Carla's California Veggie Sandwich

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hello States people it's Carla and I am here once again in my kitchen asking you to make one of my recipes today I'm going to be making Carla's Carla fornication Dreamin sandwich this is my take on a California veggie and it is truly one of the few regional foods that I can stake a claim to I will not be bound by your State's Constitution when making this sandwich we are in autonomous Waters now we're building on Focaccia there's cheve delicious lettuces that are lemony pickled vegetables sprouts and of course delicious bread on top I'm very happy to say that today's episode of Carla's cooking show was made in partnership with Leclair Creamery which produces extremely delicious and very creamy goat cheese using fresh goat's milk locally sourced from Wisconsin Farmers for my take on this iconic California veggie sandwich I wanted to use a goat cheese that was really creamy and would spread beautifully into the bread to Anchor all of the crunchy and pickled things that I was going to layer on top but it was equally important that that Chev have its own gorgeous flavor and I also wanted a cheese that was going to taste as fresh as everything else that I put in the mix thank you so much to LeClaire Creamery for inspiring this brand new recipe honestly I did not even have California veggie on my brain until I tasted the cheese and then remembered how much I love this sandwich and wanted to put them together to make something new I'm super happy with how it turned out you can find more info on leclair's products in the video description and I personally am ready to go make a sandwich it's liberty I am taking with this sandwich is pickling my vegetables normally in a California veggie it's raw veg which is very crunchy but almost too crunchy actually and you just feel like you're biting into a lot of raw vegetables that aren't dressed so the advantage of the pickle is that it tenderizes the vegetable it softens it up and it makes it like more pliable and way more flavor or a bowl and the Pickled veg in the mix was also inspired by another legendary and iconic sandwich called the scuttlebutt which was made at Brooklyn's salty restaurant back in the day I used to go there all the time I was obsessed with the sandwich it is filled with vegetables it was vegetarian and it had pickled beets and I love them so I want to pickle my vegetables my state my house my rules you know I am the master of my own sandwich to my pickling liquid that was cider vinegar and water sugar mustard Caraway a little chili for heat which I'll crumble as it goes in there and kosher salt so this is a hot brine this has to come to a boil to dissolve the sugar and the salt it boils for a minute and in the meantime I can start prepping my veggies carrots are very typical California veggie usually see them julienned like in a block and it looks like just a stack of carrot bricks julianning is a little bit tedious and I was just feeling like changing things I feel like if you're gonna change an iconic sandwich and make people upset go all the way with it when someone says to me Carla go all the way with your vegetable creativity you know what comes to mind for me zoodles you don't necessarily think zoodle when someone says you know do whatever you want but I felt like zoodling so we're gonna zoodle normally you don't want like the big honking horse carrots but for zoodling you definitely do oh this thing's genius can you tell I borrowed the zoodler okay you get the idea so you're gonna do that with two carrots and they're going into a heat proof jar because this will have a hot brine poured over it and they'll hold in the fridge for probably five days stay nice and crunchy and probably get more flavorful as they sit the brine is boiling and the sugar is dissolved so I'll just put it over here and let it sit while I finish up the beets if you get the beets with the greens definitely save your greens and you can use them in any recipe that calls for spinach or swiss chard Swiss chard pesto perhaps they're in the same family as those other vegetables so they will be a really great swap I am using yellow beads and I've got some pickles already made in various colors you can use any color beat you find and especially in the summer when they're growing there's so many cool varieties they're striped ones there's red ones there's these yellow ones if you didn't find beets or you truly don't like using them other vegetables that you could use would be turnips radishes also come in like tons of different colors in the summer daikon would be great Kohlrabi pickle Kohlrabi although not as colorful but any like nice hard sturdy vegetable that you can pickle will work I'm going to use my mandolin to get the beets Into Thin slices I'm not going to go paper thin because I want the texture and if they're just paper thin and then they're pickled they'll feel flimsy gorgeous couple beets going into a separate jar the reason that I'm pickling separately it's the same exact brine it's just so the color of the bee especially with red beets doesn't dye the other vegetable that you've done I've also got a shallot and I'm going to split the shallot between both jars it's nice to do these in rounds this is like a good amount of prep work for a sandwich this is not like you just came into the kitchen and decided you're gonna have a California veggie because the Brine and the pickles need to sit for like an hour but once you have the Pickled veggies in the house you can make the California veggie anytime you want but it's a sandwich worth like planning for it's special and iconic and delicious and vegetarian I'm sure there's vegan good cheeses out there and like it's really just some slicing and dicing so just eyeball half of them over there put them over here now for the moment you've all been waiting for the moment when I try to pour hot pickle brine into a jar without using anything because I'm that person [Music] it's like flipping an omelette or something all the mustard seeds are in this one so at this point I just like to use a chopstick or a skewer or whatever just make sure to push the veggies down you want them covered with brine the Chopstick is also nice for just making sure the spices are evenly distributed at this point the brine in the jar is still warm I want to wait until the brine has cooled down giving the pickles a little time to get pickly you don't want to put a hot pickle on a sandwich so if you're sandwiching ahead let this come down to room temperature then throw the lids on them put them in the fridge and if you want to sandwich today by the time you kind of clean the lettuce and get the other things together these will be down to room temp it will be californiacation treatment time all right let's talk about cheese I I'm not going to say that I didn't do like any research and looking up what's in an original California veggie but like the fact is nobody really knows what the original California veggie is the cheese question and the avocado question kind of got turned into one question for me a lot of people feel that there should be avocado and I knew right from the start that I was not putting avocado in this sandwich and I'll tell you why having a ripe avocado is something that like the lightning really has to strike and it can be so disappointing and I didn't want to build in like letting you down in advance so that meant that I didn't know what my creamy layer was going to be the cheese often is monster or Jack which are great cheeses but let's be honest in the sandwich itself when you have the avocado and you have kind of a waxy or cheese what ends up happening is that cheese layer kind of compresses down to this like waxy layer that you bite through and it doesn't really have a lot of flavor payoff so I have a delicious Chev fresh goat cheese from goat's milk that is fantastically creamy it's at room temperature you don't have to plan ahead for it it is RTG and I'm just gonna sass it up a little bit with some flavors this is plain goat cheese if you find a garlic and herb goat cheese you could go ahead and use that and you would not have to add the garlic and the Chive that I'm about to put in here but I would still add the other seasonings as always raw garlic could be a little bit optional I've also got a lemon the juice is gonna turn up later and for the cheese mixture I'm just taking the zest there were a bunch of people in my DMs when I posted about this sandwich it was really split 50 50 about the avocado some people were like I'm from California and I'm so happy that you're not putting avocado in it and then other people were like I am from California and if you don't put almond butter tempeh avocado alfalfa sprouts and like you know spirulina dust from an exhaled you know Guru then it's not really California veggie we just have to go we have to we have to forge our own path here so that is the zest of an entire lemon I'm also going to add some thinly sliced chives which is a challenging group of words for a person with a little bit of a lisp I like the chive and goat cheese energy with the lemon and I think chive because they're shallot in the pickle you've got another allium so I really like that's why I chose chives so now this cheese layer becomes also like a fresh layer because it's fresh goat cheese and there's fresh lemon and there's fresh chive I would eat this literally on a cracker in fact I did eat it when I was developing the recipe I had extra goat cheese mixture lying around and I kept toasting toast and just putting this on it was very yummy into this just for a little more lusciousness unctuousness roundness a couple tablespoons of olive oil pickles are working spread is Made bread on Deck we get to assemble the other fresh delicious things in the California veggie are some gorgeous lettuces and fresh basil I feel like herbs are very customary and anyway I just think they're delicious I'm just kind of like bumping up my lettuce with some basil and this is the same zested lemon from before seasoning this with some salt this is flaky salt you could use kosher salt little peps I'm going to toss with the lemon juice first and then add the oil so so that the lemon juice is like nice and stuck and adhered to the lettuce before the olive oil comes in I think I am using a California olive oil today what do you know the bread that I'm using today is focaccia a lot of times the California veggie is on some kind of super seedy you know whole wheat Vibe I love that energy but going back to the Salty sandwich called the scuttlebutt from the days of yore that one was built on Focaccia I just want to honor that sandwich by using Focaccia today it's got like a nice amount of fat in it it's going to go really well with the goat cheese so love Focaccia it's not a sandwich without mayonnaise and you should use as much or as little as you like but mayonnaise is going down top and bottom if you don't like Mayo you don't have to use Mayo I think vegan Mayo is is gonna be a very nostalgic very on brand choice I'm using Hellmann's but I do love Mason Vegenaise no layer has been unadulterated this is cayenne I like a little Heat top and bottom so to divide up the goat cheese mixture evenly it's going to end up being about two tablespoons on the top and the bottom when I was working on this I was like it's too much but I'll show you it's not too much I was like it's too much and then I made it and I ate it and I was like it's the right amount building from the bottom I'm sure everybody gets a basil and a nice layer of latus I have some pickles that were made yesterday so they're different colors so we'll just have a medley getting like some of the juicy pickle juice to me is like part of the beauty I made the sandwich a couple different ways I did have wedges of carrot at the beginning I did have matchsticks and it's fun but they have a tendency to like slide on this smooth beat layer and so part of the beauty of the zoodle is that it compresses and has this like texture so it can kind of grip into the nooks and crannies it's like the tread the carrot is playing the role of a tread on your sneaker plus come on even if you hate zoodles like they're pretty fun Sprouts going in why did I choose bean sprouts instead of alfalfa sprouts alfalfa sprouts are I would say more traditional but they're so um stringy dressing for the Sprouts to get a little love Mayo goat cheese lettuce pickled beets pickled carrot sprouts close her up cheese on top I never said it wasn't messy my promises to you were fresh and delicious the only way to cut a sandwich in half is on a diagonal so it's like he's a 10 but he cut his California veggie sandwich into two rectangles red flags what else what else wrong are you doing [Applause] boo [Music] um like why can't a veggie beautiful veggie healthy sandwich also be drip down your arms messy like a juicy burger or an overloaded any kind of sandwich oh this one looks so good to me Carla's Carla fornication dreaming veggie sandwich with bonus zoodles mmm you know what it is how often is a sandwich succulent it's a succulent sandwich pickly and juicy and fresh and crunchy carlifornia sandwich kitchen that's where we just went Anarchy is good go your own way if your sandwich isn't in your Constitution it's up for interpretation in the other 49 states and most importantly don't forget to vote
Channel: Carla Lalli Music
Views: 146,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carla bon appetit, carla lalli bon appetit, health sandwich, veggie sandwich, carla music, carla lalli, carla lalli music, that sounds so good, where cooking begins, carla recipe, carla ba, bon appetit carla, carla lalli music bon appetit, bon appetit, vegetable sandwich recipe, veggie sandwich recipe, goat cheese recipe, easy goat cheese recipes, vegetarian sandwich recipe
Id: W1LibwGhtQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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