Canva Balloon Mockup Tutorial

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canva and la balloons now in canva if you go to your search i want you to type in poster landscape and i want you to click on it and to the left you're going to see create a blank poster i want you to click on that okay now to the left you're gonna see some tabs templates uploads photos elements and text i want you to click on elements now i want you to scroll down and i want you to click on shapes once you have clicked in on shapes i want you to scroll down until you see a u-shaped shape okay down below you're gonna see a circle with arrows following each other that allows you to rotate your image so i want you to rotate to a 180 and let me just make sure nobody else is trying to get in okay um and now what i want you to do is to minimize your picture now in the middle you're gonna see a line okay i want you to expand your chiara wall make it a little bit taller now for those that are not familiar with what a chiara wall is because i do have some people that sometimes imagine what is a jira wall these right here are called shiera walls okay so that's what we are going um to base our mock-up today now um we are going to duplicate the image so if you click on the image all the way to the right you're going to see two squares with a plus sign right next to a little trash can that allows you to duplicate your image now there is another one down here right on top of the page but if you press that one it duplicates your whole entire page we don't want that we just want to duplicate our image okay no so now we have two now that second one i am going to minimize just a little and i am going to duplicate it one more time so i'm going to click on that image i'm going to go all the way to the right and click on my duplicating button and move it to the left so now i have three walls now the middle wall i'm going to change its color so if you click on the image to the top left you're going to see a square okay grade in okay if you click on that it opens up your color scheme i'm gonna choose pink okay so like that you could see our three walls now we're gonna start creating um our garland so we're gonna pick our balloons i want you to click on la balloons and on your search theme i am go i want you to search for moga latex so now anything that's mocha color and latex material i wanted to populate okay now i want you guys to scroll down until you see this 5 inch mocha brown and i want you to click on it now i'm going to right click on that image and i'm going to copy that image now i'm going to my canva i'm going to press ctrl b as in victor so anytime that you guys copy an image from the internet when you go to paste it on your canva you always have to press ctrl v as in victor okay now we're going back to our la and i want you to enter brown latex [Music] no and i want you to scroll down until you see the chocolate brown we're going to copy that image take it to our canva and press ctrl b as in victor and one of the um one of the most important things about using the actual balloon colors is that your client will be able to see um the actual colors of the balloons that you'll be using instead of just using just a regular color scheme of brown and so forth um our last um balloon is gonna be blush so i want you to click on blush i want you guys to copy that image take it to your canva and paint stand right now when you click on the page okay to the top you're gonna see a square with a plus sign that says add a page i want you to click on that so we're going to add a second page now this is something that i personally do um so it's up to you if you guys want to do it but anything that i add on my mockup when it comes to colors or materials or anything i always copy the hyperlink of the balloons that i am using and on that second page i control v and i go saving all the materials that i'm using on my mock-up reason why i do that is because when the client comes back to me and tells me that my work has been approved and she sends me that deposit all i have to do is go to my canva click on that second page and it tells me the colors that i used where did i get them from and you can just start ordering your balloons you don't have to go try to find all the colors all over again now the cool thing about canva too is that um anytime you bring anything with color to your poster canva tries to extract the colors that you're using um to create a color scheme so if i click back on my pink chiara wall and i click back on my pink square now to change the color right here the photo colors you guys are gonna see our balloons so canva is extracting these color schemes for you to use on your project okay now the middle one i am going to do this uh brown right here we're gonna do kind of like a teddy bear theme i'm going to um do this tien the blush color okay now i want you guys are you guys good so far yeah i'm good i mean okay perfect okay thank you jesse okay so now we are going to x out of the shapes okay we're exiting out of the shapes and right below shapes there's frames okay so i want you to click on frames okay now um i want you to click on this round circle one okay right there now for the next step there's two ways that you guys can do what we're about to do this is one of the frames that you guys can use or if you continue scrolling down you are going to see another circle frame with an outline okay now what i am going to do is i am going to grab one of my balloons and i am going to drag it to the frame now i still don't have that perfect round circle that i want so i'm going to double click in my frame and i'm going to expand my balloon and move it to where i only see the frame um build it and i press enter now i'm going to grab my other balloon i'm going to drag it to the frame i'm going to double click grabbing one of those colors to expand it and move it so like that i can get my perfect round shape now i'm gonna do the same thing with my last balloon i dragged it double click expand enter so we have our three colors now we're gonna start creating our garland now whenever i i um i do my garlands i try to vision a real garland okay so i'm gonna bring my balloon to the bottom left corner and to me i've i'm seeing it like that's one of my big 36 inches okay now i'm going to duplicate that same balloon so i'm going to duplicate it and i'm doing a organic balloon so organic means of course that the sizes they don't have to be the same so i'm going to duplicate it and what you could do as well is i always have like my balloons on the top and whichever ones that i need i just click on it and then i duplicate it a couple of times so now i can just go placing my balloons wherever i want them to be if no one hits then we have to go higher oh my god okay now i always um copy my balloons and i do the actual um um the frame of my garland and afterwards then i go messing with um the sizing so now i'm gonna grab my light balloon and i'm gonna bring it here now if you see my light balloon went right behind my dark balloon if i wanted that balloon to come to the front i just right click it and bring to front if i wanted to go to the back right click it and this right here tells you how many layers you wanted to go back do you want it to go all the way back or do you want it to go one layer back so i wanted to go one layer back okay so now i am going to duplicate that one i'm just gonna bring it up here duplicate it a couple of times i'm gonna send it to the back oh my god what did i do so we're gonna do a color blocking so color blocking means that we're gonna do um dark brown light brown dark brown light brown so i want you guys to do your garland until you guys get to that top um chiara wall so just work on that is almost like what is he you're kidding our number right you kidding me okay hi okay so there goes my garland let me know once you guys have um have completed your garland so like that we can move to the next step any questions so far do you prefer using that that first circle that one of the top so when it comes to the frames yeah it it all depends so if i'm using for example like two colors yes so i have two different frames so if i am using colors that are kind of dark and i kind of know that when i do my mock-up the colors are going to clash in so you won't really be able to tell the circle then i use that frame one now if it's a color like this that i can see the actual circle then i don't worry about it so like dark colors the pink colors the blues um sometimes it'll be you'll see it like kind of like uh like they just mix all together you can't see that perfect round gotcha and when it comes to the frames um when you click on the balloon on the frame to the top you're going to see two squares that tells you how many colors your object has so if i click on this brown i can change the color of my outline as you guys [Music] seen yeah then let me know once you guys are done [Music] and we'll move to the next step aiden um there's pizza downstairs and chicken wings go eat some well go get a plate your brother and sister's gonna eat it all then they fat i'm just probably seeing my chick shots right now i'm getting i'm getting close i'm not hitting [Music] okay let me know when you guys are done ready okay perfect jamie you okay yeah yeah okay i'm good perfect so now we're gonna go ahead and add fillers to our balloons okay so that light color balloon i'm going to minimize it just a little okay and i'm going to duplicate that balloon and i'm going to put it right next to it yes sir okay and i'm going to duplicate it one more time and i'm going to put it right on the top just like if i'm creating a triangle so this right here jamie it's a perfect example of you see how the colors kind of clash in together you can't really see that outline so that's what i would use that that frame oh i get you i got you so now what i'm going to do is i am going to group um my three balloons and the way that you do that is the same way you're gonna highlight a text highlight a picture okay you're gonna highlight those three balloons and once you highlight it and let go if you're using a mouse to the top you're gonna see group okay now your three balloons are grouped together so this is a great tool if you're gonna be doing um columns if you're gonna be doing arches of the same height of balloons or even garlands if you have a square backdrop and you finish one side then you could highlight that one side group it and now you can just copy it and put it on the other side so the grouping tool is very beneficial okay now i'm going to duplicate that group and i'm just going to just add it to my garland because those are some of the fillers i'm going to be using okay yep now let's just say you guys um are going to um do a led sign okay you're gonna have an led sign so if you x out of frames right below elements you're going to see text and i want you to click on text now on your search button i want you to enter sparkle so always remember led sign sparkle led design sparkle sparkle is the font that you want to use and i'm going to click on it now i'm going to click in the end and i just want you to put one because they're turning one years old okay and now we are going to drag the one to the middle i'm not doing anything for the chair wall now let's just say the led sound that you have it's a cool white color it's not yellow the way that you change the fonts to your led sign is that you click on the image and to the top you're going to see moon time 131 and then you're gonna see an a with a yellow that says text color you click on that and now you want to click on white okay now i have the cool white led sign if you want to use pink because it's a pink led sign you just click on pink and now it's a white led sign so that's how you guys change the color to your led design okay now i want you to open up one tab and i want you to um go to google and i want you to enter round um pedestal columns because you guys have them you own them and your client is going to rent them from you so round pedestal columns now if you see the circle one you could use it um aidan if you see um this pedestals the set of three you could use it too whichever one you guys wanted to use um so i'm going to click on that set of three okay i'm going to oops i'm going to right click it all right so this one's not going to let me i'm just clicking this one because i know this one for a fact i'm going to copy my pedestal i'm going to go to canva and i'm going to control v okay i'm going to minimize it just a little bit now you guys see that the um pedestal has a white background and i want to remove that so the way that you do that is by clicking on the image to the top left you're going to see effects filter adjust and crop i want you to click on effects and now it gives you the option of background remover okay for those that have pro this is something that you're gonna be able to do if you do not have pro pro is 12.99 a month okay and to me is very beneficial because i do everything in canva when it comes to my flyers logos like anything that i want to do i do it in canva now the way that i get my money back for that 12.99 is i charge a design fee so if your client is asking you if you could put something together for her to see how everything is going to look sure no problem i do charge a design because that's that's time that's going to take you guys to create your mockup okay or if not you could add your design fee to your quote the client don't need to do no doesn't need to know that once you receive that deposit from the client once she has agreed on um the job then you could go ahead and create a mock-up send it to her with the colors that you thought with everything that you were going to um add for the event so like that she has a visual of the colors are you going to be using and how you're going to place um your materials so that's how i make my 12.99 back okay now i'm gonna click on that background remover and now it has deleted my background now if you have marquee numbers if you find a good site where they're when they have marquee numbers you could save it to your canva and background remove it and now you could use marquee numbers so for example we can actually do that right now i'm gonna go to google i'm gonna put a number one marquee number gonna use this one right here i'm going to copy that image and take it to my canva ctrl v okay it's still downloading i'm clicking on effect and i'm clicking on back from remover and now i have my number one marquee that i'm gonna put right here because they're turning one okay now let's say that the pedestal that you have the client wants it in a light brown color and you have the fabric for it okay the way that you change the color to anything that's a solid color you could change the color so if you click on that pedestal and we click back on effects right under effects you're going to see duotone so if this is your first time using this feature you're probably gonna see a guy with headphones you gotta click on the guy with headphones and then it's gonna stay uh connect you gotta click connect so you'll be able to see what i see right here everybody good so far okay perfect so now i'm gonna click on see all okay now here are some colors that i can use so i am going to click on coral and now i have changed the color of my pedestal now let's just say you want a little bit darker i'm going to double click on coral and under highlights i'm going to click on my little box now it opens up the little color scheme palette and now you can move it around to change the color if you want it lighter if you want it darker so that's how you play with um the intensity of the colors that you want to use okay wow now let's just say um you guys have the column and um you don't want to keep going to the internet to find your column to the left you're going to see uploads right below templates i want you to click on that and anything that you paste in your poster is going to appear under your uploads so for example that number one if i put my mouse over it it gives me three dots okay if i click on those three dots i can click move to folder okay and i'm going to create a new folder and i'm gonna call it marquee numbers okay so i want you to call it marquee numbers and you're gonna add to a new folder now if you scroll down to your folders if you click on folders you're going to be able to see that folder that you created so if you click on it you're going to have all your marquee numbers there because you're going to be saving them so if you ever have a mock-up to do and you need marquis numbers you could just go down to your folders go to your marquee numbers folders and add whatever you need so that okay that's separate the folders and save whatever it is that you're using in your mug now let's um let's say your client lives an hour away and um the event is in her backyard and she's talking about how her backyard look and unless she's gonna pay for you to go over there to take a look at the backyard i personally just asked the client to send me a picture of the area where um we are going to be decorating and the good thing about canva is that canva you could download it to your phone to your tablet and you could use it anywhere so what i normally do is the client sends me the picture i save it to my computer or my phone and if i go to uploads i'm going to click to upload media so that's how you upload any pictures that you want to use i'm going to click on device and now i'm going to grab the picture from wherever it is that i saved it okay now i'm gonna show you real quick how it would look he has [Music] so this is how it would look with the client's picture so this was a drive-by the client sent me the picture i did the mock-up she loved it approved it it was this past weekend so that's how you could use a client's picture now i'm gonna go back i'm gonna click on home and if you click on home and you click on all of your designs anything that you create on canva is going to be there okay so if i um put my mouse over the design that we are working on you're going to see the three dots if i click on those three dots i can move to folder i create will put like first birthday themes or teddy bear themes i'll put teddy bears and add to the folder so to the left when i see all your folders if i click on all your folders and i look for my teddy bear theme folder anything that you create that's teddy bear theme you could save it and whenever you need it you could just go to your teddy bear folder grab grab it from there do whatever changes you need to make and send it to your client so you don't have to redo the same mockup over again now let's just say um you guys are going to a venue and um you are using curtains okay um i already have a folder with curtains so i'm just gonna show you guys what to do whenever you guys have i grabbed it from the internet okay so i am going to just crop it a little bit i'm 13. okay and i'm going to background remove it aiden aiden go go eat sorry lizzy we're both mine okay and i'm going to duplicate my curtain and i'm going to duplicate it one more time and all i'm going to do is just background removal so there goes that long curtain effect and now you can go ahead and do your tables and all that stuff now when creating mockups your best friends are going to be your background remover the grouping your folders and your elements those are the main things that you are going to need okay now um [Music] [Music] um also another um thing is to change the color of your pedestal you could always go to adjust to and click on tint the only thing is it just changes the color not too much of the intensity of the actual color that you're actually using [Music] but your element is going to be your greatest tool um photos if you click on photos i should say you want to create a flyer me personally i'm doing a flyer now for president's day dealerships you know dealerships they always have balloons for presidents on fourth of july so i am um so i looked for a background that i could use to create a flyer so like that i can go to the dealerships to um to drop off my flyer and hopefully get some jobs so photos is another great tool for you to use um let me see another thing i can show you is foils now you could use foils you could do bouquets for mock-ups um sometimes when you use certain particular foils for example this is one of them the starburst okay i am going to remove the background of it and i'm going to show you guys what happens when you use this one so because we are using a frame let me just minimize this a little bit because we are using a picture frame i'll make this bigger if i put my foil in front of that balloon you see how it turns into it because it's gonna drop in there because it's a picture frame so i'm gonna bring it to the front and that's how you guys can add your foils to it um i had someone ask me curly's like when you're doing bouquets and you want to add a curly the way that i do my curlies is i go to google and i find a 260 balloon curly and this is normally used and now i am going to um i'm going to crop the one i don't need so i'm going to crop this one out i'm going to background remove it because i want to remove the white it's blue if i wanted brown then i go to duotone to change the color and i click on cr and that's how you change the colors to your swirlies and now you could use them in your bouquet or whatever it is that you want to use um if you guys want to do a mosaic number the way that i do my mosaics is that i try to find um so i'm gonna put number one varsity varsity font and i'm gonna use this one for now pretty [Music] duplicate this one i'm gonna minimize my spot my balloon small and then i just start doing my balloons inside of the number so that's how i do my mosaics no um arches okay i don't know if you guys have ever been to this site a favor mart this is where i personally get some of my art shoes now whenever you guys um i'm gonna use this one for example oh this is one that i have if you guys ever copy an image and it has something attached to the main picture for example the flowers when you press background remover it will delete the wall it would delete the floor but it will not delete the flowers because it's attached to the actual picture so whenever it's used frames or anything of that just make sure it's a clear picture of the frame so like that you guys can use it to your mock-ups um now when it comes to certain things like this if you don't have it and you want to start buying things like this normally a round arch you could rent it for a hundred and fifty dollars okay if you see it's 96.98 now okay the client is going to rent it 150 with that 150 i buy my art just to have extra and now i have my arch and i can use it for other clients so that's a good way for you guys to build inventory too okay let's just say we are done with our mock-up now you want to send it to your client okay you see where it says one i can click on that and i can put my client's name or whatever theme that you're working on um so i'm just gonna put client so you know which client you're working with now you're going to see an arrow facing down i'm going to click on that arrow facing down and on my file type i'm going to click there and you're going to see png jpeg pdf the two are picture formats so you could use any of those two so i'm gonna click on it if you guys are gonna be saving all of your information on that second page of where you guys are you know getting your materials from just always make sure that you select page one because you don't want to send that second page to your client okay and i'm gonna press done and i'm gonna press download and now there goes your mock-up and you can send it to the client let's just say um so that's pretty much how you do a mock-up any questions when it comes to how you do something or the mug up itself i don't think so okay now i always like to show the girls just a little bit extra um i don't know if you i know i have it in the group um but i don't know if you guys has heard of link tree okay if you have a social media if you have facebook if you have instagram if you have a website account and you know how sometimes we could only put just one link to either um our instagram bio or anything else linktree um it's free um and i'll show you guys where instagram it's a great tool if you have a website [Music] you're able to create or your website uh feature on facebook or your website and now once your client or anybody that follows you clicks on that link it opens up all the links that you have your instagram your facebook um your website um i have forms that i create so like i have my inquiry form the valentine's day order um and so forth so link tree uh it's something for you guys to look into too it'll help you guys in the long run um another cool site for you guys to try it's called flip snack now i do the free version you don't have to pay for another stuff i do the free version and sometimes you could you could create a um a uh a pricing sheet with one sheet i am creating kind of like a flipbook so click on edit now this is a link once it's published it's going to give me a link and now i can add it to my link tree and just name it like pricing sheet so people can just go in there so once you um start creating like on the bottom um i'm gonna click on preview and it's kind of like a little book and you could put your prices here's my by loom mosaics so you could grab the pictures from the internet and bring it in here these are like rental stuff that i have i still have to fix all the other stuff and then eventually i'll put like packages if i want to offer any packages so this is something for you guys to also just note down if you ever um [Music] want to see it so i know everybody that uses it show you real quick [Music] i didn't have an idea [Music] so this is another link for you too [Music] um [Music] okay it's taking longer than usual but okay here you go see how they have their little catalog with their pricing so you could do a detailed so that's how it would look with your flip book me okay any questions when it comes to canva balloons um marketing anything i have a question sure okay um where do you get those like where do you recommend i'm creating my own and you build them okay that works too you could you could yes so it's pretty much just made out of um plywood yeah and um if you go to youtube um there's a girl her name is uh um tyra uh i think her name is tyra perez she actually yeah shows you how to create i've seen a lot of her stuff yeah okay so she'll just kind of create it now there's people sometimes you could even try to find like in facebook markets um if you know somebody that works with wood you could always ask them to create one for you um but when i tell you they're it it's not hard to make your own cool uh jessie ladonna you guys have any questions um i don't no okay so when it comes to the program okay so i always give um homework at the end of um each class and you guys don't have to do it um today you know tomorrow or anytime this week but i want you guys to create something um in canva um you could use a backdrop from amazon and just crop it where you only see the background you can do chiara walls i want you to add balloons i want you to use your background remover just so that you could be hands-on by yourself but if at any time you guys have a problem you could always just send me um a message through messenger and then i'll reply back with whatever it is that you do trust me a lot of the girls my phone is like constantly going off because it's like anything that they want to ask me i answer whether it's relating to mock-ups whether it's relating to balloons some of them just see me as a mentor like i have no problems giving info how you do this how you do that how you attach garlands like we're all in it to win it so um don't ever hesitate to send me a message on messenger i saw that you know reply back i saw that you posted the h that was really helpful the h method the h method with the pay with the with the painters tape because i was like how is that how would that stay on but yeah i knowing like with some i i have plaster walls so i know even if i'm doing it in my own house i'm i can't put anything on the wall stuff for pager's tape so that was very helpful yeah painters tape is is very very good because you definitely you won't be um mixing up your clients wall um yeah and you know here and there like i'll try to see what the girls are needing help with and i'll just add a video um so like that you know they can actually learn a lot of the girls they're new they're you know they're they're learning so i don't mind just throwing things out there so you guys can actually get that job done and you know get more jobs where are you located no i am actually in maryland where are you located jersey new jersey north jersey yeah okay so we have jersey where else i'm from north carolina north carolina okay and jesse where are you located i know you're chatting my mom from boston mass oh okay okay it's good to know you never know when you're gonna need someone around those areas um they're not good yeah so i mean this is how you create a mock-up and it's not too hard as long as you guys do consistency and the more that you practice and doing a mock-up literally it's going to take you guys the most 20 minutes to create a mock-up and then send to your client so what i'll do is i will um i will send you guys the recording
Channel: Tinks Balloons
Views: 36,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mO-1QF87EcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 14sec (3134 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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