Capture One 20: Easily Change Any Color Using Color Editor

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today I'll take you through how to change color using the color editor in capture one welcome back guys this amazing image was provided by one amazing photographer Joey Dutch how include his link in the description so you can check his works out you can check links to other videos in this series in the description if you haven't subscribed yet this would be a good time to hit the subscribe button and hit the bell so you don't get to miss any of my future uploads this image has already been robbed processed an amazing image it is isn't it let's say we want to change this blue here to another color we want most people will do this in Photoshop but capture one has a nice way of doing this seamlessly and easily now let's go to color tab then scroll down to the color editor if you look here we have basic which gives us just some basic colors that you can just pick and then work with and then we have the advanced where you get to choose which color you want you use the color picker and then pick the start range of colors you want which you can tweak to either add or subtract so that's what we'll be using from here so let's do that right away let's pick the color picker and then come anywhere now this blue is the same shade all round so we can pick from in a parts and you see he gives us a range of you know that shade of blue now if we had a dark colors no close to this range would have used the handles here to confine it to just a place and there is one feature here the view selector color range if you select it see increase out every other color so any other color does greyed out means it's not part of the range so as you can see clearly here it's just blue that's visible which means we are okay with our selection so let's disable it and then go in there now this is where everything happens if you look here we have hue which you already know what it says it has to do with the color so if you go here it's negative and if you go here it's positive so it's the same way as we go positive that you're coming was this end if you go to the left which is negative you're going towards the spent so if you want let's say is it purple or pink this kind of color then we'll have to go here one now capture la makes its you know in a way that every change here looks realistic they don't want it in a way that you just slide and then get some unrealistic colors so you can go plus or minus 30 at a go so now if we want to go somewhere here we might need to push this about two or three times to get that color if you go one we have something close to this place so we need to use the color picker take this car like AC we get the second instance of that they will move it to the right again see we're getting close to that so if there is not a color we want then we can click on it again it gives us a third instance we move it and then see now we add the color we want now if we look at the edges over here we realize that some of the blues we're left out so now we can go to this and then start increasing but then we would have to do that for or since as we do it you see the blue starts to these appear gradually now we have a background change to the color that's we want we can go here and then now work on the saturation if you want it's more saturated or less saturated we can do that or if you want it lighter or darker I think lighter or darker we can always do that you know this is a very simple way of changing color now let's say we disable all these and then we would want to change it for just the yellow so it is simply we just pick the yellow and then look at the U now you realize that the skin tone has some yellows in it so now we can try using this to see so as we slide it there it takes away some of the tones on the skin if you take it further you realize that some of the yellows here are being taken up so in this case what we can do is let's go ahead and then just as the chord is in like that's no problem if we change the hue it will affect the skin also so the best way to do this is to create a mask of only the dress and then apply this to it so let's let's go ahead and do that even though I already have a video on how to select mic mask on image and then image the effects to just that mask but let's just go ahead and then okay this or let's delete this and then with a brush to just press B on your keyboard and then let's mask this out M has been pressed so that we get to see mask as we paint so I just do a rough selection here since this is the tutorial but it pays to have a concise selection if you are doing this like for real I'm using the mouse so I'm suffering a bits I'm used to my Wacom so this is the mask let's go ahead and disable it so you see creates a layer for us now if we come here and click this this and then we have this if we move its to this you see now the effect is only on the dress it doesn't affect the face because we have limited the effects to the mask that we created so you see if we disable this mask see it affects only this so we can go ahead create extra ones then change their color see just like that we've been able to change the color easily in capture one see the edges are not small so you can refine your selection so that it's it's seamless you get it so this is how easy it is to change color in CAPTCHA one if you haven't subscribed yet just go ahead and subscribe hit the bell so don't get to miss any of my subsequent videos and if this video has been helpful to you go ahead and like it and share it with someone you think will benefit from it I hope this has been informative for you and I'd like to thank you for watching
Channel: Ghananie Photography
Views: 3,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ghananie photography, ghanaian photographer, ghana photography, Color Editor, capture one color grading, capture one color editor, capture one color balance, easily change color in capture one, capture one, capture one 20, capture one tutorial, capture one 20 color editor, capture one 20 tutorial for beginners, capture one color editor tutorial, portrait color grading capture one, cinematic color grading capture one, capture one pro tutorial, capture one color grading tutorial
Id: svPPlnqZx3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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