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[Music] welcome to the wonderful world of stained glass in this short film we're going to look at how beautiful windows were created hundreds of years ago and we'll be visiting craftsmen and women who are still making stained-glass windows today since the beginning of time light has been thought of as divine and for a pilgrim visiting a medieval building such as Ely Cathedral this would have been a profoundly moving experience in medieval times windows like these were very expensive often commissioned by Kings bishops or other wealthy donors stained-glass windows became the perfect means for illustrating stories and figures from the Bible so how was glass discovered glass is a product of molten sand which comes from a hard rock called silica and potash which is found in wood ash it is said that the first glass was discovered by accident in Syria over 5000 years ago when some Phoenician sailors were cooking their supper over a fire they balanced their pots on lumps of salt and in the morning they found the sand on the riverbank melted by the intense heat of the fire had mixed with the salt and wood ash and turned to glass the uses of glass evolved over the next two thousand years but it was the introduction of the blowing iron by the Romans in about 40 BCE that completely transformed glass production much larger vessels could be made in any number of shapes and by blowing glass into balloon like cylinders and splitting open the balloons even thinner sheets of glass were produced so when did stained-glass windows first appear in English buildings [Music] stained-glass window making reached its peak between 1100 and 1500 the techniques were a close kept secret but in the early 12th century a monk called Theophilus began to compile a handbook of all the processes coloring and blowing glass mixing paint and putting the windows together since then remarkably techniques have hardly changed glass is traditionally colored by adding precious metals such as copper cobalt iron and gold in England making colored glass didn't take off until the 1800s but now there is only one factory left in the United Kingdom blowing hot glass with stained glass windows the glass blowers have to be very strong and agile every twist turn and swing is a critical part of the process it's a skill that has changed little since Roman times once blown the cylinders of glass are cut open and flattened using a block of dampened wood every window has a design the artist sketches out the window to scale on large pieces of paper in medieval times when paper was scarce the design was drawn on a whitewashed board using this scale drawing the pieces of glass are then cut to size in medieval times glass was first cut using a hot bar of iron nowadays a small wheel cutter is used and then the glass is cleaned up around the edges with a grossing iron the glass is often decorated with paint glass paint is made of powdered glass mixed with an oxide which colors it brown black glass painting requires great skill and years of practice to perfect brushes made from animal hair such as donkey squirrel or badger are often handmade and are selected by the artist who wants to create a particular effect at the beginning of the 14th century a new way of coloring glass was discovered using a substance called silver stain when applied to clear glass and fired in the kiln it stains the glass a beautiful yellow color it's been used ever since to highlight features such as crowns hair angel's wings and architecture in stained glass after painting and staining the glass is fired in a kiln to fuse the paint to the glass surface medieval kilns were built in the open air and he stood by charcoal getting the fire to exactly the right temperature around 650 degrees centigrade was critical each firing took two and a half days today we can fire the glass in a gas fired kiln in 40 minutes lead is the perfect material for making up stained glass windows as it is soft easy to cut and rust-proof sadly there is very little small-scale production of lead casting left in England the lead is cast in a mould and then passed through a Ledge mill to produce strips called canes a lead came has a groove on either side into which the edges of the glass fit [Music] we're LED joints meet they are fixed with the solder a mixture of tin and lead finally the completed panel is made watertight with a black putty and is then ready for fitting the panels are attached to bars of iron or bronze in the window opening copper or LED ties are soldered to the panels to make sure they are firmly fixed colored glass never fades this doesn't mean though that the glass is everlasting exposure to weather pollution gunshots and even low-flying birds can damage windows over time new techniques have extended the possibilities for both the professional and amatuer stained glass artists but there is still so much to do in the conservation and repair of historic stained glass many highly skilled artists and craftsmen are involved in making stained glass we have seen the ancient techniques of the glass blur and the lead maker the skill of the glass painter and the glazier and the important role of the 21st century conservator today we can still be transfixed by the amazing beauty of stained glass not only in churches but in public buildings museums and private houses stained glass windows capture and transform light in truly magical ways [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Stained Glass Museum
Views: 39,841
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Id: rkoEqFHhELA
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Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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