Captain - of Dirt and Grace - Hillsong UNITED

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Through waters uncharted my soul will embark I'll follow Your voice straight into the dark And if from the course You intend I depart Speak to the sails of my wandering heart Like the wind You'll guide Clear the skies before me And I'll glide this open sea Like the stars, your Word Will align my voyage And remind me where I've been And where I am going Lost in the shallows amid fear and fog Your truth is the compass that points me back north Jesus, my captain My soul's trusted Lord All my allegiance is rightfully Yours Like the wind, You'll guide Clear the skies before me And I'll glide this open sea Like the stars, Your Word Will align my voyage And remind me where I've been And where I am going Like the wind, You'll guide Clear the skies before me And I'll glide this open sea Like the stars, Your Word Will align my voyage And remind me where I've been And where I am going Jesus, my captain My soul's trusted Lord All my allegiance is rightfully Yours
Channel: Hillsong UNITED
Views: 2,135,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captain hillsong united live, captain of dirt and grace, captain hillsong united acoustic, captain hillsong, captain dirt and grace, captain hillsong united, captain hillsong live, hillsong captain, hillsong united captain, captain hillsong acoustic, captain live, hillsong united, of dirt and grace, hillsong captain live, captain hillsong of dirt and grace
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2016
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