Caring For A New Litter - Weaning Puppies - How To Make Puppy Mush - Just Over 3 Weeks Old

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hi guys cat here with standing stone kennel and we have another milestone pup date for you we got muddy here she's the mama to this litter you hadn't really seen her in any of the videos before but she is super affectionate and very much wants to be with us so a lot of times we have to put her in a crate or doing some of our update stuff because as you can see she's all about getting some attention from me right now puppies might come in for a little bit of Nursing action but for the most part she when we're here wants our attention especially now that these puppies are a little bit older right in the beginning of the process she's a lot more attention to those puppies but these guys are three and a half weeks old and are ready to start some puppy mush we've been talking about that weaning process and what it's going to look like and we want to show that to you today so she's gonna kind of hang out here like go over a little bit with these puppies we're gonna go for a snack bar but let me see if you can tell if we've got these little puppy TVs coming in who'd finally got them to break through it's gonna be really hard to see but oh yeah you can just barely see yeah so that's kind of what we've been waiting for is those teeth to break through we're actually going to be doing with puppy mush making sure that that's a really soupy almost liquidy consistency we're going to show you how we make that using their puppy food and some puppy milk replacer mom is still taking care of cleaning up puppy messes as they happen which is awesome that's part of the moments job so she's feeding them and cleaning up after them as we are in here with her so but we would make that puppy which I'm gonna have to put up because she is always all about eating and we want to give those puppies an opportunity to try that puppy much first then when they're done eating what they're going to eat for today for the first time eating puppy mush she'll get to come back in with them help clean up a little bit of that food and clean up her puppies because I will imagine that they're going to be a pretty big puffiness at this point so I'm gonna get her cut up and show you what making puppet looks like you can go over color and again real quick because you can see actually with mom kind of a comparison of and point out what they're gonna look like yeah so you can see like little mist here how great out she's looking and then you can see a little bit of a difference and how sprinkle looks you can see some of that ticking spots through forelegs somebody's like no you can't I'm in the way okay I'll go ahead or move over to that part make up make up your mind any now this is what a lot of times she's actually out while we're doing our little pup dates but you can see through sprinkles legs and her tail a lot more white showing up whereas all the other puppies a little bit of white in the legs here on rain and a little bit on thunder but for the most part really great out and as you saw with money she actually looked pretty ticked kind of like what it's sprinkle and green and thunder look like but got almost to the point of Ronis that she looks almost solid black unless you look really close so we're gonna get started and get mama put in crate for right now everybody's hungry yeah a little did some food here in just a second for you to try so I'm gonna go get that started so we are going to get some water started [Music] water to my blender bottle up while pulling off so it was a place or powder to be able to really easily go now ratios people are always asking us about how much we do a what and it just really varies so much depending on the size the stupidness of that puffy much that I need to make so it's going to evolve and I'm gonna have to play with my ratios and consistency a little bit and it's more about a look and feel of that ratio and percentage in there tell me to hurry up Nick and some food so I'm gonna grab my little we are just using a little you can do but I'm gonna probably start with 1 cup of food right now and this boot process to bring my kibble over here [Music] super expensive from Walmart food processor and we're gonna get this to blend up it's gonna be loud so it's important that we get all of the kibble blended up into a spine and powder as possible because these teeth aren't very big yet these puppies aren't good about chewing they haven't had to do that yet and we definitely don't want them to choke so I'm shaking it up and down to make sure that that top kibble gets pulled down to the blender pour it in my also I wanted to point out real quick yeah you're blending the dog food dry yes running it dry so can get to a really powdered consistency that way I can make sure that all the pieces are mixed up and then we add our milk replacer liquid form until it's of a soupy consistency so this is sushi sushi there are still some big pieces I need to pick those out and I either need to throw them in my blender cup and get them re blended or just pick them out completely but like I said these puppies don't have to we don't need big you don't have very much in the way of teeth yet and we definitely don't want them getting too big of chunks and choking so we pull those all out we call these the flying saucers they're pans that are wide and flat and have little trough areas for the puppies to eat makes life pretty easy when you're starting this process these are real staples so they're not easy for those puppies to flip over over because when I start this process you'll see they pretty much just climb into the food bowl and if it was just a tippy little puppy food bowl it would fall and tip over and make a giant mess but if you torrent crunchy pieces no [Music] thank you I think I got all the big chunks out so we're going to go ahead and mix up some corn this when you're supplementing in a sense of having to help support milk production by mom which this was definitely not the case with those proportions right now since we're just trying to encourage them to start eating we want it to be appetizing with the kibble and with the powder the ratio of powder to water should be white milky ish yeah the other side of it is the reason we use s black a lot of people talk about can I use goat's milk or can I use some of their combination of some random concoction they found on the internet that somebody said you can make this at home the s black actually has probiotics in it which is really helpful and is formulated to be as close to Mom's mouth as is possible so you definitely don't want to supplement with cow's milk if you are supplementing with something different if you can't get best black or don't want to use the s black goat's milk would be a better option for sure than I'm using my blender bottle because it's got one of those little mixer bowls in there that's gonna help me get that powder really well mixed and you know get cleaned up for your protein shake for lunch I actually just complacent but if you want to use it for your lunch go for it so that looks nice and milky consistency all blended up just white milky yeah we're looking for that's what we're looking for so I'm gonna work got my fork so that's just to mix it around because I don't really want to use my fingers I could but I don't want to so I'm not gonna start by adding all of this yet I want to just add a little bit and then judge my consistency make sure that gets all mixed up in this process you may find a couple more big chunks and pull those out or sometimes you can crunch them with the mixing wise yeah I like a fork instead of a spoon because it allows me to find those pieces and maybe like Jason said break them up a little bit still so you see how this is pretty runny over here but pretty thick still through here so I'm definitely gonna want to add some more milk replacer to that to get it more liquid form because they haven't had any solids yet so this is their first transition and needs to be pretty easy to flap up and swallow down okay see how that looks I've got one big piece here and here it looks like but I'm gonna pull out but for the most part really nice and soupy so we're gonna go encourage these little guys to try it out so sue penis in here they're all zonked out napping so we're gonna wake everybody up and I just wake them up and start putting them around the edge of the saucepan and they're like oh this smells delicious and nose-diving it right away it's a great sign that they're ready for this if you start this off even if your puppies are three weeks old and they kind of turn up their nose or they're like I'm not really interested and just give it a couple days and try again so sprinkle kind of turned away she a might not be as hungry she might have nursed more recently she might need a quick potty break before we start eating but something that you can do to to start this encouragement process because everyone else is kind of eating misses eating along the edge I'm gonna grab sprinkle and I'm actually going to set her with her paws in there because typically once their paws go in they're like what was that and they may lick their pot and they go oh wow this is delicious so got a pause in there and now she's starting to let miss this over here we've got a little bit of a messy face but she hadn't really started getting into there so I'm gonna do the same thing with her clear pause in the edge of that bowl where she can get a little bit better access reign she's all about eating so I'm gonna scooch her around a little bit as you can see they're very interested in trying this puppy mush for the first time starting to really focus and think about eating which is a good start we're going to let them work at this until they look like they're slowing down not as satisfied but as you can see they're gonna have messy little faces they're gonna have messy little paws there's probably gonna be some some left overs and that's when we let mom come back in to see what's going on and that mom and after they're done to help clean up some of that leftovers and clean up the puppy messes but this is definitely a very good start to the weaning process of introducing puppy mush yeah Thunder says I will help clean you up missed your messy so we've got a hold spot over here that really haven't been nibbled on too much so I'm gonna go ahead and and you can do this a little bit especially at the beginning start repositioning the puppies a little bit to encourage them to continue eating and eventually it probably won't take too long with these puppies and how well they're taking to this puppy much right away eventually they're just gonna put this puppy pen in here they'll be sleeping over here and that will wake them up and they will rush that puppies map mush pen and eat as much as they want and we will adjust the quantity and like I said the consistency of the puppy mush as they continue to develop but you want to take a pro tip if you will on things even though they're doing a really good job cleaning this up it doesn't necessarily not mean that they need more yet you still want this to be a gradual introduction because sometimes puppies are ready to eat and they gobble it down and if you give them more then they can actually make themselves sick which can set you back so yeah and that's what I was gonna say this is definitely an adjustment to their diet all they've been having is mom's milk so far so when we introduce puppy mush there's a good chance that their tummies might get a little upset their school may change so those are all things to watch for because their bodies are having to digest something different so like Ethan said we don't want to just necessarily grow more food at them if they're eating this all up and we want this transition to start gradually so during this first week we'll probably offer puppy mush about once a week these puppies are all are fat and one like once once a day sorry once a day for the first week because these puppies are all nice and and healthy moms got plenty of milk go around this is just the process of starting to introduce food now if it was a bigger litter and we needed more weight to be distributed amongst the puppies we may have to do twice a day for that first week but this is going to again evolve as these guys get older they'll get offered puppy much more often and mom will probably hop out of the box a little bit more often and stop nursing as much um she has space to feed them when she wants to hop out of the box when she doesn't want to so she's not contained in this space the entire time where she has to feed them and/or fend them off constantly and she naturally will start this weaning process on her own of saying you only get to nurse so many hours a day you only get to nurse so many times a day so I think that they are about to the point where they are slowing down and I'm gonna hop mama back in here so she can clean up a little bit of the food and the puppies let me grab her quick yeah money okay she's gonna get in and she's like I'm all about so she's helping finish puppy food up and puppies they're like oh we could eat a little bit more and then we're gonna go ahead and take the plate away because she's done a good job that she doesn't truly need to eat too much more of this and then she can give some of that attention to her puppies so we are gonna leave her to clean up puppy faces and puppy paws and we will be back with another update for you guys and this litter Exuma thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Standing Stone Kennels
Views: 72,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gsp, hunting dog, gun dog training, hunting dog training, standing stone kennels, how to, puppy mush weaning, puppy mush recipes, puppy mush food, puppy mush feeding schedule, caring for newborn puppies and mother, caring for newborn puppies and mom, gsp puppies playing, gsp puppies barking, gsp puppies crying, gsp puppies whining
Id: i7ukLqlkIBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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