think he's still thinking alright let me just come in if I can't do this on to Billy did that huh hold on I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking all right so let me go here what do you do this to me okay so let's go ahead what are you doing you went backwards can't go backwards yeah you can't go backwards okay that's alright alright so now I go in i go in technically that's what they all say as long as I have this position I know exactly what to do take your time don't mess up this is where you let's fool I know all right so let's go in attack the Kudus did I say kudus give me wood it just plays wrong in today's hidden Timmy any hopes play oh they play well wait a second you went around there right well that's almost good hold it hold it all right so I gotta go up I gotta go up I gotta go up what are you doing don't oh you went there shut up all right so I go down now what come on let's see what you got okay maybe I was wrong about you hold it thinking thinking thinking still thinking okay here we go I'm in gimme what what what's what what should I just take him and rake him and bake him and what I realize I should be winning any minute give me a minute love takes time I can't oh the other guy what what what you you you you you you you you yeah I know you know what you know what let me just go here let me just give him back why is he doing this to himself alright let me just let me just give him what's because you can look let me just give him the snorkel you will not get your cool this way hold it thinking thinking and now I come in for the mini Bowl what is this I will never participate in this type of no no means no no I say no to you go backwards like a little fish come on little fish no I say no give me give me the Queen and I won't get me hold on a second oh that's a good move how'd you do that hold I could take there I go here oh wait a second he goes there and then I go here yeah yeah that's what they all say it doesn't matter I got this this is all I need this how dare you I play here obviously good move and then obviously I get my queen yeah they all want to rematches so what now I go here obviously good look huh please and now I win okay I'm gonna win anyway somewhere right so I go here what's the problem okay it's a slight problem alright now I win this he saw that okay then I go here what he can't he can't beat me with a knight are you kidding he can't beat me with a knight I just want you all to know that she used to be so nice she used to be she used to be so nice and now this I still win different girls different girls I don't know it's a thing let me just come in and attack because I'm at a key player notice how he does the old this this hanging thing it's like a hanging pond yeah he's done already he's done already I take this a lot of people do let me just attack they're analyzing are you kidding me you are kidding me you're not kidding me give me this obviously a great move oh wait a minute maybe none okay so go here I go here now what are you gonna do there hip flask does this winning your is not winning you're whining oh let me get this okay that can't be right don't I just don't I just take here what does that do look listen listen to the girl she knows all right all right all right all right rematch I want to rematch I'm not convinced I'm not convinced [Music]
Channel: Coffee Chess
Views: 675,378
Rating: 4.803103 out of 5
Keywords: chess, uscf, blitz, fide, opening, middlegame, endgame, tactics, coffee chess, pawn, queen, king, bishop, knight, rook, uscf national master, chess master, great carlini, carlini, the great carlini, nm, master
Id: DcWwbkXVCrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
Reddit Comments

no, if he plays queen to g8 the king takes it. there is nothing protecting the queen on that square

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/PawnsAreOP 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
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