Capture One Pro Tips - New Healing Mask and Cloning Tools - 20.1

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[Music] this session covers the healing mask and cloning mask tools that are available to us in capture one now in the May 20 2008 the healing tools were completely revamped they're re-engineered from the ground up and it's a very different way of working and it's a workflow that saves a lot of time compared to the way that we used to do things we're going to cover that in today's session but before we do that we're actually going to go into the differences between clone and heal so that we're all on the same page to start with so here's a picture of our Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco and let's just zoom right the way in probably to an unfair amount of 400% to see there's a plain trail that's going through this night shot quite a normal scene of a normal thing to see in this sort of scene so for the purposes of demonstrating the difference between cloning and healing I'm gonna stick to the old way of working with the manual method and then we're going to cover the new way of working in a second so one difference you will notice in the update is we've now got a dedicated brush up here on our toolbar so if I hold down the mouse button we've got a choice now of draw a healing mask which is the cue and the shortcut key cloning mask which is s on the shortcut key S can stand for stamp if you want and remove spot which is oh and we've always had the spot tool obviously but not only is it up there these tools are now mimicked here in the layers palette so we've also got a healing tool here and a cloning tool here and that's alongside our radial mask and our brush and our eraser that were always there so for the purposes of this session let's create a new clone layer so we're gonna manually create a clone layer and that shows us as a clone layer with the little stamp tool so even if I rename it to anything I want we know it's a clone layer because the stamp icon is stop there I'm gonna choose my cloning mask tool or I could have pressed s on the keyboard and that gives me a brush just like I'm used to with all the normal settings that I'd have so let's now start cloning so let's give it a rid of the light oh and what's happened capture one has warned me to say in order to clone a source point must be defined in other words I can't just paint pixels from the middle of nowhere I've got to tell capture one where I want to take pixels from and where I want to put them so the way I do that is with the option key so Windows is an alt key on a Mac it's the option key and I find an area that I like to look off so let's try and stick to the same cable and let's go for this part here option key and click once that tells it its source point in orange now I decide where I'm going to paint these pixels and just click normally with normal mouse button and start painting now that's done a good job in terms of copying pixels from top to bottom but it's done a horrendous job in terms of making it realistic and the reason is because the clone tool literally takes the pixels that are up here and paints them wherever I've told it so if there's any difference in let's say luminance or saturation whatever which there is in this case it's pretty obvious even as I start to zoom out that while there's no plane trail there there is something there that I've obviously repaired so it's a bad box job of a repair so instead we have the healing tool so let's turn off our clone layer so let's get back to our little plane trail and I'm gonna create a new heal layer exactly the same process so let's go and choose our healing mask tool up here or I could have pressed Q on the keyboard this one's a little bit large so I'm going to change the size of our brush hardness I'm gonna just increase a little bit and opacity and flow typically you want them at a hundred percent because we obviously we want to repair the entire layer there are cases where you'd want them down a little bit but don't worry about it for now let's just leave them at a hundred so exactly the same I'm gonna choose my source point so I'm gonna hold down the option key or Alt key on Windows that's my source and I'm now gonna choose where I want to start painting as my destination so just with the normal mouse button and start painting now as I hold the mouse button down we see a very similar effect to the clone tool but when I let go capture one's now gonna do some calculations and blend that image or that repair in so it's a bit like buffing a car repair effectively it's matching the luminosity of the pixels around it and it's making you look far more realistic in terms of a natural view of where a repair was done rather than just turn that heal there off and turn the clone layer on rather than literally a copy and paste from another on the image so that's the difference between healing and cloning now let's look at the workflow because what you just saw there was actually the old way of doing things which was I'd have to choose an origin and have to choose destination so here's a picture from Iceland let's imagine we want to do some healing so in the old way I would create a new heal there great and I would actually use the brush tool as I was brushing a mouse we didn't have a dedicated healing tool but let's say I'm using the brush layer and I'm gonna increase my brush size and it's this lump that I want to get rid of here this bit of ice is a bit distracting so just let before I would hold down the option key so let's say take it from here and I would now start painting here because this is the bit I don't want and capture one has done a very good job of hiding that piece of ice though don't want and it's used the texture and the content from this area here and pasted over to that with some luminosity blending as well now the problem with the old way was that every heal there could only have one origin vector so in other words if I start painting here it's gonna take the same vector from this repair and place it up here so it would take the vector from let's say this ice block that's all fine but if I want to get rid of this piece of ice here I don't want to be copying parts of this ice block Ursula what would happen if I took the same vector ooh that's not great and over here I get even worse because if I want to get rid of this ice block on the right hand side will the vector that we're currently using would take the source from off the canvas there isn't actually any content to place there so what you'd have to do is you'd have to create multiple different heal layers and I used to end up calling them you know right to left top right to bottom left top to bottom and with a 16 layer limit that's in capture one we have a challenge in terms of running out of letters very quickly if we're doing lots of healing so in the new version the update from May 2020 the engineers are capture one have done a sterling job of getting rid of that horrible process and making something that's really truly very so let's let's go back to our image where we were so just a sky layer that was just a graduated filter on the sky and our background layer now let's imagine I was just on my little pointer tool and we want to get rid of this lump of ice on its own no longer do I have to create a layer I can either choose this tool up here for heal or this tool here for heal let's click on that one I don't have to tell it an origin I just draw and if you look I've still got the mouse button held down capture one is automatically now created a heal there on the top left called heal there one it's automatically selected it and it started to paint and it started to paint using an origin from over here it's decided that's the best origin for me we'll come back to that in a second so what if I want to get rid of this one over here on the right now just like I did before well it couldn't possibly use the same origin because if it did it would be off the canvas to the top right so let's just draw and see what it does it's taken a different origin he's taken what he now believes is the best one for there and let's get rid of this stone here has taken a new origin let's get rid of this one down the bottom another new origin let's get rid of this one another new origin let's get rid of this little cluster here yet another new origin in fact we can get very carried away here to the point where we're getting rid of every single other thing on the beach other than this big block of ice now this is a big enough move on its own in terms of I'm not having to create origins I'm not having to create different layers so my l'Estaque here if you notice on the left is still heal there one there's only one layer here and it's doing all this healing what happens is when you do the first healing brush capture under some calculations it might take a little bit longer than the subsequent ones but it's doing some caching of the image and then effectively you can add as many heal layers or sorry heal points onto one heal layer as you can imagine I've tried to break it I haven't been able to i've tried adding many many many points even overlapping ones ones that don't make sense the capture one just keeps on going and going going so when we find the limit I'll try and let no but for right now I would assume it's pretty much limitless for most purposes of photography so here is a layer single heal layer with one two three four five six seven eight nine ten different points all with different origins but some of the origins as you can see I'm not too keen on so I don't actually like this origin here so let's click on this one and just move the origin that's better and on this one up here I don't want to copy this rock so I'm just gonna move that origin this one here looked a bit wrong because it's taken for some reason the origin from the shadow and put it down here so let's just bring it back out into the daylight and that'll blend that in nicely Oh bit too much let's maybe go from there that's better this one's a little bit wrong but let's just move that there so what I found is probably eight times out of ten it guesses the origin pretty accurately the correct origin on the times it doesn't you can just override it there's no problem and you can still create a manual one if you want to so I can still hold down the option key and I can still paint with my own manually created origin now if I paint near to that you'll see it hasn't created another origin because what it's worked out is actually that origin is fine for this little cluster and if I want to see the clusters if I press the M key on my keyboard for masks not only does it show me where I've actually painted and from what origin but it's actually showing me the content of what was underneath the mask so although I've got my mask on in red I can now see the original content if I turn the mask off I see the blended content so what we've got here is an option to be able to see before and after without having to turn the layer off and on now this is an extreme example I'm just using it ticket just to show you how many points we've got if I don't like these arrows they're disturbing me well a if I move the cursor at any point off of the canvas the arrows disappear be they only appear when I'm on that healing layer and see if I really don't like them if I right-click on the brush I've got the option here to display ours on or off if I don't want it I just turn that off and I don't see the arrows at all but for me it's quite useful to see the origins because I might want to fix them at some point so that's the new healing layer now the clone layer for exactly the same reason as before we still need to create an origin so while we've got some improvements here in terms of speed we still have to do the origin work with a clone so with a clone layer we click on the stamp tool here or the clone tool either up here in the top menu or on the layers palette and just like with the healing layer as I start drawing so let me just make my brush a little bit bigger so you can see it so if I just started drawing here it's gonna say that same warning in order to clone a source but we must be defined fine and I'm gonna say here's my source now the second I've set my source exactly the same as he'll is now created a new clone layer on the left hand side I can rename that if I want but that source is now set and as I paint it's literally painting those pixels it's not doing the clever stuff that the healing layer will do it's not doing any luminosity matching it's not doing any texture matching but what it is doing is automatically creating the layers as and when I see fit now let's imagine I'm on my sky layer and I'm playing with the exposure so let's say up here fine and I want to just do a quick heal so let's change my brush here to healing mask and think actually I just want to get rid of this little block of ice down here on the right as well click look what's happened capture one has automatically now switched me to the heal layer on the left hand side and it's automatically gone and created a new origin for that particular support of sound and just gonna correct some of these because some of them are not a fan of where he's taken the origin from so where we're at as it stands is we've got a layer here which has got a lot of different healing positions a lot of different origins without having to create multiple different layers but I still can if I want to so if I create another heal there with my tool and let's draw that one there so another heal layer on top of the original heal layer that's still possible you can still create multiple heal layer if you choose to same with clone you might want one version of the image with that cloned out and one version without or so on you can create a variant or you can just do it with the layers and their opacity now if for instance I was on that sky layer again and just happened to start clicking around with our healing tool again capture one is gonna choose the uppermost healing layer so it always chooses the one on the top automatically and it's automatically in the choosen origin and it's all demanding in the painted-on now with the old healing brush if I'd tried to do that up on that sunshine it would have just gone horrendous this wrong on the new one not only did you get it pretty right in the first place but the ability to tweak it is actually really really powerful and we're in to a good place from one click so that's our healing clone layers obviously you can see how much more powerful they are and actually from a speediness point of view compared to the old way of doing it not only is it less clicks but actually what I've found is capture one now is a lot more responsive on the healing layers what about fine-tuning though so let's have a look in our San Francisco shot again so now we know the easy way of doing it I'm just gonna press the Q button for my healing tool I'm gonna make that brush a little bit smaller now of course just by pressing the healing tool doesn't create the layer it only creates the layer when I start to heal so I'm gonna hold down the mouse button and we're just gonna click along the line of that plain trail and you can see it's created a new heal there on the top left and it should choose a perfect origin wonderful now what happens if the origin was slightly out well obviously we could click on the origin until it goes Orange and then I can move it around if I want to but sometimes this can be a little bit fiddly so here's a really really cool trick in the new version if I make sure the origin is Orange I can now move the origin in increments using the cursor keys on my keyboard so if I want fine-tuning one pixel at a time I don't have to worry about holding down the mouse perfectly still I can just literally use my cursor keys on my keyboard and shift it one pixel across at a time with each increment so let's let's just have a little look at some ease and quick versions of doing this so here's a shot from on a lake in California if and I'm not saying we would but if we wanted to get rid of these pebbles a lot of people would look at this in the old way of working and thinking oh this isn't gonna go well well let's give it a try so here's my new healing brush and I'm just gonna make our brush a little bit bigger it's about there and let's get rid of this rock first one is doing that caching work it's done a pretty good job let's get rid of this rock yeah this rock this rock this rock all of these rocks capture one is working out the best origin to take the source from and it's then blending the luminosity of the destination with the new pixels to make it look completely natural so with one click per origin so we've got one two three four five six seven different origins on one healing layer that was seven clicks after I pressed the healing tool and we've gone from that to that that's pretty impressive so the new heal brush and the new cloning tools really really powerful tools really get to know them really get to use them but the workflow has been made so much easier now I'm hoping everyone's gonna enjoy using them rather than being scared when they load them up [Music] you
Channel: Paul Reiffer
Views: 6,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Capture One, Capture One Pro, How To Guide, Post-Processing, Post Processing, Image Editing, Tutorial, Tools, Photo Editing, RAW, Processing, Software, How To, Learn, Guide, Pro, Phase One, Paul Reiffer, Photography, Quick, Lessons, Tips, Tricks, In Depth, Detailed, Landscape, Heal, Healing, Clone, Cloning, Tool, Mask, Masks, Update, 20, New, Origin, Source, Destination, Workflow, Heal Mask, Healing Mask, Healing Layer, Heal Layer, Adjustment, Brush, Dust Spot, Removal, Repair, 20.1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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