Car camping in florida is hard. Period.

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welcome back it's been a little bit since I picked up my van from it sitting for a couple weeks full of stuff it was so gross so dirty it literally smelled like a shop and so um first of all I had to clear the whole van out of all that stuff and clean it up [Music] so we're gonna go on a little Adventure but before we do that I have to finish setting up the van so this is where we're at right now I think it looks so cute um I went to Walmart and I got a carpet this one looks really pretty and then I got some fabric some string and some velcro and I made up these curtains [Music] so my original plan was to with fabric glue fold over the edges and fish the string through but that's just so much work and it takes four to six hours to dry and so I decided I would just cut a bunch of holes and then fish the string through the holes and I think it would look adorable like that anyways and then go from there now we're just going to cut holes [Music] this might not withstand the test of time but it's fine [Music] here we go I think this is going to be so adorable [Music] foreign [Music] I think it's very cute now I just have to take all the bottoms the exact same way or not so all I need to do now is put my bed in put my stuff in and then we can hit the road foreign oh goodness what a treat oh my gosh in the YouTube video I posted of me making this bed I measured how high to make it based off of me sitting on the frame I didn't take into account the slats and the foam and like so many of you commented that and yeah you're right I I didn't I just didn't want to go any lower than that measurement because I wanted to be able to fit a bunch of things if I wanted to underneath the bed and so yeah I do I have to slouch slightly I can't sit up straight but honestly I'm not mad about it I can kneel next to the bed or I can just have poor posture or I can just lay down there's many options so yeah I saw your comments and sometimes it'd just be like that foreign okay let's go [Music] [Music] first stop side of the road so I can feel my power steering because I forgot nice [Music] okay so um I don't actually know where I'm going exactly I've marked a bunch of different locations in this General location that I feel like would be good but I don't actually know so I'm gonna have to check out some places and see how I feel Layla and I have my period so I'd like to be somewhere where there's uh dogs are okay and maybe there's a bathroom that would be lovely if not I can just pee in a cup and hope for the best but um so we'll see what happens I need to stop for some food to make for dinner and then I'm gonna recheck my options and then see what happens foreign I was scheduled to arrive at two but I didn't get anything to eat for dinner so I had to make a couple stops and then I I'm craving um liver and onions and somehow to buy liver is really hard here in Canada I feel like every single grocery store has liver and it's like three dollars for a whole whack of it and I'm just not able to find that so I've been to three one two three this is my fourth grocery store to find liver and um then once this is done I can finally try to find a spot to park for a bit but even that I don't I don't I don't know I don't know what I'm doing [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] area you're not allowed to be here longer than three hours so I guess that's considered a rest um which is a shame so I'm gonna have to find somewhere else along this path I guess wow look at this tree [Music] [Music] wasting this time [Music] and my eyes they still burn for tomorrow [Music] [Music] I'm keeping up look how far she went [Music] wow this is such a nice spot there's nobody on this little beach it's just me if it wasn't for all the road noise I would feel like I'm in my own little Paradise it's too bad I can't park here overnight it's van lifing must be difficult something you gotta I don't know finding parking seems like it's hard wow be overnight parking that would just be so fantastic this is so cute I wish there was a toilet close by hi well I don't know that it's legal that I parked like this but honestly there's no one else around not bad the road is so loud though but I don't know it looks nice [Music] frick ah I don't have a fridge and I have liver and bacon I should probably cook it I think I'll wait till I think I'll wait till night time or I'm not hungry I just want to chill [Music] foreign [Music] okay so my period is so bad and there's no bathrooms around here so I'm gonna I saw earlier when I was driving that there are some porta potties on the pier so I'm gonna drive over there to see if I can find a porta potty if not I'm gonna go somewhere to find a bathroom because I can't live like this so yeah let's go find a porta potty huh Hi how are you all right good how does this work I'm glad you're going fishing no I was honestly looking for a porta potty I was just parked over there spelling the second one we have really nice restrooms there's four restrooms on the pier there's a bait shop down there I'm not going to charge it thank you [Music] okay yeah there's people here 24 . there's people in the bait shop 24 hours okay thank you so much he was nice it's eight dollars to come on to this pier but that was free so I could go to the bathroom [Music] success so I guess I'm gonna go back to that spot okay so I've just been sitting on this pier for like an hour and um I don't want this food to go to waste so I really think that I should cook it here because the bathroom's here and I can wash my hands after dealing with raw meat and I just think it will be better in the long runs even though I really don't want to do it I just kind of want to go to bed we're we're gonna go ahead and cook basically this is the meal liver onion and some bacon [Applause] that's probably good come on buddy foreign [Applause] wow foreign this in the worst way foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] it wasn't the best sleep ever honestly I liked silence and darkness when I sleep so the vehicles um driving by and then someone came and parked like right next to me it was so loud last night and um so yeah not the best sleep but only because of the external thing so my bed feels comfortable I felt comfortable in here I wasn't nervous or anything [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Juliana
Views: 147,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Florida, Car camping, van life, solo female, dog life, dogs of van life, travel
Id: mXflck-se-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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