Cards We Misevaluated | EDHRECast 237

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this show is sponsored by betterhelp therapy online as the world's largest therapy service betterhelp has matched 3 million people with professionally licensed and vetted therapists available 100 online plus it's affordable just fill out a brief questionnaire to match with a therapist if things aren't clicking you can easily switch to a new therapist anytime it couldn't be simpler no waiting rooms no traffic no endless searching for the right therapist learn more and save 10 off your first month at EDH that's betterhelp EDH [Music] thank you hello and welcome to the EDH repcast my name is Joey Schultz and I'm joined as always by my fantastic co-hosts up first he knows that the true winner of the brothers war is not Mitra or urza it's actually Queen Kayla Ben Krug it's Matt Morgan Joey I come to you this week with very sad news oh no I apparently they're not making the 12-inch ruler any longer wow I didn't realize that you'd be so emotionally attached to that Matt but I I know well we can move on I I just want to add that footnote [Laughter] you are a master you are a master of your craft I just I I'm glad I can measure up to all these expectations you all put on Witnesses dang it I I need to stop leaving the door open for you to just get more bangs that's so good all right all right just move on up next he is trying to meld not just the new urza and the new Mishra but also the old brazella at the same time it's Dana Roach um in honor of Halloween why does skeletons have low self-esteem oh no why they they have no body to love hmm oh it's kind of sad too oh no it is a little sad little feel bad for resembling skeleton I think they'll find a way to pull it together it just uses it for a combo piece nobody loves it I was just gonna say as a person who uses reassembling skeleton a lot on my own decks I don't think you need to feel bad for it there's a lot of death triggers that it's responsible for and it helps me win a lot of games so you don't need to feel too bad for it all right let's get into it anyway this is the EDH retcast edhrek is the best deck building resource on the web for the commander format compiling data from deck lists all over the Internet to provide helpful recommendations for new Commander decks and here on the podcast what we like to do is give all of that data just a little more context Dana do you mind telling us what we're talking about in this week's episode uh this week we are talking about cards we misevaluated to be interesting a fun put our own credibility on the line just a little bit um but yeah go over some cards that maybe in the past we thought are better or worse than they actually wound up being and sort of revisit some of those previous expectations that we had so I hope that this can be a good fun episode even though we're being a little bit critical of our past selves Matt do you think we can pull that off I have never once been wrong so I don't know I don't know what you all are talking about I have perfect 2020 hindsight when it comes to foretelling what cards are going to be that's absolutely false I I'm wrong all the time so yeah let's do this this should be fun all right but before we get into that main topic we've got a couple of quick shout outs to do we'd like to thank Chase also known as Mana curves for their work editing the show you can find them on Twitter at man curves and if you would like to support the show you can do so by liking subscribing on YouTube subscribing in your podcast app it's some free ways to support the show but if you'd like to do so over at patreon you can do that at edhretcast we have Patron tears of all levels and it's just a great way to get yourself something a little back while you're also supporting the show if you want to join the Discord Community you want to see all of our historic challenge stats picks there's all that and more over at edhretcast and as we do every week there is a weekly Patron shout out that we do so this week we want to give a very big thank you to orinder Roche so thank you Oren this is just our thanks again no great pun on your name but DeRose that name just commands respect right there that's that's a great name and Matt once again you don't need a pun for every Patron shout out it's okay we can just say thank you and tell them how much we appreciate their support it's it's really okay I promise see I I initially I wanted to be like Oren as in like the weird person from Parks and Rec but Oren the Roche I'm sure is much less weird than that Oren I I think Oren absolutely rocks thank you so much for supporting us I I feel like there is a risk of Matt actually finding a dad joke about names if we don't move on so let's just move right into our main topic Dana help help save me we are talking about cards that we miss evaluated in the past so how about you take the wheel for this topic as soon as possible so that we don't get any potential name buttons dropping it I can I can try to save this us from Matt and his dad joke barrage here so I suggest this topic and the reason I did is was a card that that popped into mind that I badly misevaluated when I first came back to Magic um and that's Arcane denial which is a counter spell for one in the blue hard counters of spell and at the beginning of next turns upkeep you draw a card in the person whose value counter draws two cards so I remember you know I was building a balloon deck when I first started playing EDH and I'm like okay I'll put the original counter spell in there and you know if I could have afforded a manager and probably would have ran one but um I'm looking at the list of counter spells and at some point I came across our kingdom Island I'm like I I do not want to give my opponent two cards that sounds terrible even if I do get one back so I discounted it didn't run it at all ignored it for probably a couple years it wasn't until I got a little bit more mesh in the game and played a little more I realized the cards weren't really the relevant point of Arcane denial it was the fact that it only cost a single blue mana and as someone who didn't really play control decks I just I wasn't playing a draw go style but for me playing blue where I wanted to have a few counter spells in a deck that could save my butt in case like someone tried to win the game on their turn it was very very valuable to me to have a counterfeit that didn't require me to leave to Blue Mana up um so so I then went back and reevaluated you know arcaded aisle and it's a counter so I run in most of my blue Decks that have counter spells nowadays specifically because of the way I play the option to only have to leave a single blue up is super super valuable and it's worth the downside of giving away basically one card to my opponent net card because I'm I'm drawing one as well um so so that's the one I always think of here when I'm thinking of misevaluating cards that's one I think of okay now I didn't quite get what the power of it was I was just distracted by the fact that I was giving my opponent two cards well and not even that with Arcane denial like you can also use it on your own spell and it you will get all of the card draw from that absolutely which I've something I definitely have done after I started running yet but like that yeah there's a lot of you know I've countered I've used it to counter a copy of a spell that was useful before useless before too where like I I cast something and I had something that triggered a copy it in the copy was useless so why not count it with our Canadian Island you know draw three cards yeah um so yeah there's a lot there's a lot of kind of hidden things there in that spell but primarily at least for me the casting cost was a big difference and I it took me a while to realize what the how powerful that was for me yeah well and that's one of those initial hurdles that I would say a lot of players kind of struggle to understand the power of yes you you typically don't want to give your opponents resources but it's kind of like the shock land thing where people think why would I pay two life to have this coming to play on tap I can just play any other land yeah it's one of those types of situations where it's very very powerful but it takes a little bit to understand why it's so powerful obviously a regular old counter spell probably is going to do the job just as well but if you need to draw your own cards or like in these situations that we're talking about here we can counter your own stuff and draw three that's absolutely fantastic so there there's there's always rules but learning when the exceptions to the rules come into play that's when you kind of open up a whole swath of different cards that like Arcane denial they don't seem as great on face value but then when you play around with them a little bit you realize oh okay this actually is just very very good yeah for sure so okay that's a good inspiration for the show for sure but now let's get into some of our own personal examples and I guess I'll start us off here here's one of my things where I was like all in on this card is going to be awesome and the card what it actually is is decent instead of being like awesome I was really all in on Treasure nabber when it first came out y'all remember that one like three Mana Goblin uh it's a 3-2 whenever an opponent Taps an artifact for Mana gain control of that artifact until the end of your next turn and you know what it's not even I'm not it's not like it was a bad card I think it's actually even you know commanding like a nine dollar price tag at this point it's showing up in 13 000 decks which is pretty darn respectable but like I thought this card was going to be the truth like capital T the truth I thought it was going to be amazing and instead it is mostly relegated to a lot of like Goblin tribalists at the current time because it's a perfectly good Goblin it's fine and if you pair it with like a Microcenter oh that is definitely really cool but for the most part this didn't do the completely explosive Mana things that I thought it was going to do it mostly just makes people more conscious of not tapping their Commander's fear and that was most of the stuff that it did for me so a little bit disappointing so what is it you think what is it you think you kind of missed about it Joey was it just that you weren't like you were just thinking about the abstract you weren't thinking about how it would actually play when it hit the board I thought that it would be like no one paying for a rustic study I thought that it would be like where it's just like and there are sometimes people like no one pays for the aristic study but instead it kind of became like people were diligent about making sure that they use their Mana a little bit more wisely like if you're playing against someone who has a high density of artifact lands in their deck then this certainly gets a lot better like you know using a bunch of Mana rocks and a dark steel Citadel for example that does get a lot thornier and you can certainly get benefit from that but also the benefits that you do get tend to be like one Mana rock you get like one person's felwar Stone one person's artifact land stuff like that it is not setting you ahead a huge amount of Mana I was fully expecting like oh look at all the Mana rocks I'm gonna do a whole bunch of stuff but like it is not doing even the same type of stuff that we've seen other red ritual effects you know Dockside extortionist this is not and that's a high bar to clear but like at this point I'd much rather play like a Mana geyser to get a huge explosion of mana and this mostly kind of serves as almost like a hate bear but in red instead so it didn't live up to the explosive potential that I had assigned to it yeah Joey this this card may not be the truth with a capital T but it's more like the white lie it tried I I do agree that and I don't think you're alone when you had that reaction that oh my gosh this card is going to give me so many resources and it just kind of like you said it made people maybe be a little more mindful of everything but the fact that everybody gets their stuff back that you have to have a second thing working for you in order to really abuse it as like sacrificing artifacts or finding some ways that they don't get it back but that just gives you so many more Hoops to jump through and I think folks wanted to not require those extra steps I think that's probably what really got in the way of this yeah so that was one of my examples Matt how about one of yours well if we're going to talk about cards that we overestimated that we thought maybe this is going to be better than it really ended up being Swift reconfiguration probably is the peak of of those cards for me this card yeah absolutely when people first saw this I want to say folks kind of thought this was going to be almost format breaking not quite it was a very very good card but when you realize that it's kind of boiled down to just a combo piece at this point I don't think it's very good removal that's what I what a lot of folks kind of wanted it to be but when you look at it and realize it doesn't lose any abilities the car the Swift reconfiguration for and for you those you don't remember it's one white Mana for an enchantment or with flash that says enchant creature vehicle and it says Enchanted permanent is a vehicle artifact with crew 5 and loses all other card types so it's a great way to flash in something that's gonna attack you before lethal it becomes not a creature anymore it's a vehicle you have to recruit and all that stuff but it still maintains all of its ability so if it has a static ability that you that you're able to build around you're still able to do all that you're still able to crew that vehicle later on so it's it yes there's a very very powerful infinite Mana combo with devoted Druid where uh you can just tap it on tap it it's not a creature anymore so you can put all the minus one minus one counters on it that you want and just have infinite Mana but I think that's all the Swift reconfiguration has boiled down to at this point yeah it's one of those cards that I think is is good but it falls into that not good enough outside of the combo usage um because hey you're playing white you know as far as Supply shares and path to Exile aren't super cheap but they're not they're relatively affordable these days I mean they're cheaper than this card though sure right well you know it yeah this this isn't this isn't nothing either and I'm not going to bump one of those for it if I want this enchantment kind of effect Dark Soul mutation again outside of the combo uses is probably better generous gift it hits more different things so like at some point it becomes there's just too many removal spells that I probably want to run and this just isn't going to make the cut yeah Contraband livestock is another one that's two Mana Exile a creature they might get some different type of token back but yeah so in terms of removal for me I do still like Swift reconfiguration for like the things that you can do to protect your own Commander though like if you want your commander to be safe from Creature removal then I think that is like pretty cool I think this has a lot of applications but it certainly did not reach the level of like oh this is going to be one of the new quintessential removal spells and I can see why it might have looked like that at first blush I I absolutely was I I ordered many of these when it was a ten dollar card it's not a ten dollar card anymore I got straight up nft'd on this thing oh my God okay wow Dana tickets to one of your examples oh no so so this is one that I I shouldn't have made the mistake on given the fact that it's very similar to a card I made a mistake on years ago which was heroic intervention and the mistake the mistake I made in horror convention was I just didn't kind of read it really I mean basically because like almost every set we get that that green instant speed spell that like gives a card hex for it for something sure it's basically for you to run in in limited environment and they're not usually good enough for EDH and when I when heroic intervention came out as I was reading the spoilers or stuff I just kind of read it and it didn't register to me that it gave both hex proof and instructable and to your entire board State I mean it just didn't dawn on me mentally how many different things I protected and it took several months I think until someone else used it against me that I did a wait what that does oh how did I miss that yeah and I kind of did the same thing with with tamio's safe keeping this year um you know single green Mana Target permanent you control gains hex proof and indestructible to end up turn well it's only one permanent but still that means that card basically reads Target permanent you control or counter Target spell that targets a permanent you control um it also you know makes stuff survive board wipes whatever there's a bunch of utility for that and again I kind of glanced over it I I particularly because it's a common so I as I was reading scrubbers I did a thing where oh that that's this sets version of that thing and it took me several weeks instead of several months with drug intervention I mean like oh that's Target permanent that's anything oh that's ridiculously good and green especially yeah um so yeah that's that's one that I I was a victim I'm just not paying close enough attention um again that's an easy thing to do I think right now when there's a gazillion cards every year that come out but that was one where I I just didn't pay close enough attention to a card that I think I'm running in like three or four different decks now it's so good yeah the fact that it says permanence is huge like I will protect my if they're flux Reservoir thank you very very much it will stick around that is like honestly mind-boggling especially because in the story tamio safe keeping doesn't actually work out all of that well so um she's not so good at keeping stuff safe herself included nonetheless yeah pretty great card yeah it wasn't wasn't a very complete sense of safety myself oh there it is hey Matt you should be proud of me for that one come on that was good ignore me take us to one of your next samples then instead buddy oh so I I guess so if we're talking about underrated cards cards that we um vastly underrated one that just blows me away every time that I see it I still haven't drawn it myself which is very very frustrating but protection racket oh my gosh every time I've seen this card it has been absolutely wild uh so for this card it came out with a new Commander pre-cons it's two in a black for an enchantment says at the beginning of your upkeep repeat the following process for each opponent in turn order you reveal a top card of your library that pair may play May pay life equal to that card's Mana value if they do you Exile the card otherwise you put that card into your hand so this is just an opportunity to gain three extra cards every single turn this is fantastic and and yeah sometimes there are lands that show up and people like oh yeah we'll just get rid of that but even then you're accruing so much either loss of life or you're getting cards for yourself this card does so stinking much and every single time every every single time every time that this card has come down it's been a massively impactful card I just I cannot believe when I first saw it I kind of it's kind of like a weird Dark Confidant style card I think but really this card is absolutely fantastic just the amount of resources every single time that your opponents have to sync into this card every turn is just crazy this this is so funny to me because Matt on last week's episode when you were not with us but Dana and I had a whole big talk about this exact card and how much we really like it too I think that there are probably plenty of players who might have had the opposite experience where like they thought it would be like really great and it turns out to be more of a Punisher card than a card Advantage engine for them but like I'm still good with both of those this card produces really fun game States I put this in a deck that has a lot of high Mana stuff it's a card that regulates itself I don't know I think I'm probably just repeating all of the stuff that we mentioned last week Dana so I don't know if we have too much more to say about it except to say that Matt I agree with you this card is so ding fun I I legit thought this card was was a nothing Burger I was just like okay whatever there you go yeah moved on um yeah since I wasn't here last week to chit chat with you all about this card this card is wild yeah no I'm I'm absolutely definitely with you um I will move to another card that is sort of in a similar vein because it has another each opponent kind of vibe that I've actually it kind of had the opposite experience for me where it was another one of those where I'm like this is amazing this card is going to just it blows me away and then the actual practicality of playing it did have more of the crestfallen um sort of feeling instead and that's wind Grace's judgment which I I love this card I really like this card I just don't play this card when Grace's judgment is the golgori five Mana instant for any number of opponents destroy Target and online permanent that player controls and again this is showing up in a very decently High number of decks 11 000 decks like it's pretty cool that's a great rate but for me Lord this card was so much more of a disappointment than I wanted it to be and I don't even know exactly why other than to say that a lot of the golgari Decks that I tend to build are very creature specific they tend to involve a lot of sacrificing of creatures to get you know death triggers off of say a grim uh aerospex for instance and so having my removal on creatures in the form of like ravenous chupacabras and Reclamation sages was so much more important than having my removal in the form of spells so I think this card is really cool but the fact that my decks tended to prefer using creature synergies than spell synergies meant that this was a card that I put into a whole bunch of my decks I was really excited about and then when I played it I was like ah there's a lot of Mana to leave up and I wish that this was a creature removal effect instead and then I slowly over the course of the next month took it out of every deck that I had put it into I don't know if that resonates with everyone else but it definitely hit harder for me absolutely it does resonate with me um because this is also a card that when I first saw I was like oh this is gonna go in every deck I ever build that has black and green in it of course and I put it in you know a couple decks and immediately tried it out and I didn't experience a thing that you did Joy where I wish it was a creature but what it ran into was number one it didn't feel like an instant speed spell because what's nice about instance primarily I mean obviously it's nice to respond to a thing that you weren't prepared for but it's also nice to like have the option I'm going to leave Mana up if something bad happens I'm going to deal with it and if not I will be able to use a matter of something else green black doesn't necessarily lend itself to that as well as it would per se in blue sure so I felt like it it didn't even really feel like an instant speed spell I I like I I got a bowl of mana on it and if I do it on my turn or at the end of the turn before mine there's not a lot of difference in those two things so I felt like the instant speed on it looked better than it wound up being for one and number two I always felt like whenever I had it in hand I just wanted to remove the most Troublesome thing and do a thing on my turn and this made it feel like I had to remove the most Troublesome thing and a couple other things things that I guess were valuable but not do a thing I wanted to do and that always felt kind of bad for me I would much rather have cast a Beast Within give them a 3-3 and still be able to cast another spell then just do this one thing yeah that's that's the big thing I agree with Dana it just it feels like it's restricting you so much on what you're allowed to do yeah for an entire turn cycle and that's just a card that it's just a recipe for not having a whole lot of success and I use the word feel a lot I mean that's a very much a feel thing maybe someone else doesn't feel that way but that's very much every time I drew it in a game when I had it in Dex it just felt like it wasn't the thing I wanted to do yeah oh I did and I still like it I really like the design and I think that there's also probably the case of like the casualties of war card kind of falls into this I had learned from my lesson of the wind Grace's judgment that when I saw the casualties of war card which again looks really cool explosive like oh you can destroy a whole bunch of stuff but I learned from the wind Grace's judgment like that card's actually not going to serve me as well as I think it looks that it will so so yeah I tend to especially in the colors with the graveyardy synergies that I'd like to do I like my removal to come on creature effects as much as possible especially when it ends up being pinpoint removal like the fact that when Grace's judgment gets worse as the game goes on and you're down to only one opponent right like that also kind of like uh that's another knock against it that I found um so anyway no no more lamenting no more lamenting Dana take us to another example so so one for me that I misvaluated that I that I overestimated was Castle embaruth from from back on eldrain uh that's the red Castle uh it enters Battlefield tapped unless you control a mountain so particularly the model red deck it's just gonna come into play untapped and that's pretty sweet like there's a Taps for a red Edition it's not just colorless so there's almost no opportunity cost on that and you can spend one red red and tap it and creatures you control get plus one plus Ultra end of turn so my thought process was it's this thing that has really no opportunity cost and if you're playing mono red deck particularly one that goes wide probably goblins generally speaking um that's going to be fantastic you're going to turn those you know six goblins you swing with for seven damage into you know 14 damage or something like that's the difference between hitting somebody or killing somebody oftentimes I thought it was going to be really good in that kind of deck but the reality is that kind of deck tends to have much better things to do with its Mana than just attack an extra six or seven damage onto a swing or it's gonna make so many goblins like in the case of krenko or muxus that it doesn't need to do that it's just going to use that Mana to dump a ton more gauntlets in the field and kill somebody and still have all those goblins in our next turn to kill somebody else with so I I don't think my evaluation of the card in how it worked it was wrong but there's no application for it was the problem the deck it sits in like I think if this was a wiped the White Castle and it worked that way it would probably be a much different thing because I think there's less ways to go super wide in in mono whites than you have in mono red but I I found that the reality is it just doesn't it isn't needed in in the kind of decks that would want to run it interesting and you know what like I'm not sure if I oh where do I follow on this with you because I think the castle emperorth is my favorite of those Throne of Elder and lands actually like the other ones do yeah like they the other ones do underwhelm me a little bit and I do think that there is actually like it it looks like there's no opportunity cost on this but there are sometimes opportunity costs on playing non-basics even in mono color decks like if you're playing on a white deck ameria this guy ruin wants you to have a high number of planes for example cabal coffers or cabal strongholds want you to have a high number of swamps that kind of thing this one feels the most like it should work but I also will say I don't have a whole lot of experience actually using it myself either so I don't know I'm I don't like not agree with you but I also understand why this pump in red feels like it would be less impactful than if the pump were to happen in the color white or another color like that so yeah it is still my favorite of that cycle though so I'm torn see I I'm on team Joey and I'll stake against what Dana's saying I think it's fantastic having something available to you that's effectively for Mana really because you're tapping three Mana plus this is a land sure for an overrun effect that's repeatable that's where I think the power from this is coming uh Cass Labyrinth is probably one of my the one of the more powerful cards in my valduct keep of the flame deck because you do get to do this over and over over and over again you don't have to be using it but it's just a Mana sync and that's one thing that I would say over the course of my commander playing career is having some sort of Mana sync that's repeatable on a land is is a very very powerful effect and those are the little things that actually I'm kind of surprised that Dana Mr utility land three basics in a mono color deck roach himself well that's just it Matt that's yeah that's where I'm kind of surprised so to clarify I will say it sometimes you say when you're looking at these cards like oh this card I thought was gonna be good and isn't worth running I think this one is still worth running in those decks because you are going to hit you're gonna hit situations where you just don't have an alternative and it's it's good to have it there and there's no downside to it but I had envisioned it being something you would use regularly versus something you use when you're just in a situation where there's nothing else to do with your mana and I think that's what it wound up being whereas I thought it would be much more um something that you use like aggressively or or use proactively versus like well I got got I got four Mana here I might as well use this when I'm swinging see I I I've activated castle and breath more as a utility land than I think any other utility land that I that I play that's fair I turn things sideways though well and that's just it Matt remember the types of utility lands that Dana is using he's Mr war room over there like that's the type of thing that he tends to do a whole lot of and and as you said as well he's only got like three basic lands in any of his decks so Castle Emperor for him enters tapped a lot of the time because he doesn't have a mountain that's right that is true I'm not wrong okay I'm sure we have plenty of other examples and maybe even more disagreements to get into about different uh evaluations or misevaluations but we'll get to those a little bit later right now I think we probably ought to move to challenging some stats there's a whole lot of data on edia track but we don't always agree with it so we'll take a quick break and come back with some challenges this show is sponsored by betterhelp the world's largest therapy service so here's an ironic thing for a professional podcaster to say sometimes I don't understand my thoughts until I actually say them like often when I'm preparing for a show I say a lot of the points in the show notes out loud so that I can actually hear it outside of myself and figure out if it makes any sense that's a good habit that I've picked up to make my work better and it's also a practice from therapy that I've used to make my life better it's so helpful to practice communicating abstract thoughts with a professional who will help you observe those thoughts once they're outside of yourself so you can figure out the ones that actually resonate with you and I personally find it helps me be more authentic and more present with other people too as the world's largest therapy service betterhelp has matched 3 million people with professionally licensed and vetted therapists available 100 online plus it's affordable just fill out a brief questionnaire to match with a therapist if things aren't clicking you can easily switch to a new therapist anytime it couldn't be simpler no waiting rooms no traffic no endless searching for the right therapist learn more and save 10 off your first month at EDH that's betterhelp EDH up first this week I want to challenge a card from way back in Alpha that has not been reprinted since fourth edition uh although I guess we're going to get a gold border version of it here coming up and that's siren's call okay it's currently in 293 decks it's a single blue Mana for an instant and you can cast this spell only during an opponent's turn and only before attackers are declared it says creatures the active player controls attack this turn of Abel and at the beginning of the next end step destroy all non-wall creatures that player controls that didn't attack this turn and you can ignore this effect for each creature the player didn't control continue since the beginning of the turn so if they cast a creature that turn that doesn't count but any creature that didn't attack because they tapped it or something um gets destroyed that's a pretty powerful effect for a single blue Mana especially in the world we live in with a ton of goat effects right now this is one they can't get around unlike Gold by tapping a creature it's a good way to force somebody to swing with you know those commanders they wouldn't normally swing with again for a single blue Mana um I will note we just got these starter pre-con decks announced one of which is headed by Asperia Supreme judge that allows you to draw a card whenever an opponent attacks you so it's a pretty good card in that starter deck as well and this is probably going to be basically irrelevant most of the time but it's worth noting it hasn't been eroded to say Destroy All non-defender Creatures it still says non-wall oh wow so if you are playing an opponent who uh happens to be playing Defenders it's going to still kill those Defender creatures so I'll just destroy that arcades that a strategist first and then cast uh cast Sirens call and develop their entire board beyond that ridiculously narrow usage of it though I do think it is a pretty solid card and a lot of decks and should see more than more play than just the 300 or just just sub 300X that's currently in this I I can't even engage with this Dana because you started off by talking about gold border versions of cards and I you know what if you're gonna play this card note that the fourth edition version is 14 cents and don't yes yes absolutely slightly cheaper than the new printing that will be coming out and the 14 Cent version will be legal uh oh no well I I can move us along so I'm going to talk about a set that is completely not controversial at all and it is Commander Legends Baldur's Gate so here here we are um so I'm going to talk about a common because folks Commons get overlooked so much of the time and this card with all the treasures that are lingering around in the format this card is legitimately a win condition and that card is ingenious artillerist so that card is two in a red for a creature human artificer that is a three one that says whenever one or more artifacts enter the battlefield under your control ingenious artillerus deals that much damage to each opponent so we've talked about how Target opponent versus each opponent is a massive upgrade this is a great card that scales to multiplayer formats like commander and also Treasures are just kind of casually stapled onto literally every single card since new Kapena came out so if you're incidentally making just a ton of treasures that's just right away a powerful engine for you if you're playing red you're probably playing some amount of artifacts because that's how red decks ramp um but cards like big score and Guild Artisan they're just making it so easy to make multiple copies of treasures at any given time and that's in addition to anything else you might be doing with the rest of your deck if you're playing a felden deck for example you play a mere battle sphere that powerful powerful card you're doming each opponent for a massive amount of damage every single time you're playing artifacts and this is just such a powerful effect the fact that it's only found its home in 6 000 decks right now that just seems wildly low to me uh if you're playing any sort of treasure cards you probably want to put this in there if you're playing goodness anything really this card just incidentally becomes fantastically powerful in 2022 when Treasures are stapled onto every single red card so if you would like to stay way too churn through your opponent's life totals in genius artillery is a fantastic way to do it the more artifacts that you're making yeah so for context here Matt I think you'll love this Prosper tonebound we know makes a bunch of treasures Reckless fireweaver has a similar effect whenever artifacts enter it pings your opponents that's showing up in 63 of the over 10 000 Prosper Decks that are out there by contrast ingenious artillerist is only showing up in 24 of the eligible Prosper decks nope that have been built or updated since the ingenious artillery card was released so um 24 compared to the 63 percent that's um probably showing you where that percentage should actually go up to to meet with the Reckless Weaver if you want to talk about a fantastic way to to spend a quarter this is it this is it yeah yeah it should be those numbers should be much more in line with each other for sure that's very very cool very powerful very scary I'm going to move on to my challenge now because Matt that has terrified me I will go to our listener submitted challenge here and this comes to us from Adam McFarlane at mickeysmagics89 on Twitter who wanted to challenge a card that is seeing a little too much play in the commander fire song and Sun speaker specifically the card is solar Blaze which is that boros wrath effect ish that has each creature deal damage to itself equal to its power so each creature sort of like fights itself and this is showing up in about about 11 of fire song and Sun speaker decked right now when Adam McFarland actually uh initially reached out to us it was a little bit more so it's nice to see that it has been going down because Adam points out that there is probably a nombo or maybe a misunderstanding going on with this card fire song and sunspeaker gives all of your spells a LifeLink so damage spells are hugely awesome damage based board wipes are great for that Commander to gain you so much stink in life but the problem is that solar Blaze has the creatures deal damage to themselves so that won't give you any life with that the spell itself is not dealing the damage you won't get any benefit from the LifeLink now you will get a benefit from the fact that this is a wrathfx that keeps your commander alive but the thing is there are just so many other damage based board webs that you could be using that would still gain you life and keep your commander alive uh so for example burden down the house could just do straight up five damage to everything which is going to get a lot of the stuff that you care about and still leave your commander alive and gain you just a shocking amount of Life So Adam thank you so much for the challenge this is a very good pick good looking out for any of those Boris lifelinky decks out there alrighty guys let's move back into our main topic here about cards that we Mis evaluated Dana do you want to take us to your next one absolutely um so my next one here is Raven form from um back in caldheim uh two in a blue for a sorcery Exile Target artifact or creature its controller creates a 1-1 blue creature a blue bird creature talking with flying and it has foretell for a single blue so this was one of those ones when it came out again I was like well I'm in blue I've got panjify and Rapid hybridization and reality shift already at you know pretty low casting costs and they aren't sorcery speed they're instance in addition to whatever counter spells you're probably running blue this seemed like again it's a situation where you just don't need it there's enough other things that do mostly what it does except for it also hits artifacts but I don't think I realize how useful that part of it was until I started playing resculpt which is definitely a better card resculpt is an instant less to cast as well but the utility of being able to actually deal with an artifact that's in play in blue particularly if you're playing like blue black or something and don't have access to remove artifacts the power of resculpt and how useful that was then made me go back like okay well maybe I need to relook at Raven form again and try it out so I have retried it out it's definitely not re-sculpt but like I don't feel bad having two of those effects in that deck if I'm in Model blue or if I'm in blue black and now I have two ways to deal with artifacts versus none a couple years back that's pretty pretty powerful particularly someone like me who like even when I'm playing Counter spells I'm playing you know four or five tops I can't always rely on having a counterfeit on hand to deal with an artifact that's a problem this lets me retroactively deal with one if I wasn't able to stop it so Raven form it's it's not amazing but like in Demir Dex run mono blue decks it's better than I thought it would be to the point where I'm running it versus like dismissing it when it was first spoiled nice see I'm I'm kind of surprised that you're coming around on this card because of you still have rapid hybridization you still have pongify which to me and in my my brain those are kind of the standards so you're kind of getting into the what's going to be your fourth and fifth version of this type of effect is where Raven form would fall yeah and so I it's it's interesting hearing your thought process on that because the the field is so deep and we mention all the time on this podcast well if if you want one effects you probably wanted another time but you probably don't want it five times that's kind of the territory I would say this is it and this is definitely the last one in the list like if we get another thing in those colors that will let me deal with artifacts or even something that's amazing at just dealing with creatures then it probably gets bumped out of my deck at some point like if they you know printed a third version of Pancha flight after hybridization I would like those are so amazing this would probably lose out to them but at least at this point for me I'm willing to go five deep with targeted removal particularly if that fifth one has a utility-fitting artifacts and creatures and and the Exile effects too I suppose is is very important versus destroy so yeah so there there are a lot of little knobs on this on these types of cards they they play around with that I I do appreciate there it's definitely a season to taste art more art than Sciences as you would say um so yeah I I get it it's just yeah it's very interesting that you're moving this one up all right I okay okay so I want to move to an example here and and you know I feel like there are probably like long time listeners might have an expectation of certain cards that we might bring up in this episode like I think a lot of people perceive that we weren't as hyped on esper Sentinel when it first came out for example and like I I don't feel like we were down on S percent no necessarily but like it also is still not a card that I feel like goes into every one of my white decks and indeed it hasn't like I don't think that I would say that that was one that we necessarily missed on or a lot of people we definitely heard a lot of feedback that people thought um that our take on the modal double-faced lands wasn't how they agreed with it too they did see them more as lands whereas I see them more as spells and that could even be a conversation for us to get into if we wanted to guys I feel like those are two big standouts that come to my mind about quote misses or possibly perceived or expected misses for us to bring up in this podcast I'm not sure where you stand with that but I know my biggest embarrassment on this podcast and that is what I want to talk about um I want to throw myself under the bus here because Matt Dana do you remember when I didn't think golos would be be all that big of a deal I do recall that yes I don't I I don't remember what I had for dinner yesterday so I didn't know how that far back I so when golos came out Joda arcmage Eternal was the number one five color deck and I after having seen for years oloro be the number one Commander that like it took like seven years or something crazy for it to okay not seven that's an exaggeration but it was like the number one Commander four ever and then eventually attracts a finally unseated it and we just did not see a lot of movement necessarily and I sort of just assumed that since Yoda was at the top spot it would probably remain at the top spot as so many other examples had done boy was I wrong golos definitely dominated so much to the point it's banned now because yeah that thing's ridiculous but I thought that players would be much more satisfied with the five color deck they already had and wouldn't want to switch over and that is an important lesson for me to take away about like no players are definitely willing to switch over to their decks when they see something that is golos like for instance so that is one of my biggest misses that I definitely is uh is worth noting uh worth admitting I mean we we've we've all made some misses for sure um yeah I remember ghosts kind of like okay it's another it's another five color Commander that kind of does everything for you I didn't realize it would be that right out of whack with what everything else was going on the format and that's just it right I think that sometimes you might take your own personal excitement and use that as part of the power level evaluation and for me I was just like I know I'm never gonna build a golo stack because it's just not the kind of thing that interests me but that is a very myopic way to evaluate a card but like you know what I'm gonna throw y'all under the bus now like I remember that you guys weren't as impressed with sir Conrad because he was quote five Mana uh and y'all were definitely wrong about that one too so you know what I'm not alone here I'm not alone well Joe if it makes you feel better I was not wrong about a five Mana card uh that Target got a fright um I was absolutely right about that card uh that one I did not miss I made up for it and there we go it isn't an edhretcast episode as Joey says I'm a necromancer myself Dana makes some really old obscure movie reference that I don't understand and Matt doesn't like Turk grid Matt and Matt hates on turgor there it is okay so so another card that I think the community and everybody in the community was very very wrong about and it's another card that it wouldn't be an EDH retcast episode if Matt didn't rag on monologue tax no again but okay am I wrong everybody thought this was gonna be a smothering tithe light everybody thought this was going to be a great man of value engine and yeah honestly this to me this might be the most overhyped card in like five years and this is this is such an incredibly low maybe payoff you don't even get the payoff it's just this is not doing nearly anything anybody thought it was going to do not just me but I I definitely will admit I was part of this but I think everyone in the community be majorly whipped on this card this card is such a womp card you know I think to try and expand this I think that there's actually probably a a huge like we could use this slot of of card discussion or whatever to discuss a whole bunch of White cards that everyone thought would like measure up to a certain standard and they didn't actually turn out to be all that good um like I think that Keeper of the Accord to some extent also falls within this where this was like people thought that this would be the best white card from Commander Legends and it wasn't not by a mile it's in my opinion only fine but like the card of chromos will was certainly a lot more impressive than Keeper of the accord or like Idol of endurance I remember when that one came out everyone was like it's a way for what to get card Advantage it was really only okay Trove Warden Verge Rangers cartographer Hawk there have been a lot of examples of like overhyped white cards that have uh left us feeling like we wanted a lot more and I think that that's probably like a bigger discussion that is uh around the monologue tax that you mentioned so yeah I photographers Hawk a thousand percent is also a face child poster child whatever you want to call it for this type of card I actually don't hate for or Keeper of the chord I like it I have it in a couple decks um Verge Rangers yes absolutely uh but yeah there's a whole bunch of cards that we could put in this category I keep her the Accord has just failed to impress me at every turn I I I don't think it's great I agree I I think in a lot of decks it's fine but I don't think I to me it was kind of the marketing around this car this is gonna help sure it was cracked up to be this great card so I don't think it is player expectations were necessarily wrong I think watsi's expectations on what we thought this card would be was was way way off there you go that's a much better way to say that we we were pitched something that Keeper of the chord was not I like that and that that's that's the bit that's the biggest disconnect monologue tax players put that expectation on there not Watson we us the players we thought that card would be be okay those are the ones that I'm definitely putting in this in this category so so up next is a card that probably has the largest Gulf between how kind of dismissive I was of it and how many decks are running in now and that's that's midnight clock from Toronto Bell drain interesting two in a blue and tap for a blue you can spend two in a blue to put an hour counter on it and at the beginning of each upkeep it gets an hour counter on it as well and once the 12th hour Contra is put on it uh you shuffle your hand and engrave it into your library and to draw seven cards in Exile midnight clock obviously drunk seven cards is very very powerful but when it was first previewed like okay well that's gonna take three turns to do anything with yes you could pump a ton of Mana into it to like speed up when it goes off but I got like I have way better things to do with my Mana for the most part than like put a single counter on this clock to speed up you know what fraction of a turn I get to draw those cards first um it's gonna be be fine but like I wasn't scared of it at all and it was not looking to put it in a bunch of my decks or anything until somebody use it against me in a commander game and disrupted on turn four I'm like okay let's uh we've got a few turns to worry about that and who cares um the game will be over by then I don't know why I thought that but but it wasn't turned seven rolled around and the person you know dumped their hand over the course of getting up to it and Drew you know discarded one shuffled their graveyard back into seven and it changed how they were playing it like changed the the flow of the game from that point onward it's like oh okay I I should give this card a try so I picked up one put it in a blue deck and you know occasionally it's burned me where like I've been forced to shuffle away a card or two I wanted to keep but I don't know nine out of ten times this goes off for me again it changes the course of the game and it goes off regularly and the other thing I remember thinking at the time was well I also do you want to draw this way late in the game and have it do nothing well that's true of any Mana Rock right it's like just you know it's yeah it's three Mana versus you know two for a fell warstone or something but like that's still a pretty small price to pay for the most part for a card that has that opportunity to absolutely change what's going on by giving you a fresh seven um I I I I looked at a bunch of things in in didn't really realize how impactful it would be until I actually saw it hit the field and it and realized everything I evaluated on it negatively was wrong and all the positive stuff I was wrong about too I just had to see it in play to realize how much I liked it and I think it's in at this point I think every deck I have that plays Blue is running midnight clock wow so so you like the card now and that's what I'm gathering I like the card a lot I was completely wrong yeah yes to the point where I think the last time I had to get one for a deck I think I just bought eight okay you know what I'm just gonna because it was still relatively cheap at the time and I'm like I I'm just gonna I'm gonna put it in every blue deck I think so let's just have this never be an issue for me until the end of time I've got all the midnight clocks I need that's rad I I like that honestly Dana I'll actually all piggyback off of that because I have an example of a three Mana rock that I also initially just didn't give the time of day to and that's heraldic banner and now I play a whole lot of heraldic banner that's the three Mana artifacts where it enters you choose a color and it can only tap for Mana of that color but it gives all of your creatures of that chosen color plus one plus o oh my Lord the it's an Anthem this is a glorious Anthem but also a manolith like how did I not give this guard the time of day it's glorious I played this and also probably like three four five something of my decks like it's yeah those three Mana rocks are putting in the work and those were two of the initial first ones that I think we were still kind of like you know Arcane Signet is taking up a lot of the air in the room right now which made me miss how good heraldic Banner actually was and now I just love that card well let me add my own then too because I also have a three mana mana rock on my list of cards that I I undersold uh relic of Legends hey this card is super fantastic must play uh 11 out of 10 type of card for me but and it's not even that just like okay you you it Taps for two because your commanders usually out stuff like that but in in 2022 it's very easy to just incidentally have four or five Legends on the battlefield sure you want to be attacking with a few of them but I severely underestimated how many Legends I play in my typical decks so it's very very very much not outside the realm of possibilities for this to tap for three four Mana On Any Given turn nice this card is so wonderfully fantastic I love the the design space around these three mana mana rocks so relic of Legends to is just the the newest version of these cards that at three Mana it's just a card you want to slot in a ton of decks because you probably have legends that you just aren't thinking about because yeah they're so great yeah I mean in part of the problem is there's just so many of these like really good three Mana rocks now right that they're like okay I I I I can not pay attention to this one because I'm gonna want the deck but I'm giving more and more greedy about them because there's so many of them I do want to run good and that's a good direction for them to be going I'm glad to see yeah impressive three Mana rocks because that's what Watson said they wanted to push her Direction into and they are serving they are absolutely serving okay so that was a big three Mana discussion Matt how about another example of yours that isn't quite as Mana Rock focused so so I know that my challenge of stats was a Baldur's Gate card so just to prove that I'm not a complete home or a complete shill I'm going to talk about a Celestia card that has underperformed for me I'm just gonna be as honest and neutral as possible so right of Harmony is a card I initially saw and got so wildly excited for I thought this card was going to be one of the best draw spells I bought I think I bought eight initially because I was like if I'm playing green and white in a deck I'm putting one of these in there and you're and you're always playing green white and deck so like I I am yeah I I think I have like two laying around that aren't in index or at least a pile reserved this card is I thought was going to be absolutely fantastic and it's fine it's not great it's not game breaking like I thought it was going to be most of the time it's a it's a draw to draw three uh unless you're making those big big turns which of course those big turns happen but this is nowhere near the huge game breaking card that I thought it was going to be I I was maybe a little blinded by the color identity I will admit but in execution this card has just underperformed for me there have been great turns but there it just hasn't been very consistent at all that's the perfect word for it this strikes me as a card that could blow up or could do not a whole lot nothing at all and so it could be a cool card and I'm sure there are plenty of folks who have had great success with it but it's a swingy card it's an inconsistent card like you said and that's the thing to note about it the fact that it isn't consistent is in ways a knock against it yeah because I'm definitely someone when it comes to cards too I I don't think about those that one big turn where it drew me five cards for two Mana I think of all the times that didn't do anything for me and then I'm resentful like what have you done for me lately yeah you know that that's I think part of the reason why I love those kind of knights whisper or winged words kinds of effects I know what I'm gonna get every time like it's consistent and at least for me I want that consistency over those wild swings and and this is probably now that I've reset my expectations on this card it's probably a night's whisper that's probably what I need to approach it as which that's fine Knights whisper Dana plays in 13 of his 10 decks even the ones even the ones that aren't black I've got a copy there just in case well no and that's actually a good point to as a thing to compare it to as well right of Harmony is a late game Draw spell it kind of doesn't like it has a flashback which is certainly cool and if you cast this twice in the same turn and you can play a bunch of stuff too like oh that could be really really interesting but it's not a card that you can play on turn two it's not a card that you can play on turn three like night's whisper as Dana likes to do those are also draw spells that smooth out Dana's early game a whole lot which is another reason why he likes them so much right if Harmony does not have that same flexibility it is much more of a late draw effect much farther into the game so you have to have already gotten a little bit of stuff established before it can become usable in the first place and that is another thing to bear in mind with it because of when it can be used that that's an absolutely good point it's a mid game I'm gonna get to the end game before you do type of card that's that's where this has the biggest impact and most players they see two Mana it's like okay what's only gonna I can cast this pretty early you absolutely cannot that's where my own personal expectations were out of whack but also some other players that I I know were excited about I I would say that we're all coming to those same conclusions where it's not quite what we wanted to be it's still fine but it's not the card that we had hyped up in our minds okay I have talked about a couple of cards that I was down on initially and I want to bring it back from my final examples of uh of cards that I again was just like oh I should have been actually paying attention to these cards why did I totally miss them the first time I saw them let's talk about some Endeavors grave Endeavor and Reckless Endeavor have really impressed me and initially I just didn't care about these cards at all so they're a little bit wordy the black one grave Endeavor has you roll two d10 and then you choose one result return a creature card from your graveyard out to the battlefield with a number of plus one counters on it equal to that result and then each opponent loses ex-life and you gain X life where X is the other result so that's a whole lot of words but you get a thing back and you drain your opponents for what could be anywhere up to 10 damage that's great like what you could like just Dome someone for like eight nine five damage with this thing and get a big creature back that sounds like a lot for seven Mana but that's a big chunk of life and then there's Reckless Endeavor which is also a seven minute card this one's in red and you roll two D12 and you choose one result that result will deal damage to a whole bunch of creatures and then the others will give you a bunch of treasures like every and I've seen Reckless Endeavor cast it will it refunds itself because you can just make up to 12 Mana with this Mana card and if you've got token doublers or mad if you're playing any of those things like The Reckless fireweaver and the artillery that you mentioned earlier this is also really darn good like I I don't know why I just bypassed these cards I saw Randomness on it and I assumed it wouldn't be that great but holy wow like this can be a lot of damage and a lot of Mana that you get from these things yeah I definitely was like I'm running Reckless Endeavor in my jury treasure deck and I was late to the party on it I did not add it when it was previewed I also read I was like okay a bunch of dice rolling yeah that's all right whatever and and didn't I mean didn't pay attention to it Intel you know at some point down the road I saw somebody use it in a game and I'm like what was I thinking how did I not of course a board wiped up is going to pay for itself and generate you know if you have some kind of treasures energy on top of that but a board of the pays for itself is pretty amazing you know that's that's why Blasphemous Act is so crazy it winds up costing a single red Mana this is like similar to that in addition to whatever other Synergy you get and the other you can choose how you're going to distribute those dice rolls too makes a big difference is it possible you're going to whiff and like throw two twos or something well sure but like that's very rare like that inconsistency I can deal with because I feel like this is much more often at least and it's played out that way too much more often gives me the result I want versus say right of Harmony which we just talked about well it's funny that you mentioned Blasphemous act because that's actually the card that put this next card that I want to bring up into the Forefront and that's toroff God of Fury I very very much undersold all of the abilities on toroff so it's it's two in red red for a five four legendary god with trample that says whenever a creature or Planeswalker an opponent controls is dealt excess non-combat damage toroff deals damage equal to the excess equal to any Target other than that permanent so it's kind of like a weird non-com combat trample I I was like okay it's weird non-combat tramples so that it's fine I guess whatever but then somebody cast a Blasphemous act when this was out and it literally ended the game because no there was so much out there I had completely forgotten the non-combat so if you're casting any damage based board wipe more times than not you're just able to win the game out of the blue and then you look at the top cards that people are playing next to toroff uh star of Extinction which deals 20 damage to each creature and each Planeswalker oh no Chain Reaction which deals X damage to each creature where X is the number of creatures on the battlefield if you have if you're playing against an elf deck you're just going to win the game more often if you cast one of these wow I had completely glommed over that it's to any Target permanent or any any Target I should say you can Dome players with this it is so wild that I just completely undersold entirely how powerful this card is and and of course leave it to rules committee members uh I was on Olivia gobert hicks's stream recently and Olivia sat there and somebody cast a Blasphemous act and leaves like okay count the damage just grinning and giggling to herself like uh oh there's a tour off there so I completely undersold this I have in a couple decks and it's never been nearly that impactful I am changing the Decks that I have four outfits because it's just so wild I completely undersold how powerful this effect is so thank you Olivia a for just your contributions community in general but also for your contributions to my deck building processes and how they're changing moving forward that's that's so rad yeah oh my God I love that and you know I feel like also with this episode like there might be takes that we have like evolved into with some of these cards that maybe listeners have evolved in the opposite directions and for me the takeaway is very much to like remember that these cards are always so contextual and that cards the the issues of our evaluations I think sometimes come up when we forget that we shouldn't evaluate cards in a vacuum like just examining them on their own what they they do matter on context like a card is never good on its own a card is never like the best like it depends on what deck it's actually in and so us seeing these cards in different context is what has allowed us to actually change our minds about them Matt I'm so glad that you've got such a spicy story to tell now and that's it you so so resonantly but that's why we play the game like we like to a have our own mentality behind how we're building decks and everything but playing the games and playing with people playing with other people we don't normally get to play with that's how we expand our Horizons and this should we we all these cards we've talked about we have expanded our Horizons on we've played with them we've played against them we've seen other people doing things and like okay maybe I was wrong we're we're all learning and that's the fun part the more you know and this and the star shoots across the screen well and to kind of bring a full circle to the beginning about the context thing you know my my lesson I learned about Arcane denial and why that was a very good card for Me Maybe doesn't apply to somebody who's playing blue in a more controlling manner where like they're looking to make Tempo hits on people um now an offer you can't refuse is is a amazing card I think for me again the way I play Blue it's only a single blue Mana I don't care if they get a couple Treasures out of it I'm only using that to stop someone from winning the game or to stop them from stopping me from winning a game but but if you're playing in a way where like you're trying to control the board and keep things in check well giving people two cards off on Arcane denial or giving them Treasures off an offer you can't refuse is a whole different thing so like the context very much matters there and just because I've reevaluated those cards based on my play style and deck Brewing style doesn't necessarily mean that applies to somebody else yeah that's very fair and there's a lot of like other nuances about the way that we approach these evaluations to pay attention to as well like do I have certain preferences for certain colors do I have certain preferences against playing certain strategies like Matt you were a lot more creature based uh with the aggro stuff and I'm much more graveyardy and so like the way that we enter even just those individual card evaluations for some random green card for example will therefore be completely different because I'm thinking like how can I record this and you're thinking how can I use this to kill Joey on the stream and that's a very different mindset not just Joey I would ideally I would like to kill everybody um but as Chad knows at directcast Joey has to die first up to some some definite buffoonery that I do need to be stopped so like I totally get a chance but yeah like what baggage are we bringing into card evaluations basically is the another lesson for me to take away on like I remember being very critical of all of icoria because I just hated the concept of companions so much and that overshadowed all of the other things that I could have been paying attention to instead and like that wasn't healthy either so like there's a lot of stuff that we have to like evaluate not just about the cards but also about our own thought processes I don't know I'm trying to go for a deep um and interesting the more you know moment here like Matt had earlier but I think I'm failing at it whereas he was a lot more Suave about his no no I get it like not everybody can be so Suave as the theater minor I was only a minor I'm sorry I didn't do any professional theater but I I can make words good sometime I make words Good Very Suave indeed all right I love it okay listeners we would love to hear from you about cards that maybe you misevaluated and why were those misvaluations done what cards have you changed your mind about over the course of the past couple of years of you playing Commander would be really interesting to hear all those different examples from you but for now fellas I think we're going to wrap this episode up and call it to a close so if our listeners want to get in touch with us where is it that they can find us all Matt so you can find me on the Twitter's at Mathis 55 that's m-a-t-h-i-m-us55 and don't forget we're streaming Wednesday evenings over at twitch.tvhretcast we're there with guests every single week and it's always a blast so make sure you tune in for all the good times and great games and Dana you can find me on the Twitter birds at Dana roach you can hear me on other podcasts cmdr Central I'm running articles 3D track and Commander's Herald and you can find all of us together at and I'm Joey Schultz you can find me at Joseph M Schultz on Twitter and you can find the cast at edhretcast on Facebook and on Twitter plus if you've got a question for us you can contact us at edhredcast our things go out once again to chase for assisting me with the post-production of the show you can find them online at Mana curves and listeners will be back at you next week with more data and insights but until then remember EDH wreck your deck before you wreck your deck [Music]
Channel: EDHRECast
Views: 59,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic the gathering, commander, edh, edhrec, mtg
Id: 68CHorIAdmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 6sec (3906 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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