Car Cooling Fan Troubleshooting Procedure and Low Speed Fan Resistor.

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everyone is Robert Seavey I'm gonna try to lead you through troubleshooting a engine cooling fan problem we've got a radiator fan down in front this particular vehicle you can see it fairly easy right here there's the connected to it so you just way to determine whether or not the fan is turning or not comes on starting engine turn the AC on yeh snod fans you come on now some vehicles have just one speed fans on or top this particular vehicle has a low and a high speed so if the low speed comes on that's for lower temperature you can have to wait then until it warms up and the high speed will come on low speed will turn off and the high speed will come on the high speed doesn't come on you're definitely to have an overeating problem low speed just doesn't come on with the high speed works you know you might have a problem like this particular vehicle it actually has the service wrench light that comes on that's what we're troubleshooting here so with that this is the fuse and relay module this is the cover pick it off and roll it over we can find the orientation to everything your fuses relays and additional fuses out here and that's how we're looking at it right there fuses to the right so we're going to check the fuse first thing just to see if we actually have power to the fuse I'm going to verify that the fuses work and then you can take this out and you could read resistance but there's no real need to except bolted on one side and then voltage on the other make sure what that means then is the element the actual fuse element is closed or open let me just going on here we're open this is what you would read now both these on one side that's the source that's the battery this is going to the circuit on the other side and there's nothing so I would mean that the fuse is open just like it just now there's nothing there the fuse is open put this back in you can have it loose there for a reason what we're going to do is we're going to test the fan when you use that this side which is the circuit side because we want to limit the current we don't want it if they're short or something we don't want to be taking something out or burning up the wire so now here again this is the high speed this is the low speed so with that here the relays taken those out and I've put a couple of lug nuts in here because we're going to test this out take the relay out roll it over to the side which was seeing especially what the relay looks like inside 85 over the seller take a look again 85 and 60 RV those are the pans to the coil so one side is 12-volt the other side goes to the engine control module I think this guy right here engine control module will actually sync that to ground before causing a current flows through that coil that Creek an inductive field and that way it will close that contact between 87 and 30 those two pins 87 and 3087 is power that comes from the fuse and in 30 that goes to the circuit now on this side this coil that's going to have its own fuse that's a lower current and that's going to probably that's going to be inside of the cabin where the control fuses are so with this doesn't need you roll it over you'll see the pin numbers so here we're looking for a pin 13 although 87 looking to verify that 87 does have 12 volts through it so this is h7 again if you orientate it the way that it's set in there like this turnover and 87 is here it'd be the top right 30 lb bottom left roll it over consume your pens are there all right so you should have 12 volts and it does the other guys should also have 12 volts that does that's the both each we're again coming from the cabin so that's uses good also so when you take that out because we don't wanna get confused and if don't stop we don't want to do so this is where we're going to 30 what we're going to do we're going to use that fuse ration is going to take 12 volts to fan want to see that panel turn up okay so the high-speed works at pan that circuit 3 the relay is working we'll talk about the relays in a little bit now we're going to go to the low-speed and your again we're going to orient it on this guy if you notice to just use here it's actually turn the opposite direction may be careful with that again roll it over 1030 look at the top right see where we're at top right pan right there that connection so from here let me go to 20 amp fuse because again that's cholesky here you can see not as loud slower slow now that was our problem on this car though is that result circuit it would not spit up so first thing we did how do curiosity hit is checking this connector on the fan has two pins one is for ground and the other one is for the fan so those circuit somewhere tied together we do have a good ground how would you test that is yard ground we got that out mean engine right here and then change it over here to resist them please down here for you one here and we're going to actually going to go to you audio there's our ground another thing how do you know from the fan how would you know that there is good continuity you do that - that was our pin 30 right here this is from the high speed all right if you need if you you didn't have the fan wasn't working and you could go read the fan out down here to show you how to do that I should go here to the other pin and we have continuity now we knew on the low speed we did not have that we do now because the reason we didn't have that is for low speed and throw these guys in here this is a resistor basically all that does is it drops the voltage available to the fan also reduces the current on this thing this is on a view side of you it's going to be similar to a lot of jams most likely because that's what this thing is it's a jam it's got the eco 2.2 liter in it the thing located under here in front of the driver side just behind the light take a look let's actually mounted way down under here there's another one here we can get to see it there's another one right there and they can be a little confusing but if you take a look at the wire here actually still have we have the new resistor hooked up take a look at the wires you'll notice is one of them's blue just like this guy as well as it's a it's a different gauge that gauge walking for some current flow in this connector black and white and then right there that's much smaller it's not going to handle the current this guy's plus is going to have so in this case that was our problem now if we go down to the fan let's take a look down here what you could do is you take the resistance reading across there are two actually three pins okay it's only using two ground and then the power to it you read across those two guys right there yeah all right ask the go climb over and pick this off around here you can get down in the one side still on resistance here on the audio basically what we've got it's got windings that are good if they're we're hoping we wouldn't have anything will be over so if that all works though you test your fan the fan comes up runs both the high and the low speed next problem little things thing it's hard to say most likely it's going to be high speed because they're in so much current or these relays are the same again I can say it's likely it's because the high speed there's so much current involved so testing that out we've got an old relay well relay from another vehicle again what we did here is we're going across and that's a circuit on it you can read these out that well but when we talk about 85 86 that's what we've got 85 86 and we're going to tie it across the 12 volts and ground and hear that so now the other thing we're going to do though is we're going to go between 30 and eighty seven seconds to tie that up which should not fine okay can find this wire let's take a hand get the setup hold seven pull give my dog America's toy little chew toy now this shows point 4 ohm however looking at it one earlier actually I'll show you this and probably see this the resistance on this thing is much higher so if you think everything else works most likely have a relay that is birthed and which is if you do that test right there you may find some resistance across in any kind of resistance across that thing it's not good there's so much current going through that circuit that any kind of a drop on this thing it's just not going to be enough to enable it to work properly so as you can see this probably not on this thing one side take a look at it the contact is good well that's normally close side so we can get in here see this probably not but one side you can see the good contact right there alright the other side nothing nothing too black that's burnt that contact is not good so what you can do if you're in a bad situation you're out and you start getting overheating problem do this go back to your Fox take the cover off fine you're fine your fan relay ok again we know this was our high speed again that high speeds not working it's going to be overheating low speed and unnecessarily so because once this guy once it starts getting past the temperature which this one works it's going to hit this guy and that's going to keep you cool so from here what you can do is you've got other relays that actually aren't even being used or you know don't have that kind of curve you can swap it between the low speed I'm a high speed because here again they are both the same but also this vehicle has it a rear defogger using the rearview foggers take it out swap it and if it starts working pull it off then is your relay okay you also have a wiper system I think sure powered or power windows cares power windows right you got to keep the car round cold that call end up wrinkled you're not going to like the results of that and what that's going to cost okay I hope this is helped and thanks again and maybe be able to fix this stuff all right right
Channel: Robert Sevy
Views: 83,889
Rating: 4.5266819 out of 5
Id: tqN1g3VPs5M
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Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2017
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