Car Paint with aiFlake | Arnold / Maya

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hey welcome back everyone this is Albert and in today's video I want to talk about car paint shaders one of my viewers asked me if I could join a tutorial on that and this is exactly what we're gonna do today I will be using al shaders for the car paint if you don't know what AL shaders are refer to my other tutorial m2a1 or two or on my website under the tutorials section I've got a dedicated page to all the m2a tutorials anal shader with my 2017 that's the one you should be looking at how to install a all shaders so let's jump back into Maya I have a simple scene prepared it is an outdoor scene we've got one light switch from the left and we got a car and I will just be focusing on the car paint I will have three spheres which represent three different shaders one is a basic car paint shader then we've got a metallic car paint shader and we've got a pearlescent copy and shader I also have references for this just found them on the net so this would be the basic shader we will be creating this will be the metallic one with nice flakes and a nice fall off and then somewhere there is the pearlescent one which is this one so you can see on the facing angle you get a different color on as on the sides of the cob so this is what we will be recreating so but first we will do a simple red car paint and let's jump right into it so I am starting the renderer enabling progressive and we will just for now be focusing on the sphere let's just increase the resolution for this press o to original size and let's open the node editor aka hypershade I just have a stripped down version of this so the basic car paint shader it's currently assigned to the object and to the car but it is the default shader so I loaded the preset default and this is exactly what we getting so the basic car paint is actually just one base layer of a color and then there's a clear coat on top of that it's nothing fancy and we we will be creating this so first I will pick the color with the color picker so now we have more or less the column in most cases the color like the base diffuse color is more desaturated and darker than you then it actually is so let's desaturate it a bit and darken it down and let's change this shift hue shift a bit and for now let's remove all the specularity I know I am also just eyeballing the base color so we don't have something exact there are libraries where you can get the exact color of a car paint but this is just for the tutorial and I want to show you the procedure how would you create a shader and not to be physically accurate so let's introduce specularity it is a clear coat and specular one is in most cases that the coding layer the top layer specular two would be the base layer which we won't use for this shader so let's introduce some specularity and reduce the roughness and for now change the mode from the distribution mode from Batman to G DX which gives you a nicer tail fall-off also let's change the mode to delete from the electric to metallic which might confuse you but it's I like to work for better if you just put this reflectivity to black which is almost the same IOR as one point four you can see there there's one point four that's a bit more front-facing reflection so what you need to do for the metallic one it's just introduced a bit more value for the front facing and you get exactly the same effect so that's still a bit strong so let's just add a bit more so now now this is more or less the same and you can see also in the car reference that you actually have reflections directly on the on the camera on the front facing camera subtly but there are reflections but the reflections I'm I'm having an are kindly way to rough so let's make them more shinier something like this and I think the car paint I'm having the end this car point is a bit too bright still so let's reduce the color gain and maybe bring back some saturation so it's now fully saturated red I'm almost happy with the result only that it's too perfect and in a real car paint you you see that you've never have perfect edges there's always a dent or sometimes the coating is thicker so there's always a variation you can see that this line is not straight but here it's perfectly straight for instance or here so what I always like to do is I like to add a bump map on top of everything so let's do that let's just create an AI noise and connect this crew data to D bump node to D bump can't I spell what is happening to D bump 2d node well the out value of the noise goes to the bump value and out normal connects to the normal camera which is essentially the bump map immediately you can see something is happening way too strong but you can see the effect so first first let's choose isolate selected and select noise this is now my current noise pattern let's put it to - up tapes and maybe introduce a bit more repetition so let's try to and let's head over to shading mode and this is now what we're getting way too strong and the noise you've got amplitude so reduce that to something really really subtle so you can see that this line now is not straight anymore and we are some getting something like this like soft bends and not too perfect lines on the car let's see now how this looks on the car let's change it to 100% I still need to assign the shader a sign existing basic paint currently the UVs are different from the sphere and for the car so if I would know go to isolate selected again you would see that the noise is really really tiny which is not what we want we want a really broad noise so I tested around some value so I think these values should work quite good let's paste them in the other slots and this is now the noise let's see how it looks rendered yeah let's just enable this and disable this and you see if we can get a difference bring this back well it's a really subtle difference maybe we should introduce a bit more of the amplitude until we see something changing on the surface okay this is too strong but let's try 0.05 so let's zoom out fullscreen so if you think the car is too shiny you just adjust the IOR and that's more or less you got to do for a basic car paint let's just reduce the value a bit more and maybe overall the specularity just a tiny bit I know something like this maybe and this would be a basic car paint shader let's head over to perspective enable 3d mode and see different angles different reflections the the steeper the angle the more the objects object reflects so you can see it actually also in the reference when I find it here that's just full screen this can eyes mom so yeah you can see actually that on the top edges of the car you can see a stronger reflection then on the front facing angles so and this is what we're trying to mimic in the shader so this is mostly trial and error it is also dependent on HDR using but in most cases this should be enough so now let's head over to the next shader which is a metallic color paint shader I will assign this to a car the car body sign so we got the basic here and now we're working on the middle one which is a basic or which is a metallic or pain so changing camera again and pressing o for original size and if you shift and drag you can create a region so a metallic car pain let's check the reference minimize is this on the top stone yes so this would be what we're trying to create so first let's work with the base with reflections so we will have a base metallic reflection and you do that by let's first a disable diffuse so no diffuse contribution and we disable specular one for now as well and we will be just working in the specular to slot okay so enameling this and changing the mode to metallic and changing the color of the color picker to something something like this so we already get the nice fall off let's change the mode first to ggx this is nicer and the first thing I want to do is adjust the roughness so we get a similar fall off like like on here so you can see this is the Sun in this area and you get a tail this wide so it's actually quite close already something like this adjusting the color a bit more let's try something dark huh yeah I think this is quite close already so all we got to do now is add those nice shiny flakes and to do that you will use the ail flake it has also shaded from a old shaders quite powerful to create effects like this and the odd value would connect into the you would think in the bump map but no it does not go there it goes into that van stab of specular - and in here you'll have a normal slot I think if you connect it directly if you drag this into the slot let's see what did connects - oh it actually gives you a dialog so this is good so a our flake out value connects to specular to normal specular to normal close so this is the connection you have to set up in order for the flakes to appear and be aware changes from the space the tangents but the object space to world and let's update the scene and now you get flakes so let's talk about that the values you have here the amount is how many flakes are there spread on over the surface so if this the smaller the value you get like spread out flakes at some areas so the smaller the value less obviously flakes so higher you get fixed everywhere which we want we want flakes everywhere but we want to change the other values the size is the flag of a singular flag so the higher this value the bigger the flakes divergence is how how much it bends or is how much the flag is being bent on this so our value of zero would actually disable the flakes so let's see what we got to do and to properly set up the values so let's first add some divergence and change the size to something small it's still too bigger but I think it's still a bit too big but we'll try to match this exactly or as closely as we can so adjusting the divergence if you control click and drag into the actual editor you can actually slide the values inside of there so check I'm checking now this area here the fall-off it is quite close we can bring a reduce the roughness a bit more so we get more shinier pings oops that's too much well we need a bit more a bit more tail so I think the value was all right something at 0.34 the roughness on ggx model and let's see what can we do if you let's see if we reduce the flakes a bit so we get some more spread out ones and increasing the divergence yeah I think this works quite good I think the flakes are still a bit too big so let's have them off the size again yeah I think we're getting there definitely let's try a bit smaller so yeah I think this is quite good so now let's introduce the specular one again you can see it's a really shiny specular one one lobe so bringing this back in should give us a nice look closing specular to tab opening spec one changing changing the mode to metallic and both values to black with a little bit of reflectivity just in the previous shader and bringing in the spec one pass roughness it's definitely still too rough change the mode to gjx for speck one as well lowering the roughness yeah and I think we are quite good already I will as well add the bump map to this to give give the surface a bit more realism some yeah just some variation which is always good maybe the speck overall is a bit strong let's just reduce this to point a or something and let's see what a shady looks on the car possibly the UV is also wrong and we need to adjust them let's close up on here render this and see how big the flakes are well that's actually all right I think I think it's because it's a world scale the size it doesn't matter yeah I think we should reduce the size some more let's try a zero point I don't to five this is now an aesthetic thing so you would adjust it to your needs whatever you want want to show you to look like we currently just have one strong sunlight and a different angle than in the reference so it does not really compare as good as this guy because this is a round surface like this so we get a closer match on this on the reference sphere yeah but this is kind of the basic setup for a car pane so if you if you don't if you're not happy with the color you can easily make this a bit brighter to make it more reflective so the brighter the reflectivity the brighter the stronger actually the reflection so I think this actually helped quite a bit too to get the nice metallic effect all right and this is now the final result for the metallic car paint you can see the Flex we have really nice G on this on the sphere and also in the front where the Sun hits the surface quite nicely so now let's create the other car paint which is a pearlescent cauchy ater which will look kind of like like this so we have a blue front and then it fades into purple let's try just this color shift so opening or first assigning the shader to the cop car body again for a Sun shader changing this guy to progressive and focusing on the sphere saving and opening the node editor again so it will also be a metallic car paint but a pearlescent metallic car paint so first what I like to do is disable all the other all the other lobes I don't need so disabling diffuse completely spec one completely and for now just working in specular two I will also be working again I will be using a metallic paint but the reflectivity this time will be a but this time the reflectivity will be driven by a node rather than just one color so you might have seen this before using a Lal known on AO in some plane for node but this time we will be using a AllShare shader node again called al input scalar which on default uses the facing ratio if you don't want to do this this way you can also use the sampler info which receives you the same result so you wouldn't use the facing ratio to drive the next node which is a ramp shader my ramp texture deleting the 2d node and connecting the input scalar output value inside the V coordinates or the facing ratio from the sampler info node to the V : which is the same thing the out color connects to the specular to reflectivity specular to don't have it in here don't think so so let's middle Mouse drag this over to reflectivity slot so there we go the default is a gray ramp but we want for now a rainbow so this is now what that what it looks like the edge color and the center color let's delete the middle one so we just get this also we want to connect the same node to the edge tint which essentially is just the color on the 90 degree angle which we want the same thing to be the same thing so we already on default have kind of the effect we are getting for oops not this side for this but we'll let's adjust the colors a bit more okay so this is a blue not a perfect blue so let's adjust this a bit a bit more Sian yeah I think we can live with this and the red should be more purpley not pink a little bit of pink something like this and with with these points you can actually define how strong the blending happened so the closer this gets to the blue the strong of the facing ratio controls the map so now only a small part is blue and then directly we get the shift to the purple color which is too pink definitely let's change the interpolation to smooth and work more on the color so make them more purple more purple yeah I think this should be just fine and let's change this a bit smaller clamp those values more together let's try a different value here yeah this is good exponential up is quite good in this scenario still a bit too pink let's just dial down a bit more to purple yeah okay let's have a quick peek on how it looks on the car if we are getting the desired result which we kind of do very strong here on the on these sides but a nice fall off on the top part yeah so maybe a bit strong the clamping so let's introduce a bit more of the blue and shifting a bit back let's see how this sphere looks like this one yeah so working okay so this is like a basic perdus and you definitely for your cause or whatever you want to do you would need to adjust those those Rams way more together to get your desired result so we're happy with this and let's do the same thing with the flakes so I'll flake if you remember it goes to the specular two normal slot so middle Mouse drag into the spec two normals and the out value connects spec to normals Wow let's adjust the tangent space to world and let's see how this for now looks like on default values I think these are kind of real scale values let's have a sneak peek what we had here for values so we had 0.3 and a very small value so let's just copy those values over so they're virgins is on point three sizes on I know I think at two five zero five let's try this and also I think I forgot you at the bump map didn't I yeah I forgot the bump map on the metallic paint but you can actually what if you want to do you can just copy this guy or reuse it if you select this and then you click plus and the other Network you should get the bump map which is here and let's connect this guy to the bump slot middle Mouse drag and bumps are connected so we have now the same bomb values which we have on a basic car paint just to give a little bit more randomization so we got the metallic flakes we got some nice effect happening here let's see how this feel now looks like and we're still missing the specular one which is the clear code let's introduce this now so specular one roughness is quite low changing the mode to ggx changing okay for this let's leave it on the electric and introducing Bakula one so getting a nice shiny pearlescent car shader also you can see the bump effect happening and let's see how the car looks like with the spec two a spec one coating I think it looks quite cool this is what the final render looks like and to be I think the flags are still a bit too big you wouldn't see them as big as in the real world but you get the idea and I think now you're able to easily set up your own car paint shaders and using the nice al flake I hope you did enjoy this tutorial and if you like this please give me a thumbs up subscribe and maybe even share this video on your page or on your Twitter or whatever check out the other tutorials on my page as well they are in on a playlist called 3d tutorials thank you guys for watching and if you have any other requests for tutorials please let me know and I will try to produce something for you thank you guys
Channel: Arvid Schneider
Views: 37,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arvid schneider, vfx, arnold, 3d modelling, 3d texturing, lookdev, rendering, 3d rendering, lighting, 3d lighting, maya tutorial, visual effects, vfx artists, vfx tutorial, vfx effects, autodesk, 3d tutorial, render, solidangle, surfacing, shading, 3d render, denoiser, tutorial, arnold renderer, maya arnold, maya arnold tutorial, maya, autodesk maya, maya 2020, maya 2022, maya 3d
Id: 29TRMb6oMbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2016
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