Capture the Kat + Outer Space Case 🐈 Kid Vs. Kat - Wildbrain

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] taller [Music] who's up for a different game capture the flag we play pop star but we can't do it without him can we play let your pain oh we got all the players we need Ashley coop capture the flag is more fun with more people no way capture the flag is a man's game girls are tough enough but Millie's on our team yes I'm not playing against ur Danny value oh cool oh great so what do we call ourselves how about like boars awesome well we're the [Music] yeah what okay you know the rules if you capture the other teams flag and bring it back to home base about getting tagged you win if you're touched you have to freeze till a teammate tags you [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we can see the vampire blaggers coming from every direction it's perfect touch a flag and wave it in these things you and Dennis go I'll stand guard it's the rules um the two shortest people have to stick together you're only taller cuz of your hair Rory in their territory forget tagging just get the flag [Music] [Music] no way I'm getting soaked just to get a plague these are new speakers we need a bridge or an inflatable dinghy or a helicopter up there Oh got it oh man II tagged us ha you guys are frozen get ready to lose fleece we didn't get our new sneakers with can't believe we both got tagged Millie's like a monkey swinging on vines she went one foot off my nose my sneakers soaked in boogers forget all that the point is coop shaded not me it was cat I saw him going here oh there he goes again blaming everything on that ball rat I mean that cute hypoallergenic pet game over we win the vampire flaggers win with superior skill and brains not because somebody cheats we demand a rematch you've got it may the best team win and may the worst cat lose [Music] put the flag in those thorny bushes if they try to grab it go get scratched yes sir started this but we're gonna finish it I don't care what I have to do whoo-whee if they're gonna play with traps then we're gonna give you Millie's flag fair and square [Music] she's kind of scared I've always thought so [Music] get lost would you why do you always have to ruin our I'm gonna change we know isn't it cool you guys made this Wow they made wine last those two it's not cheating if everyone is feeding if you weren't cheating this time you're actually cheating why not cheating yeah oops a cheater fine forget the rules we play one last game everything goes loser has to clean out cat's litter box for the next year huh that's not such a big deal oh yeah you haven't seen cat's litter box [Music] we'll slob or shake on it we accept your challenge but morning we don't really have to shake after all [Music] dangly mirrors of mayhem will get their eyeballs you worry about the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] check it out the new captain flash droid limited-edition figure Bank bubble blowing elements coming out it comes with bubblegum wipers - do you smell something burning the captain blaster Roy guide to the unknown galaxies quiz ok in what episode did the captain battles you're gonna send an extra double evil doppelganger uh-60 to me rom they're gonna screen was in episode 148 w double trouble what's that man couldn't be what colors are the four frozen rivers of the planet cord off easy purple Ron again it's a trick question why not there's no color how does he know how did the captain destroy here gunfire yah yah gasps who is the Jolly Roger captain robots pirate uncle what's a silicon son the best darn desert legality she's right why would old lady Munson know so much about captain blaster maybe she's been replaced by a shape-shifting dog for Beast one weird creature in my life is grand hey what's the comics [Music] blaster binding space string only a blasteroids strength when your glove can fire this stuff freedom the captain blasteroids salute your son play with that string flinger glove brawler I might have disintegrated you with my CB blaster [Music] [Laughter] [Music] bubble blowing helmet they're not even out yet how did old lady Munson get access to top-secret prototype elastomer technology mrs. Munson it won't happen again Wow that woman is from another planet entirely but Dad old lady Munson's got all the coolest new blaster would gear coop the last thing she cares about is your favorite TV show now promise me you'll stay away from her okay [Music] access denied you are not official space Tony Denis someone's an old lady Munson's can you get a positive ID I'll try hey that's going for a suitcase why would he care about luggage [Music] why would it go see old lady Munson she must have lured him into some kind of trap whoa whoa whoa you boys wouldn't be going over to old lady Munson's would you nope just heading back upstairs good just keep right on walking the captain will be trapped with old lady Munson intact operation just admiring your lovely outfit really and your hair is almost perfect let me just fix it up [Music] these are working yeah come right in sweetie hey there's this blaster cat with a CD blaster not good curious this must be yours lady how do we get past the scanner easy we guess there is [Music] welcome home who wants to see an advanced copy of the new captain blaster Roy be then I can spoil it for coop Oh she's evil err than cat come on Dennis [Music] [Applause] [Music] we get we got you surrounded Wow well lady Monson Sonic is exactly like Captain blasteroids mission control toys [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] they're just harmless TV props [Music] something around here the canal puzzlement no big rock check back we could catify it maybe you could work I bet it just needs the right fuel [Music] [Music] hold it right there [Music] [Applause] time to cool your jets boys go commando wow thanks captain coming at you Munson Watson how can someone so cool be related to old lady Munson cat was gonna use blast droid technology to destroy us all and then there'd be no more captain blaster order I take it you boys are fans of my show yes well I think we've learned some important lessons here first that my show is popular with beings of all ages shapes and sizes second speaking around leads to hurt feelings and broken toys you see stop flapping your Yap Dwight we're not on TV now yes Andy Johanna guns get to work cleaning this mess up inspections in one hour we finally get to meet our hero and we end up sweeping his floor I know isn't it cool coop you broke your promise looks like you'll be defending the galaxy from your bedroom for the next two months you're grounded [Music]
Channel: Kid vs. Kat - WildBrain
Views: 2,475,951
Rating: 4.0819778 out of 5
Keywords: kidvskat, kid, vs, kat, kidvskatwildbrain, kid vs kat, kid vs kats, kid versus kat, kid vs kat wildbrain, cartoon, cartoons, kids cartoons, cartoons for kids, cartoons for children, kats, cats, kid vs cat, kid vs kat episodes, coop, millie, kid vs kat characters, mr kat, fiona, dennis
Id: rWbL31vsofk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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