Captain Marvel Review - YMS

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I haven’t seen the film yet so I can’t say how much I personally agree or disagree with but this was a good review and I appreciated Adum’s nuanced take on everything, like acknowledging the dumb backlash but not letting it compromise his opinion on the film one way or another. And he understands that since he’s not a big superhero guy there are probably people who will enjoy it.

It is too bad hearing some of the mixed things on Brie Larson’s performance/character. I really loved her performance in Room.

👍︎︎ 89 👤︎︎ u/AKenjiB 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Honestly I think after the next avengers I’m done with marvel movies.

👍︎︎ 52 👤︎︎ u/Bagpipesdude22 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Glad he mentioned the so unsubtle sexist men they felt the need to force into the film. Rolled my eyes at those moments.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/BloodyRedBarbara 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Now we know Adum doesn't like women.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/thatguy13131313 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

I enjoyed it. The first 15-20 minutes is rough to get through but it finds it stride after that. It probably falls somewhere in the middle of my rankings of all the MCUs.

And holy shit that child actor was bad.

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/ThisGuyLikesMovies 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

The comments are exactly as I expected:

- "Alita was a better movie"
- "Brie Larson is bad"
- "Something something Captain Marvel white male, movie isn't for you"
- "Can't wait for the Academy to nominate this too"
- "I think it's just average."

Not that I disagree with everything stated (I do think it's just average), but it feels like all the Captain Marvel reviews I've seen express the same thing in the comments. It's starting to get tedious, just like how the "Black Panther is overrated" counterjerk got as overdone as the "Black Panther is perfect" circlejerk.

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/SendEldritchHorrors 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

When you take a step back, it's not surprising that this is yet another mediocre Marvel movie, and in that light it's unfair to criticize the film itself beyond that. It definitely sucks that Disney is blatantly co-opting a social movement to sell tickets and merchandise, but I think the effect this film will have on a generation of young girls will be genuinely empowering, which is substantial.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/siphillis 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

I think at this point it's easy to guess if Adam will like a movie or not and what score he'll give it. This is exactly what I was expecting.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/insane__knight 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

By the way Scott was the guy that Adam went to the movie with

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/mrmm10 📅︎︎ Mar 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
so I just saw Captain Marvel and it was kinda lame it wasn't the worst thing ever it just wasn't really good man I'm so excited to be talking about another movie where everyone obsesses over the politics behind the film and not the actual filmmaking itself apparently there's some people boycotting and review bombing this movie because brie Larson hates men or something I don't know I usually think it's a pretty good idea to separate art from the artist I mean a lot of other people worked on this movie too that being said brie Larson was not good in this movie and I think it's mostly to do with the writing more than anything else I don't know anything about the comic books and to be perfectly honest I didn't even know this character existed until Marvel decided to make her a movie person but based on what was shown in the film she's just a really lame uninteresting character even from the trailer it was painfully obvious just how vacant and uncharismatic she is she's less of a character and more of a blank slate she's basically a nothing and yeah I get that some of the people making the same criticism are nerd bro man babies but that doesn't make the criticism any less valid her character is painfully uninteresting and it was really difficult to give a [ __ ] about anything that was happening the worst part of the film was the main character and that's not really a good thing there were many attempts at humor but the only genuine laughs I got were not intended by the film there were setups for jokes that were just so painfully obvious it was infuriating and when I say painfully obvious I mean that it almost feels wrong for me to be putting up a spoiler warning for this but okay here you go here's your warning three two one so throughout the course of the film Sam Jackson is obsessing over this CG cat it's not CG and every shot but when it is it's really obvious and distracting at one point there's an alien guy who's really scared of this cat and he's like oh I don't know what a cat is that's not a cat but it's an insert weird alien species named here thing later some aliens put a muzzle on the kitty because they think it's dangerous and it's supposed to be really funny because it's just a little kitty and then later it turns out that the cat really was a dangerous alien haha that was a great joke I couldn't have seen that coming it was so unpredictable this is literally the exact same thing I was talking about in my game night you remember this for next time folks cuz those are the rules if a character is talking about something that nobody believes exists and they make sure to mention it a second time in the film it's a pretty [ __ ] obvious set up so that was just dumb I guess since we're in spoiler territory I'm just gonna mention a couple other things before getting back to the other aspects of the film so there are these aliens that can transform into whatever they want and at some point in the film they become friends with Captain Marvel Jude Law is a bad guy and he's trying to hunt down Captain Marvel and he doesn't know where she is so when he goes to find her one of the transformation aliens is just a hanging around pretending to be her and he's like psych I'm not Captain Marvel she's already gone to do the thing that you don't want her to do cuz she got she got some new information so you can't stop her she's as she's already on her way and then Jude Law kills him but was there any reason why you needed to be there pretending to be Captain Marvel why didn't you just also not be there isn't it the slightest bit counterproductive to let the villain know where she's gone if you hadn't been there pretending to be Captain Marvel then he might not know where she actually was he might have continued searching other places on earth but he kind of just told him what she's doing why the film was also incredibly totally inconsistent they spend the entire movie building up Captain Marvel as a super important character in a super serious movie and then we get to this big fight scene that they've been building up to and they play just a girl by no doubt what the [ __ ] it would make a lot more sense if the entire film was presented as this guardians of the galaxy type thing but it wasn't at all so the choices in this scene felt like they came out of nowhere if her character was written as some lovable dopey dumb goof than sure this could have worked but they instead spend the entire movie insisting on how important and serious she is it did not make any sense there are several points in the movie where she uses random wires that she got from RadioShack to be able to hack a payphone so that she can communicate to spaceships not sure how any of that worked but okay there are some aspects I enjoyed about the film I enjoyed the production design when it came to recreating the 90s I felt as though the story taking place in the 90s made things a bit more interesting and I guess a big factor is that in those means the environments feel real in those scenes it actually feels as though we're watching a movie and not just hanging out in green screen land obviously I cannot say that about the whole film and the first 10 to 20 minutes honestly felt like I was watching some shitty sci-fi TV movie I know this isn't the first Marvel movie to have alien characters that just look like regular people wearing masks but they're pretty present in this film in particular and unfortunately there's no point where I can look at them and seriously believe that it's an alien species so that's annoying the makeup and probably also CG on Sam Jackson making him look young was really convincing I really enjoyed that aspect and it was pulled off really well although there were definitely moments in his physical performance that reminded me that he is in fact a 70 year old man he kneels down to pet the kitty and he gets up really slowly perhaps they should have used a double there like they did with his stunts overall I enjoyed Sam Jackson's character in this movie and he did a good job performing him but unfortunately there's other actors in this film that were not so great namely the child actor she was not convincing in the slightest and her mom was not that great either once again the writing in this film kind of sucks so who knows whose fault that really is there's a scene on a train where she starts fighting someone and then other passengers start to restrain her but these guys restraining her don't even say anything and they just hold on this shot really awkwardly nobody seems like a real person these were clearly movie extras who were not given clear direction unfortunately this film does not do a very good job at effectively communicating the seriousness and importance of this main character so it just repeatedly insists it instead no I see you don't understand Captain Marvel is the most important Avenger and literally everything is because of her and she's the most important and let's retcon this a little it would be perfectly okay if any of this felt genuine but it's just so clearly forced when you leave Disney to pull off something like this it only just winds up coming off as a caricature of a story there are several montages in the film that show Captain Marvel being told by men to stay out of male-dominated spaces and because this is Disney and they don't understand subtlety and none of this is actually genuine it just winds up coming off as a borderline parody I [ __ ] you not there's a dude bro and flight academy being like a you got to get out of here you know why they call it the cockpit right it was pretty funny now I know that there are people out there that exists that are essentially just arguing against this film because they found more elaborate ways to say girls bad and those people are dumb that being said that doesn't make this a good movie regardless of the characters gender she was just poorly written and uninteresting and what more could you seriously expect from a Marvel Disney film I'm not really a big fan of superhero movies in the first place I don't watch every Marvel movie that comes out my friend wanted to see this one so he could get context for Avengers end game and so I decided to watch it too and he was fairly disappointed if you're only watching this movie because you're expecting some context for the next Avengers movie then probably just skip it but if you really really really love everything superhero and there's no such thing as a bad superhero movie to you then probably check it out as for me this is not exactly my cup of tea I wish that this were a better film with better characters better acting that are environments etc but it's not the music was passable but at times it felt like it was ripping off the Mass Effect soundtrack and that's about all I have to say about this movie there are some aspects that I enjoyed but overall yeah and I'm giving this one a 4 out of 10 [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 741,459
Rating: 4.8649716 out of 5
Id: yEal9cL9Vak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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