Cardboard Warfare
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Channel: pwnisher
Views: 16,584,436
Rating: 4.8432736 out of 5
Keywords: CBE, Films, clinton, jones, cardboard, warfare, brett, driver, brettsk8, freddiew, freddie, wong, army, military, guns, weapons, explosions, action, short, film, videocopilot, andrew, kramer, after, effects, premiere, photoshop, cs5, call, of, duty, black, ops, modern, adobe, call duty, cod, cod4
Id: hE-ZmwATS8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2010
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I won't lie, that tank looks awesome
That was some awesome editing. Those real guns actually looked like cardboard!
The entire last minute of the video, I was wondering how they were going to get the sniper. And then they didn't get him. =(
Wow, the Canadian military has come a long way.
Wouldn't the over pressure from that grenade launcher pop out the back window of the car?
Yes, that is the part of this video I am going to question.
What software was used for the effects?
Even though this video was about cardboard, I was definitely not cardbored.
Cue cricket sounds and a tumbleweed rolling by.
After the car was shot when it was driving away it no longer had bullet decals on it.
Ah, how technology has progressed. This was my attempt to make a war movie, some 15 years ago.
Note: this was pre-columbine.