Cargo Trailer to Race Trailer Conversion, 7x14

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so here's a quick look at the cargo trailer conversion that I just finished up on hopefully it'll give you some ideas if you're looking to do something somewhat similar we'll start with a quick tour of the outside and we'll just kind of walk around the trailer so up at the tongue we have a two inch ball with heavy duty chains we also have a seven pin wiring harness because this does have trailer brakes you can see the emergency battery down there so if the trailer ever becomes disconnected it'll automatically engage the brakes it's an all aluminum built trailer with some nice black powder coated finish and a missed gray design coming around to the side here we got our first big window cut out aluminum wheels and around the back we just have a standard cargo door nothing too special there and you'll notice actually on both sides we do have full down jacks so that'll uh help keep the trailer stable whenever you're parked we have another window there as well as two exterior lights that are very very bright as well as the door here now the door does have the standard RV style latch and no ugly bar lock to cover it up we have a nice heavy duty door latch here to keep the door from opening up and slamming around with the Wind and we also have a RV style screen door as well that comes separate which is really really nice I've also wired up it's kind of hidden down here an exterior Outlet so we'll talk a little bit more about that when we get to the exterior or to the electrical system but this is a exterior power out actually I forgot to mention we also have the power in on the other side which is just over here so this is where you would plug the trailer into your generator or whatever power source you have the internal wiring is done for 30 amps under the trailer we'll take a quick look you can see the little Muffler there might be a bit hard as I get under here but we have the diesel heater down there so the exhaust the intake as well as the fuel for it uh the fuel pump you can kind of see is up there and then this is the tank we mounted so that cap is sealed off and we adapted it to be able to mount it on its side because it's not really designed to be used like that I'm not sure if you can see there's a little standpipe there that goes to the fuel pump so that's what the heater looks like and then it blows the hot air through this pipe here and up into the trailer going a little bit further back around we'll see the battery and that's mounted just up there with the wires going up through the floor and into the inside of the trailer which again we'll look at a little bit more in depth when we get to the inside and we'll take a quick look at the roof as well so just moving up on top of the roof of the trailer now you can see our window AC that's mounted up top there I actually use the siding from the window cutouts to build the siding for it a big Advantage with these style units being the window units is well there's two big ones the number one reason we did this is because the RV style top mount ones they're all about eight nine hundred Watts whereas this sips power around 350 Watts so that means I can actually run it off of battery power which is huge and the second reason is the RV ones are all 8 900 bucks this was 60 bucks off Facebook Marketplace so a big savings there the only thing we have to do different is because these are designed to be used in a different orientation is the ducting so that's all hidden behind this little shroud here and I'll throw up a picture so you can see kind of how that stuffed it and then of course we just have to rewire the control panel down to the inside of the trailer so we can have access to that so we'll head inside the trailer now and take a look inside we'll uh see some of the weight savings that I tried to do because this whole thing is being towed by that car over there so they're trying to keep the weight down with something that was kind of the main idea so we'll go ahead and step in and there we have the inside of the toolbox in right now a little Furniture here so let's start off with the walls so the walls are just aluminum framing with insulation and some wood panels they're about maybe an eighth of an inch thick and they're very lightweight and they have a nice kind of durable finish on them as far as the seams it was hard to find Edge tape for it so I ended up using Edge tape that's for cabinets that you're supposed to use kind of on the edges of cabinets to cover up the edges and it worked really well for this uh we also have some baseboard as well as some crown molding that I've put up and that's just to hide the factory wiring all this furniture here I just built by hand with a saw that a buddy had let me uh it came out quite well I'm really happy with the color so I guess we'll just start up in the Vino's and work our way back so up in the Vino's we have two large overhead cabinets as well as a gear storage area with a little strap that you can easily remove from the side here the idea with this is you keep your helmet there your boots your gloves all that gear and then we have two hooks here so you can hang up your suits as far as the cabinets they're kind of nice because they have a gas strut in them both of them and they're uh they're quite spacious inside One Challenge I had is because I'm using half inch plywood to keep the weight down all the standard cabinet hinges were too deep so I had to use these surface mount style ones which worked pretty well and then every door here I put on a latch and that's just the keep it from coming open while out on the road moving on down we have kind of the desk and work area so we have this kind of weird shape cabinet up here that's a triangle and this one actually was really hard to find hinges Forks it's a negative 45 degree angle and I had to get the ones with the cup and I had to kind of shim them and space them because the cup depth is 12 millimeters and my cabinets are 12.7 millimeters so not a lot of room there but ended up working out okay and of course that one has a lock as well so it doesn't come open uh under the desk we have a bit of storage of course and also you can see the vent there for the heater and up on the top we have a 27 inch monitor that I've done the HDMI cable down through there and it kind of comes out behind this little plant so you can plug in your laptop whatever you want we also have an outlet just behind there if you need to plug in a laptop or something like that we have the window here with a nice window shade and these are full so it's a little hard to do this one-handed but these are full blackout lights so if you need to sleep at the track when it's a full daytime you can do that and that's on both windows actually I'll close both of them just so you can kind of see how dark it gets in here I don't know how well it'll come on the camera but it's uh it's Pitch Black in here now so these uh these blinds do a very good job with that so moving along the side here we come to a little control panel area you can see the controller for the air conditioner the inverter and also the little diesel heater here you can set it up by thermostat where it'll try to keep a set temperature or you can set it up through Hertz mode where it'll just keep going at a constant rate moving down a little bit we have the built into the desk induction plate for cooking as well as a little USB charger that has Qualcomm 3 fast charging keep all your devices topped up and moving a bit to the left we see we have another cabinet we built up here so the idea with this is for pods pans Cutlery things like that that you'd be using for cooking then we have standard microwave unfortunately this does not run off the inverter so you will need to be plugged into the mains and the mini fridge with a true dedicated freezer so you can have ice cream truck side this one actually runs about 51 hours off of the inverter which is really quite surprising I didn't expect it to last that long we have a 100 amp hour battery as well as some more under floor storage here so I just used some two by fours here just to kind of build the frame and then bolt to the fridge to the bottom of it and it's very very solid so let's talk a little bit about that electrical system now so like I said we have a 100 amp hour battery it's a lithium iron phosphate one which I would highly recommend I was considering going with a lead acid but after looking into it a bit more trust me you're going to want to go with the lithium and it's a pretty neat system that we have here you can kind of see a little bit of it down here we have the charger as well as the double pole double throw relay so essentially what this does is it'll automatically switch your 110 whenever you plug in the trailer to a power source so I'll throw a quick little wiring diagram it's a very rough one but of kind of what it looks like and we'll see if we open the drawer here actually I'll have to take it out I'll show you the inverter because it's actually back there so it's all accessible if you need it uh but with this you always have 110. either you're plugged in to a power source or it's running off of the battery and then these are the little drawers that I had built with these drawers I went with soft bows and the only reason for that is they offer a lot more resistance when you're opening them so they don't come open while you're out on the road so I'll pull one out real quick and I'll show you the inverter back there so I've just removed two of the top drawers here so we can get a closer look at the electrical system I've got a light as well so you can see the inverter is up at the top there as well as the power cable from the hot plate I cut out holes as well for ventilation it does have a little fan that goes and you can see from the flooring there we have our two power cables that come up from the battery they're really heavy gauge and they go right up directly to the inverter where we also Branch off power for the interior and exterior lights so that's kind of what the electrical system looks like and now moving along to the back of the trailer we'll see you have the toolbox in here this is actually the color that I tried to match with the cabinets when I picked out the color for the cabinets I was trying to match that as best as I could and it worked out pretty well so we have some meat track here and that's going to be set up for the bed which I'll show you in a second and it's also useful for holding on the toolbox bikes whatever else you have in here this is the other side here with some more e-track and you can see the Pitbull TRS plate here when I set this trailer up I did want to have it a bit future-proof for two bikes so there's actually room for another e-track or sorry TRS played right beside it and then you can put two bikes in here but in that case that toolbox is going to come here kind of in front of the fridge perpendicular to the trailer so I'll move the toolbox out of the way and we can see kind of what the bed setup it looks like because that's something that's pretty unique and I have not seen it before okay so I've gone ahead and mounted the bed frame and you can see we're using the e-track these are some two by four holders and we have the two boards across and now this is the bed set up so again because we're toying with a little Coop we wanted to keep the weight down so I didn't really want to add any hardware for the bed so I said well we already have a ramp door here why don't we use it so to open up the bed you have two little latches here which I'll open up there's one and two and then let's see if I can do this one-handed this hole ramp folds down there's a hinge down there kind of like that and that's it that's your bed so behind that white panel which I just put in just Cosmetics it's just directly the insulation and the framing of the ramp door and then you have this nice full-size bed it's actually a full-size bed if it's a full-size mattress and leaves a little bit of a border and then it's also a nice little bench on the side here if you're putting your suit on or anything like that you have a nice area and then when you're finished with the bed and you want to fold it up pretty simple again it's best to do with two hands this just goes up at the top of your two latches on either side and that's it and take down the wood boards and you're good to go and you can put a mattress on it or air mattress or whatever you want as large as you want so that's pretty much it uh the only thing I think I haven't showed is the venting for the air conditioner so that's just up at the top here so that's where the air is getting pulled in and this is where the cold air is coming out the idea is it's pointed towards the desk so if you come in off track right through the door it's pointed right at you to help kill cool you off a little so hope you guys enjoyed the little video I made hopefully it inspired you and gave you some ideas for your own conversion it was a lot of fun to build a lot of work and I'm looking forward to finally having some ice cream on the track
Channel: 42Seb
Views: 26,123
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Id: q9XeWefdNas
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Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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