Car Interior Modeling - Blender Timelapse Tutorial (Arijan)

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I'm now going to show you the complete workflow of how I made this Ferrari 812 super fast all right this is the only way you can get good at blender or get good at anything for that matter you watch the pros do it all right I'm not going to explain every single detail okay because it's two it's 20 hours of footage I had to speed it up I had to shorten a little bit I'll show you the time lapse and I'll comment over it show you what I'm doing I'm gonna pull out a few parts show you a few tips here and there anything you want to see drop a comment if it's a good question if it's a good idea I'll make a separate video for it if this is too fast for you and you want to see this in written form you want to slow it down a little do it at your own pace I wrote an entire book all right every single tool that I know I wrote it in there okay please check it out it's in the description below let's get right into it first thing I always do I split the screen into and I open up the reference image on the side of the image editor I got these images from Google just look up I know you guys are always asking me how to get reference images just look up Ferrari 812 super fast interior just download some random images that you like open them up boom you're done we use a blame to just kind of start shaping out this top of this little panel I don't even know what you call half of these things all right we shaped it out we made these little bumps above these AC fans and then I use the mirror modifier to kind of make it equal on both sides and then I just use just Extrusion just you know moving the vertices around nothing nothing crazy here nothing special just moving vertices around to try to get this kind of rim of this shape around around these do AC fans here subdivision service modifier and I use some Loop cuts to make the edges sharper here so this is just basic stuff it's not rocket science here uh smooth shading and I'm going to drop a matte cap on this and I'm gonna also increase all these cavity stuff and shading just so it looks a little bit cooler it makes it a little bit more fun when you're modeling I've shooted out another side here this is the same stuff I don't have to show you everything here just uh another part of this where you can see it's all one piece another part where the steering wheel fits in okay more Loop Cuts more uh subdivision everywhere just kind of trying to make it flow a little bit more smoothly now we're extruding the parts here for this uh steering wheel for this dashboard okay we're shooting that part in making the frame and now we're going to move back to this AC hole here and we're going to start making the first AC fan so we're going to add a circle we're going to extrude that out to make this first little tube as you can see it's a low poly Circle but we're gonna add a subdivision service modifier uh it's because if we have bigger if we have like less vertices it's easier to make bigger shapes right like this you can just extrude like one eighth of this circle and make this bar that connects it to now we're going to extrude the other little Rim here in the front before this ball comes in and we're also going to use some more Loop cuts to just kind of tighten these edges here make them a little bit sharper all right Loop Cuts work really really well with the subdivision surface we're also going to use some we're going to increase the mean crease or whatever you call it just to make the edges a little bit sharper like that and now we're just going to add a mirror modifier to copy all this to the other side right extrude that inwards and now we're going to add this sphere and we're going to use that to shape this ball that kind of holds the fan I don't know if you can call it a bowl but you understand what I'm saying subdivision surface again and now we're going to extrude this little bit here you can see it has these Five Points these five little corners and we're going to add a pentagon just so we can figure out exactly which uh which parts of the circle are exactly equally apart so we have five of these points which are equally apart you see what I mean here so the the Pentagon is just a measuring tool now uh yeah so we're going to add edge split modifier we're gonna Mark these sharp edges here just so this smooth shading doesn't go over these sharp edges maybe it can look a little better extrude this little part out we're going to add some more subdivision just so we get a bunch of these little squares and we're going to we're going to extrude the individual faces out and scale them down as little triangles here uh or as we scale down the faces so they form these little triangles and I'm going to Bevel those just a little bit so when I add smooth shading it's going to look nice and smooth on the individual triangles or pyramids if you will and then if I just marked it by sharp edges it looks really cool and looks pretty realistic so we're just going to extrude this little front bit which is just kind of little beveled Edge that starts kind of going inwards right right over here I'll just extrude inwards and I bevel the edges that's all it is and then uh we can just uh scale this down a little bit make it a little bit thicker with proportional editing extrude the inner part in here is where we're going to add the fan all right so now we're going to add a new uh we're gonna add a cube okay subdivision surface just to make this little pointless little kind of uh spike in the middle of the fan this is I don't know what you call this thing the middle of the fan anyway uh subdivision surface and we're going to add a circle in the base just to kind of you know just to make a little bit more detail then I'm going to use a cube to shape the first blade of the fan all right nothing crazy we're just messing around with basic Tools in a cube we write subdivision surface and we're reshaping stuff here just to make it look like a fan just basically a cube which is flattened down to make it thinner and sharper and then we copy that with the same way we did with the uh with the five little points around the circle just copy it you have to find the right angle is probably like for 72 degrees I don't know divide 360 by five and that's how much you rotated around the x-axis in this case so the blades are equally far apart they're five blades that are all exactly equally far apart in a circle and then we got the first blade and then once again we're just gonna copy this to the other side we're not going to use the mirror modifier we're just using 3D cursor mirroring I have a separate video for how to use some of the tools into about 3D curses check that out it's on my channel you'll find it there's a bunch of different ways you can use a 3D cursor and it's a very powerful tool you're going to see me use it all the time all right there's many different things you can do with it now let's add a plane and let's see what we're going to use this plane for because I forget when I was modeling we're going to use this plane to shape these hexagonal grills okay we're going to shape a hexagon make it into one face and add an array modifier okay so we stack these little hexagons little Crystal shapes next to each other and we're going to add another array modifier so we kind of tile them right as you can see here we have to adjust the values a little bit just so they're tiled and we can we can make a nice little pattern of these then we just select all the faces and individually insert or inset the face right scale it down a little bit so we can uh so we have like this little Rim this little Edge push that down and delete the interface so now it's basically just like the little edge of the hexagon bevel the top and now we've got a nice little hexagon grid like this I'm going to scale that the right way put it in place this place this part was a little bit funky because you have to have the right size of hexagon that just kind of said okay it looks good enough for now I think I change it later but you get the idea I'm going to take this little uh Edge loop on top we're going to extrude it out so we make it a little bit wider and we're going to use that to make this little uh this little uh strap over the leather that kind of keeps it in place as you can see here and we're going to use some more Loop cuts to tighten the to tighten the edges all right and we're going to make sure it fits to it fits reasonably well and we're going to leave that there and now let's go back to the uh the steering wheel part okay because well I just had to redo it because the first time didn't work so we're basically adding some Loop Cuts here so we can have more vertices to play around with and make the right shape this plate this part was really tricky I'll admit this was really really tough to make I really couldn't figure it out it took me a long time so I just kind of tried many different things I still kind of worked as you can see here we're just kind of shaping the hole is kind of the way I think it works the way I think it's shaped I don't know if I got it right but anyway it looked turned out pretty good in the end and then I just added a circle and this is going to be like the middle little screen where you can see like a speedometer or something uh what do you call that I don't know what the name of that thing is extrude out a little bit you'll see in the reference image somewhere on the side that there's like this circle and inside of the screen and then around that there's some more screens and stuff now I'm adding a plane here and this is what I'm going to use to create this kind of cushion on top of the uh on top of the steering wheel on top of the dashboard I don't know what that how I would call half of these things I think you know what I'm talking about this thing here in the picture I'm subdividing this just so I have more vertices to play with and I basically have to get the shape so it kind of fits uh this hole so it fits the edge of this hole and it looks like a smooth transition between two of the shapes right some proportional editing here then I shoot it out make it a little bit thicker use some Loop cuts to tighten the edges move some of the edges around and before you know it I I can't tell you anything concrete about this it's just kind of I just kind of tried using some tools that I know until it eventually worked I probably did it like 10 times that's usually how it is with blender stuff just try some stuff until it kind of works try to get them until you get it right and that's all it is if I were to show you every single step I probably failed this like six times and it almost gave up but then I was like let's try again and eventually it worked anyway we fit it there and then we get the right shape we duplicate the other side and then we kind of adjust some of these edges here to make it look right to make everything fit smoothly now let's move to the other side we've extruded the other side here uh this is where we're gonna fit the the fan all the way on the right side I also redid this shape later I'll just kind of show you how this works just basically again just extruding stuff and using some proportional editing to try to kind of get the shape right again it was tough it was an ugly shape to make I don't know how I did it it just kind of eventually came it ended up looking the way I wanted to look if I'm going to be honest with you I don't know how I did it and then uh we're gonna go back to this side again and this is where I tried making the second fan which actually turned out a lot better so I copied this one to the other side in the end I use the hexagon shoot that out kind of reshaped it and then added some subdivision so I could lead some of these faces on the side and then I can connect it back to the to the main shape to the main kind of the main object that we have here next to the steering wheel connect some of those faces right now it looks really ugly but we played with it some more later so we kind of made it look a little bit smoother removing some of these edges around and then uh to make this a smooth Circle I kind of extruded this all this stuff inwards and then I select everything and using Loop tools I just turn everything into a perfect circle so it looks a little bit smoother we bubble These Eyes a little bit to make that tighter uh yeah more Loop cuts to make everything Tighter and then we're gonna copy the rim from the other fan and extrude that again over there and copy the fan there so we can just have the same exactly the same thing so we just have to copy it and snap it there with the 3D cursor all right that's pretty much done for now and now we're gonna add a plane in the dashboard because this is where we're gonna add a screen later on add some Loop Cuts just so we can reshape this and fit it into the frame and again we're going to try messing with this part this is again something that I tried messing with like four times before it eventually kind of worked I'm going to use this Cube to just kind of roughly get the shape of the steering wheel base you know this is also it was hard to get a good look at this so I just kind of improvised my way through it and tried to figure out something that looks alright you know turn that horrible if you look at it closely but it looks good in the final result and then we're just gonna drop us the steering wheel there because we already made it in another video I'm just kidding I'm going to show you how I made the steering wheel reference image again I just Googled Ferrari 812 steering wheel downloaded the first picture that I liked put that in the background I have a separate video on how to use reference images in blender and how to place them in the background and all that stuff you'll find it on my channel just look for it I don't have that many videos you'll find it somewhere in there and I'll show you how to use reference screen let's move this aside and let's start making the steering wheel all right first side of the cube or a plane here no Circle and then I use that Circle to just kind of shape out this central part if you press it it honks right there's a circle to shape that and extrude it inwards a little bit and then uh yeah I made the circle in the middle using Loop Cuts I made all the edges in a perfect circle so I can fit the logo in there I move some of the parts out to make it a little bit more three-dimensional extruded it backwards I had a subdivision surface modifier to make it smooth tighten some of these edges make this hole go inwards a little bit this is where we're going to fit the logo so now we finish the hole and we're going to extrude this part in the middle and make it into a shape like a cylinder with some subdivision surface and then that's the right shape for the logo now we're using a cube to shape the back part of this uh the carbon fiber part this is the hard part of the steering wheel so we're just kind of using Loop cuts and Extrusion and we're moving stuff around we also have a mirror modifier here just to get the rough shape of this uh of this carbon fiber part the central carbon fiber part of the steering wheel and we're cutting off the edges here because this is a I need this to be sharp and that's what we're going to add to the other part we actually hold it we're shooting some stuff here so we can add this little adjustment thing later right so it's a kind of like a circular shape almost circular shooting that trying to get the right shape there and using some Loop cut to tighten some of the edges we'll get back to that later but we have to delete this side because this is something else so we have to figure out a way to be able to cut two holes in here this was a little bit tricky topologically speaking so I'm just kind of separated two faces separated two parts extruded them turn them into circles kind of what I ended up doing shoot it downwards and now we have two holes for two buttons okay they're perfectly round because there's a loop cut tool for circular for making a circle right then we use a large Circle and we shoot it out and we kind of use that to shape out one side of the handles of the grip whatever you want to call that for the steering wheel the part that you hold I just scale it out from the middle so it still retains a circular shape shoot it out a little bit add some thickness to it and add some subdivision surface and uh now it's again I'm just playing around with some of the vertices to make it fit a little bit better adding more vertices so I can get the right details and stuff like that you know scale this part inwards because that's thinner use them Loop because it tied to some of the edges here then on the side here we extruded this little Parts because it's a little bit it's like a separate piece from the rest of the steering wheel I had to tighten this part and we had to make a kind of stitch so I just had some Loop cuts and and kind of push them inwards because with the subdivision surface modifier it makes it look like this is like a stitch hole in there somewhere and then I use the cube and I kind of tried to shape this part at the bottom which is again it's carbon fiber so shoot this a little bit fit it with the image you know move some of the vertices around subdivision surface scale it up make it right width and then scale this shape part down after we extruded so it fits under the mirror modifier smooth shading and then we'll just use some more duplicates to tighten the edges to make it look a little bit more hard hard surface maybe perhaps and then uh yeah we just extrude these Loops inwards so to make them make the edges a little bit smoother and we connect it to the rest of the steering wheel and we're basically doing the same thing on top here right we're going to use a cube cut it in half use a mirror modifier and we're going to just extrude that until we get this rough shape first you can see it's kind of like a great separating them first we shape the upper part then we extrude the lower part and then we can kind of make the separation between the wider and narrower part smooth shading subdivision surface like shooting this part inwards or insetting some faces and then extruding them inwards so we can make this little bar up here I think this is something like the rev counter or something when you turn on the car it shows you like this is like a little screen which shows you the number of Revolutions in the engine and then we're doing something else here so we can make a button and then we're going to copy this one side because we're gonna lay it on one side so we're going to copy to the other side next to these faces inside uh we'll duplicate and then extrude them to make the actual button use some Loop cuts to make it a little bit sharp from the edges and now we just leave that there same thing we copy the circle from the bottom and extrude it out this is going to make the button inside this hole we do that twice for this button the second button is a little bit different so we're going to extrude it a little bit more add some Loop can add some bevels to make it a little bit of a different shape I don't know what this button actually does but it has a little Ridge this little circular hole around there so we're going to leave that and then we're going to use some vertices and just shape out shape out this button for what's that the long lights or something the headlight I don't know what you call them and the subdivision surface extrude this inwards a little bit so make it sharper copy it to the other side that's it I'm going to use a plane to shape out this little button that we use for switching the the track mode race mode wet mode I don't know all this different stuff and we're going to kind of just uh extrude some edges here connect stuff extrude something else to make it was a really really weird shape so I just kind of did my own way I don't know how to really describe it too too well um again subdivision surface to make it look more detailed and realistic use some more Loop cut to tighten the edges and we're going to extrude these sides to make like a little circular shape around it right and which is going to fit it according to the reference image so it kind of it fits in the right place you know we're going to parent everything to the middle so that when we move select the middle we can easily control it we're going to add an empty circle so we just have to select the circle if we want to move this stuff around we can easily rotate it take it and put it into place and then we're just going to kind of place it on this base and kind of angle it so it has the right size and a right angle we can if you turn the steering wheel it's going to look all right then we're going to copy this Loop cut around here and we're going to use that to make some of the stitches in the leather so we're going to convert that to a curve and then let's move that upwards a little bit so you can see what I'm doing and we're going to add a little Cube we're going to scale it outwards a little bit make it longer then add some bevels just make like one single piece of uh like a string or like one stitch we're going to use an array modifier to duplicate this basically like Tic Tacs then we use it then we use a curve modifier to attach this to the Curve as you can see here and then uh if we just have to we have to set up the curve modifier and then later if we just put this down you can see it kind of starts looking like we have stitches there all right and we're going to do the same thing on some of the other parts now over here we're shooting some of the holes where we're gonna put in the buttons or the little uh cylinders like what I'm about to create here for adjusting the AC power or something like that so we're taking a cylinder or a circle shooting into a cylinder extruding the individual faces to make the little Bridges to make it grippy scaling them down on two of the axes so we have the little ridges now and then we can just adjust the the width this the thickness put it into place and now we make sure it fits so it looks nice and then we just duplicate it to the other hole and we parent that and we're good to go now we're going to add another Circle here and this is going to be the base of some more buttons around here so we make one Circle extruded we down we scale down the top the base in the front and then we're gonna kind of delete some of the faces so we can extrude something else and make another Circle here and connect those two as you can see on the reference image the this is kind of the shape we're trying to get to extrude that same thing again we'll just scale it down a little bit and we'll just kind of use some 3D cursor uh we use a 3D cursor to make sure all the vertices connect well we fill in some faces here and now we got the shape subdivision surface modifier and then we'd lead some faces in the front and we extrude this part because this is we're going to fit the button and we want to make sure the edges are nice and sharp there so we scale that down a little bit because the right button is smaller than the left button and again we just create the holes for the buttons there and now we're going to uh extrude these couple of faces on top there's going to be another one of those little circles that we use for controlling the AC power and it's probably for the fan right above this we're going to shoot some more holes here for some more buttons all right this is also very messy and then uh right now we're going to get back to that but right now we're making the little button that you can turn just basically a circle we're extruding some stuff scaling some it's basically basic tools subdivision surface and setting a face and now we have this nice little button and we're going to duplicate that to the other side to the other hole and we scale it down a little bit and we're good to go now we're gonna again take the faces from the bottom of the hole we could in the middle extrude the mat now we have some buttons and we're going to add a queue with a subdivision service modifier and that's going to be a little separation a little metal piece that separates the two buttons that's it I'm gonna adjust this hole a little bit more and we're gonna shoot another hole here and this is where we're actually going to fit that little cylinder for the AC all right so we're going to copy that snap it over here with the 3D cursor and now it's kind of in place so you can see you can kind of imagine you can just put your finger in there and start turning it when extrude some faces out of the side make sure that that goes into kind of into the place behind the steering wheel and then we're going to take some faces from the side here some edges and we're going to start shooting those to to make the lower part of this dashboard or not the dashboard but to make the lower part with underneath the steering wheel by that there's like a leather surface there when I started shooting those moving them in place make sure everything kind of connects smoothly the part kind of fits in the gap between the two leather surfaces and we have the the rough frame for this and now we can just continue extruding this down a little bit we're going to adjust some vertices so we can start to so we can connect it to the other side and now we have a nice little hole here for this steering wheel you can kind of adjust the steering wheel so there's some space below I'm gonna bevel that I'm just also kind of improvising I don't know what the shape exactly looks like I kind of did it my own way I'll duplicate that to the other side connect them and now we're going to add some Loop Cuts here and bevel them so we can extrude one part so it looks like there's like a leather Stitch there right there's like a two lips kind of and in between and there's like stitches so it kind of looks like that it's pretty cool I'm gonna move some of these faces forward to make this round kind of extruded part and this is a there's another button here so you'll see that in a second we're gonna extrude some faces here so we can make another circular button there okay we extrude those two faces and we turn them into a hexagon to make sure that aligns correctly and then we uh we can kind of extrude that out and that's going to be the base of another button here so we'll show that inwards again now we have a hole for another button and then we make another we make another Circle and we use that to kind of shape out next the next uh button same thing we did before all right and lose some Extrusion Loot and scaling nothing not rocket science there leads and faces use some Loop cuts to make it to make it a little bit sharper extrude the button itself same thing we did with the buttons before you know we have a cylinder there now we're gonna you uh take all these faces extrude them as individual faces and then scale them down a little bit we have to only scale down the edges uh on the ends so that we keep the length but we narrow down the width of these little ridges for the grip again Edge split uh sharp edges to make the the smooth shading go away on the sharp parts and again we just extrude some of the parts here to make this little beveled we extruded and we bevel the edges or the bevel The Edge Loops to make this little round kind of bevel around the top of the button I don't know how else I would describe that and there we go that button is ready now we're going to use some of these edges below here to shape this little it's almost like a glove box but it's not really a glove box I don't know what's down there basically just another leather surface all right again I'm kind of improvising my way through to make this salt connect reasonably well trying not to make the topology too messy and we shave that and we just fit the edges make sure everything is kind of smooth and connects properly and then we just keep extruding these uh this surface on the other side and over here we're gonna add some more details later so we have this uh this Loop cut and we bevel that so we can extrude and insert these faces and extrude them inwards so this is where we're gonna add some more buttons there's gonna be another little console there that's a loop Cuts adjusted make it sharper over there so we have this little hole there and that's where we're going to start later so we're going to use a circle with a mirror modifier this is going to be some more buttons down here I don't know this little radio control or something and then it's just some hard surface modeling extrude these two holes for the buttons and then we add a subdivision service modifier again bevel some of the edges to make them sharper add some Loop cuts and stuff add some increases and now we have another hole for the buttons there and then we're going to extrude that backwards add some thickness fit that into place and uh the next thing we're going to do is we're going to extrude the faces from the middle again and use that to kind of shape out the buttons I don't even want to show you how I did this I don't recommend use my technique I had no I have no idea why this worked it was a horrible way to do it but hey it worked so yeah this just you can just kind of see how messy the topology is on these buttons I don't even want to talk about this I'm kind of ashamed of of the the outcome here but hey it worked so I'm beveling the edges to make them sharper again look at this topology you can see it's completely atrocious so yeah don't listen to everything I say but it worked and then we just kind of copy some of the buttons the other side once we have one side again we're using a cube with subdivision surface uh to make this little separating piece okay and that looks kind of nice and round and smooth so we put that there and we just use some Loop cuts to make it a harder shape and then we duplicate all the buttons we parent everything in place and we're good to go so we just kind of keep extruding the we copy one of the buttons and place it there it's the same thing we did before with the buttons previously we bring these buttons here and we just put them into place and parent everything and we're good to go right and parent that to the rest of the surface and this is pretty much done all right now next we're going to make another shape like we just did on the other side of the steering wheel with those two buttons all right so we have to make a little bit of a we have to kind of model out the shape that we're going to shoot out this is going to be the this is the Leather So this still has to smoothly connect to the rest I'm going to add some bevels some Loop Cuts here and again we're going to make like a little lips with the stitches here so uh let's do that let's extrude that inwards a little bit all right just to make that kind of a gap there to make that Ridge there we adjust the shape of that so it kind of fits the same shape as we have on the other side and we delete that and this is where we're going to start with so we're going to fit that carbon fiber shape with those two buttons all right so we're going to use this again we're going to make a circle the same way we did on the other side just basically the same technique shoot a circle let's shoot another Circle connect the two circles make uh some holes for the buttons that's all we did there subdivision surface modifier make some holes extrude them inwards Place new buttons there that's the same thing so I'm not going to show you again how I made these buttons I'm just going to place the same buttons there and they're good to go then we also copy this button here and copy the other side now we're just shooting it to connect to connect it to the steering wheel again again we're shooting some faces here there's going to be some more buttons here so we're going to extrude these faces inwards to make the hole there for the buttons use some Loop because to tighten the edges bring in some more buttons that's it and we're gonna use a plane here to uh extrude out there's like a little screen between the upper and the upper and the lower leather surfaces we're gonna just place a plane there for now and now we're going to use another plane on the other side we copied some edges to extrude out the other part this is like where the this might actually be the glove box this time this is actually the passenger seat of the leather surface not rocket science we're just like shooting some stuff backwards to give it some thickness to give it some smoothness right and uh yeah basically just using Loop cuts to tighten all this stuff fitting it all together we're going to move this a little bit further out because we need some more space there so we just kind of extrude everything or move everything to the side and now we're just going to copy this again and extrude the last part below the last fan same thing again using a 3D cursor to rotate some of these edges so it's kind of like a round around the corner over there around and smooth corner I'm gonna adjust some of the loop Cuts there to make it fit correctly you can see there we're just kind of scaling stuff up putting it into place using Loop cuts to make this tighter make it fit better nothing interesting to see here just basic tools and stuff like that now I decided to delete everything on top here because I'm gonna have to do it again because it didn't work out the topology was atrocious the first time so you can see me make a second attempt here I can't really describe everything I'm doing here just like just me kind of trying to find something that works trying to work out some some kind of topology which is not going to be completely horrible so I'm just like shooting The Edge again around the AC I'm around the two AC fans in the middle so uh yeah you can see me trying to kind of fit everything I shoot it backwards make that inner Edge and add some Loop cuts to make it sharper now we're gonna extrude we're gonna lift this up a little so we can see it better now we shoot it the part to the other side do the same thing just try to kind of extrude this shape and try to kind of finish the frame somewhere you know sort of kind of fit it all around the AC fans and then we'll shoot uh we do some Olympics to make a sharper and we extrude this to the right so we can uh continue with the rest of the leather surface or maybe we're kind of going to rotate this this Edge Loop here so it has a bit of an angle I'm going to scale it up so it's a bit like rounded and then uh yeah another loop we're going to push that down to make it like a little bump on the surface of that leather and push that further out we're going to extrude the screen that we made with that plane in the middle and we're gonna add a subdivision surface modifier to that to make it fit uh the leather surfaces now you can see that I deleted the fan on the right side as I said before many of these things you just have to try like five times because it's completely atrocious it's hard to figure out try it five times eventually something works it ends up looking pretty good so uh there we have that again we're just like shooting a hole for the other button for the AC we're gonna copy that there nothing new there the same so that's how we did before and we're going to make that to make adjust the hole so it fits around around this little button it's not a button it's like a little adjustment for the AC I don't know what you would call that as you can see I left a gap in this leather surface above the AC fans so this is because I'm going to use a separate object or separate shape separate it's the same mesh it's the same object but a separate you know separate shape separate yeah the vertices are not connected we're going to use a separate uh separate object to kind of make this cover-up of the AC fans so subdivision surface so again we just kind of extruded so it connects smoothly with the other uh with the other leather surface we're going to use a 3D cursor to make sure that vertices are exactly in the same place so we have the even gaps use some Loop cuts to tighten the edges again the same way with it before just this time hopefully it's going to work out a little bit better and it did so we parent that the rest of the leather surface and we're good to go over here we're going to rotate this so we can get an angle on these edges then we're going to inset some of these faces and extrude them out a little bit because we're going to make these little shapes in the leather and then we're gonna add some Loop Cuts there we're going to move some of the vertices around to make the edges here rounder to make this shape a little bit more round and smooth and we're going to do the same thing on the other side here so we have two of these shapes extrude that out a little move some of the edges and vertices to make the top a little bit more round and now we have a nice this nice shape in the leather now we're going to use this Cube down here underneath the radio to extrude out to this kind of central panel for these three buttons probably like I don't know race mode or I don't know something AC some buttons I don't know what to do I think the start button the power button might be sort of like the handbrake or something anyway we're using a cube with a subdivision surface modifier we insert a hole in the back so we make this little kind of this is all carbon fiber I don't know of what materials they're used here we were making some buttons here we just copied buttons from before and then we're extruding uh an extra Loop cut so that we can extrude these faces here and then we can turn those into a hexagon and make a circle so it's like a circular hole for this button you can see what I'm doing over here extrude that inwards a little bit make a hole for the next button and once we get the right shape there you just add a little bit I'm going to delete all the others around it and I'm just going to copy this little section so that I can fit it around all the other buttons alright so I'm just copying the base of the button and moving it uh below and then moving it above again as you can see here connecting those two and now I just kind of duplicated the whole three times I shoot the edges out to make them all connect nicely they have to make them sure their edges nice and smooth and we connect everything to the first piece move this down a little bit move some of the vertices down to make it just give it the right shape and then we're going to take some of these edges from the side extrude them down and connect everything to give it some thickness and then we're just going to extrude it downwards use a 3D cursor to just kind of fill in this hole down here excuse me move some of this to make the shape a little bit smoother below subdivision surface modifier now we're shooting this little part below here this is where there's some kind of button you're going to see uh okay so here here's an interesting little an interesting little uh trick that I pull off I want to make sure I want to redo the the outline the shape of this whole thing all right so I'm going to take the edges or the faces on the sides I'm going to duplicate them and move them to the side and then I'm going to take those it's basically just a frame right I'm going to reshape them with the proportional editing so that they're kind of a smooth round shape now just bring them back and I connect them back with the old shape so everything everything falls into place anyway we have a smooth we have smooth edges on the sides of this little shape as if you can see if I scale it up a little so I can see the differences between the width a little bit better and then I just adjusted and bring it back now again we're insetting some faces you need Loop Cuts we're making this hole here for this button that we have probably the the parking brake Loop cuts to tighten some of the edges again some bevels maybe and now we have this kind of I want to say triangular but it's like I don't know what you call the shape in mathematics but it's almost triangular but as you know what I'm saying again we extrude the interfaces to get the button itself add some Loop cuts to tighten the edges add some bevels to tighten the edges whatever we got to do and now we have that nice button in there okay we're going to color that later it's going to look great foreign I'm going to jump back up to this hole here to reshape a little bit better and then we're just going to put that into place and now we're going to attach it we're going to pair it into the rest and now we're creating this little Rim down here we just copied some vertices and it kind of extruded them outwards to make sure this we have so we have this little connecting piece that connects this kind of handle to the rest of this little surface down here there's some more buttons there and stuff like that so we've extrude a little surface around it to make this little hole down here in this little Central console panel whatever you want to call it Loop has to tighten the edges we extrude this shape in the back where some of the edges backwards so this round little shape and now we have to kind of use the vertices to shape out this uh this uh one piece the central piece of this console thing I'm going to push some of these faces down and then uh we're gonna push some of these edges in the front backwards to make a round shape and then uh we're gonna kind of extrude these down to give it some thickness and then uh we're in setting a face here to make it a nice little smooth edge there so we can add some more shapes there later and connect it back with the with the leather part in the top whatever as you can see we make it we extrude that inwards a little bit so we have a nice smooth edge around this nice smooth kind of separation between the two shapes we're gonna add a cube here and we're going to shape that uh as this little button it's probably something for the windows or something like that I'm gonna extrude that Cube we have a mirror modifier on this we're going to insert that inwards then we're going to move some of the vertices around to get this little uh the right shape for this button as you can see the back part is thinner than the front part we leave the face here we extrude The Edge inwards so this is just like the frame of the button let's say subdivision service modifier and add some Loop cuts to tighten the edges so we have to make make sure the front is a little bit thicker then we add a loop because to tighten the edges and add some bevels there to make these edges a little bit sharper and everything and then we're going to separate the two buttons a little bit now we're gonna add another Cube and this is going to be the separator between the two buttons so we're gonna add this cubic shooter a little bit add a subdivision surface modifier to that once we get to rough shape then we're going to add a subdivision service modifier and add some Loop cuts to make it a little bit sharper and Tighter and that's the be separating the two buttons and then after we finish this shape we're going to move on to just finishing the button itself right so we're going to copy the frame fill that in extrude it we have to make sure it's filled correctly so the topology is right so we just added some Loop Cuts there to make sure everything connects correctly and then we just extrude that downwards add some thickness and then we add some more Loop cuts and stuff like that to make the edges a little bit sharper and that's it then we have to extrude this little bit here to make it fit around the separating piece between the two buttons right Loop cuts and extruding top view you can see that the kind of fix up this little separating piece to make it round and make it perfectly fit so it looks pretty cool uh when you look at this from a further away looks like a nice smooth little detail buttons finished we're good to go we're gonna adjust some of these other parts around this little Central panel move them around to make it a little bit more round and then we're going to extrude this part in the front and push some of the edges forward to make it more like a circle if you look at it from the top it's going to be more like a semi-circle kind of extrude outwards as you can see here it's a little bit more round I'm gonna add a plane and we're going to use that to shape the two pieces around these three buttons that kind of connect back into the top so I'm just going to kind of do the 3D cursor ctrl-click that kind of extrudes and snaps it to your cursor so you're going to see that in a second here control click right it just kind of jumps to the other part and now uh if we we roughly shape this in low poly we make it thinner at the top we roughly shape it out we have only a few polygons here and then we're going to add a subdivision service modify after we roughly shape it and then we can we can work with these few vertices that we have it's easier to make the shape make it a little bit thicker we add some Loop cuts to tighten the edges again and uh we just kind of makes play around with the vertices to make it the shape flow more smoothly and then we kind of play around with these edges here to so everything connects uh perfectly there's no differences in the in the gaps between the two shapes you know everything's flows smoothly copy to the other side with the 3D cursor and now we're turning on the face orientation so we can see whether we have any flip normals we then we fix those extrude is downwards a little bit more make the shape a little bit thicker and then uh we're almost finished with this shape here so we're just going to kind of make some final adjustments parent everything together and uh now we should be good to go so we're just going to kind of extrude some faces underneath or make this shape the surface underneath uh these carbon fiber pieces here so this is kind of like a place where you can put your keys in there your phone in there or something it's like a little leather piece in there like a little leather surface at the bottom and now we're just going to use a cube to extrude it out and shape out this the the main kind of chunky piece that holds the whole thing together right this is what separates the driver's seat from the passenger seat this is the whole main Central console I don't know what you call that thing usually there's a there's a this is the part where usually there's a the gears shifter but this is an automatic car just yeah some paddle shift it doesn't have a it doesn't have a stick right so using another plane to kind of shape out these some more carbon fiber pieces just random little details right another thing I can really explain just kind of see what I'm doing you know no unique tools here just stuff that everybody knows you just kind of have to figure out a way to use it we also kind of extruded in this little edges little dent in the corner of this shape also what I wanted to say about blender when it comes to when you look at a really really Advanced model maybe like this one you see like how the hell is he doing what does he know I don't know anything that you don't know I know some tools I've been doing this a long time but it's I don't know that many more tools and you know I just sit down and look at the shape okay how can I use the tools that I have to create this shape and then I just kind of try it like 15 times or five times ten times depending on how difficult it is until eventually I figure out a way to make it look right to make the topology right and that's basically how it is it's not rocket science you just have to figure out a way to do it there's no magical tutorial I can give you to get good at blender you just have to try the stuff you know and eventually it's going to work right it also helps if you watch a lot of tutorials that they're going to show you a bunch of different tools now we shaped out this one little hole and we're using the ray modifier to kind of array it to stack it together and we just kind of manually use those circles to shape out the pedal this is probably the break and the not the pad of the pedal this is probably the brake pedal kind of making uh connecting these edges here so we can be kind of fitting in like a puzzle as you can see and we just get the right shape for the main pedal and then we use to make the second petal which is a little bit thinner again just two array modifiers put together uh Luke cuts to Sharp and everything and then I use a cool trick here I made a big circle turn it in a curve deleted most of it except one little section and then I turned in a curved subdivision surface and then I use a curve modifier on one of the on the pedals and I attach that to the curve and then as it follows the curve it kind of rounds the shape because it's deformed according to the to the circle to the curve so it makes the petals nice and it's like they're not completely flat they're kind of rounded you know that's how the pedals are in the car so this is this is the right way this is the way I got this nice rounded shape they scale down the curve because I realize that the radius needs to be a little bit lower they need to be more curved and then I just put the pedals into place put them side by side and now we have a nice brake pedal nice gas pedal so we're just gonna Place those correctly and just put them in the back we're later connecting them I'm not going to show you that part it's too boring place them in the back and then we're going to add this other dead pedal here so we just had a plane and we do the same trick just a circle uh like a circuit little hole with a square frame using array modifier extrude out the the circle make some holes there and then we're just going to Ray that and make a nice little dead pedal that's all it is the same way we made the pedals and we're just going to yeah so we're arranging that over here we have to use the two arrays I think well I just use one right here anyway we put that over there now we're making the seat mirror modifier of course we're just kind of roughly shaping out one section of the seat it's like two there's like separate parts of the leather you know they're kind of connected by via sewing or something and then uh yeah we're just kind of making sure we make those separations correctly it's kind of tough to explain this if it's sped up it's a yeah it's basically just this is more like organic modeling this version of the chair that you can see over here I redid it later I basically use the same I did it in the same way that you can see over here just kind of subdivision surface modifier just kind of trying to get the right shape second time it turned out a little bit better I did the same thing it just happened to be a little bit cooler so I just left that chair in there and uh as you can see I'm extruding one section of the one a couple Loop Cuts here inward so I can add some more stitches here I'm using the same thing that I use on top of the the leather surface in the beginning and I'm making this little kind of connecting bridge this little I don't know what you call that part and we're making more stitches here with the with the Curve modifier and the rate modifier we're making more of these stitches and we're placing them correctly and then we just move the chair inwards and so it's in the right place video Frozen you know the last part and then we get back here to modeling uh this this shape next to the chair this is kind of what holds the chair in place using a cube to shape it out subdivision surface modifier to make it smoother around her moving around some Loop cuts and stuff where you can kind of take a we can move some of the loop Cuts up and down to make sure it's a nice curvy surface we take some faces in the front we shoot them out to make this metal shape metal part of this I had a little circle extrude out of the little cylinder and this is like one little detail here I don't know what it is we make a little hole there and extrude some faces or inside some faces and extrude the midwards and a little hole another little detail I don't know what it is I just see it in the picture I try to mimic it works out maybe it doesn't try it again eventually works out there it is let me make a little hole here I don't know what I was doing over here you can see the topology is quite interesting the topology actually works but it just looks ridiculous now I'm over here making the pedals the pedals shifters behind the steering wheel right so I'll just use a plane to kind of shape out the general shape so I just extrude some of the sides I screwed up for extra upwards and downwards then I add some thickness to it adjust some of the edges to get the right shape to make it nice and round to make it look like what I think the shifter looks like I didn't get a separate reference image with this one because I thought it's not that visible I'll just kind of get as the shape as much as I can and then uh yeah some more Loop cuts to tighten some of the edges here and subdivision surface smooth shading all that stuff and then I just uh kind of bring it to the right angle and just use a 3D cursor to snap it into place behind the steering wheel duplicated to the other side we're good to go so after about 45 minutes of talking about modeling I think it's about time we started talking a little bit about texturing a little bit about rendering so let's just quickly cover that now the first thing we did was applying a carbon fiber texture to the steering wheel now I have a separate video tutorial for how to make a carbon fiber texture so go check that out you will find it on my channel we just do the same thing over here just with a normal map and clear code just make it shiny and that was pretty much it and then we applied that same material to some other parts of the steering wheel now for the leather on the sides I just add a base color and then I use a normal map a leather normal map and I just apply that and pretty much you're good to go as leather now I made this plane here with a bunch of subdivisions and extruded some holes in it I baked it as a normal map you can also see in my carbon fiber texturing tutorial how to make a normal how to bake a normal map and we baked at those holes and we combined that normal map with the leather normal map to make a kind of a combined leather with holes normal map okay you will see that's a little part of the sides of the steering wheel so then I opened up paint net and I started producing some of the textures that I would need for the buttons for example the turning signals I just opened up I just made a black surface and made a white arrow and I put that on the button for the turning signal I just you remap that correctly and there we go then I use the same uh program to just write out a start button and I made this other button I don't know what it does I made those two buttons and painted it and then I just used some UV unwrapping or UV mapping to place that texture on the button and to map it correctly and then it pretty much is good to go it's a very simple thing to do over here we're applying the second button and then we need to put some more materials in this little Rim now the logo was the best part same thing I took a logo and I just UV map the middle part this was probably the sweetest part of the texturing process and then since I realized that this uh button drawing manual button drawing method works pretty well I spent the next hour or two just manually drawing up random buttons and icons from around the interface of the car and paint net and here in the corner you can see the final image just a bunch of random icons counted across a black surface and then I did the same thing afterwards I did with the first two buttons I just UV map those manually uh or I just remapped those onto all of the buttons so first I assigned a generic or green material to all the buttons just so I know these are the buttons that need to have the icon texture on it then instead of that material I loaded the black image with the icons and then I just mapped each surface onto the appropriate icon and that's pretty much how I got all the buttons down so did that one by one button this took me forever to do but it actually turned out pretty well I did a similar thing with this AC screen in the middle I just replaced that there in this little screen under the AC I'm gonna stop now because I can see that this video is almost an hour long now so I'm just gonna cut it here if you guys want to see the rest I know you're going to let me know in the comments first thing so I'll just make another couple of videos like this maybe I'll show you how I textured it how I rendered it all that stuff so just let me know if you like this if it gets good responses I'll keep doing this stuff again guys all this stuff I know was very very fast talking I was kind of like an auction guy but uh you know the guy that speaks on an auction and this speaks super fast and it's ridiculous but you want to slow it down I wrote a book guys seriously everything I that I know it's in that book all the techniques said plus more it's there in written form if you really want to learn blender check it out it's going to help me out a lot as well I put the link in the description go check that out but thank you for watching guys as I said leave a comment if you want to know something from this video or you want me to explain something in some more detail it's a really good question I'll actually make another video as much as I can for the good stuff of course I want content ideas guys you have a really good idea drop it down I'll try to make some more quick video tutorials to address those questions so thank you very much for watching guys I will see you in the next one
Channel: Arijan
Views: 25,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender hard surface modeling, blender tutorial, blender car interior modeling, blender, 3d modeling, tutorial, timelapse, speed modeling, speedmodeling
Id: FV66bVT1Tog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 35sec (2675 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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