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you oh fuck fuck fuck you shouldn't be doing that shit though no I thought [Music] sweats and too many eggs in one basket is sad all the way around time when I tagged the 100 he said when I see some guy and he's got his 64 Mustang notchback he's like I got this fresh out of the military it's been 57 years this is my baby and you're like you're looking at an $8,000 car that this guy's built his entire life around but several of them I urge them to oppose the exclusion particularly interested the JCL [Music] [Music] I was sitting right here you're what did you check your mirror I didn't I wasn't moving you [Music] [Applause] you because right now I think it's it's on like a similar unit is shit oh my god oh my god oh my god is that on your anything's gonna go what the fuck it's read the rate you hit this guy shit oh my god fucking moron well you [Applause] [Music] you [Music] law enforcement but they're done in the name of the grand jury whether it call grand jury subpoenas so the grand jury is both a mechanism for investigating a case and getting information and causing people to come in and give information you [Music] how you doing no I'm stopping you [Music] yeah why did you blow through that you didn't stop that you were going too fast and killing it yeah so you understand how dangerous that is okay you got your every license and insurance information with you you do realize all soldiers will carry your license with you if you have your insurance card okay you're bad no thousand today how do you spell your first name born in 89 soul [Music] okay you want to shut your vehicle up for me for a second here here's the problem you have a theft warrant right now it's a $500 bail [Music] still is there any marijuana in my car thank you sure have you may appreciate honesty with no madness out my gosh how old seems like you're just kind of flying through life by the seat of your pants and not making real good choices know what I mean there might be a good time in your life that kind of evaluate what you're doing okay come on back here for me please [Music] he did tell me I didn't want to watch enough on your soul yeah we can't let us to do that and then we'll leave it we'll leave it parked here okay you keep taking stuff out of their truck so have you ever been cited for underage consumption or anything like that [Music]
Views: 1,099,475
Rating: 4.8112874 out of 5
Keywords: car crashes america, bad drivers usa, car crash usa, north american driving fails
Id: 9MlQbUIqrv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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