Cardiac cycle, stages, physiology, Diastole and systole in the cardiac cycle.

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today's topic is the cardiac cycle the cardiac cycle describes the series of events that occurs during a complete heartbeat the contraction and the relaxation of both the atria and the ventricle atria serve to receive the blood that enters the heart and passes it to the ventricle one cardiac cycle is completed when the heart fills with blood and the blood is pumped out the phases of the cardiac cycle are two the phase during which the heart muscles are relaxed and filled with blood is termed the diastole the other phase where there is a contraction and blood pumps out of the heart to the arteries is termed the systole as the heart beats it transports blood to the circulatory system of the body the cardiac cycle is vital in the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system the cardiovascular system is made up of the heart and the circulatory system they transport nutrients and remove toxic substances from the cells in the body the muscle needed to pump blood throughout the body is also supplied by the cardiac cycle the following describes the event that occurs during a cardiac cycle at the beginning of the diastole period the atria and ventricles relax and the atrioventricular valves or av open the oxygen starved blood returning from the circulatory system passes through the vena cava the two largest veins in the body into the right atrium simultaneously the oxygen starved blood returning from the circulatory system passes through the pulmonary veins and filled the left atrium the open atrioventricular valves aid the unstrained flow of blood from the atria to the ventricles the motion from the senatorial node known as the pacemaker of the heart that coordinates contraction send waves that trigger both atria to contract the contraction spurs the right atrium to empty its content into the right ventricle and at the same time the left atrium empties its content into the left ventricle the valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle the tricuspid valve prevents blood from flowing back into the right atrium the valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle the mitral valve prevents blood from flowing back into the left atrium these processes are called the first and second diastole period the systole during the systole period the right ventricle fills with blood transported from the right atrium the left ventricle also fills with blood transported from the left atrium fiber branches carrying electrical impulse sends impulses to the ventricles causing them to contract this causes the atrioventricular valves to close the semilunar valve located between the pulmonary and the right ventricle and between the aorta and the left ventricle opens the contraction of the ventricles allows oxygen starved blood from the right ventricle to be pumped to the pulmonary artery and oxygenated blood in the left ventricle is pumped to the aorta the pulmonary valve when closed prevents blood to flow back to the right ventricle the aortic valve when closed prevents blood to flow back to the left ventricle the pulmonary artery carries the oxygen starved blood to the lungs through the pulmonary circuit the blood picks up oxygen in the lungs where it is then transported back to the left atrium through the veins the aorta serves the oxygenated blood to all parts of the body after it's tore through the body oxygen starved blood is then returned to the heart through the vena cava these processes are called the first and the second systole period thank you for watching our video please do not forget to like and share the video also please subscribe to the channel to stay updated on our latest videos
Channel: Medical Centric
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Keywords: cardiac cycle selfless medicose, cardiac cycle ninja nerd, cardiac cycle unacademy, cardiac cycle by vipin sharma, cardiac cycle by ritu rattewal, cardiac cycle a level biology, cardiac cycle khan academy, cardiac cycle neet, cardiac cycle dr najeeb, cardiac cycle in hindi, cardiac cycle physiology, cardiac cycle class 11, cardiac cycle of heart, cardiac+cycle
Id: 0VW93tgztaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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