Car Dealer Tricks: The Waiting Game

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welcome to we're all stored on cars as far as this game the negotiation process so the salesperson is the pawn and he wants to identify with the customer as the customers friend it's almost like a good cop bad cop kind of thing that you see on television so the salesperson wants to become your friend and he wants you to commit to a price so the old-school psychology says that if you can get the customer to commit to a price then you've made a movement to sell em a car when he commits even if it's a low figure so you always ask him to make an offer on the car you're not supposed to give the customer price you're supposed to ask a customer for a price so the customer will come up with a very low price now you know it's well below your cost so you say excuse me because you want remember you're the salesman you want to be the customer's friend let me take that to my manager so that you leave the customer in the closing office you know that's our closing booth they call them and they walk out of that office area and they walk into another office area maybe around the corner where you can't even see them and then what are they doing in the office they're either smoking cigarettes or drinking coffee or telling dirty jokes there they're not talking about the deal they're making you wait because they want the customer to think that you're working real hard now you're the salesman you're the customers good friend remember and you're dealing against the bad cop the sales manager and you're doing your best you're begging them to sell this customer the car at that unrealistically low price so after you know after they've had a couple cigarettes and a couple cups of coffee then they pencil the deal this is called penciling the deal so they put a big X through the price that the customer offered on the vehicle buyers order and then they write another number which is way over the profit that you would expect to make and and that's the way the game goes so back and forth back and forth slow the customer comes up a little bit and then the sales manager comes down he's penciling the deal and at some point the customer gives in you wear them down the sales manager might just say no we can't sell you a car at that price and when that happens by the way that's usually just part of a whole game because they want you to believe that they're very serious when you say I'm sorry we can't make a deal that might mean maybe we can get them to come up to our price and they'll let it go sometimes all the way to letting the husband and wife get up and walk all the way out to the car I've heard cases where they actually let them get in the car and the salesmen are running and chasing wait a minute wait a minute and they pull over and they come back in and they in that and they play this game humorous if it wasn't so inconvenient and angering to the average car buyer and the gavage car buyer they're going to retailers that are treating them with courtesy and respect and integrity and then they come into a car dealership it's like they've fallen back in time they're in Sodom and Gomorrah and it's a terrible terrible situation what do you do about it you just refuse to play the game the best thing you can do is you get as you go in the dealership and you say I want you to give me a price I want you to give me your best price and you can either give me that best price or I will leave here and I will never come back again there's four Chevrolet dealers in this area in this market and I'm going to buy Chevrolet Camaro and this is a description and this is the MSRP and the accessories I want give me your best price and I am going to take that best price and I'm going to compare it if it's close I might even come back and give you a second chance but if you don't give me a price you'll never see me again you have to take control you have to take the control away from the salesman away from the sales manager your if a consumer you have the money you have a tremendous amount of power and by exercising that control you can defeat this archaic system that's being used even today in the car business
Channel: Earl On Cars
Views: 125,798
Rating: 4.7651124 out of 5
Keywords: auto sales tactic, car sales tactic, automobile sales tactic, dishonest dealer sales, buying a car, buying an auto, buying an automobile, poor customer service, bad car dealer, dishonest car dealer, dishonest auto dealer
Id: mytaWIA3YLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2013
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