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I'm just really honored to be included in you know with all these great filmmakers and all these wonderful movies but I'm gonna go shopping so this is really kind of why I'm here the killers of course is one of the great film noirs of all time and of course I love film Noir my life is a dog I really like I couldn't tell you uh anything about the making of it it's just was I think one of the sweet sweetest movies I've seen old lays on phone to powder D children of paradise when I did Devil in a Blue Dress the street scenes in this film inspired me to do the street scenes and the way that I did them in Devil in a blue dress and so I just you know thought it was very rich and I Gotta Have It Tokyo story one of my favorites and late spring where is that ozu one of my favorite directors and what he does is so simple you know the camera's on sticks it's about three feet off the ground and a 50 millimeter lens and he just lets it stay and lets the characters work the frame and what happens is that he focuses so much here it is he focuses on intimate relationships and by kind of the repetition of the routines of the characters you get to know them in a way that you would know someone in your own family and so when that gets disrupted you know you have this incredible catharsis and it's just a I mean he's a master and I know his his pacing it's kind of is slow but it's interesting about film you know for some reason in this country we think oh you know I went to see something last night it was just it was it's just so fast it went just like that and I'm thinking like you know we never say that about anything we really like we don't say you know I had sex last night and it went just like that or you know I sat down and had a real nice dinner and it went just like that you know so I don't know I mean I I love um getting lost in ozu's World interesting thing about eight and a half I saw this movie a couple times I was at the AFI at the time and it inspired me to write and to shoot a little project that I should have made into a full-length feature and maybe I will someday that's about a fundamentalist Minister I have no idea why this movie inspired me to do that maybe I'll discover them when I make the movie to sleep with anger Charles Burnett was a major influence in my life actually his movie which I don't think we have yet is killer of sheep the one that I saw at the time he doesn't follow any kind of a conventional structure you know and what he does is so quirky and so brilliant that that uh you know it defies your ability to replicate it this is Martin scorsese's World Cinema project which has several films on it several that I don't know but the one that I do know and that the reason why I'm getting it because I I don't know how to get it otherwise it's pishote one of the sub themes of it is the kind of evolution of a criminal which I explored in my thesis film at the AFI and you know some of what I saw in the movie and what from my own experiences or actually what I what I you know kind of saw around me uh in the area that I grew up in which was a rough area um inspired me to kind of kind of tackle that subject because you know you would you would be playing football with these guys in the street or you know pick up basketball or whatever you know year nine ten years old you don't see that guy for three years and then the next time you know he's different you know he's like you know involved in stuff that you wouldn't imagine and you don't you have no idea why you know what were the elements that came together that brought him there you know you know sometimes it's uh can be some very serious crime and the thing about the kid who plays the lead it deals with you know one of the one of the things that it deals with is how the authorities respond to these children who are committing crimes in Brazil and the the kid who was not an actor who became an actor was murdered by police in Brazil so really an interesting story Death in Venice I I want to see that I've discontin the leopard is another one of his I want to see and there's another one I'm trying to remember the name of it the Damned yeah um I'm just racking up here around midnight which I already have is one of the great jazz movies every 12 Tevin one of my favorites actually there's another of his movies that I wanted to take a look at called kutoshon it's about a guy who's you know he's a constable in this in this little village and he gets no respect at all he's very nice man he's a good man and no respect from anyone including the two pimps who were paying him off and including his wife who's you know having an affair with someone else um and it really does make you wonder because you find yourself kind of on his side when he becomes this this this really you know unbridled killer uh and killing you know for sometimes for no reason at all and so it actually does kind of challenge you in terms of what your moral makeup is and what the moral possibilities are for for us for anybody who is actually a good person I think we all consider ourselves good people but you know you never know but at any rate hey that's kind of that's called kind of all the information all the knowledge I have oh chimes at midnight which is uh a compilation of the Falstaff uh stories a false staff from Shakespeare anything that that false death appeared in with Orson Welles and that's actually a very interesting um depiction of those times yeah
Channel: criterioncollection
Views: 42,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PnYhi85VmVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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