Cabo de Hornos, el paso marítimo más peligroso de la Tierra

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Thousands of sailors have risked their lives trying to cross there. For centuries it was the most important connection between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, despite the winds, waves and icebergs. We invite you to visit Cape Horn, the most dangerous sea passage on Earth, and to find out if it really is the southernmost point in America. At the southern end of the American continent we find Cape Horn. It is located more than 100 kilometers south of the Big Island of Tierra del Fuego and belongs to Chile. If we look further south we will find Antarctica, separated by about 650 kilometers. Unlike other emblematic capes, Cape Horn is not connected to the rest of the continental territory, but rather an island. By this maritime route the boats that surrounded the south of America have crossed. To understand the extreme of this environment we can compare it with other continents of the hemisphere. The Cape of the Needles, in South Africa, is located on the 34th parallel south. Stewart Island, in New Zealand, on the 47th. Cape Horn, on the other hand, is on the 55th parallel, some 2,000 kilometers further south than african cape. For sailors it is a unique place due to its weather conditions. Strong winds can reach 80 knots, which is equivalent to almost 150 kilometers per hour. Huge waves are generated, which can reach 30 meters in height. In addition, depending on the time of year, it is possible to find icebergs, which constitutes an additional danger. For centuries Cape Horn was one of the main trade routes in the world. It was discovered in 1616 by a Dutch ship. At that time, it allowed adding an alternative to the Strait of Magellan. As the name implies, its paths are narrow, which increased the risk for large ships. Horn, on the other hand, begins the Drake Passage, a wide area that can be crossed, despite the climatic difficulties. But the complications that can arise are enormous. So much so that it is estimated that this area witnessed 800 shipwrecks and 10,000 deaths. During the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries it was an area of ​​great maritime transit. Its importance declined after the inauguration of the Panama Canal in 1914, the place through which the Pacific and Atlantic oceans are currently connected. However, when the Europeans arrived, the region was not uninhabited. There was an indigenous people, the Yagans, also known as Yámanas. They inhabited the area from the south of the Beagle Channel to Cape Horn since 4000 BC. They were dedicated to harvesting, hunting and fishing. They traveled the canals using canoes that they made from the bark of the trees. Inside those canoes they lit small fires to protect themselves from the cold. This gave rise to the name Tierra del Fuego, centuries later, to the largest island in the region. The Yagans protected themselves from the cold with sea lion fat. Although they used some leathers, they left almost their entire body uncovered. They were never a very large people, but the arrival of the Europeans produced a slow decline. The exploitation of whales made less and less food available. In the 20th century they were already very few and they settled on Navarino Island. This people spoke their own language, which was highly studied by linguists for the number of words identified. In addition, according to the Guinness book of records, this language has a word with a very particular record. Mamihlapinatapai is considered the "most concise word in the world" according to that publication. Although it is difficult to translate, it means something like "a glance between two people, each of whom waits for the other to begin an action that they both want but that neither is encouraged to initiate." Since 2003, however, there is only one person in the world who speaks the Yagan language. It is about Cristina Calderón, who grew up in that culture, and only at the age of 9 she learnt Spanish. Several of her family members died, and since her sister did, she no longer has anyone to communicate with in her mother tongue. Cristina is 92 years old and still lives in Navarino. When she dies, a language will also go with her. Back on the island of Hornos, it is currently controlled by the Chilean Navy. A soldier from that country lives there with his family, and the position rotates once a year. They have a house, radio room, chapel and of course, a lighthouse. It is possible to visit the place, since cruise ships regularly arrive. However, it does not matter if you hire it, disembarkation is not guaranteed. The weather is very changeable and sometimes it is impossible to get to the island. As there is no port, the ship remains far away and you have to arrive in small boats. To understand the magnitude of this place we decided to speak with Sir Chandler, a travel blogger, who had the opportunity to be there. We wanted to know his feeling of having been in such an extreme environment. “The feeling is weird. The first time I was there it was a very big ship, it was like a place with wind. Now, the second, no. The time I disembarked at Cape Horn there I felt… a storm was coming overhead, it is a very powerful place ”. We also asked him if at that moment he felt the force of nature and if it occurred to him that thousands of people had lost their lives there, trying to cross. “When I was on a rubber boat arriving at Cape Horn, it inspires you with respect. You think of all the people who died there, all those who passed and ran aground, were shipwrecked. So, the times that I was with the weather it was difficult. But I imagine that if the weather is good, that it should not be very common, and knowing all the stories forces you to have respect for the place ”. On the island there is also a monument with the silhouette of an albatross. It is a bird typical of the area. The flora and fauna have had an enormous development. This is due to the richness of the marine ecosystem in the region. Many animals feed on the algae, which results in a chain that has been strengthened. In addition, foreign species have not been introduced on some of the islands, as happened with the beavers further north. In addition, large protected areas have been created. For example, in 2018, Chile created the Islas Diego Ramírez – Paso Drake Marine Park. It has no less than 140,000 square kilometers, an area larger than the one of all of Nicaragua. It is so called because it includes, precisely, the Diego Ramírez Islands. It is a group of small islands that are 100 kilometers southwest of Hornos. Historically Cape Horn has been considered the southernmost point in America. However, Islote Águila, within Diego Ramírez, is even further south, also within the South American continental plate. The crossing of Cape Horn is also a great challenge for sport sailing. The boys are giving it their all, it shows that we are happy to be here. It was a tough few days in the South Pacific. Very cold, very windy. It is a joy to be here. We know that at this point it can only get better. So everyone happy that today we are crossing Cape Horn. It is a very special place for those seeking to circumnavigate the entire planet. Being able to complete this journey is one of the greatest challenges for sailors. Would you dare to embark towards Cape Horn? Leave your comment below. If you made it this far we would like to invite you to join as a member of Un Mundo Inmenso. With a monthly contribution you can help us make more and better videos. You can also enjoy exclusive content.
Channel: Un Mundo Inmenso
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Keywords: hornos, pasaje de drake, cabo de hornos, pacífico, atlántico, estrecho de magallanes, yaganes, yámanas, cristina calderón, velero, cruce peligroso, cabo, hemisferio sur, armada chile, albatros
Id: XIrc9rn547k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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