Caravan Palace - Lone Digger
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: undefined
Views: 283,810,570
Rating: 4.8375573 out of 5
Keywords: Caravan palace, caravan, palace, lone digger, lone, digger, clip, officiel, jolie coquine, music, electro swing, electroswing, electro, swing, deka bank commercial, furry, furries, antropomorphism, antropomorphisme
Id: UbQgXeY_zi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I am actually not into electro-swing but Caravan Palace was absolutely killing it when I saw them live on a festival.
This song got me into Caravan Palace.
Just gonna leave this here.
Edit: Oh wow I didn't expect gold for this thank you!
Also should have sourced artist to begin with, art was by iPoke (be aware he does nsfw stuff if you go looking for more)
Shit, Hotline Miami 3 is weird
I feel like this is almost everyones first exposure to electro swing. Not a bad thing though.
I liked their first 2 albums, not so much the newest one. It felt like just another "pop" album, first one was oozing with jazz and swing, specially the gorgeous "ended with the night".
Zootopia 2 looks promising.
I used to like this video and music so much, then YouTube put it on my auto next and recommendations nonstop even after I set it as "not interested". A whole year of "oh, what's the next song? IT'S LONE DIGGER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT"
This is so crazy. I found this song about 3 days ago and have been listening to them non stop. I'm a classic rock person typically but I've been down a rabbit hole. It started with Jason mraz to Tessa violet to phum viphurit to this. They were all in the same playlist and I've been loving finding new music.