Car Camping Using a Campground Out of Season ⛺

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this is Jason with the primal outdoors Channel and it finally looks like we're gonna have a couple half decent days ahead of us it's just been really bad weather yesterday was completely socked in snowing and really cold and windy but today it's sunny blue skies and according to the forecast it should be like this tomorrow as well so we're gonna head out this weekend and see if we can get some camping and landscape photography in [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I was gonna camp at this camp spot because I thought it was closed still for the winter but it's obviously open there's a ton of people here so I'm gonna go ahead and back out but I was looking at the sign back here and I want to share something with you guys that I really I knew about but didn't realize what a danger it could be especially for the dogs but they've got a sign back here talking about how the toxicology that you can get in these Lakes with the dogs drink it that they can get sick and even die so that's something that again I didn't really realize that the I mean I knew that there was toxicology and you weren't really want to swim in it but I never really thought about the fact that I shouldn't need to really watch and make sure that the dogs are drinking that water all right so I think we're gonna stay here tonight we're still in the camp area but there's two parts of this camp area there's an upper part and a lower part everybody's camp down in the lower part which is closer to the lake obviously but there's not a single person up here in the upper part now one of the reasons why this area is so popular right now and there are so many people is this area of the lake is really well known for catching bull trout but also this area in general is a really good place to hike around and look for sheds but since there's nobody in this upper part I'm gonna go ahead and camp here I actually really like camping and campgrounds in the offseason when no one's around because you have you know things like bathrooms like I have right over across from me and then fire pits and picnic tables you just got some facilities that you have that when you're that you don't have when you're just out dry camping [Music] [Music] all right so all we've done so far is disconnect the trailer and I pulled the hitch and thread in the back of the truck just so hopefully nobody messes with it but we're just gonna head off now I've got the chainsaw we're gonna head off now into some hills and see about getting some firewood for tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our weather's starting to turn on us a little bit so I need to get busy getting camp set up having an ability to open up the trailer like this and we'll make it a lot easier for me to get all my gear out of the trailer [Music] all right so now that I've got camp set up I want to stop and have a quick snack I have some pepperoni that I picked up from cinder Butte meat market just outside of Redmond this is they make the best pepperoni it's nothing like anything you get at a convenience store or anything like that this stuff is super gam really tender this is their jalapeno cheddar I also have some of their elk pepperoni with me not sponsored anything by sinderby but the owners are real nice people and they make a great product so I'd like to help out when I can you guys want small piece oh you're so fast well anyways I think now that I got camp all set up I think I'll start working on getting a fire going well we finally are settled in for the evening we've got a nice fire out in front of us we got a good glass of whiskey this is the Pendleton 1910 rye this is one of their higher-end whiskey's I don't drink it often because it is $50 a bottle but I figure since we're staying in a fancy-pants campground we might as well drink fancy-pants whiskey at the same time but there is a reason why I wanted the camp here and it's mainly because I did a little research on Google Earth and I think I have a good possibility at a really nice sunrise photo utilizing that Cove I showed you guys earlier if if the clouds clear which looks like they are doing we should get a nice sunrise tomorrow and the Sun should come right up through down the center of that cove based on what Google Earth was showing me so I'm hoping that works out so basically I'm just gonna relax a little bit I'm gonna get ready to eat some dinner here shortly and then I'm gonna head off the bed so we can get up early and catch hopefully catch a great sunrise photo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well I got out here this morning and unfortunately there was just too many clouds I didn't get the shot that I was hoping for I was set up on a fairly cool composition that I think would have worked out really nice if the Sun would have made an appearance but it was just too cloudy this morning but a few of you have asked me to do some drone photography now I typically don't do that because I have the Mavic Pro and I just don't think the camera on its that fantastic but while I was flying it around getting some b-roll for this segment the the lighting when I was flying it over the metolius arm and just the composition and the mountains in the background I just really liked so I went ahead and shot a picture that I'll share with you guys and see how it came out but I'm not gonna give up on some normal photography either I'm gonna just take the camera and go for a walk along the shoreline and see if we can't shoot something just handheld that we like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we are back from our little photography adventure it was a nice walk around the shoreline there but I don't think I got anything that really inspired me the lighting was really flat with all the clouds and I just have a hard time being inspired with flat lighting I know a lot of people can shoot really nice pictures in flat lighting but I I always kind of struggle with that a little bit but anyways we're back now and we're getting breakfast going I'm really liking using the back of the trailer as a workspace with the shelf here and then having the tailgate down and everything is actually working out to make a pretty decent little workspace but I want to finish getting this breakfast gun because I'm starving [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we're starting to get everything staged and ready to go so that we can pack up and get out of here it's been a good camp I've enjoyed I've enjoyed this camp location like I said I really do enjoy utilizing actual campgrounds when you're in the offseason and there's nobody here a couple of people have driven through just checking things out but nobody camped up here where I'm at so it's been nice and quiet and real pleasant and it was nice to have you know quick access down to the lake and even though that shot didn't work out it still was you know just real nice just to take a walk down there but anyhow I'm gonna finish letting this fire burn down I'm gonna get the tent and the awning and everything put away and get the trailer hooked up and get out of here I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did the likes and comments really do help and if you're not subscribed to my channel I really encourage you to subscribe if you and if you did enjoy this video as far as the photography goes I'd like to invite you guys if you're not following me on Instagram to follow me on Instagram because I do shoot a lot of other photography or shoot photography a lot more often than one I video and it seems like for the most part that I probably have more luck when I'm not trying to get video and shoot photography at the same time so if you're not following me on Instagram and you're on and you're on Instagram I encourage you to follow me there and that's primal underscore outdoors on Instagram so go check that out but anyhow we'll see you guys again outside
Channel: Primal Outdoors - Camping and Photography
Views: 71,519
Rating: 4.9602857 out of 5
Keywords: car camping, tent camping, cvt tent, campground, Campground Camping, Off Season
Id: VDsJ6QwyYA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2018
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