Can't Afford Rent? Convert A Minivan Into A Camper For $200

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[Music] this is the second video i have done of a vehicle turned into a camper by tim from mo bang for your bucks in this video tim does a fantastic job of converting a minivan into a basic livable space that has a bed kitchen toilet and even garage for only two hundred dollars if you want to add the fridge you do need to also add a power source but many nomads start off with a simple ice chest or cooler so we didn't include the price of the refrigerator or power system in the cost of this build dude check out tim's minivan though it is so simple even i could do this build also check out the video i recently did of his diy 50 awning [Music] [Music] well hello tim it's been quite an ordeal trying to get you corralled to do an interview between making your delicious egg rolls over there and helping everyone fix their vans including me and everything else but you have a new configuration to your minivan yes this is my latest uh build and it's a um what what year is it one model this is a 2008 toyota sienna all right and i just thought you had it set up so cool and let's just start looking at your bed how do you have your bed made up it's mainly uh plywood and two by two by two uh wood so two by two for the the post to hold it both and the support will be below it too okay and then one by two for the cross beam yes okay now also we'll show this but this is a rail that you can use as a as part of the brace for your table but now what do you have in this particular bed what are you using for a mattress this is a four inch uh foam that's actually designed for for furniture oh oh so it's an upholstery foam okay so it's pretty dense no you can buy it in medium heart so what what size did you get it in 30 inch 30 inch okay and medium density yes okay and then i'm looking over here and i see that you have a kitchen set up because in my thumbnail i'm saying kitchen running water bathroom you and you just took down your awning your diy awning which we did a a um video on so people go back and watch your awning but tell everyone what's in your kitchen here uh my standard right now i don't have my boutain because i'm using it yes i'm borrowing because half of mine went out all right oh my cooking intensively down here including my spices i have a rack for spice oh wow made for my uh dollar tree oh that is so cool so tim can take nothing and make it into something yes oh my gosh on the teeth all the way on the cheek so if you have that and then i see up here you're using a what kind of refrigerator you have i have a i call it the astral ai let's go over there and look at it so this is an astro a.i how were you liking this refrigerator i had it so almost two years now and it used very little power i was able to run it with just a uh jackery 240. what a jackery 240 and then what are you charging it with during the daytime i if i'm at a camera i plug in okay not i have some secret uh solar panel i will show you okay okay and then i'm loving this chair tell me about this chair this is actually inspired by uh ladybug out b d from ladybug out so you have her in her vehicle but i said this fit perfectly for me here this is my lounging area so we have a picture of you sitting in there lounging but it also can be the third bed our second bed rather for a second person if somebody travel with me could you unfold it so we can see how that will work and we'll come around there and look at it all the way down let me move this over here you fold it all the way down and then we'll come back okay and then you unfold this part here and then i will unfold it and it will fit i will show you how it fit and then you move your refrigerator up here okay will you fit sideway so you have a second bed here and that looks like it's pretty comfortable how thick is that oh this is like almost five inches okay so you've got that and then you've got over here i see you have your toilet yes that's my custom bill uh well let's lift that up it's it's actually supports your head on your bed but let's go ahead and take that apart and we'll look at that in a minute so you said this is basically your emergency toilet yes okay so you it's ready to go really quick see i already had it set up just spread it out okay put the foam on this is that your toilet seat yes okay all right oh okay okay just pull right over and then you just put the pellets in and use the pellets and you're all done and but you use that you try to use it you say only for emergencies okay but it and then it slides right back under your bed and it's the support for your head in your bed oh my goodness wow instantly go back to the hidden away and it's all hidden away now i'm looking down here and i see the supports here for you you are saying that they're two by fours down here under yeah two by four some of it so it's two i actually have hiding stuff in here my solar panel cable a little bit started down here so you got a little storage under there i have a basement in the back let's go look at your you have a basement in the back of this minivan yes let's go look at the basement this is your magically appearing basement can you show us how you made that remember all the minivan have a well this very deep well oh okay oh wow yeah so that goes a lot of stuff does that go all the way to the other side no and it's only up to here okay and then i see you have a oh you have a crate under there or something uh two plastic bin wow and many more stuff in there okay so you've got that for storage i see you've got a little side pocket here for storage i think i will need all the time and then can you show us two you were telling me about um how the top of your kitchen comes apart and you can use that to cook outside can you show me that sure and it just so so this is velcroed in oh my goodness show us the okay and then how does this fit over here right now i don't have the support so if i have a piece of wood here it will stay okay so you add a support and that will be your outdoor cooking oh my goodness and you had a tarp up here that was over and that the top of this um held up but we'll show that there's another video so go check out the other video with his diy fifty dollar tarp here's what i want to ask you about how much did it cost you to put all this together and you were saying that you had a lot of the supplies already the wood and stuff but if you were starting from scratch not including you know the refrigerator or the um solar because a lot of people start out without that just a cooler um to build the toilet the bed your your kitchen there how much would you say that the supplies cost you to put this together roughly two hundred dollars roughly two hundred dollars and the current because the lumber right now expensive that's right so otherwise it would have been about 100 but since it's gone up so 200 you have a bed a garage a kitchen oh and you have running water up here hold on let me go look at the running water there's your running water so you have a oh okay is that usb yes usb charge and it just goes into your um your just the opening where you fill up the water okay and then let me ask you something so what are you charging all of this on what are you using for your electric power i have three power bank i have a jackery i forgot the name border 300 and this one is uh 200 it's good for charging electronic only they don't they don't haul a lot okay but you're saying that your jackery 240 does run your refrigerator and you were saying let's see we want to see you said you have a secret solar panel yes let's see your secret solar panel it's in the back okay we'll come back around here again this this panel actually two functions you can use this to move around that's why i don't i don't permanently install it up there okay but i have the cable installed up there with these brackets here and i made it myself so you could install on the riff so how are you using it instead you're just pulling it out and using it just mount it up on the top if i'm staying out in the sun i'm out on the top of the rack so you just mount it on but you don't have it permanently mounted okay and how much how much solar that's 100 what 100 watt panel okay and that's enough to keep your char your battery charged wow well it's only 240 watts so that shouldn't yeah tim i don't know what you're going to do next i don't care what you do as long as i can get some of those egg rolls well yes i'm ready to go okay well we're at the glow summer meetup and of course you know we're going over there to eat again so tim thank you so much you have fixed so many things for people at this meetup including me and do you think this is the last configuration of your van or do you think you'll have another one i keep saying that but i never know okay all right thanks tim and what's your channel again uh my channel is mo bang fo yo bucks mo bang for your buck so go over and check out tim's channel because you will learn something because he's constantly constantly trying different things modifications and you do things on a budget and on the cheap yes you know very low budget all right thanks so much tim we'll see you down the road thanks bye-bye let's have the reveal here is what tim has in the basement of his toyota sienna bomb drum roll oh my gosh so what is all this stuff well this is the tent in case some chemicals require you to have tent even though you sleep in your car they don't want you to sit and thank you okay this is a power inverter 200 watt some tool walking stick an extra routine stuff in case the other one failed or in case i have to borrow one which i did extra paper this collide this is a disco light now why do you need a disco light time okay i'm taking a flip on that one okay this is the motion detector light that i put under the vehicle at night and then what's in all your tubs there your two tubs there you don't have to open you can just tell us it's just a coal gear oh this is a camping gear oh okay stuff that i store for that awning so you have you really have a huge storage area but it's out of sight and completely stored away so you don't it's not in your way you don't stop you don't need all him you don't want to look at it it stretches you out that's just that's amazing that is truly amazing
Channel: Glorious Life On Wheels
Views: 141,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: van life, rv living, minivan, budget, glorious life on wjeels, off grid living, budget living, camping, rv, boondocking, budget travel, minimalism, cheap rv living, nomad, nomadlans, living on social security, poverty in America, low cost rent, tiny home, tiny house, alternative lifestyles, African Americans who rv, paying rent
Id: 4qU4M4nmkiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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