Cardiac Surgeon Breaks Down Surgeries From Movies & TV | GQ

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no [Music] the body reacts to anything foreign first of all it wouldn't be sterile so you would probably develop a massive infection related to that junior mint outside of that the body does react to it and would form scar around it and probably an abscess around it hey gq this is dr leonard lee and this is the breakdown first up doctor strange the reality is is that we never wash our hands without a mask on the point of washing our hands is to clean our hands and obviously the mouth has a lot of bacterial flora and bacteria that can get on our hands so we would never wash our hands go into the operating room gown put on sterile gloves and then touch our mask that just wouldn't happen where do you store all this useless information useless the man charted a top 10 hit with a fool horn status billy 1977. oh please i hate you there's a lot of casual banter in the operating room and this actually does happen it's not always so intense that we're continuously focused for the entire duration of the operation but we are able to have some casual conversation in the opera room and this helps to keep people relaxed so that if stressful circumstances were to arise that they would then be ready to act dr west cover your watch some surgeons are very sensitive to noise in the operating room some surgeons demand absolute silence in the operating room while they're doing their procedures other surgeons listen to music and have a little bit more of a casual environment not that the operation is any less serious but it's a little bit of a lighter atmosphere that other people may feel more comfortable working in you can't do it freehand i cannot i will so she's actually at the operating room table without a mask on and although it's nice to be able to see her face that would never happen in the operating room what is it dsw amazing kept him alive left a bullet in his head thanks we never say gsw it's a gunshot wound neurosurgeons heart surgeons vascular surgeons a lot of surgeons do utilize the magnification with the glasses they're not as dramatic looking as his are or stylish as his are but we do routinely use them in the operating room that's called a ranger and that's actually an instrument that neurosurgeons do use orthopedists use it also heart surgeons use it for certain valve procedures the instrumentation is actually pretty correct there are computer screens in the operating room that allow us to view images but less so real time the way they showed it here where his forceps are actually going into the brain and you see it on the monitor going into the brain to grab the bullet we don't have that type of sophisticated monitoring but the rest of it is actually not bad i did not agree to that i don't need you to we've already called brain death prematurely we need to get a prep for suboccipital cranial not gonna let you operate on a dead man so brain death criteria is a very very complicated thing it requires six to twelve hours of examinations three or four different physicians coming in and evaluating the patient it requires a time to lapse between evaluations and that's why it takes that six to 12 hours we want to make sure that the patient is truly brain dead so that circumstances like this would never happen next up train wreck we're gonna get this going okay perfect um i'm gonna mark the knee that we're gonna do the surgery on right marking actually is something that takes place preoperatively so this is actually fairly accurate we do confirm with the patient that we're operating on the right side of the body on the right part of the body so that we don't make mistakes and that's why there are so many safety checks once we get into the operating room there's a procedure called timeout and the timeout once again confirms we have the right patient for the right operation we have all the instruments and all the equipment that we need for the operation and that everybody's on the same page all these safety checks have been implemented by the world health organization and these are world wide safety measures that we now all implement and practice so that we want to minimize the things like wrong site surgery this is the wrong knee i'm working this is not the need to do this is not this knee this is gonna go great this is the bad boy we're gonna split open there are always new stories about operating on the wrong side of the patient removing the wrong organ these are obviously absolutely disastrous complications something that no surgeon would ever want to be involved in i'm here for you okay you're nervous i'm nervous surgeons never tell a patient that they're nervous even if it's true we want to reassure the patients comfort the patients telling a patient that you're nervous is probably the last thing you would want to do i said you got to let me go to sleep i have a surgery and you know what she said she said no hey i'm taking a raincheck we never want to be in a situation where we're fatigued going into the operating room unfortunately there are always circumstances where that can happen if you've had an emergency the night before and then you have early morning surgery the day after it can happen hopefully however your judgment would tell you that if you are too fatigued that you either postpone the operation or have one of your colleagues perform the operation the next morning it's not unusual for a surgeon to work 60 70 hours a week which means night time getting called in for emergencies or weekends getting called in for emergencies when it's your turn to take call next up is seinfeld so this is probably one of the most famous medical surgical scenes that has ever been played on tv there would never be a reason for a gallery to be in the operating room sharing the space and if they were in the operating room they would all be masked and out of the field of view where'd you get those the machine you want one no there would also never be food in the operating room these are all no-no's and that can all lead to breaks of sterile environment no sleepers stop it the body reacts to anything foreign first of all it wouldn't be sterile so you would probably develop a massive infection related to that junior mint outside of that the body does react to it and would form scar around it and probably an abscess around it we're very cautious not to leave instruments or sponges or anything like that in the body the body will always react to these things so there are counts at the beginning of surgery the numbers of needles on the field the number of instruments on the field the number of sponges on the field everything that we would use in the operating room for the purposes of performing the operation is counted at the end of the operation prior to closing the patient all of these things are accounted again we'll open the peritoneal cavity exposing the body's internal organs nurse retractor the operating room environment is primarily the surgeon's responsibility so anything that happens as a consequence of the operation is going to fall on the shoulders of the surgeon he's in charge of everybody in the operating room he's like the captain of the ship or the conductor of an orchestra everyone is taking the orders from the primary surgeon next up the good doctor [Music] she is a surgical resident and this is obviously one of her first more major operations a first big operation would perhaps be a memorable event it's probably more memorable however for your first operation as an attending surgeon which means after you're done with all your surgical training you are now an official surgeon on your own and that first operation is the most memorable is everybody ready for a time out dr claire brown lead surgeon dr neil melendez attending surgeon dr sean murphy assistant so i wish every time i walked into the operating room it was quite a processional like that with people waiting on you and hand and foot but it's never quite that dramatic the timeout process is something that happens every day however we don't introduce ourselves it's all known who we are the other thing is that the timeout would be done prior to the patient going to sleep being anesthetized so this patient is already under general anesthesia we have the patients participate in their timeout process so that they hear it and they know that we know what we're doing dr jan lancaster anesthesia donna petringa scrub nurse shanie weldon circulating nurse the number of people in the operating room is dependent upon the operation it would be very rare to have that many people in the operating room scrubbed at the table the most common circumstance is a primary surgeon perhaps a resident and maybe one other resident or an assistant of some sort and then one scrub nurse and those would be the only people who would be sterile at the operating room table the other people would be an anesthesiologist and then what's called a circulating nurse that nurse is responsible for being in the operating room but not sterile at the operating room table his or her responsibility is to get equipment and supplies for the people at the operating room table should they need anything next up spies like us the first step in an operation of this particular type is [Music] to shave the patient ah forget i forgot to get on with it it may be obvious to some but not obvious to others that when we talk about shaving the patient we're talking about shaving the surgical area so his abdomen would have been shaved so that there's no particulate matter there's no hair in the way because the hair and the hair roots can be quite dirty so we want to make sure that that area is shaved clean and now the first incision so even under battlefield conditions the same tenets of sterile technique would hold true the patients would be prepped meaning they would be shaved they would be cleaned antiseptic would be applied to the wound masks would already be on the gown and the gloves would all be sterile so they wouldn't be touching all sorts of other things like books and manuals they would only touch things within the sterile surgical field and they would certainly not be putting their masks on after they're down and gloved so the mask that everyone is wearing for covid are general use masks the masks that loop around the ears they're a little bit less tightly woven than the masks that we use in the operating room the masses that we use in the operating room tend to be specifically designed for the operative environment to minimize the likelihood that bacteria or bugs from your mouth get into the surgical field because that's the primary purpose of it is to keep the surgical field as clean as possible so they are a little different but in principle it's the same [Music] thing this man is dead [Music] so if there were ever a situation where the patient died in the operating room we would all jump on that patient start cpr immediately we wouldn't just say oh well they died let's move on so cpr is short for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and that's a way of getting the heart going in a situation where the heart has stopped most patients are candidates for cpr it's a very very rare circumstance where we would not do cpr and those are primarily patients who have what's called an advanced directive which means that they have decided beforehand that if their heart should stop at any time that they do not want any invasive procedures they don't want anything done extraordinary to save their life a lot of that decision making depends upon the disease state the patient has the age of the patient other medical issues they may have the patient's wishes beforehand how long we've been trying to get them back we've been doing the cpr and trying to get them back all of these impact our decision making as to when to give up often involves multiple people being involved in that decision making and it's it's not something we take very lightly at all the second step in an operation of this type is anesthetic we would never be in a situation where we are referring to a manual during the course of an operation there are operations that we don't necessarily perform very often and when we prepare for surgery we do review some things about the operation and that's not unusual that's all done in pre-operative preparation we might be able to get that source by googling the problems with things that are posted online that is that none of it is vetted but for those of us in the industry just like all of you and your industry you know what's real what's not real out there so we can look things up online it can be also be text it can be journals it can be whatever as long as it's a credible source thanks for watching and stay tuned for part two where i'll be breaking down more surgery scenes
Channel: GQ
Views: 3,606,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breakdown, cardiac surgeon, cardiac surgeon gq, doctor fact check, doctor movie review, doctor strange, doctor strange break down, dr leonard lee, fact checking movies, gq, gq breakdown, gq breaks down, gq magazine, gq movie break down, heart surgeon, leonard lee breaks down, leonard lee gq, movies fact checked, physician fact check, seinfeld, spies like us, surgeon, surgeon gq, surgery scenes, the break down gq, the breakdown, the good doctor, trainwreck
Id: MTogtDE7M7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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